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"This is sort of..." Brutal, that's the word I'm looking for. The Goddess of Luck is not defeating the Witch of Envy with some sort of spell, instead she's on top of her, punching her in the face repeatedly.

Those aren't just normal punches of course, they are enhanced by some type of aura. Maybe that's why they seem to be hurting the witch so much? All my knowledge of tropes does agree that holy should indeed beat dark.

But this isn't... this isn't the type of stuff I want to see. "W-wai-..." The words are stuck on my throat, because I'm aware saying them would be wrong. Satella is a threat to the world that must be at least neutralized.

And she's also a woman I deeply love, so seeing her getting crushed by another woman who I know I could love, and who has helped me a ton feels... just awful. It's not a pretty sight, even if it's a necessary one.

Megumin disagrees with my opinion however, clearly. "Hell yeah! Kick her ass!" Truly, you are amazing MMT. "Anyways, let's book it while we have the chance Subaru!" She's waving a hand in front of myself, trying to snap my attention back to what matters.

However, I simply can't take my eyes off Satella.

Emilia tilts her head. "Um... Is he okay? He's not responding..." Worry is clear on her throne, but her voice makes me sick. Mostly because I'm hearing it groaning in pain just a few meters of distance from me.

MMT grits her teeth. "Maybe that shadow thingy really got to him?" She then shakes her head. "Well, it doesn't matter, help me carry hi-." She's interrupted by a loud noise, a unfamiliar noise.

How does one describe the sound a shadow makes when it moves? There's nothing on nature like it, shadow is just the absence of light after all, but clearly Satella's shadows are different. They are living, hungry and probably unthinking beings.

And maybe they, or Satella herself finally regained their composure, since they burst forward, trying to swallow Goderis, who has no option, but to jump back. Like a ghost Satella unnaturally floats back into being up, now seemingly unharmed.

Goderis has a pout on her face. "I should have expected this wouldn't be so easy..." She sighs, but raises fists in a boxing stance. Just what kind of brawler goddess is this!?

The Witch of Envy is tilting her head from one side to another. "Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak." Her tone sounds mocking, prideful, and the fact that she repeats it over and over again makes my stomach churn.

Enough of being silent. I take a step forward and... am interrupted as a new light appears right next to me. "S-sorry that I took so long...!" It's Wolbach, her face red and sweaty from effort.

The Witch of Envy takes her eyes off Goderis, for one single moment. "Sloth? Tasty..." And that one moment is enough opportunity for Goderis to attempt pouncing her, like a predator who was waiting for the right opportunity.

This time the Witch of Envy was far better prepared however, because she floats away while Goderis gives chase. The two disappear into the forest, but the light coming from what might as well be luck incarnate, constantly reveals their positions.

Megumin smiles. "You're here Sensei! And fashionably late too..." Is it really fashionably late when the one who actually saved us was Goderis? It's a shame to say, but Wolbach isn't Goku against Nappa right now.

Emilia frowns. "N-no, why did you come here!? It's dangerous...!" Her reaction is completely different from MMT, probably because she doesn't have the same trust on the Dark Goddess that we do...

Wolbach scratches her cheek. "Well, obviously I couldn't leave you three here alone..." She sighs. "But that Satella has some sort of Yin magic that interferes with teleportation..." I'm assuming that's why she took so long.

The Dark Goddess continues. "Sadly that also mean we can't teleport back, we are gonna need to run at least a little bit." That's more then fine, I'm confident Goderis can at least hold back the Witch of Envy.

Emilia interjects. "B-but what if someone else teleports here!? Like Lady Frieren..." I hadn't thought about that, but it is true that everyone showed up when we were in danger last time. Such bad communication could cause a disaster.

Wolbach shakes her head. "Don't worry, we talk before I left. Only I teleported here, so there's no need to worry." As expected of a Demon General, she actually coordinated how this rescue would go.

Sort of at least, if it wasn't for Goderis then she would be locked in battle with the Witch of Envy after all. Though this does pose a interesting dilemma... Wouldn't it be better for us all to jump Satella right here and now?

Megumin sends her a thumbs up. "Okay Sensei, let's leave, but..." She sends me a worried look. "I think Subaru needs a medic or something..." So they're still worried about me, huh?

Before Wolbach can say anything, I shake my head. "No, I'm fine." I then look back at the forest. "But... I want to see if I can talk with Satella..." Maybe if I explain to her what's going she will stop?

Before she was slowly consuming the world, which is bad of course, but I still don't really understand why she was doing it. I have a theory though, and my theory is that she was... in her own crazy way... trying to protect me.

She's a yandere, just like Aqua, of that I have no doubt. And there is one thing all yanderes share one way or another... incredible levels of stupidity. In essence I have to rip the stupid out of her skull, and explain to her that eating the world makes her my enemy.

Megumin jaw has hit the floor. "F-for real Purge King...?" She looks back to the forest too. "Well... I guess tropes do dictate that she will be calmer after getting beat up." I'm glad you're on my side, but I don't like the reason for it.

Emilia looks down. "Satella sure is popular..." I don't know what's going through her head, but I certainly don't like seeing a sad Emilia. I can't help her now though, so she will just have to talk with Satella once I eventually save her.

Wolbach however, frowns. "Subaru... that seems like an awful idea." I had a feeling she would say that. "That woman... maybe if you love her, not letting her hurt you is the thing she desperately needs." I...

I wasn't ready for the last part, I have to admit that. I thought Wolbach would say something about me needing to put down Satella for her own good or whatever, not that I should avoid getting hurt because it would hurt Satella.

And that's... she's not the only person I would be hurting, Wolbach's face makes that clear. There are many people who do not want me to suffer... I... I definitely shouldn't tell them I was tortured, that's for sure.

I take a deep breath, and try to make my mind work. "I... Sorry!" And then I run, towards Satella of course. I know they don't want me to get hurt, but since I caused this mess in the first place, I have a certain level of responsibility.

But... my shameful run doesn't last long. Emilia holds me by the arm, and my strength does not compare to that of an elf. "Wait Subaru!" I was a dumbass just now. The tactic of running has worked so many times at this point that I got used to it...

MMT mouth is open out of shocked. "Wow, you really tried running towards the danger... Like a reverse Kazuma." Are you really using this opportunity to fire shots at your old party member!? Though I guess I should take the compliment.

Wolbach's eye twitches. "Subaru..." I think she's mad at me, for the first time in forever. Her expression reminds me of the ones she makes around Aqua in fact. "You..." And then she looks to the skies.

And takes a deep breath. "Fine. I suppose you wouldn't be you, if you weren't a foolish little man." H-hey, it's true, but don't say it outloud. "Let's go to try and talk with that witch. I'll act as your bodyguard." That's...

I smile. "You're the best as always Wolbach! Like a best times a hundred!" It doesn't surprise me, she's MMT's teacher after all, so it's only natural her angel levels are maxed.

Emilia interjects. "Well, if Subaru is going... I'm going too!" She nods to herself. "Besides, I also have a ton of stuff I want to talk with her!" I imagine none of that stuff is good. It would be only natural if Emilia hated the Witch of Envy.

One might even say she's the cause of all of Emilia's troubles. Hell, even the fact that she was brought here was in some way Satella's fault. Considering I'm trying to... talk Satella's yandere levels into dere only, it would probably be best to leave Emilia behind.

I can't though. Doing that to Emilia would be way too cruel, and she's my soulmate too. So I can only hope she won't start screaming about how Satella is the worst and deserves to be burned alive or something.

Wolbach doesn't share my opinion though. "Why add even more danger to the situation...? You should go to the other villagers." Her point is completely reasonable. In fact I even want to agree with it.

I'm the type of hypocrite who's willing to risk his life, but not the life of others after all. However, even if I tried my best to convince Emilia, I think she wouldn't stay here... or she would, but then would despise herself.

Which is why I don't say anything when Emilia objects. "Thank you for your concern, but you are not my father! I can engage in this dangerous situation if I so please." Yeah, it's her decision in the end.

Wolbach sighs, but doesn't try to retort.

Megumin raises a hand. "And I'm going too!" E-eh? "There are tons of things I want to talk with this supposed head wife about! But she ran away like a little coward..." She's not exactly running away right now.

This time Wolbach doesn't even need to say anything, because I will. "Have you forgotten about that prophecy that says your tongue will be ripped out or something? Go back to where it's safe." And differently from Emilia, she shouldn't have any stake in this fight.

She shakes her head. "No way, I need to talk with the witch." That's what I'm scared of! "Besides, prophecies are always dumb anyways! They always do something to show it was self-fulfilling or something!" Should a Gumin really mock a prophecy!?

She rolls her eyes. "Oh Megumin, you died because you ran away, and didn't convince the witch to spare you! Oh Megumin, you died because you foolishly confronted the witch! Oh Megumin you let the paranoia of the prophecy control you, and that lead to the prophecy coming true!" Well...

She huffs. "Oh Megumin you just ignored the prophecy, you should have acted! It's all the same anyways, so I'll do whatever I think it's right!" That is a surprisingly good attitude for this type of stuff.

I sigh. "Fine, you can go with us." She sends me an approving thumbs up. To be honest, I'm still not very sure about this, but MMT will need to co-exist with Satella eventually anyways, at least if I haven't given up on the harem plan.

Wolbach pouts. "Ah... this is why heroes always end dying. The Demon King would setup all kinds of traps for you guys, you know?" Don't just casually admit your work for the Demon King! Even if we all know at this point...

I tense my body. "Okay guys! Let's go!" I point at the place the crisis is coming from. "Worst case scenario at least Wolbach can gang up on Satella!" They nod and we begin our sprint. Thankfully I don't get stopped this time.

Running through plains is fairly easy, but running through a forest can actually be pretty difficult. Emilia and I have an easy time with it, I don't know why she's finding this easy, but I have my North God Style training to thank.

Megumin and Wolbach do move a lot slower however, almost tripping many times. In the end it's fine though, and before long we reach the place where the Witch of Envy is battling the Goddess of Luck.

They are fairly distant from each other, Goderis trying her best to dodge the shadows while attempting to take any opportunity to approach the Witch of Envy that she can. Sadly she's also failing miserably.

Wolbach extends a hand, a dark glow is suddenly shot from it, hitting the Witch of Envy's shadow and at least destroying them a bit, giving Goderis some time to breath. The attack reminds me of a more concentrated version of Explosion Magic.

And the look on Wolbach's face is clear, she's telling me that now that she has bought Goderis some time, I must take my chance.

I try my best to calm down my heart, and I shout. "Satella...! Please stop fighting!" She... immediately does. The shadows don't disappear, but they stop moving at least, becoming more akin to creepy statues than living demons.

She smiles in my direction. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Hasn't she started repeating the same word a bunch of times? Is this because of that Witch of Factor thing? How complicated.

It's probably bad of me, but I do wish Frieren had come too. She knows much more about this situation than I do, so maybe she would have been able to easily de-escalate things. She's not here though, so I just have to do my best.

Eris grimaces. "What's with the creepy I love you thing...?" Her guard is still up, which is probably good. "Hey Wolbach, keep up with the ranged fire!" She knows about the Dark Goddess' existence, which doesn't really surprise me.

Wolbach however, just raises a hand. "Give them a minute, Eris." The goddess is clearly surprised, but relents. Hey, does this mean all divine people are level headed except for Aqua!? I might cry if that's the case.

I should think about that right now though. "T-that's great Satella! I love you too!" Eris gasps at that information, but she's the only one here who is actually surprised... Well, the Witch of Envy does seem fairly shocked too.

And happy, extremely happy, she even starts to hum. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Yet again she repeats those words, but this time she's noticeably more cheery about them. I still don't know if that's good or not.

Now that I have her attitude though, I have two walls I must climb. First, I have to convince her that I'm safe, and that she doesn't need to destroy the world. Second, I have to convince her that it's totally okay for me to have harem.

Considering she's a yandere, both sounds quite impossible, in fact just the first one already completely ruins my morale. It can't be helped though, it is quite literally do or die right now.

So I just have to keep smiling. "Y-yeah, so... can you please stop attac-..." I stop myself, I don't want her to think I'm accusing her of being the aggressor here. "Look, everyone is okay with stopping this fight, right?" Yeah, I won't put the blame on anybody.

The Witch of Envy tilts her head, seemingly more confused than anything else. I think my talk is maybe working? It's hard to tell when she's clearly awful at communicating when in yandere mode.

Emilia interjects. "Y-yeah, nobody wants to fight you! We just want to talk!" My heart almost exploded just now, but thankfully Emilia didn't start ranting or not. She might really be the angel the Gumins think she is.

Emilia continues. "S-so please calm down and-" She flinches and takes a step back, because Satella's shadows come back to life again, and rush towards our position.

Both Wolbach and Goderis move immediately. The Goddess of Fortune dashes towards Satella's direction, while Wolbach blasts her shadows away, both defending Emilia and opening a path of attack.

This is really bad. "Why though!?" Emilia said nothing to set her off, she just attacked out of nowhere. Yet again, I can only blame that Witch Factor thingy. Or at least I hope that's the case, because if Satella's levels of yandere are so high that she will just randomly attack someone... that would be no good.

The fight begins anew, this time Goderis is having a much easier time than before, since she has ranged support. It's not what I was hoping for though, since I wanted to talk Satella down.

To my surprise though, MMT pats my back. "Purge King, her ears aren't clogged just 'cause she's fighting back!" She blushes. "I can't believe I'm saying this... but think of this like that time where you kissed me!" I can't kabedon her though!

Emilia covers her mouth, her face is red now too. "C-can we act a bit more seriously!? This is not the time for l-lewd commentary!" How are you like this!? Why are you like this!?

I ignore her and smile. "Thanks Megumin, you're right." It's not ideal, but I can try talking with Satella while she fights. Worst case scenario I at least distract her for a bit, giving my allies an edge in battle.

Now I just need to think of what to say... "Satella, I know this is sudden news, but it's not like I stopped loving you because of my harem!" Or alternatively I could just not think at all. That seems to work for me.

I know I probably shouldn't dig this hole even deeper, but lying won't help anyone. It's just like when my will was affirmed inside of my shadow, I refuse to just drop all the people who loves me. I'm aiming for a perfect victory!

My comment doesn't do much though, Satella simply keeps fighting. "A-and I haven't got anyone pregnant! That was just a misunderstanding!" Emilia immediately opens her mouth to object, but thankfully MMT silences her.

Yet again, she doesn't stop, so I continue. "A-also, while I am indeed with Frieren, it happened after I got my amnesia... And I really do have amnesia! I mean, I learned about the Flugel stuff, but I haven't got my memories back!" This is useless.

She's not stopping at all, in fact she sort of feels like a different person from the Satella I was talking with before. So I can't do anything, except watch her fight two people who are also my soulmates.

Megumin sighs. "She's kind of disappointing huh?" No...? "Ugh, this might be wrong of me, but I at least wish the Witch of Envy was some kind of mastermind." I guess her Gumin senses must have expected more than a yandere.

MMT suddenly shouts. "Hey Satella! Subaru really isn't lying!" Her face becomed just as red as her eyes. "I... I really am a virgin! I never had sex before!" The Witch of Envy doesn't stop, even with that.

The Arch Mage looks down. "Don't think you can ignore me... I can act much more embarassingly than this...!" Huh? "Just you watch...!" It seems she's trying to build courage to try and do something.

I don't know what that something is, but it won't be good. Nonetheless, Megumin shouts to the heavens. "I never had my pussy filled cum! In fact Subaru probably got my mom pregnant, but he never fucked me!" I definitely didn't get your mom pregnant!

Also what the hell are you screaming...!? And why is it working!? No, seriously Satella has actually stopped moving for once, now she's just staring at Megumin with shock in her beautiful face.

Hell, even Goderis and Wolbach have stopped. Nonetheless Megumin continues. "So stop trying to play the victim!" What sort of angle are you aiming for!? "Purge King is so perverted that he's trying to bang my mom!
The guy I like is putting his dick inside of my own mother! So what right do you have to complain!?" Oi...

Satella glares at her. "Frieren was like a mother to me." You're finally say something different!? And you're not even repeating yourself... MMT is making progress. It's surprising, but it seems she really does know how Satella's mind works.

Megumin crosses her arms. "So what? Did she threaten to make you asleep with magic so that Subaru could fuck your ass?" Satella gasps. "Yeah, I didn't think so. Look, my point here is..." Oh boy, here is the decisive moment.

Megumin looks down. "We all like this idiot, and this idiot is also a mega pervert, so even though it's unfortunate... We have to settle down our differences and become a team! Specially you, since you're technically the head wife!" She then silently mutters. "For now, bitch..." What's with this machiavellian scheming!?

Thankfully Satella didn't hear the first part. "That... I suppose that's really how a harem should work. I don't like harems in the first place though..." She's back! At least Satella is back to normal...! Even if her normal is still scary.

Megumin rolls her eyes. "Too bad! I don't like it too, but...!" She starts poking my cheek. "I-I can't live without this guy anymore... That's all." When you say it like that, I really do come off as the bad guy...

Wolbach smiles. "Yes Megumin, you are correct!" Please don't agree with her! "Cooperation is key to happiness, and I personally believe fighting will lead us to nowhere!" Thank you for supporting the harem plan!

Emilia nods. "I-I still don't really understand what a harem is, but please assume responsibility for being the head wife!" Guilt shaming Satella for being mad she got cheated on? That's surprisingly dark coming from you Emilia.

Eris sighs and looks away. "I have no clue what's happening here, but..." She sends me a blushing smile. "I'll support you no matter what you do! Ah... I'll never forget when I proposed to you." You never did that...?

Satella's eyes look empty. "Don't get this wrong. You all may make whatever concessions you wish, but Flugel is my husband..." She takes a deep breath. "I... I guess I wouldn't mind him finding love with another person, but..." But?

She continues. "But only if that was the only available option. I much rather have him to myself, and so I will defeat every last one of you, and take my beloved." In the end she just affirmed her resolve.

MMT points at her. "That's...! Fairly reasonable." Are your really betraying me right here and now!?

I scowl. "Seriously Megumin!? Seriously!?" I can't believe she's taking Satella's side, when Satella quite literally wants to kill her! Did she hit her head when she left the shadow or something!?

Megumin scowls back. "Hey! Don't put the blame on me! I can't gaslight a wife into thinking it's okay for her husband to have multiple wives! Do I look like Kazu-, do I look like you!?" W-well...

I take a deep breath, and go back to focusing on Satella. MMT's comment is annoyingly truthful, she already got Satella's attention, so it's now my responsibility to charm Satella's metaphorical panties off.

I sputter. "L-look Satella, please at least give this thing a chance! It's gonna be great, I promise!" It really won't. I'm pretty sure every single girl in my harem would be happier with a monogamous relationship...

Satella's face is red. "N-no...! I mean... you even got together with Frieren..." That's probably the biggest issue here. I think she would have been okay with this otherwise...

I sigh. "What a time for Frieren to not be here..." But she will obey Wolbach's advice. The granny elf is calm and logical after all, and she has never ever become extremely emotional over Satella.

I suddenly remember that one time Frieren threatened to kill my friends and challenged Satella in the yandere department.

As soon as I do, a beam hits Satella straight in the face. "Argh!?" It doesn't come from Eris, nor does it come from Wolbach. The light laser also seems to cut through whatever magic defenses Satella has like it's paper.

Nonetheless the Witch of Envy stands tall. I'm fairly certain that I saw her head become dust just now, but she seems just fine. It must be some sort of super ability, and yet again I must blame the Witch Factor thingy.

As expected, Frieren comes out from a dark side of the forest, probably just having managed to teleport in. "Witch of Envy...!" Beam after beam is firing at Satella, relentlessly.

My head runs through thousands of thoughts, specially when I see just how pale Frieren looks right now. There's no way she would enjoy something like this, she's probably attacking because of the Witch Factor.

So I interject. "Wait Frieren! She's lucid! We were talking just a moment ago!" Well, she's still very murderous, but it's definitely way better than when she was in extra crazy mode...

Frieren gasps and runs to my direction. "Flugel!" She immediately starts checking on me, tears in her eyes. "Thank Eris you are__ alright... Who's here..." Her eyes are filled with so many emotions I don't even know how to begin unpacking them.

Reverence to the goddess who she worships, who has descended down to battle the Witch of Envy like an old epic.

Worry for me, she was probably arguing with herself the whole time whether she should have come or not.

Guilt for losing to her emotional side and breaking Wolbach's orders, putting this whole operation at risk.

And fear of Satella, the Witch of Envy who she taught many years ago.

Speaking of the student... "Mother?" It's a heartbreaking word. I doubt they are actually related, in fact I even doubt Frieren raised her at all, but... A mentor can truly become important in your life.

What stands before me is probably the Fern of generations past.

Frieren irons her will. "Satella... Are you in control of yourself?" This is a meeting of legend, and so none of us say a damn word. The granny elf might have broken Wolbach's plan, but maybe that's for the best.

Satella looks down. "For now... She comes out randomly. Sometimes because of emotional turmoil, but sometimes simply because she wishes too." She? Who the hell are they talking about just now?

No, I get it. It was like Satella had two different methods of acting back then, and while all roads lead to Rome, or the destruction of the world in this case, those roads were certainly built differently.

Frieren clenches her staff, her hands are trembling. "Than what are you doing?" Huh? "This is most likely an avatar, correct? I doubt Echidna would build such a piss poor seal that would simply allow you to leave." They are talking about things I don't understand.

Satella's lips tremble. "You're right. Sorry." It's like a mother scolding her child. Frieren doesn't need arguments like we did, she simply talks and Satella listens, it's a weird sight, that's for sure.

And I don't know if I approve of it. Do I really want Satella to just go back to her seal? Without me having convinced her...? In this situation it really might be the best possible option.

Satella's shadows flicker, I can only imagine she's about to disappear. "Before I go however... Can you please not do anything to Flugel? Please guide him... and protect him... but having you be with him is way too cruel." That's...

Frieren nods. "Of course, I won't..." It's a easy thing to answer... but not really. I imagine any lie that the granny elf could say would immediately be called out and she definitely wouldn't want to abandon me.

Still, Frieren is a mature and wise woman, and she's also Satella's mentor, so... "I won't ever give up on Flugel. I rather kill you." Ah. I forgot that she was some super insane yandere too!

If I'm forced to have a harem, can they at least not be that character archetype!?