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I slowly open my eyes, the light from outside waking me up and making me uncomfortable. Where are curtains when you need them? Well, definitely not on Megumin's house, they probably can't afford such a purposeless luxury, sad as it is.

But why am I sleeping on Megumin's house anyways? Oh, right yesterday I came here to reunite with everyone and then I... I had a talk with Wolbach, where she explained a bunch of stuff, a bunch of scary stuff at that.

A frustrated groan leaves my mouth. "What a pain..." And to think this entire time I was doing everything as wrong as they could be done. Seriously, just how much must everyone I have rejected be hurting right now?

Is Sylphiette really happy with Rudeus? I didn't get to ask Wolbach how the whole sick works. Was Ariel just faking being over it? Why? Why didn't Aqua tell me about this, she's a goddess right? So surely she would know.

But for now there's no point in thinking about what I can't change. All I have discovered is that I messed up, as usual, and now I should at least try to fix the issues I have created. A poor, innocent princess like Ariel deserves that much at least.

I begin trying to get up, and immediately fail. "What's with these weight...?" I didn't notice until now, probably because I was... processing what happened yesterday, but there are definitely people holding me down from each side.

One is familiar, so I look towards it first. It's Eris, who's sleeping while holding my arm... I can only hope she managed to deal with everything that happened last night, because things will probably get worse from now on.

And to my other side, I find... Frieren, who is holding onto my other arm. She's different from Eris however, almost weightless, I guess that's an elf for you, and not just an elf, a midget elf. I'm surprised she already feels comfortable to sleep while holding on to me though.

Ah... I passed out and woke up surrounded by two beautiful girls who love me above all else. There may be many challenges up ahead, but I feel like I really can't complain, this is definitely an upgrade over my life as an NEET.

I do wonder how... how they, my parents would feel about this however. I have already accepted that I won't be seeing them again, but... Now it's not the time for this, so I shake my head and get ready.

I have to untangle myself from Eris and Frieren, and I have to do without waking them up. Well, I doubt I can actually pull that legendary feat off, but it's not like I have a choice at the current moment, because...

Because I have way too many soulmates, and Subaru Natsuki can't clone himself, therefore every moment must be meaningful. That's specially the case since this soulmates thing doesn't make girls more accepting of harems... My talks with MMT will be the stuff of legends.

First I begin by untangling myself from Eris, I have done this process a bunch of times before, so it's not something I struggle with. That said, for a moment my heart stops, that's because she does move a little.

Furthermore, she mutters, her face filled with discomfort. "No... I don't want to be the thirtieth wife..." And you won't! It's seriously impossible at this point! Besides, I don't care what anyone says, you will always be my number one.

That's probably not a good attitude to have in a harem of course, but it is what it is, the heart can't be controlled after all. Still, I'm sure I will have to confront the Witch of Envy eventually... and hopefully with all my three goddesses by my side as bodyguards!

Now that one of my sides is freed, I need to escape the silver haired elf as well. It shouldn't be too hard, sure elves are stronger than normal humans, but... she's not exactly heavy, and I'm a fit young adult.

I try to pull myself away from her, I'm not met with much success. All I get is some grumbling from her sleeping form. "You're never getting away Flugel..." I really need to leave though! There are lives on the line!

Well, I guess I might as well apply some more force, and... nope. "Flugel... no." What do you mean by no!? I seriously underestimated how strong a motivated Frieren is, but she shouldn't even be motivated considering she's asleep!

But if I can't escape, I will have to become a sinner and wake her up. I just hope she doesn't get grumpy because I woke her up incorrectly or whatever else that Fern was talking about.

I shake her a little bit, trying to be gentle. "Hey... Frieren, I need to go." I hope I don't end up waking up Eris as well... Honestly I'm surprised she even slept on the same bed as the elf, considering how insecure she has been acting.

I receive no reaction, not even more subconscious yandere muttering, so I shake her a bit more... and receive only subconscious yandere muttering! "Flugel... never look away, never leave..." Ah, why is this such a hard task!?

If just getting up in the morning is a challenge, how am I supposed to handle a hundred girls!? Oh... a hundred Frieren's... or a hundred Eris's... or a hund-, nevermind that for now! I must escape my elf prison!

So this time I pull my arm with more force, almost beginning to get up. In fact, since my other arm has been freed from Eris a long time ago, I utilize it to apply even more strength! I will be free, because I was bor-, teleported to this world!

Frieren slowly opens her eyes, while it seems I failed in freeing, I did manage to wake her up. "Flugel...?" I'm surprised she's calling me that, considering how she was just fine calling me Subaru yesterday. Did something happen?

Forget that for now, I have more important stuff to do. "Hey Frieren, could you move a little?" Even if I don't actually have any missions or whatever, I can't waste time. Wasting time means people being sad over my dumbassery.

It's so much responsibility that it almost makes me want to return to my NEET ways, but I know that even if I did, it wouldn't last for very long. I can almost imagine Eris kicking down the door and dragging me outside.

Frieren raises an eyebrow, and then yawns, she's still probably half-asleep. "Huh? Oh." For some reason I feel like she just reached a weird conclusion. "Do you want to breed me Flugel?" No...!? I mean, sort of!

She sighs. "Well, we elves don't have much of a sexual libido..." That can't be right... I haven't talked much with Emilia, but Sylphiette seemed to be normal. "But we can still do it, I guess." W-wait, is it happening!? Right now!?

Frieren releases my arm, which means I have succeed at escaping, I guess. But then she opens her legs. "I'm going back to sleep, but don't let that stop you. Feel free to do whatever you want with my body." And then she closes her eyes again, like she didn't just said what she said.

I get up. "Sweet dreams..." I will be leaving now, in fact I don't feel any temptation at all. Why are my hands on Frieren's pants? Duh, is because I have to pull them down if I want to stick my dick in her!

Control yourself Subaru Natsuki! You have not time for making love, only time for conversing with your destined loves! Besides, as much as I want to have sex with a silver haired elf girl, I want her to awake for it. At least for the first time.

I take a deep breath and actually get up this time. After that I slowly walk over to the door, and put my hand on it, like all of the doors in this house, it's the type where it slides open... I like them.

But before that, a voice interrupts me. "Flugel...? You're actually leaving?" It's Frieren, who is with one eye opened and another closed. She's also keeping her voice low, which is good because I don't want to wake up Eris.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm not the type who likes to over sleep." At least not anymore. "Feel free to do so though, in fact I'm sorry I woke you up again." My teacher turned lover is always yawning when class begins, she's definitely the type who sleeps as much as she can.

A small pout appears on her face. "I never went to sleep in the first place." For real? I guess I didn't give you enough time to do so... "And... aren't you going to... have sex with me?" By the end she has cute red blush.

I have a red blush too now, but it's probably not cute. "Um... no? I need to start the day." Why does she care anyways? Didn't she just say that elves have low sex drive or whatever? Not that I mind of course.

While Eris and Darkness have certainly taught me that sex is great, it still is the part I least care about in our relationship. I would say I'm a romantic, but... my relationship includes way too many people at this point. Ignoring that, my point is that I'm totally fine with loving Frieren even if elves are asexual or close to it.

Frieren extends her arms towards me, her hands open, it's almost like she's trying to grab me, but I'm obviously out of her reach. "Not fair... You can't make me pick between you and sleeping." I'm not making you pick though!

A smile appears on my face, and I begin walking over to her. As soon as she notices that, a smile appears on her face as well, bur she's about to be disappointed. I have no intention of going back to sleep.

I pat her head. "Don't worry, it's not like I'm gonna disappear while you sleep. You don't need to stay attached to me at all time." I already have Darkness for that! Though she hasn't done that since we arrive at this village.

Frieren closes her eyes for a moment, I almost believe she is going to silently return to sleep, but that isn't the case. "You are most likely correct of course." Her eyes open again, they show emotions that I could never comprehend. "But I do not wish to be without nonetheless." And so she starts to slowly get up.

And as she does so, she continues to talk. "Wasting time with sleep alone will accomplish nothing, spending time with you shall fill my heart." I... guess I can't argue with that, as a former NEET and all.

That said, you wouldn't be sleeping alone, Eris is right there! Yeah, I doubt Frieren cares much for my War Goddess. One of the challenges of my new harem pursuing life is going to be making everyone accept a harem after all.

By the time I think that, Frieren is already up. "Okay then, let us start our day Flugel." And yet again she calls me by that name. I don't like it, though I won't object to her decision... It's just that I still can't think of that guy as me.

However, this is an opportunity to ask her why she's doing it. "Hey Frieren, why call me Flugel? You were perfectly fine calling me Subaru yesterday." My given name, not some online nickname that I used in this world as a real one for some reason.

Frieren lightly shrugs. "I did not wish to cause confusion yesterday, but now everyone knows of your past." Oh, you guys told them while I passed out? "And speaking of yesterday... Are you alright Flugel? Wolbach was very sparse with details about what happened... It almost started a fight." I imagine you were the one that escalated the situation, secret yandere that you are.

I can't help, but look away. "It's just..." Should I really tell her the truth? Yeah, I definitely should, she already knows about the basics of it anyways. "So remember when I told you about soulmates?" I will probably need to have this talk with everyone eventually.

It's gonna get super awkward, and some will probably deny it, just like many deny Aqua's divinity, but I will need to see it done anyways. At least I will always have Wolbach on my side, the one silver lining to this messy situation.

Frieren nods with a bright, albeit tired smile. "I could never forget it. Me and you... destined to be together, cruelly torn apart only by my own folly... and by whatever happened to you." Yeah, that's probably the biggest mystery surrounding my life right now.

I pat her head again, her hair feels way too nice. "Don't call yourself a fool." I'm the fool here! "And... well, it turns out I have tons of soulmates, so my harem will only keep getting bigger." The exact number will be one hundred.

What an absolute nightmare, even if my company does succeed, I don't know if it will be enough to support that many people. And what about kids!? Should I just give up on ever having children!? Probably...

Frieren seems genuinely surprised. "I see... I suppose I never expected to have you all by myself, and... there is a girl who..." She shakes her head. "Well, it is not my place to tell you." I wonder if she's talking about Fern.

I take a deep breath. "So... you're fine with it? Like genuinely?" If she isn't then... then I guess my only option is to find someway of appeasing her. I have to be as greedy as possible, not leaving anyone behind.

The elf slowly nods. "Yes, I am fine with it. That said, do not be surprised if I... steal your attention sometimes, through any means necessary." Right, I can't forget that you're a yandere, or I might meet a sudden end.

I smile. "Okay then, let's get ready for our day...!" I sort of scream, but hold back at the last second. Eris is still sleeping after all, and I can't wake her up, even if I desperately want to do my trademarked Subaru Natsuki pose for some reason.

It doesn't take Frieren and I much time to get ready and before long we are moving to the living room, where we can hear the chatter of many people. I guess they must be eating breakfast or something.

We enter, I take a deep breath, Subaru Natsuki dies. In his place, a new Subaru Natsuki is born, and he is the type of man who is annoyingly insistent, the tupe of man who will get a harem no matter the cost!

Fern is the first to notice us, and her eyes immediately widen. "Master, you are already out of bed!?" Is it a giant surprise or something!? Well, considering what I just experienced, I guess it is...

Frieren covers her mouth with an yawn. "I was planning on sleeping for a little while longer, but Flugel basically dragged me here." I did no such thing...! And right, I can't forget that everyone already knows I'm Flugel.

I scan the room, seeing if there will be any weird reactions to her referring to me as the Sage, but nope, it seems everyone has basically accepted it already. In a way that makes me both sad and glad.

Fern gasps. "I see...! I let you sleep for today because you were with your lover, but..." She sends me a look full of admiration. "The Sage really is amazing!" Getting Frieren out of bed is not a sagely feat!

Before long Frieren and I are sitting down as well, eating with everyone else. It's a normal day, as if I hadn't passed out yesterday, as if that dark pillar hadn't disappeared yesterday, as if I didn't learn I was the Sage yesterday.

Darkness finishes her food. "Um... not to be rude, but may I have a second serving?" I doubt it. Megumin's family isn't exactly rich! In fact we are eating the food I bought for them literally right now.

To my surprise however, Mamagumin quickly nods and gives her more. "Anything for you! Ah, aren't I supportive and nice? I'm very motherly!" She has bags under her eyes, and I have a feeling she hasn't slept a wink.

I built up courage, and then... "Yuiyui..." As soon as I call her out, I feel that courage popping like a balloon! What am I supposed to even say in this situation!? "You're l-lookin' good today!" This is the best I could come up with.

Most of the table ignores my comment, but there are a few exceptions of course. Firstly there's Wolbach, who sends me a thumbs, secondly there Hyoizaburoo... who also sends me a thumbs up. That's your wife man.

And then there's Aqua who sighs, and Megumin who glares at me. "Don't start with it Purge King..." She mutters those words with spite dripping out of her tongue. I may not survive this nice breakfast.

But the most important reaction is from Yuiyui, who immediately blushes. "R-really...? I do?" I can almost see the lines under her eyes disappear... and a few wrinkles on her face too. Hey, she wasn't using magic to fake looking depressed, was she!?

I supposed it doesn't matter. "Y-yes, but it's no surprise, you always look good." I must tap into the power of that guy without completely giving myself to it. I don't want to end this nice chat by bending her over the table while her daughter watches in horror. Mostly because that daughter would kill me.

I can actually see hearts appears on her eyes... I think, I might be hallucinating over all this embarrassment. "Oh! Subaru...!" But this is working, even if I knew Yuiyui wasn't exactly gonna be the hardest target anyways.

Megumin's eyes start to glow... but to my surprise she actually glares at Aqua, not at me. "Hey, are you sure it was really all okay with him?" Ah, so Aqua healed me after I passed out, that makes sense.

Aqua nods, her face filled with disinterest. "Ayup, Subaru is all fine and dandy..." She then looks at me. "At least physically..." What's that supposed to mean!? Don't act all cocky, you know why I am like this right now!

But I ignore the peanut gallery, for now Smittenbaru must conquer the usual Paranoidbaru so that I may lay the princess...! It goes without saying, but Yuiyui is obviously snow white.

I extend my own hand, and put it on Mamagumin's cheek. "Yuiyui... you... um... I wanna fuck you so bad." Ah!? Damn it, I tried drawing my scumbilities, but ended pulling way too damn hard! At least I didn't lie... seriously, there's no point in being in denial now.

I will need to make this woman mine, just as I will need to make many other women mine. So there's no need to think about how I definitely don't want to sleep with her, because hopefully, by the end of this visit, Yuiyui will be in a loving relationship with me.

Earlier before, I thought about how my parents would feel about my current situation. I don't imagine they would be too happy with me pursuing a woman who's essentially their age, but I fate picked this for me, literally.

Silence fills the room, but it's broken by Hyoizaburoo fist bumping the air. "Yes! Nobody can resist the charms of my ex-wife for long...!" You are way too supportive of this whole thing.

Wolbach, who's covering Komekko's ears, whispers in my direction. "You're doing great..." By her facial expression, I can tell she does not think I'm doing great, still she supports me like the rock that she is.

Megumin gets up. "Okay Aqua, check his head again! Before I burst it open!" Aqua ignores her with a roll of her eyes, and I will have to do the same. Though... my guard is now up, in case MMT gets any funny ideas.

She's not the only Gumin to get up either, Yuiyui follows suit. "Okay Subaru, let's go to my room." Right now!? "We can do it right now, really we can do it anytime you want...! I'm very motherly by the way." Why are you focusing on that!?

Megumin glares at Yuiyui. "M-mom!? What are you doing!? Weren't you back to normal!? You definitely were, considering you were acting normally a second ago!" What you consider normal for your mother is very depressing.

Yuiyui glares at her. "I don't need to be normal. Now step back Megumin, I love you, but even one's beloved children have limits when asking things out of their parents." She's glaring at her own daughter with spite.

This is bad, because I will have to drag them both to my bed eventually... I get up. "No need to fight you two... there's plenty of me to go around." Stop...! I need to stop before I die! "Let's have a threesome." This will be my life from now on.

Wolbach's jaw has hit the floor, I have a feeling she doesn't quite support my methods as she used to. But in my defense, just what am I supposed to do!? I don't know how I should be acting around mother and daughter!

Fern seems to be lost in disbelief. "Maybe... Maybe Lady Megumin is onto something when she said Lord Subaru had not healed with his short rest." The purple haired mage most likely had tons of respect for the Sage. She does not anymore.

Frieren shakes her head. "No, that's just how the sex appetites of humans are. I didn't handle his urges this morning, so now he's acting like this." Yep, this is all your fault. Thank you my love, for giving me an excuse for my scummy actions.

Fern's eye twitches. "I... do not believe that to be the case... But it's not like I have spent much time with a man who is young during my life." I take it back! I don't want to use this excuse, so please clear that misconception Frieren!

Hyoizaburoo is lost in thought. "The Sage... The Purge King... Soon to be rich... Lover of the Slayer, a Dark Goddess and the amnesiac Witch of Envy... Has a super cool dark tower...!" He sends me a thumbs up. "Just barely worthy of my daughter!" I gained your approval!?

Aqua glares at Wolbach. "This is your fault, so apologize later." What!? For once you are actually defending me instead of acting crazy!? Please stop, I deserve no shields, and this isn't Wolbach's fault.

Yuiyui seems weirded out by comment, taking a step back. "M-mother and daughter...? On the same bed?" Ah, I overstepped... Just wait until she learns I'm aiming for Komekko too... In a few years of course!

Megumin is green on the face. "Purge King... is this... a inner demon!?" Oh no. "I get it! It turns out the Sage is actually some super pervert and he's trying to control your body...! Fight it! Fight his influence!" Please never fight your Gumin influence.

Hey... isn't this an strange opportunity though? I could just... nod along to her theory and sit down again... Man who back down don't have harems. They have orderly good lives, but no harems...!

I move closer to MMT, so close that she begins to blush. "Megumin-Tan... There is no inner demon." There sort of is, but let's ignore Drunkbaru for now, even if I'm literally drawing upon his power without the use of alcohol at this very moment.

I wrap my arms around her, ignoring her gasp. Both of my hands lower down, and I give her butt cheeks a good squeeze. "Now let's go to your mom's room, you're gonna be screaming my name on your parents' bed." No. Backing. Down.

While Megumin processes reality, Yuiyui tilts her head. "That's... that's totally fine!" She's in!? "I should have expected this really! Yeah!" You shouldn't, I'm sorry. "And if I refuse he could dump me again... I would lose my prince." I feel like I traumatized her, specially since her eyes are so cold.

Still, her comment reboots Megumin. "H-hell no!" She escapes my grasp quite easily after that shout. I'm stronger than MMT by a big margin, but I'm not willing to literally hold her down against her will.

Her mom is however, as she literally comes up from behind and holds her daughter in place. "Now, now Megumin... If you don't stop... I will put you to sleep." Hah? "What do you prefer? Feeling as it goes, or suddenly waking up feeling cum dripping down your tights?" She ends that by licking Megumin's ears.

The girl is too shocked, simply trying to stare back at her mom in terror. So Yuiyui continues unchallenged. "You've been a virgin for long enough... It's not unusual for daughters to be sold in arranged marriages, so don't resist and let my... my man take your hymen." I was a fool to ever call Frieren a yandere, this is a yandere.

Megumin starts struggling to break free. "No...! Never! And what's with the licking thing!?" She begins muttering as her eyes turn into swirls. "I... I'm fine with doing with Purge King, but dragging my mom is too much... what's next, Komekko!?" Immediately all our eyes fall on the young girl.

Right now both her eyes and her ears are being covered by Wolbach and... Hyoizaburoo. And those two... are still sending a thumbs up my way. Wolbach is truly an amazing rock... But seriously, am I not breaking your morals here!?

Yuiyui squints her eyes. "Well, if... if Subaru wants it..." She then looks at me. "So, shall we upgrade this to a foursome my dearest!?" You're actually giving your approval!?

This has gone on for far too long! Even I still have morals! "No, not Komekko... she's just a kid." A super young kid. I will handle the fact that she's my soulmate once she actually understands what sex even is. "I will take you and Megumin though." What morals!? You're trash Subaru Natsuki!

Megumin shrieks. "Ah...! I won't fall prey to a fantasy straight out of Kazuma's dreams!" While struggling, she ends up hitting Yuiyui in the gut, the Gumin has no choice, but to release her daughter.

Yuiyui's eye twitches as she spitefully mutters. "You, just for that...! Let's see if you will like waking up with sticky hot fluids in your ass, young lady!" Don't say that about your own daughter!

Not that she's here anymore, since Megumin has taken this opportunity to run away, jumping out from a windown. She's wise to do so, for that beast has come out and I do not know how to control him.

Yuiyui looks at me, a... pure... smile on her face. "Should I pursue her my dearest?" I... don't know how to respond to that. "Oh, please don't be sad, she's just acting all tsuntsun. She had the balls to masturbate yesterday and moan your name... acting like the walls of this place aren't as thin as paper." I still don't know how to respond...

So I look at Wolbach and beg her for help with my eyes. The goddess now sends me two thumbs ups! The power of having two hands freed. "Just keep doing what you're doing, don't forget that while she ran away, she loves you more than literally anything." Yeah, that's part of why I feel awful!

I nod. "Thanks for the advice..." Then I look at Yuiyui. "No need, I'll go find her myself... She's my woman after all!" No. Backing. Down.

Suddenly a large scream reaches my ears, it's from Darkness, who now reminded of my existence. "Oh, don't mind me, just looking at this beautiful butterfly I call a lover." She's panting on the ground, her face bright red.

The fact that Darkness has come from my sheer presence probably means it's all over for me, but...

No! Backing! Down!


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