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"Ah...! Now this one is nice!" Sensei is spinning around the store with a new dress. It's a beautiful back and blue. "I had one just like this one when I was younger...!" Oh, and the myth of a young sensei is teased again!

I smile. "Okay, let's buy it then." This will be the fourth super expensive dress I buy for her, though I don't mind of course, acting as Sensei's sugar daddy is sort of a dream come true to be honest.

Besides, I did say I would buy her the clothing needed for a more expensive place. Also, this isn't even my money technically! It's the Holy Church's money, so it's all okay. Even if I'm reaching the point where I should probably do something to prove my value again.

I think. Senpai assured me that everything was fine, and that being the main actor in killing a Dead Apostle Ancestor basically got me eternal money for the rest of my life, but... I'm not so sure.

Sensei blushes. "A-are you sure Yuta...? You already bought me a bunch of stuff." She nods to herself. "And I only needed one dress... Yeah, let's put this back." It's kind of late now, since you were dancing around the store with it.

Seriously, people are giving me weird looks. And it's understandable why, I look seventeen after all, and what type of high schooler brat is buying expensive clothes for an adult woman? This brat of course, and he's very lucky.

I wave her off. "It's fine... I'm loaded! And it's not like I'm only gonna buy you dresses either. We have to buy jewelry, and shoes... and maybe you can go to a hair stylist if you want..." As I talk, the more she frowns.

She crosses her arms. "Yeah, I definitely can't accept this from a high schooler, that's for sure." She doesn't know it, because I have been paying for everything, but she already wasted five hundred thousand yen of a high schooler's money.

And that's only counting the clothing I just bought for her. Let's not even start on the fact that I had to make reservations on a super expensive restaurant for her... and then bribe that restaurant into not calling the cops on Sensei. That was the most expensive part.

I chuckle, I know just the way to get her to accept this. "Sensei, let me tell you a little secret. Do you want to know why I'm buying you so many different things?" The true reason is because a happy sensei means a happy Yuta.

I'm skipping school, so I will definitely make the loss of my perfect attending record be worth it! By the way, Sensei does not know I skipped school to be here, and for the sake of my super plan, I won't tell her either.

It's just that I needed enough time to go shopping with her before we met Touko during the night. Besides, having alone time with Sensei will greatly raise her affection points, and without a doubt, once one sister falls, the other will soon follow.

Sensei pouts. "Because you think money can be a substitute for affection?" That's part of it, and it's totally working. "Because if so, it's not working." It absolutely is! You're giggling to yourself like a schoolgirl every five seconds!

I shake my head. "That's not it at all Sensei. The truth is much more simple... If I just picked one article of clothing for you, then I wouldn't be surprised when you show up. Now my heart is racing with anticipation." Also, I get to perv on Sensei wearing multiple outfits.

My greatest and sincerest wish right now is taking her to a lingerie store. Sadly, that's probably a barrier I cannot cross just yet... I must wait, and soon enough I'll be seeing Sensei naked!

Please ignore the fact that I haven't even had sex with Arcueid yet. Thank you.

Sensei immediately looks away. "F-fine, that's an acceptable reason." Mission success! "Just... just remember that your money isn't infinite and that you shouldn't be wasting on someone like me..." That's what makes me fulfilled though.

I laugh. "I'll repeat what I said yesterday. If I'm using to help you, then it's not wasted." Though now that we are speaking of money... "Do you need me to pay an apartment for you or something by the way?" I want to end her homelessness.

But it seems I went a bit too far, because Sensei flinches. "Geez, you're making me sound like a charity case..." She huffs and looks away. "Keep that money with you Yuta... Actually, how about moving out or whatever? You're living with that church girl, right?" She doesn't know?

I shrug. "My future house is currently being built. 'Cause I'm rich." And it will be a big one, to accommodate for my harem having needs and the like. I can't go cheap when I plan on marrying multiple girls after all.

Aoko's eye twitches. "Of course..." I bet she's thinking something like, why don't people give me this kind of money too!? And the answer is simple... Stop causing so much collateral damage!

I point at myself. "By the way, when it's built, I'll be dragging you there." Then I will have three redheads living on my house! Actually four, because I will definitely convince Touko to move in too!

He chuckles and pokes my forehead. "Suuuure... It will be super awkward though, since you will only be dating Rika and Arcueid though." Well, I would still prefer that over you sleeping on the streets or whatever.

I grin. "We'll see 'bout that!" My confidence is maxed!


"I admit it. This place really isn't that bad." My confidence continues to be maxed! "It's a fine meal..." It seems Touko is enjoying it at least. As expected, she's into refined stuff... And now that I'm tasting it, I feel the same.

Well, I don't care too much about the food, I can't even pronounce it. What's actually making me happy is the rich snob atmosphere... Ah, I'm superior to all the people here... Also we get a view of a big part of the city here, and that's pretty cool.

Aoko pouts and lies without a hint of shame. "It's alright I guess, not my type of place." The reason I know she's lying is because she has a massive red blush on her face. She's definitely enjoying this just as much as her sister.

Touko hums. "I guess this is normally not your usual place to frequent... Well, it's not like I frequent them that much either." She looks to the window. "I could never escape them back when I was studying in the Clock Tower though." Oh? That's the super mage place, right?

I'm totally down for some Touko backstory, since it would make this day even more perfect. Which is seriously hard considering I'm staring at two beautiful women who are dressed as best as they can.

Aoko nods. "I can see that... Maybe someone gets used to these high and mighty places if they're a teenager who's getting their brains messed with." She points at me. "Like Yuta here, who's on cloud nine." I'm not actually a teen though, just on that Rudeus grind.

Touko rolls her eyes. "From what I remember you were the high and mighty one when you were a teen... and you still are. Looking down on something just for being... posh. Simply admit you enjoy it already." That sort of makes sense.

While Aoko blushes, I can't help, but question Touko. "Has Sensei really remained the same? Wasn't she a bit different when young?" I would have loved growing up with her... Though Rika obviously mogs anyone in the childhood friend category.

Aoko interjects. "Yuta, that's the type of question you're supposed to ask me." She then points at Touko. "By the way, as far as I can remember she has always been a prideful, condescending jerk. Though I'm told she was shy when super young." You guys didn't interact when young?

I suppose I can learn about that later. For now I'm just glad that the supposed prideful Touko already showed up without glasses, meaning she is being affected by these dates. I still don't know if her Aizen mode is her true self or not technically, but it does feel like I overcame a barrier.

Touko scoffs. "I won't deny being shy when I was young, but it's obvious why Yuta would asking me how you acted when young" she smirks. "And the answer to that question is... she was nowhere as free spirited as she is now." Oh?

She continues. "Nowadays she's all about random sagely advice she found online..." Aoko flinches, which tells me Rika must never obtain this information. "But back then she was a way too serious brat who got angry when she liked someone." Wait isn't that...

Her smirk gets even bigger. "Aoko Aozaki was... What do you kids call it again? Ah yeah, a tsundere." Beautiful. I want to go back in time so I can mate press young Sensei into being a bit more sincere.

Sensei has to hold herself back from hitting the table. "I was not...!" I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you might still be one to this day. That fact ends up making me laugh. "W-what's so funny Yuta!?" You.

I smile in her direction. "I'm just glad I'm making you that embarrassed." It seems I'm powerful enough to revive her tsun side. "It's a sign you're definitely falling in love with me after all." Ayup, sound logic from me.

She looks down, hiding her face. "Yuta..." I got this in the bag, which is why I must repeat. My confidence is maxed. Honestly at this point we might as well sklp this whole thing and put a ring on her finger already.

Touko's smirk returns. "You know, the best part of this, is that when it's all over... I get to see this loser crying over losing her under aged lover." Who are you to talk!? Also, I'm happy to see you already consider her a lost cause.

Aoko immediately glares at her. "Hah...? Gimme a break, I haven't fallen for Yuta or anything! I-I'm just feeling a little bit guilty 'cause he bought me some stuff..." Touko now glares right back.

But why...? I must reach the core of this issue as fast as possible. Why would Touko Aozaki be mad ten million yen on her sister...? Now before you ask, yes it did reach that much. Mostly because all of the jewelry. Aoko doesn't know, obviously, since she would kill me and then herself to atone.

Oh, I get it. "Touko, let's go shopping tomorrow then, just the two of us." This is the standard sibling maneuver. She doesn't need the cash like Aoko does, but if her sister got it, then she needs to get it too, it's unfair otherwise.

I'm fine with this rule, since it means once I impregnate one, the other one will want a baby as well.

Touko smiles, and it's a pure one, a rare sight when she's not wearing glasses. "There's no need. Keep your money Yuta Okkotsu, because I'm not exactly in need of any." She's definitely absurdly happy with my decision, in fact she might be downright giddy.

I have a feeling I gained major points by noticing the issue before she outright said it. That said, she now rejected my invitation, and I don't know if I should push on or not... If I say it's a date she won't be able to reject me at least.

Aoko takes a sip of her drink, it's some expensive wine. "At least you have the decency to say no to him." She then remembers who bought her expensive clothes, and heels, and jewelry, and hair style... and drinks more wine. Amazing display, Sensei.

A small frown appears on Touko's face, which convinces me I should insist. "Hey Touko, I just decided I can't waste the opportunity to see you even more, so we are going. It's a date." In essence, I'm saying I'm doing this for me, and not out of pity.

Which is very true. My overall goal is living a happy life with these two, one that hopefully involves me giving them tons of creampies. Isn't that kind of weird? Putting a pie inside of a cake?

Her frown immediately disappears. "Then I suppose I have no choice." This means it's Aoko's turn to frown, which is fine, I gained tons of points with her today already. Seducing two sisters at the same time is an act of balance after all.

And one I'm handling well, so I repeat once again, my confidence is... Is that Shiki? Yeah, huh, I can see my best friend at the corner of my eye. That's funny... I told him about this whole thing so I could ask for tips, so maybe he's spying on me to make sure I'm okay?

Once I think that, I put more focus on his table, expecting to see colorful characters such as Hisui, Kohaku or even Senpai! Just a bunch of little goofballs who want to see if I'm screwing things up or not!

Instead I see a well dressed Miyako and a very well dressed Akiha. My confidence drops so much, that if a ancient sorcerer killed me right now, I would glaze him in heaven to all my dead friends. That is to say, it's definitely Yutaover.

I'm filled with despair. Aoko, probably noticing this, checks on my mental state. "Um... Yuta are you okay?" I'm not okay, for I know death is just around the corner, desperately wanting to take me.

I send her a smile. "I'm better than okay when I'm with you two." My shitty flirting only works on Sensei, but that's fine. For now I have more complicated stuff to deal with, like the fact that I need to distract Akiha somehow.

Aoko and Touko accept my excuse and go back to eating. Maybe my poker face has been getting better than usual, or maybe they just don't care. Either way, I now need to deal with the third, secret redhead.

I look back at the table they are eating, this time I'm trying to be more discreet however. I can't help, but think... Did Shiki betray me and tell his sister what's going on? No, he definitely didn't.

If Akiha knew I was on a date with two women, one who she dislikes, she would do more than watch. I think she's just here for a family dinner, which is probably why Miyako is here as well.

While I analyze the situation, my gaze eventually meets Shiki's gaze. I wonder if he can see my very soul pleading for his help, screaming at him that he must save me before it's too late and I am confused.

He gets up, and I can barely hear him talking. "Sorry Akiha, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." I wonder for a second what his ingenuous plan to save me, but then I realize he has none. He is simply running away. what a genuis coward.

Akiha nods. "Very well Big Brother." She sounds calm and happy, her hair is as dark as the night. If she sees me, it shall become as red as fresh blood, as violence. Probably to represent what she will do to me.

Shiki isn't simply content with running away. "Ah? Is that Yuta?" He points in my direction, and before Akiha can say anything, he leaves. He is nothing, but a good dog who shakes his tail for his master. I'll never forgive him.

I go back to eating immediately, to hide the fact that I know they are here, but I know the ending is coming, damn it, do I know. And so I can only quietly whimper as I hear footsteps approaching my table.

Surely Akiha would not make a scene in such a high end restaurant? She's a refined lady after all. "Yuta...! When I paid Toji to help you, I was under the belief you were going to be kicking Touko Aozaki out of this town! Not trying to bed her!" She immediately makes a scene.

I turn around immediately. "U-um... Hey Akiha, w-what a coincidence huh?" I can see that Miyako stayed sitting on her chair, but now that she's curiously... no, she's euphorically watching us.

Humanity can be cruel... No, it's the world that can be cruel, but either way people who have suffered it's cruelty tend to wish it on others as some form of sick recompense. That is without a doubt in everyone's nature.

I was robbed, so why is it that this idiot is walking through an alleyway and being just fine? My boss made me work so much that I forgot myself, so it's only fair that the next generation suffers the same fate. Akiha nagged the shit out of me, so it's a good thing she's tearing this guy apart.

Miyako has already been corrupted with all the world's evils. That's what her little smug smirk tells me.

Akiha is all the world's evils. "Hah? Don't try to change the topic...! I'm trying to know what you're doing with these two cow-, women!" She at least keeps her decorum. Which is a good thing, since Akiha insulting these two is similar to a cat roaring at a tiger.

I'm glad really, because Akiha does know limits. For example, she once told me that calling Touko red would be a mistake. Still, even if she knows not to kill herself, she also knows how to kill me.

To my surprise Sensei comes to my rescue. "Erm... you're Shiki's little sister, correct?" The noble lady nods. "Um... No need to worry about this, it's just a normal social gathering." Even as she talks, Aoko's face is filled with disbelief.

She knows about Rika, she knows about Arcueid, and she has definitely seen Ciel acting weirdly around me. Now with Akiha has appeared, and she's clearly into me... Sensei must be scared, slowly realizing that I am indeed constructed differently. One might even say I'm built differently.

Sadly Akiha might disassemble me soon. "Shut it, shotacon!" And Aoko as well! My sensei takes such a unexpected hit that she might as well have fallen off the chair from it. Um... At least it has made Touko happier?

Akiha's hair is slowly, but surely becoming red, here in a restaurant filled with people. Well, I guess we have a excellent mage like Touko here who can alter their memories, but surely this rich lady will be having embarrassing cringe nightmares once this is over.

There's no point in denying Akiha the answer she seeks. "The truth is... I really am on a date with these two." Screw slowly changing color! It immediately became as red as the Aozaki' own hair! "I-I made a bet and..." This is scary.

My heart is beating fast, I might have a heart attack and reach a stupidly rare bad ending right here and now.

Akiha does not make any effort to calm herself, instead she hits the table. It's to the point I hear a crack. "Just what kind of bet justifies you having a date with two woman behind my back...?" Shiki, I need you.

Humanity can be surprising sometimes, because from my surroundings comes not whispers about how a girl just changed her hair color and probably broke a table with her superhuman strength.

Instead they are more like... "Are they filming some sort of movie here?" Or... "Is that young boy cheating on his lover with two older women?" It makes me lose a bit of my faith in humanity. I might become the son of a hero of justice at any time now.

Now it's Touko's turn to interject. "Well, the bet is actually a Geass." Akiha gasps, I hope she won't give me a Ciel style sermon. "There are tons of details, but the gist of it is this... If Yuta Okkotsu does not make me and my sister fall in love with him during a set amount of time, he will..." She makes a draumatic pause.

Because of course she does. "Lose his ability to pursue a harem. Oh, and he will become my apprentice too." And so the cat leaves it's bag. And now I will enter mine, its name is coffin.

To my surprise however, Akiha's hair loses it red shading, at least a little bit. "That's... then Yuta would..." I can see in her eyes, she's planning on how to ruin me. "But he will probably win...!" She grimaces.

It actually makes me blush in a strange way. Akiha... she disapproves of my dream completely, but she does believe I have the capability to fulfill it. Ah, I hate when people do this, suddenly hitting me with good feelings.

Touko waves her off. "I wouldn't count on it... Don't raise your hopes however..." The mage has seen through Akiha's feelings immediately. And she also knows I won't break up with Rika and Arcueid because of the bet.

In other words, Akiha sabotaging me would only sabotage herself. It's just that the heiress of the Tohno's is not aware of this. I imagine Touko is about to have some pity and tell her the truth, but before she has the chance...

Akiha interjects. "What do you mean by that?" Her hair has regained it's lost red colouring. "Are you saying my... Are you calling Yuta Okkotsu incompetent?" Ah, yet again she's making my heart race with seemingly meaningless compliments.

Save me Rika...! Akiha decided to turn up her seduction levels to a hundred out of nowhere!

Touko nods. "Of course. He has all that potential and has done nothing with it." It's clear she doesn't mean what she said, or at least she doesn't mean to offend. But Akiha doesn't know this, so she misreads the situation.

Just like I misread her own survival instincts, because Akiha hits the table once again and...

"Now listen here, Scarred Red, watch what your dirty disowned mouth says about my man!" Dooms us all.



I would bet my Money on Akiha between the two. Touko is more cruel and scary but I believe in the power of batshit horny Oni blood.

Failure Ninja

This is the start of akiha being cucked as revenge isn't it lmao