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"So those are the details, make sure to remember them." Luvia finishes recounting what Waver said to everyone else. To be quite honest I don't really get it, so I'll just trust that they do.

Still... "So, should I wipe Snowfield out of the map?" Apparently whatever contractor came from there, but Waver doesn't exactly know who did it. So a easy solution would be just wiping them out of the board entirely.

Well, I want to slaughter this mercenary company too of course, but since they're just goons, they're low on my priority list. Besides Waver said that he would use my influence to ruin them, whatever that means.

Shiro immediately objects, as one would expect. "N-no...! That sounds horrible, how could you even say that!?" So now we are in speaking terms...? Well, I won't punish you since you actually came back home.

I pout, looking away. "Hey, it's not like I want to." It sounds boring as hell, killing a bunch of non-combatants. "But I'll do it if I need to." In the end my harem obviously outranks some randoms who I have never met.

This time is Shiro who looks away. "But we clearly don't need to..." I suppose that's true to a certain extent, but I rather take out any threats early. All the anime I watch always scream about how you shouldn't ignore stuff like this.

Caren clasps her hands together. "I agree with her Lord Yato... If your destructive urges are taking control of you, then please fill my womb with you seed again. Or rape some girl in the street. I'll wholeheartedly support both actions." So even Caren is against this...

Shiro's eye twitches. "Why did you have to say all of that weird stuff...?" Even as she complains, it's clear that she's happy with receiving the nun's support. Still, I'm not really convinced to be honest.

Rin runs up and hugs me from the side, holding my arm. "You are all putting too much pressure on Yato... You need to speak slowly if you want him to understand." Yes! Thank you for the support my first concubine!

Shiro's eye twitches again, she might be developing a habit. "I feel like he was the one putting the pressure, Tohsaka." Nope. You guys were talking a bunch, and I just wanted to protect everybody.

Rin completely ignores the Tits of Justice. "Besides, Yato must be stressed because his date with the cow was probably suuuper awful." She whispers on my ear. "Don't worry, I'll console you all you need..." My date went surprisingly well though.

It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. I think I gained some Luvia points, and she reaffirmed her position as my servant. Basically I couldn't have asked for better considering I didn't plan anything.

Luvia hugs my other arm. "It was certainly not awful...! Besides, have you even gone on a date with him in the first place!?" That's a good point... Maybe I should start taking my concubines to dates a bit more.

Rin pouts. "I sucked his dick and let him fuck my pussy raw. I think Yato and I had plenty of bonding moments." I agree of course, but I would like to add even more bonding moments to that list.

Like maybe we could travel to Snowfield together and check that city...? Though I would need some excuse to miss a few days of school, and I would also need to talk with my parents first. Though really, I should talk with them in general.

Luvia rolls her eyes. "Of course a whore like you would consider that equal to my date." Well she is risking getting pregnant. So in a way it is almost superior. Though from what I understand the chances of her getting pregnant are low.

Illya chuckles, interrupting the two. "Welp... I do think Yato's idea this morning was wonderful." The prophet who is also my ex-wife is holding back laughter. And Shiro is holding back a blush.

The Einzbern crosses her arms. "For once I agree with Rin though. We need to give Yato a good reason why he shouldn't destroy Snowfield." She giggles. "He's just trying to protect us after all." She gets it!

That said, now that I'm focusing on her, doesn't she look a bit... tired? And she's not the only one either, Rin who is near me also looks exhausted, but she's hiding it better with her beautiful, genuine smile.

Shiro grits her teeth. "Why should we give some a reason for not destroying a city? It's natural to not do so! It's a city!" Well, it's not just any city, it's a city who has someone that wishes to harm you.

Caren laughs. "Perhaps to you, who are a normal girl..." For some reason that doesn't really feel right. "But you are not talking with a normal boy. You are talking with Julius Caeser, with Genghis Khan, with Napoleon Bonaparte! Their natural common sense is to conquer!" I don't want to conquer that place though.

I want to grind it down to dust.

Caren raises a finger. "Now, I am but a humble nun who has committed her life to this man, and to the people of this world, and as such I will try my best to contain his urges, even... specially with my body." By the end she's blushing.

The nun smirks. "Which is why it's so curious... you too gave away your body, and yet you are wasting this opportunity. Do not ask why, explain to him the why." Shiro goes silent.

I don't really get what's going on, but I think Caren won some sort of debate. Also she compared me to a bunch of really important guys, which makes me pretty happy! I hope I don't get stabbed by a bunch of senators or sent to a small island in exile though.

Illya fakes a cough. "Rightfully shaming Shiro aside... Yato, the United States of America is not your territory, it belongs to John Pluto Smith. And while he probably would let you visit... wiping out a city is way too much." Makes sense.

However... "If he stands on my way, I will kill him too. I'm not letting anyone harass my friends." It would be a tough fight, I'm sure, and I will probably lose just like I lost to Doni... But I will win if I need to.

Rin squeals on my arm. "You're the best Yato...!" A-am I!? Well, it's great to hear it. "But it's not like the brat is telling you to ignore the issue. It's just risk management, that's all..." I'm not getting your angle at all.

Just continuing with this would be stupid though. I know I'm dumb, and that Rin is smart. "Can you elaborate on that? Please?" I'm surrounded by geniuses, so I might as well take advantage of that...

Well, I think what she's saying is probably not something only a genius would realize, considering Shiro is against me and she's pretty dumb too, but even a average person is Einstein when close to me.

Rin smiles. "Of course. Basically think like this... who has the highest chance of hurting us? Some mercenaries or a rival Campione?" Definitely the Campione... but at least they wouldn't be sneaky about this.

Rin continues. "Besides... Lord El-Melloi hasn't ended his investigation, he simply gave a status report. Once he finds out who's truly behind this... we will have a good reason to enter Campione territory." Got it, so I just have to keep my guard up.

I finally nod. "I get your point Rin. Sorry that I have been worrying everyone..." Shiro immediately sighs of relief, I really was stressing her out... I was just trying to take care of her anyways. Besides didn't she tell me that there was nothing wrong with protecting us...?

I'll have to bite the bullet and actually think for once... No, even a idiot like me gets it. Shiro thinks I would be overreacting, and I probably was, but I just don't care. For me a city doesn't mean nearly as much as my friends.

Rin giggles. "Don't worry, I'd knew you would understand eventually." She leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek. "You're not a bad person, you're just a bit too sweet." Really!? I have a feeling everyone in this room disagrees with you.

Illya rolls her eyes. "Rin's final slut mode aside... I also don't think you were the main target of these guys. Not much reason to spy on a Campione after all. Low gain, high risk." Yeah, but they could have some secret nefarious goals!

Illiya elaborates. "You notices that guy pretty easily after all, and you would probably notice any other just as easily. And this can't be a murder plot either, as a newborn Campione you still have Gaia's and Alaya's protection." Right, my other two moms.

It's just like Rin explained a long time ago, when a Campione is young they will be protected from normal threats, which is why the Clock Tower won't even try to get rid of me. That means these guys could never really threaten me.

There are other angles they could take of course, like for example kidnapping Rin and trying to force me to obey them or something... But that just sounds so dangerous and stupid. Even I know that.

My Ex-Wife points at herself. "They were most likely after the grail, and foolishly couldn't stop themselves from wanting you as well." I guess that makes sense? They overstretched, hoping that they could spy on me for a while...

And then I caught them immediately. That still doesn't explain why they would want anything to do with me, and we have no confirmation if they're actually interested in the grail, Illya is just theorizing of course.

I sigh. "Well, whatever. I'll just do what you guys tell me to do... Honestly this grail thing only brings troubles." And I still haven't gotten the opportunity to see King Arthur. Why do I even keep that thing around for...?

Illya pouts. "Really...? And I had such a nice surprise for you involving it too..." Eh?

I raise an eyebrow. "For real? What is it?" If it was prepared by Illya, then I'm sure it will be great. Though I should probably not hype myself too much, I doubt it will surpass my training with Shiro.

She giggles and looks away. "Oh, I don't know if I should tell you, the grail only brings troubles after all. I don't want to trouble you." Ah, she's teasing me. In my defense, that thing really has been problematic so far.

Rin interjects. "Stop playing with my boyfriend Einzbern." Ah, my hero has come for me! "What she's teasing you about Yato, is the fact that we can finally summon servants." O-oh!? You guys really did speed it up after I complained!

Illya extends a hand. "That's right, after a day of me and Rin working hard with that Zouken worm we managed to speed up the appearance of our Comman Seals... Though it's more like my whole body is one anyways." Now that I'm focusing on it, she does have three marks on her hand.

A smile appears on my face. "Awesome...! Does that mean I get to summon a servant right now!?" There's plenty of things I want to do with King Arthur, like sparing with them for example. Maybe they are a worthy challenger!

Illya flinches. "Well, not exactly..." And suddenly my mood falls down. "We will need to have sex first." And now I'm super duper happy again! Even if I don't really get why sex would be necessary to bring King Arthur back from the dead.

Shiro interjects. "T-that's..." She then crosses her arms and stops herself. I think she finally realized a weak objection with no true purpose will do nothing both long term and short term.

Rin smiles. "And the reason why we need to have sex is pretty simple... We don't really have enough mana to support a servant... at least not one that is combat capable. With the exception of Illya, but she would probably be in horrible pain from it." That sounds very bad!

My first concubine continues. "So we will be making a bond through sex, and you will be doing the part of the grail, providing most of the mana to maintain them." Thanks for explaining things to me.

But I'm still a bit confused. "Hey, not that I'm against this... But can't we just use the grail to give mana then? Like usual?" I don't really get how this stuff works, but I think I would rather conserve my mana for emergencies.

Illya interjects. "We can't. We can use the grail's mana to summon the servant, but he will only help with sustaining the servant once the war actually starts." She puts a hand on her chin. "We are essentially cheating here, and taking advantage from the fact that the grail has been broken since the third war." Ain't that bad!?

Illya smiles. "However, we will be helping with the mana consumption, it's just that you will be doing the heavy lifting. Which really is exactly what the grail does." Well, I don't mind that to be honest.

I'm worried about one thing though. "Can I really support multiple servants though?" I'm assuming yes, but surely that has a limit...? Well, I guess servants wouldn't be useless anyways, they would help a lot when fighting against gods too.

And most important of all, they could be an extra shield for my harem. I want to see if a mercenary will have the balls to harass one of my concubines when King Arthur is around and ready to cut them down.

Rin sighs. "Don't worry, we can only summon three right now... We only managed to give out Command Seals to the families guaranteed to receive them, so in essence we can only summon three servants right now... That's won't tax you that much." Got it.

Rin then smiles. "That's why has Sakura has been all shy and silent until now." Well, now that you mentioned it... "Be nice and gentle with her. Okay...?" Wait, am I about to have a foursome!?

I finally look at Sakura, as a Matou she's guaranteed a spot on the war, and as such we need to have sex. Well, it's not like I needed some excuse to bang her anyways, she is my sex slave after all.

I send her a thumps up, to maybe calm her down. "Don't worry Sakura! It will be plenty of fun, I mean your sister even pissed herself! Which is something she better not repeat..." The last part is a warning.

Rin blushes bright red. "Yato...! You... Geez, it was an accident!" I see a bit of tsun has returned. How adorably cute, I can't wait to fuck it out of you once again.

Sakura is blushing bright red. "Of course Senpai... Please take care of me." I expected her to start stuttering out of anxiety or something, but it seems she has nerves of steel... Either that or she's looking forward to it.

Rin huffs. "Well, just remember Sakura... If Yato does something that makes you uncomfortable, tell him." Her chang in attitude is pretty crazy. The Tohsaka mage would normally be totally against me fucking our mutual Kouhai.

Now however? She's just trying to make sure that Kouhai enjoys herself. Well, I hope she enjoys herself too, that's why I train with Shiro when I have the opportunity! Though I also have some real experience at this point.

Sakura slowly nods. "Yeah... I will..." Is it just my imagination or is she panting?

Luvia blushes. "Geez, what a bunch of perverts... But before you four start, does Yato even understand what it means to summon a servant in the first place?" It means getting a Pokémon, right?

Illya sighs. "Well, it is true that I wanted to make plans for our summoning... You intend to summon King Arthur, right Yato?" I nod immediately, that's the whole reason I wanted to enter in the grail war. "That's easy enough, I know where a powerful catalyst of his is." Great!

I raise an eyebrow. "So what exactly are catalysts anyways?" I don't know if it's something easy or hard to find, so I'm pretty curious.

Illya begins explaining. "They are some sort of object used to call a specific hero. For example... using a crown to call a king. Though... in the case of a lack of catalyst even a person can be used. That typically means summoning a servant with a compatible personality." I see...

I smile. "I want that!" It seems like a pretty easy way of making a friend! Besides, I can summon three servants anyways, so King Arthur won't be escaping my grasp anytime soon anyways.

Illya grimaces. "Ah... I was actually planning on us carefully choosing each heroic spirit. We can use Lord El-Melloi to collect catalysts, and we also definitely need to summon a Caster..." Damn... I wanted to test my luck though.

Rin pouts. "Einzbern, let Yato have what he wants, the whole point of this is for him to have fun after all." As expected, my first concubine immediately comes to my rescue, her dere side is strong.

Illya rolls her eyes. "It's not like I was against his idea... We have three slots after all." She makes a thinking pose. "And having our first servant naturally getting a long with Yato could help a lot. They could pacify the others." But that implies...

I raise an eyebrow. "Are servants really dangerous to us?" If that's the case maybe I shouldn't be summoning them. One of the reasons why I even want one, is for them to act as a bodyguard after all.

Illya shrugs. "Not really. As a Campione you could most likely single handedly win a Holy Grail War... However, these are heroes for a reason, much like Campione, they are known for doing the unexpected." Right, many heroes probably could have become Campiones as well.

Still... "So does this mean summoning a servant compatible with me is a good idea or not?" I'm getting the vibes that it's a good idea, but with a small brain like mine, its also always a good idea to double check.

Illya nods. "I think so... it does have one risk however." Oh? I sort of love risks. "You could accidentally summon a Saber, ruining any chance of King Arthur showing up in the near future." Ah, I can't summon two Saber class servants after all.

She continues. "But if the worst case scenario does come to pass, I could probably cheat the grail and summon a servant of the same class. It's the Einzbern's system after all." Amazing! Mages really don't know what rules mean!

I smile. "Sounds good then! Let's summon a servant compatible with me first, 'cause I wanna check what they're capable of. After that we can summon King Arthur and ask Waver for a catalyst." Specifically a mage one...

I just gotta think of famous mages. Who are also girls of course. I mean, I wouldn't mind a male servant to have as a friend, but if I get to pick I will obviously pick a hopefully cute girl! Like... Morgan Le Fay...? I don't know a lot of legendary mages to be honest.

Now that everything is in place though... I just need to have a foursome! Wait for me my heroic buddy, I'm on my way!


"I don't know where to even start..." There's an amazing buffet in front of me, but I have no idea what I should be eating first. Sakura on the side, Illya on the other side, or Rin who's in the middle...?

I'm just glad I'm lucky enough to experience such an amazing event. I'm also glad this mansion has beds big enough for all of us, Waver really did think ahead...! Not that I ever made my wishes any secret.

Rin giggles, she looks both cute and hot in her red lingerie. "With me! With me!" There's an equally red blush on her face. "I mean, starting with something familiar is easier right?" That's a good argument!

Illya scowls and then mutters. "Then he should start with me..." Well, we never actually had sex, I just trained with Shiro in front of you. "Also, I should be in the middle of the bed! Clearly that's the best position for someone of my stature!" Does that even matter...?

Rin rolls her eyes. "Please don't start with this right now...!" She then extends her arms up, inviting me. "Come on Yato! Let's show Sakura how it's done, she's super nervous after all..." Is she though?

Both her and Illya didn't hesitate at all to get into my bed with only lingerie on, so I can't help, but feel that's she fine. Specially since she's blushing red, but at the same time looking more happy than panicked.

Sakura bites her lip. "Yeah, you can show me how it's done Senpai..." See!? She definitely wants this... "B-but maybe only with Tohsaka-Senpai and Illya..." Eh!? Maybe she's nervous after all.

Illya raises an eyebrow. "Oh? I would have thought you were desperate to be fed at this point." To be fed!? Don't say it like that... Actually that sounds super hot, so keep saying it like that!

Rin scowls. "Don't even start with that kind of talk, you're only gonna make Sakura even more nervous." She then smiles at me. "Let's ease her into it by having some fun...!" I'm totally down for that!

Sakura looks away. "I'm not nervous it's just that..." She becomes silent, a frown on her beautiful face. It's weird seeing this from my normally stoic Kouhai, which means something is definitely wrong.

Without any hesitation at all, I make my choice and get on top of Sakura. "Okay, then you're gonna confess all of that to me while I play with your body." She is my concubine after all, so I get to pick.

Sakura squirms under me, which just makes me even more excited. "S-Senpai...!" Even as she objects, her eyes scream out desire. Is there such a thing as a sex tsundere? Maybe that's what Sakura is.

Illya pouts. "I should have figured he would attack the girl showing the most resistance." What's that supposed to mean!? "If our future servants say no, a bunch of Command Seals will be wasted, won't they?" Of course! That's the whole reason they exist!

Rin too pouts, though she also crosses her arm. "Ah, why didn't I get picked? And I was super excited too..." Well, Sakura looks sad, so I have to change that. As someone who clearly cares about her Kouhai, please wait!

I ignore Sakura's poorly put resistance, and begin massaging her tits, they're small, way smaller than what I'm used to, but that's nice on it's on way. The purple haired girl immediately begins moaning.

I smirk and answer Rin. "Because I don't want you pissing yourself and ruining everyone's fun. So you gotta be left for last." After saying that, I start planting kisses on Sakura's neck. The girl seems to enjoy it, even as she protests. A sex tsundere indeed.

Rin sputters. "I-It was one time! And I had just lost my virginity too...!" She then sighs and sits up. "But fine, if you want to fuck Sakura first, that's good too. Teach her how a man feels like." For some reason Illya giggles at that.

Sakura puts her hands against my chest. "Stop...! You're not gonna like this...!" I'm already enjoying this though. To be honest I can't wait to actually fuck Sakura, my dick is already getting hard.

But I'll hear her out. "Geez Sakura, what's wrong?" She specially said I wouldn't like it. Which means the reason she is resisting is supposedly to my benefit, not to hers. That's why I stopped.

She looks away, shame on her face. "The truth is... is... I'm not like the other girls in the harem..." Oh? I'm not about to find out I have been kissing a man's neck, right!? "I'm not a virgin..." There are tears in the corner of her eyes.

Rin's face immediately shifts into shock. "Eh!? There's no way right!? When did you even lose your virginity...!? It clearly wasn't with Yato!" And her reaction is only making my cute Kouhai panic even more.

Illya thankfully notices this, or at least I think that she does, because she doesn't say anything, letting me take the lead. Though to be honest I don't see what the big deal here is, as long as Sakura is mine, it's all okay.

Sakura's lips are trembling, she beginning to cry for real. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trick you Senpai! I really didn't...!" She hasn't been tricking me though? "I just... I really enjoyed being with you! Please don't send me back home!" This is way too weird.

She continues. "I promise to give you my servant, so please...! Even if you don't want my filthy body, at least... at least keep me around!" Now Rin is even more shocked, she certainly didn't expect such a big outburst.

Neither did I to be honest. "Geez Sakura, I don't find your body filthy at all! And I mean... you haven't been having sex with other guys while you were part of my harem, right?" I would get mad at cheating.

But it's fine if she just had a boyfriend in the past or something. I know some people have sex while very young and regret it later, but I'm totally okay with it, it's not like I would shame a girl for it. Ah, now I'm sad, Sakura must have a low opinion of me.

Sakura quickly nods. "Yes...! I haven't slept with anyone Senpai! I'm your and only yours, so please don't discard me...!" Ah, I wish she had told me before this, now it's getting super awkward.

I smile, and pull my pants down. "No worries Sakura, I don't care if you had a boyfriend before. You're gonna keep being my little cute concubine, okay?" My dick is twitching, ready for some action.

She gasps. "R-really...!?" And I notice that her tears have stopped as well. What a weird girl, who would care about something like this...? I guess if they were a more traditional person? I will admit that I did want to take her virginity though.

I nod. "Really. In fact, let me promise you something Sakura... I don't know what you think of me, but I genuinely want to make you happy. So if something is bothering, just call me okay? Your sort of boyfriend will deal with the problem real qui-." I'm interrupted.

Mostly because Sakura pulls my head down for a kiss. It's a incredibly desperate one, different from any other kiss I experienced so far, and it makes me feel like Sakura might actually really like me!

Rin slowly moves, she's getting behind me. "To think Sakura wasn't even a virgin... Though I guess it really is no big deal, like you said." She hugs me from behind, and simply watches as Sakura tried her best to devour me.

Illya snorts. "You are all idiots." Eh!? Why are we suddenly getting insulted!? "Though I suppose baby steps are better than nothing. Fight hard, Sakura." I'm the one who's going to be hard here! In fact, I already am!

Sakura finally ends the kiss, which is good, since I was about to run out of air. "Senpai... if you'll have me, I'll give myself to you. Everything about me." That's obvious, that's how sex slavery works.

I chuckle. "Sakura, you have been mine for a decently long time now." That's just how it is. "You're being super cute right now, so I'll accept this though." Seriously, she might as well have heart eyes right now.

I didn't know so many Sakura points were being accumulated on the background, but I'll take it! Even if I don't know what's so special about the things I've done to her. Maybe the Matou mansion really sucks compared to mine?

Sakura slowly smiles. "I'm being cute?" And with that I have officially averted a bad end situation...! That bad end would be making Sakura permanently sad of course. I'm a sadist, not a monster!

Rin growls from behind me. "Very cute, but can you two move along already...? I want my turn." It is true that we haven't even started, and I can't ignore Rin and Illya forever, nor do I want to.

Illya smirks. "Whore." Rin doesn't even try to fire something back, she knows exactly what she wants here, and her dere side has already dominated her tsun side. I bet the Rin from a few days ago would despise the Rin of today.

Sakura blushes. "Y-yes, let's move along Senpai..." This is scary in a hot way! Her expression is basically screaming lewd! "Do you want to take them off, Senpai?" It's fairly obvious what she's talking about.

I smirk. "I definitely do." And I start my job, removing her lingerie. It's surprisingly easy to do, maybe because this thing was built with this in mind on the first place? Welp, I'm not a lingerie god.

I am however, the guy who is seeing Sakura Matou completely and utterly naked. It makes me wonder if I'm cucking someone right now... Well, too bad for them! You snooze you lose! Besides, she never mentioned a boyfriend before, so he was probably not very important.

Sakura is strangely calm while I line my dick with her entrance. "Senpai, since I'm not a virgin, be as rough as you want to be..." Well, if you are giving me permission... I probably shouldn't be as rough as I was with Caren though.

Rin sputters. "W-wow, you really are hardcore, Sakura..." Look who's talking! You literally pissed yourself! Though, I guess that just makes you not hardcore, it wasn't intentional after all.

I ignore Rin, and enter Sakura, she doesn't resist at all. "S-Senpai~..." In fact she welcomes me, and even as I begin to thrust, she never complains. This is the benefit of having an experienced girlfriend.

My excitement only gets bigger once she puts her hands on my abs. "Ahhh~... Senpai~... I promise to give you whatever you want~..." That's Waver's job, but I guess I'm grateful? "I... if my servant resists, I'll... Ohhh~... I'll help you rape her~!" That's certainly a thing you just said!

Rin sputters from behind me. "S-Sakura...!? I don't think that's something appropriate to be said!" Eh, she's probably only saying it because I'm pounding her. People tend to have loose tongues during sex, they say things they don't mean.

Illya raises an eyebrow. "Rin... why do you think Yato wants a servant in the first place?" I'm fine with just having a sparing partner too, I'll have you know! Man, I seriously need some excitement.

Sure, I'm currently fucking Sakura into a moaning mess, which is heavenly, but I kinda wanted to do something like this after a hard fought battle. I suppose I now understand why warriors would rape after wars, even if it's obviously bad. These warriors didn't have the same authority I do after all!

Rin looks away. "I mean, I know... I'm just surprised, that's all. It didn't seem like something Sakura would do." Clearly you just haven't noticed her true nature as a sex tsundere yet.

Speaking of Sakura doing surprising things... "Rape me, Senpai~! Rape me into a mess~!" After saying those words which make no sense, she tries her best to leg lock me, but she's failing.

So I stop for a second. "This isn't rape Sakura, you're consenting, since you're my concubine." The reason I stopped was simply, I wanted to change our positions. Now I'm executing the classic mating press!

I start trusting Sakura's cunt again, and her eyes rolls to the back of her skull. "S-Senpai~! You're my hero~...!" Why did I suddenly get a compliment that would make Shiro jealous? It doesn't matter in the end.

Now that I really am treating Sakura roughly, she's getting tighter and tighter, getting closer to an orgasm. And natural I am too, each time I pound her, thought of impregnating Sakura completely fill my mind.

I smile. "And you're my beloved concubine, so get ready!" I don't hold back at all, in fact my thrusts get even faster as I cum inside of her. Sakura's pussy trying her best to milk me for all that she can.

Her whole body is trembling as she cums. "S-Senpai~!" To be honest, I don't want to stop, I'm ready to again, but I need to bang Rin and Illya too. In the end this sex does have a purpose.

So I remove my dick from Sakura, who's catching her breath. Rin immediately asks me. "So it's my turn now, right?" Wow, you're not even showing a crumb of concern to Sakura? She looks really tire-.

That's not true, Sakura doesn't look tired at all, she looks rejuvenated. "Senpai... ignore Tohsaka-Senpai... Let's go again!" And she's also begging for my dick, I might lose control of myself if this continues.

I'm a blessed man, specially since Illya interjects. "Hey! I'm still waiting for my turn! And I'm also the only one who's actually a virgin here!" Which is ironic, since she's the oldest.

I pat Sakura's head, while taking a proud look at her cum filled pussy. "Sorry, but the mission calls!" Sex is awesome, but meeting ancient historical figures is equally cool! One might even say it's cooler!

Sakura pouts. "I understand Senpai... Thank you for loving me." It feels wrong to hear her say that, but confronting her in the middle of a foursome is probably not the wisest of actions. She might start crying again.

I move backwards, as Rin lets me go. "Hmpf, I don't get why Illyasviel is getting to enjoy my boyfriend before me." I gave you a perfectly reasonable reason as to why, didn't I? You're reap what you sow.

And Illya makes sure to remind her of that fact. "Because you're a ticking time bomb of urine? By the way, I'll seriously kill you if you dirty me with your piss, Rin." Even hearing about it makes me feel icky.

Rin sputters. "It was the one time! Geez..." She smiles in my direction. "Well, as long as you have fun making this midget cry, then it's all good! Her weak body definitely isn't ready for a cock after all!" She is indeed very small...

Illya glares at her. "Shut up. You pissed yourself." That truly is an eternal shield, nothing that Rin can say will break through it. "Anyways... come here Yato." She licks her lips. "I want to play with you..." What she's doing is obvious.

During our training sessions, Illya constantly took the lead, acting as the mature older partner. What she hasn't realized however, is that I'm a man who has flooded four different wombs with cum at this point. I fear no older woman!

One might even say I have become a playboy, the type who gets a titfuck from two girls every morning. Wait, that really is what happens! Basically right now she's facing Mega Level Yato, a threat to the entire world.

I get up, now standing at my full height on top of the bed. My head is dangerously close to the ceiling, but I'm not too worried about it, even if I happen to hit my head, I will be fine. I will probably just break the ceiling though.

Suddenly having me towering over her, Illya can only sputter. "Um... what are you planning to do, Yato?" It's kind of a funny sight, the shadow of my cock is currently covering her beautiful and perfect face.

Sakura smiles. "Senpai is obvious gonna be breaking you into two with his cock. So take off your clothes." Thank you for the support!

Rin smiles too. "Well, it's time to live up to all your talk..." She snorts. "And you were about to pull some dominatrix thing too... Take off your clothes." I must repeat, I am thankful for everyone's support.

Illya gulps. "Y-Yato... it's not like I have something against you taking the lead, in fact I'm rather proud." She's speaking as my teacher, of course. "But my body is rather... small. I genuinely don't think I could handle what you're planning." Illya is not an oracle.

She's an idiot, because what she doesn't know, is that her look of awe is only making em want to do this more. "Illya take off your clothes, or I will be taking them off for your." I don't need to say, but I will be even rougher then, as punishment.

Right now I'm only planning on using her cunt, but all we need for this connection is for me to cum inside of her. So if she acts like a bratty teacher I will be taking her ass right here and now!

Illya blushes, but does begin to take off her clothing. "S-Sakura may have been right with those rape comments." First comes off her bra, and as expected, her breasts are even smaller than Sakura's. I want to tease them.

And then she slowly takes off what remains from her lingerie. "Just remember to treat my body with some amount of care. I'm a high-class lady after all." Eroges have taught me that those are the ones who most need to be treated roughly.

I can now see Illya's naked pussy, in fact I can see her whole naked body. "D-don't just stare at me with that perverted look... Or are you getting nervous again?" I am nervous already, like a man who just won the lottery.

Rin crosses her arms. "She really is nothing special. I mean, I expected it of course, but it's still a sad sight." Wow, you have bad taste! Illya has her own charm! The charm of an adult... a virgin adult at that.

Sakura waves her finger. "Now Tohsaka-Senpai, you shouldn't shame a naked woman who is about to lose her virginity, it's incredibly rude. Besides, even if no other man would want her, Senpai does, and that's what matters." I feel like you were also super rude just now!

Illya glares at the two. "Both of you, silence!" She begins covering herself. "These is a perfectly built body! My face is literally so beautiful that it is beyond a normal human!" They never said anything about your face though.

I lower my upper half, and grab her. "Don't worry Illya! I bet your small pussy is gonna be great!" And then I lift her up. She's light, probably lighter than even a girl of her size should be.

Illya struggles against my hold. "W-what are doing Yato!? Don't treat me like I'm some sort of doll!" You're doll sized though! So you are perfect for what I'm about to do to you, you might even have been born for this!

I readjust my hold on her, so that she's facing away from me, and so that I'm in the perfect position to... "Sorry Illya!" Penetrate her pussy without any troubles, to use her like the onahole she was meant to be.

Her whole body trembles, as her hymen is broken without mercy. "Yato...!? Argh...!" The way she immediately starts milking me is amazing, this girl was desperately in need of some correction.

I start trusting in her delicate body. "Sorry Illya, but you're clearly made to be a onahole. Just be glad I didn't put in your butt." Just her cunt is already super tight, so thinking about her asshole being even tighter makes me go even crazier.

Illya is too light, and too weak, she has no choice but too accept this, she can still complain though. "Argh...! It's hurting though! But in a different way than I'm used too!" She talks as if she has some crazy pain tolerance.

Even though I'm actually moving rather slow, it would be stupid to break my cute toy. "Don't worry onahole, it's gonna start to feel good soon." Or at least I hope so! I'm not a girl, so I'm not reliable for this sort of stuff.

Her face is completely red. "Stop... ahhh~... Stop calling me an onahole~!" I can tell from her voice that she's starting to enjoy this. Which is a good thing, I would feel bad if this really ended as a painful experience.

Still, I speed up my thrusting a little. "Don't worry Illya, you're way more special than any onahole. You're my exclusive pocket pussy after all." She tries to object, but she's always silenced by a moan escaping from her mouth.

I smile. "Honest, I should probably take you outside like this, showing my toy to everyone." The toy only I can use of course. "Or maybe I should use you in the middle of the class? When everyone is looking?" It would make studying a lot less stressful.

Illya at this point has no control of herself. "Nooo~... People would call the police on you, stupid~!" That's probably true, those guys have no way of knowing Illya is actually older than me after all.

My smile turns into a smirk. "Who cares? What are they gonna do? I'm a Campione!" Fucking a loli in public is definitely within my power. "Hell, I could be pounding your sexy body in front of your family if I wanted to!" Illya is a pervert.

Because she's now cumming, which makes me cum as well, unable to resist her getting even tighter. "Yato~...! Your cum is entering me...!" Her body tremblems more than ever, and then she suddenly goes still.

I gently lay her back in bed. "And that's another contract made!" My ex-wife is currently recovering from having a cock that is way too big inside of her, taking deep breath, after taking deep breath.

Rin smiles triumphly. "And now it's my turn~..." She clearly has been looking forward to this, and she's also clearly sad that she needed to be the last. It couldn't be helped though.

However, she mocked Illya a few too many times. "Hey Yato... Did you know Rin still has your mana inside of her slutty body? She doesn't need another round to make a contract." That's cool and all, but I do wanna bang her.

Rin points at her. "Shut up Illya! You got your turn, so stay on your lane!" Technically you and Illya are now tied. This also means the only person who I haven't fucked yet is Luvia... And Shiro, or at least that's what Shiro thinks.

Sakura smiles. "Ah, everyone is being so perverted..." She's lightly giggling to herself, apparently still on cloud nine. Maybe she gets along with Rin, because both get very dere after sex?

Illya doesn't even bother to respond to Rin, instead she looks at me. "Yato, what do you prefer. Risking Rin pissing herself, or summoning a heroic spirit as fast as you can?" Um... tough question.

Rin puts her hands on her hips. "Yato wouldn't blue ball me like that!" A girl can't really be blue balled. I think they have a different name for that sort of stuff.

By the way, I chose to blue ball her in the end.


"Stand there, okay Yato?" I do as Illya orders, staying inside of a very specific circle she drew on the ground. "Since we will be using you as a catalyst, you need to stay there." I can't wait to see what will be summoned.

Someone who's compatible with me huh... Obviously Illya is hoping for a Caster, but I don't particularly care for their class... No, that's a lie. I want a Saber, someone who I can sharpen my skills with.

Yeah, when I imagine someone who's compatible with me, the first thing that comes to mind is another swordsman. Who knows maybe I will summon Miyamoto Musashi...? Supposedly summoning Japanese servants would normally be impossible, but we are already cheating anyways.

I also wouldn't care if we summoned a guy, though I would definitely prefer a girl, for obvious reasons. Still, having a bro could be nice! Though he might get jealous over not having a harem... that would be bad.

Overall though, I just hope I... Illya summons someone who much like Rin, is fine with taking their time to understand what I say. Yeah, I need someone experienced with handling dumbasses like me.

Illya takes a deep breath, her pale skin is gaining a red shade. "Okay Yato... I will begin the summoning now! So don't do anything too crazy." Right, I shouldn't scare off the heroic spirit, I can easily beat one of course...

But much like a wounded animal with no way out, they could do some real damage before that. This is why only Illya and I are in this room too, so we don't overwhelmed them with too many people. Man, it feels like I'm about to adopt a stray animal.

Illya begins chanting and I prepare myself. I almost think about calling my authority, but that would probably only mean the servant would get even more nervous. Ah, they definitely won't take it well when I explain that I will be summoning multiple heroic spirits.

The room shines, and a explosion of mist fills it. I immediate prepare to dash and protect Illya, just in case.

A voice comes out from the mist. "Ah! What dreadful summoning is this!? I understand circumstances aren't always ideal, but this mist is getting on my eyes..." I think the mist is always there though, Illya certainly didn't do anything wrong.

Illya sighs. "My apologies, but such a thing cannot be controlled." The mist begins to clear, and so I can see my Ex-Wife bowing. "I am Illyasviel Von Einzbern, your Master. Now introduce yourself, servant...?" At the end there's confusion in her voice.

The reason for it is clear. The summoned servant simply doesn't look like any type of legendary hero... mostly because she's dressed in pretty modern clothes, even if those clothes are full of golden accessories.

I think her beauty does give off the feeling of a heroine however, it matches that of Illya, who is not even human... No, this servant's beauty is far more supernatural than Illya's. My instincts are warning me to be wary of it.

The unknown servant waves off Illya. "Fine, I won't complain too much about the lack of carpets and the like." With her pale skin, she looks almost like a ghost, and considering Illya is here... It's like I'm now in a haunted place.

She smiles. "So, about introductions. I am of the Assassin class." Does that mean she's an Old Man of the Mountain? Illya said only they could be summoned under normal circumstances. Though... she doesn't look like any assassin to me.

The Assassin continues. "And my name is Cleopatra VII Philopator, the last Pharaoh! Do remember to keep your head under the sun, won't you?" I feel like you need to be going more under the sun! Seriously how is an Egyptian this pale!?

Nevermind that for now. To think I would be compatible with the last Pharaoh of Egypt for some reason... I guess if nothing else she's crazy famous, which probably means she's crazy strong. Even a dumbass like me knows how her story goes after all.

Illya ends her bow. "A hard ask, considering I'm the lover of the King of Japan. This is the land of the rising sun, don't you know? Queen Cleopatra?" Even now she's addressing this servant with the utmost respect.

Cleopatra raises an eyebrow. "A lover of a king...? I was under the impression Japan had an emperor however..." She shakes her head. "No, such matters shall be addressed later. For now introduce me to man, Master!" She points at me.

And then she frowns. "Oh, and I must say, I do not like the lustful gaze you aim at him. If your lover is aware of this, then this is quite fine, but I do despise cheating." Ah, she doesn't think I'm the guy Illya was talking about.

I smirk. "It's fine Cleo, I am that king of Japan. The name's Yato Shibata, a Campione." The more I look at her, the happier I feel. She really is pretty hot, which is expected of Cleopatra of course.

Now, I do know Cleopatra is also a complete and utter genius, basically my opposite. Which is why it's so weird I summoned her of all people... Welp, I will definitely be adding her to my harem.

Besides, didn't she have children? I think she had one with Caesar and three with Anthony...? This means she will be a powerful weapon once I have children! Though a queen probably didn't personally raise her children anyways...

Cleopatra walks closer to me and looks me up and down. "Truly? I mean no offense to a fellow monarch, but you do not dress like a king..." Eh? "In fact you dress like a bum. I reccomend you to change that fact as fast as possible." W-well...

Illya fakes a cough. "Y-Yato has ascended to the throne fairly recently, so..." Even my Ex-Wife is completely caught off guard from the way Cleopatra is acting. I guess we should have expected her to be crazy though...

Cleopatra frowns for a moment. "So a relative of yours has recently passed away? My condolences." She actually thinks I'm like... a regular king? "Nonetheless, take this advice from me, dress better King Yato, it has many benefits. One of them is that it makes you feel good!" She ends that with a bright smile.

Then she puts a hand on her chin. "Now, I do not mind helping the lover of my Master, specially since having a king on our side during the war will be of great help." The war is gonna go way differently from what you think...

Cleopatra slowly looks at me in the eyes. "But first..." Her gaze is intense, but eventually she releases me and jumps on the spot out of happiness. "Yes! You do have it! The eyes of a true king!" I think she was looking for something very specific...

And then she frowns. Again. "But even a true king like Caesar died a cruel death... It doesn't matter if one is brilliant and lucky like he was, or foolish and unlucky like my second beloved. The throne takes it all, it is not a place for love." Well, I am foolish and lucky. That's a new combination.

She snapa her fingers. "Very well, I have decided. You two should give up on the war and transfer me to another!" She crosses her arms. "Take some money out of the kingdom's treasury and live a life of peace somewhere else." That's...

I laugh. "Thanks for the concern, you're a pretty good person, Cleo." She's definitely not acting like a cruel seductress, that's for sure. Well, a lot of sources do say she was super, duper charismatic and caring.

I then continue. "But don't worry, Illya and I will be just fine! And you're really misunderstanding what Illya meant when she called me king." She still thinks I'm a traditional ruler...

She puts her hands on her hips. "Ugh, you're definitely the type of man to get over his head, aren't you? I hate men like that." She says all that with a healthy blush, which makes me doubt the veridicity of her statement.

Illya interjects. "Queen Cleopatra, he's not lying when he says he is not exactly a king in the traditional sense. As said before, my lover is the Campione of Japan." Hopefully that clarifies things.

Assassin tilts her head in confusion. "Campione...? What's that?" S-she doesn't know!? "Is this some new method of addressing a king?" She genuinely doesn't know what a Campione is...

Illya gasps. "T-to think the grail wouldn't give you such important information..." Is it because it's bugged!? "And Campione certainly didn't exist in your time... Julius Caesar would also have certainly become one if it did." That's probably true.

Cleopatra squints her eyes. "Um... If it's something my dear Caesar would want, then it's probably not good. Specially when this man over here with the arrogance to call me Cleo has obtained it." Oh, so she finally commented on her nickname!

Illya smirks. "Well, a Campione is a king who normally has no army, nor land, and yet has it all." So far Cleo doesn't seem to be impressed. "And a Campione is also not truly a title, it's more like a change of species. One cannot truly consider them human anymore." That sounds mean.

Illya raises a finger. "The way a human becomes a Campione, is by killing a god." Now Cleopatra gasps, even she can understand what a insane feat such a thing is. "And they are king simply because no one can oppose them. Yato can ask the government whatever he wants, whenever he wants." Ayup.

Cleopatra grimaces. "That is certainly... a way to get around politics. Though I do not understand why participate in the war if such is the case. Surely Yato can just ask for riches, if he is so powerful?" Yeah, but money isn't that important.

I begin walking forward, slowly making Cleopatra back down. It's a bit surprising coming from someone like her, who is clearly quite prideful, but the fact that I killed a god must still be messing with her mind.

I smirk. "Well, first, I have this game rigged. I won't be playing fair." I will have at minimum three servants, hopefully more. "And second, I wasn't looking for even more riches or whatever, I have plenty of those." I also have plenty of women.

But none of them are motherfucking Cleopatra, which is why I use the legendary kabedon on her. "I was looking for you... That is to say, forget being a Queen. You now belong to me." I'm getting excited.

It's only natural really. I'm a king, and she's a queen, so I want to throughly conquer her, in that way she is a far greater addiction to my harem than anybody else. I gotta wonder though, does owning her mean owning Egypt?

Cleopatra starts sputtering. "H-how fierce! However, please control yourself! Your lover is right there!" I have a feeling that she's weak to people like me, who say what's on our minds. Specially when what is in our minds is her.

I make the kabedon a bit more tight. "Don't worry about it... To be honest, Illya is my concubine." Her eyes widen. "And I have a bunch of others too... Of course, I love them all, and now you're one too." Her butt is too big to be ignored.

She scowls. "Do not believe for a second that you can lower me down to a simple concubine!" She's definitely angry now, but she's supposedly super compatible with me, si I'll just keep acting like usual.

So my smirk gets bigger. "Come on, don't think about titles... This is a different era after all. How about living a lavish life with me instead? You said my clothing was horrible, so maybe you can pick better ones." I have a feeling she would enjoy that.

She's avoiding my gaze. "O-oh...! Why am I so weak to this...!" Yeah, my approach is definitely working!

Illya's eye twitches. "Yeah, why are you so weak to this? You're Queen Cleopatra so show some self respect..." Thankfully her comment goes ignored by the Pharaoh. Please stay silent right now my beautiful little concubine

I have to keep pushing. "Cleo, be my woman. I promise to keep you safe, just like I promise to keep everything you love safe... And to be honest, I'm a stupid man carried by his luck, so I would also like to be carried by your wisdom." And I'm not even lying.

I have a feeling that pretty much any and all troubles I could possibly have would be easily solved with Cleopatra of all people by my side. She's a mega genius after all, and I'm totally happy with letting her scheme and stuff...

Cleopatra... hugs me? "Ah... I simply can't resist a guy like you!" Wait, this actually worked!? "It's too soon to call it love, but I'm not one to waste such a easy opportunity for happiness...!" That's good...?

She smiles. "Yato Shibata, from now on, work hard to obtain my heart... And I will devote everything to you, should you succeed." So this is a servant with a high level of compatibility...

Well, the joke is on her, even if she hated me, rape Command Seals are always a option!


AN: I decided to start doing AN's on Patreon too now, so I can share my thoughts the moment a chapter comes out.

So... this one ended up being quite the juggernaut in size huh? It couldn't be helped though, it just kept getting bigger and bigger, like... At first I was just gonna have the initial conversation, but then I decided I might as well write the sex scene, and the sex scene ended up being massive even with no Rin sexo...

And then I decided since I got so far, I might as well summon the servant! Now originally I was gonna end at her introducing her name, but I changed my mind and extended it a bit more... So that's why this chapter ended up massive.

Anyways, about Cleopatra. I know for a ton of people this will be a weird decision, but I wanted someone who would push Yato's king persona in a positive way. Since Cleo is secretly super nice, she's currently the biggest ally in the Shiro camp.

I also think she has great chemistry with Yato in general. Now, F/GO doesn't show much of Cleo outside of Caesar glazing, sadly she's one of those characters who slowly became nothing more than a shipping gag, like Sigurd and Bryn, but I do really like her when she's actually doing something else!

So I hope this unorthodox pick will grow on people. And hey, if nothing else, I think this might be the first time Cleo actually gets to be on a fic.



Great chapter, thanks! It’s really big, like two chapters or even bigger


Also I appreciate that you decided to start adding AN’s, I enjoy reading your thoughts and reasoning about new chapter’s content