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"W-wait Yato...!" Though I'm simply waiting at the front gate, I hear a voice desperately calling me. "S-seriously, wait!" It's the voice of my new buddy, and she's trying to move through the crowd of students.

To be honest, I'm tempted to move just to spite her. My mood became bad again, and nothing raises it up like some casual bullying... Ah, if you're wondering why I'm in this state...

The answer you seek is name Shiro Emiya. She completely ignored me and rushed home, hopefully to mine home and not hers. Geez, you titfuck someone once, and suddenly you're the devil.

So now all I'm doing is waiting for Luvia to show up so we can go on our date. I don't have anything planned to be honest, but in a way that makes things even more fun. Surprise is the spice of life after all.

The brown haired girl finally reaches me. "Oh, thank goodness... You didn't run away." Why would I? Are you planning on doing something bad? Well, probably not. I can guess exactly what she wants to talk about.

The supernatural world of course. That said, I don't know how I feel about giving her too much information right now, when I'm busy. Well... I'll talk with her until Luvia shows up, and then I'll leave.

I raise an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be at your club Miss Captain...?" I know that's rich coming from me, considering I pretty much never show up to the Kendo Club anymore. In my defense, I have a harem to manage.

Ayako's answer is immediate. "Fuck the club, man!" Hah!? I didn't expect that answer to leave her mouth. And neither did the students surrounding us, who have now stopped talking to observe.

She picked a horrible time to discuss this. Since people are eithe leaving right now, or going to the clubs, the gate is filled with people. And Ayako, the captain of the Archery club, should not get caught saying something like that.

Ayako either doesn't realize this, or she does not care. "L-look, it's just that... you gotta explain more about the whole... God slaying and the supernatural and...!" She looks adorable right now in a way I can't describe.

Like she's trying to control her emotions and not show how absurdly excited she is for this, but she's also failing miserably. I wonder what exactly she plans on doing about the supernatural world though, since her only special trait is being sexy.

I scratch my cheek. "Look Ayako..." And then I look at the people around us. Some have moved on, either because they don't care and want to get home, or because maybe they assumed we are talking about a RPG. However some curious people are still around.

Ayako covers her mouth and talks considerably quieter. "S-sorry... Secret society and all that right...?" That trope is so common that she's assuming it also applies to reality. She's also absolutely correct of course.

She gets closer to me and then looks around. After that she takes a deep breath. "S-should we go somewhere more private to discuss this?" You tell me, you started this whole thing... Okay, I was the one who did it, but still...

I wave her off. "Sorry, I'm waiting for a girl. I gotta be here when she shows up." I came on her tits just this morning, so leaving would be incredibly rude. Also... c'mon, I'm super looking forward to this date.

She grits her teeth. "B-but c'mon...! This is more important than a girl, right!?" Not really. The only reason I care for the supernatural is that I can pick up chicks and fight strong people because of it.

I sigh. "Just ask what you want to ask Ayako. These people won't care." Or maybe they will, but eh. The only important thing at stake here is her position as captain of the Archery Club. Someone like Ayako has no future in the world I live in after all.

Except as a bed warmer, of course.

Ayako takes a deep breath. "G-got it. So why are you so strong anyways? Can you really destroy a mountain!? How the hell are you Goku's hiding about...!?" Oh boy, a bunch of complicated questions... Also, why are you gradually raising your voice?

This isn't good for a dumb guy such as I. "Um... yeah, I could destroy a mountain pretty easily." Her eyes widen, but not out of fear like I expected. Instead they're out of wonder... What a weirdo. "And I'm definitely one of the strongest people alive." I think. There are many people alive.

I scratch my cheek, trying to avoid Ayako's gaze. She has stars in her eyes. "And as for the last question... Ask Rin, she's the super secretive Harry Potter mage type. I'm the Herakles in this situation." Though the Greek hero is actually pretty smart, so I can't really be him.

Ayako's jaw hits the floor. "Rin... is a mage?" I'm guessing I blew her mind yet again.

Might as well do multiple times. "Well Caren, the nun in my harem comed from the Holy Church, they hunt vampires and stuff. Illya, that kid you saw is actually older than us, it's just that she's a homunculus." A very adorable one.

I continue. "My childhood friend, Luvia is also a mage, and she comes from a family that despises the Tohsaka's 'cause they have old beef. Ah, and Sakura comes from a mage family too, but they don't do magic anymore for one reason or another." In a way she is the most normal person in my harem.

With Ayako's existence however, that will be changing soon. "Shiro is a mage too, but she's a pretty incompetent one. She only knows the basics and can't progress past them." It's okay though, her talents may be small, but her boobs are big.

Ayako looks down, and begins to mutter. "Even Shiro...?" Wow, you sounded really mean just now for some reason. "A-anyways, so how does this whole thing work!? Are there like... invisible gods or something!? You mentioned gods, right!?" Oh boy.

I start massaging my forehead. "There are bunch of things running around, mostly very visible... Gods are super rare though. Typically they appear and destroy a bunch of stuff, but if a human kills them, they become a Campione." She doesn't seem to react negatively to killing.

It's weird, because she's a normal girl, but I soon understand why. To Ayako this is all sort of still fictional, so she's not really hearing about how I killed someone, she's probably thinking more in-line to me beating up a bad guy.

Which is why she smiles brightly. "A-and this Campione thing, that's one method of getting superpowers right...?" At this point we are saying so much nonsense that pretty much everyone has left. Geez, when is Luvia gonna show up.

I nod. "Yeah." It's probably one of the only methods of getting superpowers too. Being a mage depends on your bloodline for example. I guess someone could become a Dead Apostle, but from what I've heard that's a fate worse than death.

My confirmation she makes her smile even more. "Y-you got-... Can you like... take me to one of these gods?" My eye twitches. "A-and I know that would be work and stuff, but... please! I-I mean, don't you want a Campione buddy!?" Not really. We are extremely territorial after all.

So even if Ayako did become my sibling, since she is a Japanese girl who lives in Japan, conflict between the two of us would be inevitable. I mean, just thinking about some other Campione looking at Rin already makes me pissed, imagine one trying to take my country?

Well at least her enthusiasm is cute. "Look Ayako, first gods are super duper rare. I have no idea where to find one." Her smile slowly becomes a frown. "Second of all... everyone can technically become a Campione, but... could you beat a thing that destroys mountains in the first place?" You need to beat Vegeta as Yajirobe to ascend.

She pouts, and looks away. "Then how did you do it...?" What's that supposed to mean? Well, I guess I did challenge the god into lowering his strength, but it was still a matter of divine skill and all that.

I pout right back. "I beat a sword god in a sword duel, because I'm the best. Also, if being a Campione was easy, there would be more of us." Which sounds absolutely terrifying. "And before you ask, among humanity there currently exists seven. John Pluto Smith is one of them by the way." Now that I think about it, his super hero name is super lame.

A sudden realization appears on her eyes. "Oh... That's why you're rich, isn't it...?" I wonder what kind of conspiracy theory she has come up with. "The government probably pays you, and John Pluto Smith, and all the other Campione to kill gods, right?" She's thinking of another usual trope.

And she's sort of correct, but also completely wrong at the same time. My money comes less from me being some sort of super protector, and more because I'm a super bully that makes everyone afraid of me.

Before I can respond, I hear a voice. "Yato...?" I turn around and see Luvia waiting for me. She's dressed pretty casually, unlike her typical way of dressing. It's cute and now I'm excited.

I wave at Luvia. "Yo! Comin'!" And then I pat Ayako on the shoulder. "Welp, time's over. See ya tomorrow." And I begin to walk forwards. I did tell her my time was limited after all, so she can't complain.

She complains. "W-wait a second Yato...!" The way she's so desperate is cute. "You can't just... Look, I still have a ton of questions and...!" Seriously cute. I kind of want to feed her desperation to be honest.

I wave her off immediately. "Ask them tomorrow... I'm busy." It's not everyday that little ol' me gets to go out with a hot blonde. Actually I could go out with Luvia everyday, but I want to go out with her today.

Ayako bited her lip. "Well... At least give me your phone number!" She takes a flip phone from school bag. "T-that way you can call me after the date is over and we can talk...!" She's lucky there's only a few students around.

This is a pretty scandalous sight after the all. The captain of the Archery club basically begging for some guy's attention while he's only trying to go out with the hot foreigner that showed up at the gate. I have a feeling Ayako will be dragged into the rumor mill soon.

Luvia walks in, probably tired of being ignored. "And who's this...?" She's sending a condescending glare at Ayako. Her rich girls instincts are probably screaming at her that she's talking with a plebeian!

Ayako takes a step back, apparently intimidated. "Um... I'm Ayako Mitsuzuri... I was asking for your... your boyfriend's number..." She's blushing. How surprising coming from someone like her.

Luvia raises an eyebrow and looks at me. "Is she going to join us...?" It's clear that she doesn't see anything too special about Ayako. What she doesn't know however, is that such a trait is what makes her special in the first place.

Ayako answers for me. "N-no...! I mean, no offense to the thing you guys going on, it's just that I want to know about this... erm... Campione stuff." Luvia doesn't react with surprise to her comment.

She must have guessed that I would only befriend mages or something, and has therefore assumed Ayako is one as well. She also doesn't stop looking at me, caring more about my answer than anything.

The reason for that is simple of course, what Ayako wants doesn't matter, the question here is if I want to take her. Which I do, but before that I want her to simmer in a little... I might be growing a bit too sadistic.

I send Luvia a smile. "Don't worry, I don't mind giving her my number." I never answer her actual question of course, but without a doubt she understands. "So... I'll call you later Ayako." I take my phone out of my pocket.

And we quickly exchange numbers. Ayako basically hops out of excitement. "G-got it... I-I'll be waiting!" She then looks down... and soon looks up again. "And have fun on your date!" I begin to walk away.

But before that, I send her a thumbs up. "I will!" Not calling her would be mean even for me, so I will do it eventually.


"So what are you planning with that girl?" Typically a woman wouldn't be asking about other women in a date. Though I guess I can't blame her for being curious. "Is she secretly talented?" She wishes.

I shrug. "Dunno. Probably not, she's a okay at archery though." Even then, she gets outshined so badly by Shiro that it isn't even funny... and she also gets outshined by Shinji. Though the fact that she's a first year and the captain is surprising.

I smile. "As for my plans... I just sort of think it's cute. How she's so excited about the supernatural." Luvia raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I told her about it just today, by the way." And so far I haven't regretted it.

A sigh leaves her mouth. "So you told a commoner huh?" Don't call her that... It's sort of rude. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter much, it's not like a average girl such as her has any way of revealing the existence of the supernatural." Pretty much. "Was it really because she's cute though?" Partly.

I hum. "So the first reason is because she's my buddy, and I don't know if those mercenaries would target a normal person like her." I should probably also tell her about them eventually. Though to be honest, it was just an excuse I came up to justify my actions.

That said, when I do eventually tell them about her, maybe knowing there is a secret organization hunting her down, will make her even more excited. It's a weird leap in logic, but a protagonist is only as special as their antagonist.

Luvia nods, though she doesn't seem satisfied. "That's surely not the whole reason." H-huh...? "I knew you when you were young Yato, and I know you now. I'm guessing there's some sort of perverted reason for this whole thing." Ah, she got me.

I begin to blush. "It's just that... I though it would be really hot if I could get Ayako obsessing over this to make her mine in some way or another." Ah, this is totally evil. "Like... then maybe I could have her trading sexual favors for power. Suck my dick Ayako, or go back to normalcy!" I excitedly point at the horizon.

But there are other ways this could go too. "Alternatively I could ruin her newfound sense of wonder by pushing her down and having my way with her body out of nowhere or something. Like when you suddenly reach a bad end in a mindbreak rape Visual Novel." That will break any delusions she has over the supernatural.

Luvia stares at me, jaw on the floor. "Yato... you can be surprisingly creative when it comes to this type of... activity." Really? I suppose I will simply accept this wonderful compliment then! Being creative is sort of like being smart after all.

The blonde then stretches. "I'm curious why you took me here though." The place she's talking about is the park we are currently resting in. "Well, the reason is obvious of course, but..." Yeah.

This is a park Luvia and I played a lot in when we were kids. "Don't look too deep into it. I had no plan, so I just sort of ended up coming here." That's true. Besides, this place is pretty nice, specially since kids don't really come here nowadays.

Her eyes widen. "Really? I had thought your idea would be to fuck me right here so that you could taint our memories together." She laughs. "Ohohoho! Quite ingenious if I do say so myself!" Wait...!

My eye twitches. "How am I the one who gets creative over these types of things!?" Though now that she says it, there is something appealing about the whole concept. But to be honest, strange and stupid as it may be...

I kind of want to keep those memories pure. Sure Luvia rejected me in a mean way, but she was a kid, and... she gave me far more happy memories than bad ones. It's just that as a human, I tend to focus on loss, and not victory, also I'm sorta of a crybaby loser sometimes.

Luvia huffs. "Well, I should try matching my Campione's energy... Which brings me to my next point." She gets up from the bench we were sitting on. The whole time she moves I'm just immensely confused.

Specially when she gets her knees in front of me. "Lord Yato Shibata, Demon King of Japan... I swear servitude to you." What are you, a samurai!? "I know I already basically said why and it in our... love making session, but I figured I should repeat it in a more standard way." I see...

Well, I will respect her wishes of course. "Luviagelita Edelfelt... It's not like you could ever have walked away, but nonetheless... I'll accept your pledge." I have no idea what she's thinking, but if it makes her happy...

She gets up, and without an ounce of hesitation sits next to me again. "And...! That's done." I feel like a weight just left her shoulders. Was she really afraid I was going to reject her for some reason? Did we change places or something!?

She then puts her head on my shoulder. "I must say however, this isn't exactly the greatest of dates..." Ah!? I'm getting destroyed huh? I can't deny that... "First we started by talking about another woman, and now we are talking about allegiances and such." You did all of that!

I look down. "S-sorry, I should have planned it better." Or rather I should have come up with a plan in the first place... If she had the option to dump me I would be in big trouble right now!

She pouts. "Yeah, you should have!" A-ah!? Where did her sudden confidence come from!? "I understand the idea here of course, reminiscing of our past and all that, which is fine, but we have barely talked about our past." Sorry... Wait, I can fix that!

I awkwardly raise a finger. "U-um... remember that time you suplexed me? Which almost broke my skull? That was pretty cool." I was never the same after that. Okay, not really. Though I can't remember why she suplexed me in the first place...

Luvia is immediately transported to the past. "How could I forget? That was the first time I ever suplexed someone..." She nods to herself. "I will always be grateful you so wonderfully volunteered as a tribute Yato." I volunteered!? What was young me thinking!?

Still, this seems to be going better than before. "So... are you still into wrestling?" It's very possible that nowadays that's just a memory she holds dear. People grow and change after all.

I'm just surprised she still holds that memory dear after I came on her titties, but hey, I ain't gonna be complaining about that anytime soon!

There is an enthusiastic smile on her face. "Yes I am! I mean, isn't it the pinnacle of elegance and skill!?" N-no...? Actually, she's sort of right, it does sound like being a professional wrestler takes a lot of skill at least.

For a second I debate with myself, thinking of whether I should tell her that wresting is fake or not. Then I remembered that as a fan she surely knows that and doesn't give a single shit about it. Less fighting, more theater... but theater is awesome...

Or at least I think it is. "Hey Luvia, wanna go to a match one of these days? We can even fly to America and stuff." Though I know Japan also has quite the large and expansive scene. Which Luvia would be telling about, no doubt.

There are stars in her eyes. "Yes! That sounds incredible...!" Ah, now it's my turn to reminisce about something. It's about why young Yato liked Luviagelita Edelfelt.

You see, he was definitely mad when she actually suplexed him, but once he saw her smile, he immediately melted... What a surprisingly masochistic kid!? Who would have thought he became me...

Welp, I'll bully Luvia into happiness one way or another. Yeah, I'm sure that if young Yato met old Yato, there would be no battle of ideals, because both would immediately agree that Luvia is the best!

Still, as she rambles on, I'm eventually interrupted by my cellphone ringing. I pick it up, hoping it isn't Ayako, and... "Yo Waver. What's up my favorite guy?" Probably the only guy I like outside of my dad.

He sighs. "Hello Lord Shibata..." I want to get mad about him interrupting me, but he probably has important information. "So about those mercenaries, they were probably hired by Americans and..." Suddenly he remembers something. "My apologies, is Rin Tohsaka there...?" That something is that I'm dumb.

Whatever he was about to say, I wouldn't understand it, so I don't get mad. "Ah, Luvia is here..." The blonde is looking at the phone, annoyance clear on her eyes. Probably because it interrupted her one hour talk about how one random wrestler I don't know anything about is totally the worst or whatever.

Waver responds immediately. "Ah, that's great. Could you please pass the phone on to her Lord Shibata? There are many small details I would like to tal-" I get tired of his yapping and throw the phone at Luvia.

Speaking of phones, why do I feel I'm forgetting something...?


"Any minute now..." Ugh, I feel like a dumb high school girl waiting for her crush to message that. In my defense though, Yato Shibata is not actually my crush, it's just that he's secretly a Kamen Rider or something.

I take a deep breath, I need to calm down... "Ah...! Just call me already...!" There's no way I could calm down, in fact I'm skirming on my bed right now, thinking about all the possibilities I learned about.

It's crazy that the supernatural is real, but it also does explain a bunch of stuff. Like why Yato is seemingly a harem protagonist... The reason is that he is actually a harem protagonist! I mean, super powerful dude surrounded by magical beauties!? That's a classic.

And... and if he gets to live a life this good, maybe I can get a slice of the pie too? Now, I'm not asking to be the protagonist or anything, but...

Ah, I just want that stupid phone to ring already! I'm going crazy with anticipation!



He's still on the date, even if Waver interrupted it, he said he would call after.