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"To my side... C-Cas-?" I can't quite remember her name, but I connect with her anyways, maybe because it took me a bit more time to forget it in the first place. "I... To my side!" And then I break that contract off, instead seeking something new.

Attila the Hun Answers, she saves me, we go to my house, there's no one there, I go to sleep. It's a familiar story, and normally it would continue on its marry way as Hideaki Emiya foolishly fumbles around like a headless chicken.

So... why do I feel like I'm meeting the wrong giant woman right now? "Hah? What's this? Who's this woman?" Nine tails, nine suns, she casually lays down while those things swing behind her gigantic body.

I take a step back. "A-Alte...!" I'm desperately trying to call for my servant, but that feels impossible right now. And it's not just because of fear either, it's also something telling me that it would be impossible to do so.

I don't mind betting on a one percent chance of victory, nor do I mind betting on a zero point one percent chance of victory... But winning here is quite literally impossible. Even if I used all my Command Seals, this woman would just get even angrier and stop them.

Even that ring would probably mean nothing, I think... Even if it does have some way of combating this gigantic woman, I don't know how to use it anyways. It was a herculean effort just to heal my leg.

She glares at me. "I asked... who was that woman? What were you doing with her?" Her mouth has fangs, inhuman fangs. She probably doesn't need them to swallow me with one gulp, but it still feels terrifying.

I muster up all my courage and face her down. "She's... my servant, who I just summoned. Attila the Hun... I was sleeping with her Miss...?" Was calling her miss the right thing to do? Maybe I should have called her majesty instead?

For a moment I become insane enough to think she just sobbed, but surely that was my imagination? "That..." Her eye twitches. "It's always the Moon guys who mess up, first my brother and now you...!" I'm sorry, please don't eat me!

I flinch, but try holding my ground and bowing. "I would like to apologize Miss..." She did not give me her name, but she did not complain about me calling her by something that doesn't scream respect.

She raises an eyebrow. "Do you think I care about your apologies child of a cursed womb? Inconsequential. I care not that a dark skinned woman sleeps beside you, for I am the great and unbeatable goddess Amaterasu." Ah, should I start to pursue shintoism?

I hear a whimper, she sobbed, she definitely sobbed just now! "Yes, I'm definitely Amaterasu, the original one who transcends space and time, and definitely not your wife who used the frustration of getting abandoned to cultivate nine tails and then overpower them all!" I... see?

I slowly nod. "Yeah, that makes sense Miss Amaterasu, since..." Every single bone in my body is screaming at me that I should shut up, that I should get on my knees and beg for mercy. "I never had a wife of any kind. Though Altera is definitely the type of woman I would marry." I feel like this decision will be my end.

But I'm glad I did it, because if there's one thing Hideaki Emiya truly understands about himself... Is that the woman, the goddess who stands in front of him was made to be bullied and broken, because she's way too cute.

Amaterasu definitely whimpers again, basically recoiling on herself. "Eh!? What do you mean you never had any wife!? What do you mean that woman ia your type...!" And then she scowls. "Now listen here little human, I'm not your wife, but if I was, I would be totally hurt right now!" Good.

Her lips are trembling. "This... I imagine to this wife, what you did, connecting and disconnecting the line... Would be like a husband who sends a picture of himself and a high schooler about to enter a love hotel to his adorable, never did anything wrong wife!" It's a good thing I don't have a wife then. Also, why a high scooler!?

Japan shakes... No, this temple which is probably more valuable than the entirety of Japan shakes. That's because Amaterasu is now rolling on the floor with her hands on her head. She's also crying... pathetic.

It's like I'm seeing a child who's throwing a temper tantrum. "Wah....! When did I... that wife which is definitely not me, get a new rival!?" She gets up with a quick hop, now truly towering over me. "And the worst part is that I can't even erase her origin of existence...! Why is she secretly so strong!?" Is she talking about Altera? Did she try erasing Altera from existence!?

She then points at me. "And you...! Just what is going on through your head!? Did you forget all the lovey-dovey time we... you had with her!? You guys went and beat the Buddha right!? That's memorable, right!?" Why is the Buddha suddenly part of this discussion!?

She crouches down, by the way, she's still crying a river... Which is scary considering she's so big it might actually be considered a river. "I can't believe you just used me... her, that way!" I didn't use anyone.

I slowly raise a hand. "Look... Mister Amaterasu... Can I just go?" For a moment I thought about begging her for help, since she's clearly very powerful, but she's such a loser that I think she would just hold me back.

Her crying disappears. "Go? You wanna go? Wanna go get comfy in that woman's arms? Wanna get comfy between her legs?" That's not what I said. "Master, need I remind you what I said happened to cheaters?" Yes apparently. Seriously, where did the Master part come from.

I tilt my head. "Please do, because I don't remember anything about you. To be honest it's surprises me that we ever even met in the past." You think I would have remembered someone like this, but apparently... no.

She immediately goes back to crying. "This isn't fair...! I had reached the good ending, that happy life was right in front of me! No, not in front, it was literally in my palms!" I see, except I don't. "This feels like I have been playing a NTR game, except the NTR is only revealed at the ending scene! That's way too cruel!" Weren't you about to remind me of something...?

She's bawling her eyes out. "A childhood friend who got stolen with threats of violence! ! A tsundere mage who got stolen with promises of recognition! A priestess who got stolen by taking it on the ass! I feel like someone suddenly revealed all that to me, the generic heroic protagonist! I'm seeing a Master/Dear who suddenly got stolen by Kuudere charms!" This feels... almost like a routine. I definitely have made this woman cry countless times.

I might be a bad person.

She cries until she cannot cry anymore. "Y-you see what happens to cheaters is..." And then she's back to trying to sound threatening, it fails. "Death. I will obviously kill them both for breaking my little... her little cold heart!" And you're even back to saying that supposed wife isn't you!?

Amaterasu sighs. "Well, offing you is a bit too much, you said sleep, but I know there wasn't anything sexual so..." In a flash she picks me up, I never have any time to mount a resistance. "I'll just eat you up forever. Yeah! Mikon! ♡" That's...

I try my best to break free from her hand by struggling, I'm failing miserable. "You...! I'm not letting you kill me." Though with what she said... She might be planning to torture me forever instead. Like eating parts of me with those fangs of her then regenerating my body. An endless cycle of death.

I don't care though, that will just give me enough time to give her food poisoning, so I glare at her with all my might.

Which... makes her face go red. "Oh...! Oh...! Yes, I'm getting so excited that I will continue to add ♡ to my dialogue!" She's now panting. "That's the handsome soul I saw! That's the handsome soul I brag about on the Tammynet!" The what net!?

I feel like I just made things worse. "Yes... It will be just the two of us in this love nest forever! ♡" Huh? "That BB girl can cry and moan all she wants, but now you're mine and mine alone! You don't belong to any other bimbo!" She's...

She then giggles. "Oh, I might occasionally make some of those little pathetic wannabe cats watch sometimes though, since this Tamamo is such an understanding soul! ☆" Aren't you supposed to be Amaterasu!?

My eye is twitching. "Didn't you just said you were gonna eat me? What the hell are you talking about!?" Maybe I should not have given up so easily on the call Altera by using all my Command Seals plan.

She grins. "I will eat you, over and over again." Suddenly I experience the most horrifying thing that has ever been done to my body. Amaterasu/Tamamo licks my face. "I'm big now, but we'll find someway of fucking until we become husk! Okay!? ♡" No, not okay!

Mom, help me, a stranger just touched me in strange places.

Bad? End 01 - Why are there so many giant women running around?


There is a poor woman struggling on the ground, she's completely tied up. What's with this type of BDSM!? Oh, she's also that legendary tiger who you might or might not have heard about a few times.

The cutest heroine in the entire world kicks that tiger in the chest. "That's right...! The Taiga Dojo is no more!" She nods to herself. "Now it's the BB Dojo... which means I'll need a cute little helper too, but Illya went and kicked the bucket a few years ago..." How troublesome!

BB suddenly snaps her fingers. "Oh! I know! We can rotate between my daughters...! How about my cute little Violet! She's the only one who's serious about her job after all..." Eh? Not Meltryllis? Cancel this show.

BB looks down. "Eh...? Calling her right now? If you you're giving suggestions, wouldn't Kazura Drop fit with this situation more?" Then call her. "Are you crazy!? And let her discover her perverted side!?" True...

In a flash of pink light the least popular Alter-Ego appears. "BB, what are your orders?" She's a mature woman, wearing glasses... She also looks like Sakura Matou, because of course she does. In fact, she looks like the Sakura Matou of today.

BB smiles at the only daughter/herself that she likes. "We need to do a comedy routine! So like... I call you hag because you're old and stuff, and then you cry!" Just the explanation was enough to make Violet cry.

As expected.

BB sighs. "Well... sorry, that was mean. I mean, you look like you're on your early thirties, the fact that you're considered a undesired Christmas cake shows the foolishness of Japan!" This devilish heroine is wise!

She might just be wise enough to tell you what you should have done to evade this bad ending. "Okay, so it's pretty easy Senpai. Instead of doing things halfway... You should have gotten eaten!" Yes.

Wait, that's not it! Thankfully Violet is here to help! "I... so that is Hideaki Emiya, I want to see more of him." Or she won't, since her yandere delusions are beginning to activate.

Well, it's not like the Taiga Dojo was ever helpful, were you really expecting something better from the BB dojo!?


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