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"So Rider, are there any red heads among the survivors your found?" As we walk towards the shelter, I can't help but ask her. The reason for that is obvious, I want to know if my dad is alive and well.

Though I'll check out the place even if he isn't there, it will be a good thing to see that humanity has not been extinguished. And of course, I will help however is running the shelter with whatever they might need.

Rider hums, thinking, I guess. "Nope." Ah, that's a disappointment. Mother and Rider will follow my father wherever he goes, which means they probably aren't there as well. "Sorry to disappoint you handsome, but what exactly are you looking for?" Don't call me handsome.

Altera glares at her. "Do not call my Master handsome." I'm very handsome though...! And yes, I didn't want her calling me that, but it's mostly because she looks like a kid, there was no reason for you of all people to object!

I sigh, I just took two gut punches. "I'm looking for my parents, but I'm guessing they aren't on this shelter... So, how many people are there anyways?" Hopefully we have found that ten percent BB was talking about.

Rider smiles. "Around... twenty people? A few of them are children as well." She then giggles. "And a few are very handsome! Though none of them have really lit a fire in my heart yet." Clearly there is something going on with your heart, and it isn't good!

Her smile disappears. "And the fact that there are so many makes supply runs a pain, but the person running the shelter doesn't want to leave anyone behind." Hah, who knows maybe my dad is there after all!

For a second, I think about patting her head and saying good job, but I hold back. This is a servant after all, even if she does not give the same aura of excellency as Altera, she's still someone who could kill me in seconds. And there's also the fact that she makes me feel weird...

So instead I'll just keep questioning her. "I don't see any supplies with you." I guess I have some. I don't really mind giving them away though, I can always find more, and those people can't.

Rider nods. "That's because this wasn't a supply run, I was looking for other humans. That's because I had only barely explored that side of Fuyuki... Something evil was summoned there, so I got scared for a while." Something evil...?

The first thing I think of is Altera's summoning, she is not evil of course, but she could probably give off that feeling. I could be wrong though, which is very worrying, I don't want to suddenly find out there was some malicious demon in our area.

Suddenly Rider walks closer to me and grips my arm. "But you'll protect me, won't you handsome?" I'll try protecting and saving as many people as I can of course, but I'm pretty sure you could bench press a car.

Altera splits us immediately. "Do not get so close to my Master, we do not trust you." There's also that. "And do not ask for protection from a normal human. Fool." Just please don't call her a fool, she's super young so it's only natural really.

The fox pouts. "But... Handsome might be a normal human, but he's an incredible mage, isn't he?" She points at my hand. "Of course, that strength comes from a ring. That's because rings are wonderful." Oh, a misunderstanding has been born.

Altera doesn't move from her spot. "A mage should still not fight for a servant." It surprises me that Saber doesn't tell her the truth about the ring, but then I think about it more and things start to make sense...

If you enemy commits a mistake, there is no need to correct him, that's a simple part of strategy. Of course, so far Rider doesn't seem to be an enemy, but we can't be completely sure just yet.

Still the fact that a someone can assume I'm a big deal with just one look because of the ring is worrying. I hope it doesn't end up pulling us into useless conflicts, specially because I don't know how to use this thing.

Back then, I just really didn't want to die before I fulfilled my wish, and because I betrayed...? Someone, and dying after that would just be pathetic. Somehow the ring listened to that... I also know the ring has tons of mana, more than enough to sustain Altera.

Rider looks down and starts walking faster. "Of course he doesn't, you dum-...!" Thankfully she stops herself before insulting Altera, instead she starts to mutter to herself. "I guess this one is unavailable, well I don't want to play second fiddle anyways. A master can only support one servant." She sounds incredibly frustrated.

And she also said something interesting. "The way you talk almost sounds like you're looking for a Master..." Could I support more than one servant? The description of that game said it was impossible, but Altera did say the ring had enough mana for a dozen...

Rider blushes bright red. "Y-you heard that...?" You did say it outloud. "In any case, yes, I do lack a Master currently. Sadly, I haven't found a human capable of being one either..." So there are no mages among the survivors.

Altera is back to glaring at her. "What do you mean you don't have a Master? Such a thing should be impossible. You are no archer after all, I doubt you have Independent Action." That skill... I'm trying to remember what it is.

The game site had a list of them, or at least the basic Class Skills. I think that was the one who allowed a servant to survive a few more hours or days without a servant, which sounds kind of useless to be honest.

Rider tries to hide the fact that she's rolling her eyes, she's not very good at it. "Yep, I don't have Independent Action, but there's still something providing me with enough mana to stay around. That said, it's weak, and if I tried to fight a servant with a Master I would definitely lose." So you're basically a rogue servant?

She giggles a bit. "It's funny really, even though I'm super weakened, I still have to do supply runs and look for survivors. Couldn't the other servant at the shelter do something too? Lazy bum..." Did she just?

Both Altera and I stop walking. The reason for that is simple, this girl has slowly been leading us to another servant, another possible enemy, an opportunity for Saber to be overwhelmed and killed.

This time I am the one to glare at her. "Explain Rider." Why do I have a strange feeling of deja vu right now? It's not like I make a habit of glaring at fox women while demanding explanations for dumb shit that they say.

Rider immediately raises her hands in panic. "E-explain what Handsome? I didn't do anything weird... yet." Did she not even realize what she said? Or does she think we trusted her more at this point.

Altera points her sword at Rider. "Explain why you are leading us to another servant." I don't want to think this whole thing is a trap, but one can never know for sure.

Rider's body is trembling, I don't think she lied when she said she was weakened. "Um... it's the servant of the person leading the shelter. I did say I met a servant and master pair before, didn't I?" She did, but she didn't say we were gonna go meet them.

Still, there's no reason for a human to raise a hand against me. "I see. Give us more information about them." If I must walk to the snake's den, I want to at least know which type of snake I will be facing.

Rider immediately complies. "First, he's super weak, his only use is that those monster's avoid places where servants are, so he's kinda like a repel for them. The actual fighter is their master, she's the one who cleared the monsters around the apartment complex." So the servant is not the fighter? Weird.

She continues. "And... he's a caster too, but he literally can't do anything. Even though he has a master I could beat him." It seems that this is all the information she's willing to give, it both feels like a lot, and it doesn't at the same time.

I look at Altera. "What do you think Saber?" If she thinks it's a trap we should probably ditch Rider immediately. It's a pain, but we will return to our look for survivors... Besides, my family isn't even on this supposed shelter anyways.

Altera takes some time to respond. "A caster is more dangerous the more time he has to prepare, and this woman is leading us to his house... the answer is obvious." So we run... "I suggest we follow her." For real!?

I raise an eyebrow. "Any reason for that? I'm not really understanding your angle here." For me this definitely seems like the type of situation that should make us run for the hills.

Altera looks to the sky. "Not much time has passed since the end began. Rider is weak, she is no threat, but this Caster could become one if given time... So let's kill him now. Unless he's not an enemy of course." Right, I didn't take the fact that things just started into consideration.

I take a deep breath. "Got it, thanks Saber." And then I look at the small trembling figure of Rider. "We'll follow you, but this better not be a trap, and..." I walk closer to her, and surrender to my base instincts. That is to say, I pat her head. "Sorry for scaring you." So far she is not our enemy.

Slowly she nods. "It's okay Handsome." And then she sighs. "Really, must they all be gay or have some insane lover?" You know I can hear you, right?

What a cute weirdo.


"I sense a servant." Altera declares what is most likely Caster's presence as soon as we enter the lobby of the building. I guess he decided to come and greet us, which makes sense considering we are unknowns entering this shelter.

Welp, I'd struggle to call it a shelter really. Apparently Caster's master just cleaned up an apartment complex of all enemies and put a bunch of humans to live here, where they can be safe. It sucks that elevators aren't working though, because these people will need to use the stairs.

But this place isn't so bad, I can't even see any blood inside of here! The master must have literally cleaned this place as well, or at least parts of it of course, this isn't exactly a small building. It's good that she did so, because it will be good for the mental health of the people living here.

In a flash of blue light, a blue haired boy appears. "And I sense a servant too. Now, who are these fools entering the viper's den?" Are you actually referring to the shelter as a viper's den!? Well, I sort of did that too...

More than that however, isn't this kind of strange? This is the second child that is a heroic spirit that I have met. Just what kind of legend does he have anyways? Am I seeing Peter Pan right now?

Altera glares at him, but before she says anything, Rider speaks up. "Saber is a servant I found while looking for survivor. Anyways, enough about fools, this... man is Hideaki Emiya, a Master." By the end Altera is glaring at her!

I wave at him. "Yo. Nice to meet you...? I'm guessing you're Caster, right?" For some reason he is giving me a bad vibe. Just like Rider, he doesn't omit the sheer excellency that Altera does, but there's still something unsettling about him.

He raises an eyebrow. "Hoh...? Are you afraid of yourself or something?" What's that supposed to mean...? "Okay, Rider please take Saber out of the building, I want to talk with this boy. Alone." That's an awful idea.

Altera immediately points her blade at him. "The moment Master leaves my sight is the moment you life ends." Scary! But I can't blame her for saying that. I definitely shouldn't trust Caster.

Rider is now looking between Altera and Caster, but the child just laughs... isn't his voice a bit too deep for a kid!? "Well, so it has already happened? A love story is no good if it ends on chapter one, but this is clearly not one, and I suppose one cannot blame Kaguya for desiring the burning passion of an Earthling." This guy is making no sense...

Altera definitely agrees, seeing as her glare hasn't diminished at all. I guess it's my turn to try for diplomacy. "Sorry Caster, but there's no way I'm just gonna... be alone with you. I'm not suicidal." Hopefully that will make him understand.

He nods. "Yes, you don't seem to be. Don't worry however, I'm as weak as they come, it's no exaggeration to say that even without that ring of yours you could kill me." That's hard to believe, I know what servants are capable of.

He sighs, not sounding frustrated, just tired. "Well, here's a deal. Let's have a talk and I'll... help you pick up girls, all teenagers seek reproduction, don't they?" I blush, and Altera's glare gets worse. "I'm quite skilled at analyzing people, so give me three names and I'll tell you everything I know about them." That sounds like an awful deal.

But he continues. "You see, I have a skill called Human Observation. It does what it says it does, and while it is no heroic instinct or the ability to read minds... I'm good at being scum." How does that relate to anything!? "And my name is Hans Christian Andersen. I believe that should enlighten you of my weakness?" Not really...?

Altera's eyes widen. "You would so easily give your name? If nothing else, you have proven yourself a fool." I don't really know if that's the case, because as embarrassing as it is, I have no idea who this guy is...

Rider awkwardly looks away. "Well, that's Andersen for you. He's only acts normal around the surviving children... and he doesn't consider me one for some reason. Not my type at all." At the end she is blushing.

Andersen smirks. "A fox changes into a beautiful woman and marries a man, the man tell himself that she is beauty incarnate, she's still a fox of course, that man is making love to a fox. Act your age, you stupid newborn hag, you give shame to the word innocence." O-oi!? Did he just talk shit about her!?

He then looks at me. "That story ends with the fox being hunted down and killed by the way. The fox was food, and then she was eaten, then she became food and got eaten again. Nonetheless at the end she hoped that he would be salivating for another bite." Does this guy insist in saying stuff like this!?

And the worst part is that Rider isn't even reacting to what he says, probably because she's used to it. "So Hideaki Emiya, will you take my deal? I will warn you however, that if you refuse to look at the mirror, then you should leave this place immediately. For your own good of course." I...

Now it's my turn to sigh. "Sorry, but I can't take the deal." He doesn't seem disappointed or happy, just apathetic. "That's because I never heard of the name Hans Christian Andersen. I don't know what it means." And now he looks heart broken.

He truly looks like he just got punched in the face. "I... well, I am just a pathetic nobody." And then his eyes widen. "Ah!? Who am I lying towards!? I'm mad! What are they teaching kids in schools nowadays!? Has Shakespeare truly eaten the entire stock market!?" We pretty much learn what the Harweys let's us learn.

Altera looks at me. "Hans Christian Andersen was a famous writer... He does not lie when he says he's weak and pathetic. I believe I could reach you from outside the moment he released any bloodlust." So she's telling me that it's okay to take his deal?

Well then... "Got it." I take a deep breath. "Caster, I will accept, but only if you give me advice for four people." Because there are four people he should know. Ah, this isn't because I'm trying to get laid by the way, it's just because I know a servant's skill is useful.

His smirk returns. "Um... I see who you are talking about. Okay, I don't mind it, just be aware that as I said, it is no mind reading or other supernatural ability. I can grasp a lot from a glance, in fact I already know everything about your servant, but I do not know that venomous woman well yet." I have a feeling he knows what I want to ask before I even ask.

I look at Altera. "So... see ya soon. Please jump in if he tries to kill me." Altera nods and slowly leaves the building with Rider. She never even takes her eyes off me, and that's probably a good thing.

Andersen closes his eyes. "So it starts..." He slowly opens them. "Feel free to lie, that says more than the truth when analyzing someone's character. At least sometimes." So we are having our discussion before I receive my advice? Fine.

I nod. "I think it would be pointless to lie to a man who supposedly has a skill called Human Observation, but sure. Ask your questions..." I'm ready. Or at least I think I am, I might sputter if he asks anything embarrassing.

He makes a thinking pose. "Did you ever have any lover?" He's definitely asking something embarrassing! "I'm not coming onto you by the way." I didn't even think about that! "It's just that this question can answer much about someone..." If you says so...

I swallow my embarrassment. "I never had any lover, in fact I pretty much have zero friends too." There, I said it. If he wants to laugh and call me a loser, I guess this is his prime opportunity.

He snorts. "Well now, no need to brag." I wasn't bragging...! "I just asked about your non-existent lovers after all, not your non-existent friends." Yes, but I thought they would relate with each other...!

He return to apathy. "Humans are social creatures. You have no friends or lovers... why is that? It is certainly not anxiety, for you spoke far too easily with legends." His eyes gain a strange glimmer to them. "Ah, I understand, it's pride and entitlement." No...? As I thought, I don't like this guy.

He crosses his arms. "So, why are you here Hideaki Emiya? Do you seek shelter?" No, I don't really need it. Also, can we go back to you calling me prideful and entitled!? Because I'm definitely not.

My eye twitches. "I was looking for my family... that was the initial reason why I followed Rider. I figured out they weren't here on the way though, so I'm just here to check things out." And now I kind of want to leave.

He smiles. "A family man? Yes, I suppose one does not pick who birthed him. Anyways, about the people here... Put them aside for a moment, for now answer me this. What's your most dearest wish?" Huh, that's kind of a generic question.

I shrug. "I want to be a hero of justice." World domination. Ah... I just lied didn't I? But at the same time, it's not really a lie, so it should sort of be okay.

He begins laughing, at first it starts normal, but then gets hysterical. "I see...! I see...!" And then he suddenly stopped. "The next question is very personal, so feel free to deny it. Hideaki where you abused while growing up?" H-huh? "Were you raised in a cult? Are you an orphan who received a huge inheritance? Are you a lucky man or an unlucky man?" I...

Really don't like this guy. "I was raised in a pretty normal family, I wasn't abused... Well, I was probably spoiled, if you consider that being abused. I'm a pretty lucky guy, if we ignore this current situation." It affected everyone anyways, it's beyond simple luck.

Andersen now has a modest smile on his face. "And so the fruit hasn't rotted... Even if I can't quite put a name to it's species just yet." He clears his throat. "Hideaki Emiya, my job is judging, even if I have no high moral standing. That's why, please take this to the heart." Oh? He's gonna give me advice?

He looks me right in the eye. "Just as I have no right to judge, you have no right to be evil, so before you turn into a nightmare, I ask you to do the impossible. Change and grow as a person, you damn brat!" This guy...

He chuckles. "Enough about you however. Tell me a name and I'll read what I know about their hearts for you." To be honest, I don't know if I can exactly trust your readings anymore, but I got this far.

Well, I already know the four people I want to hear about. "First, tell me what Altera's heart is like." This will be a good determing point to see if he's full of bullshit or not, since I know Altera fairly well at this point.

He nods. "Sure, but my reading will be superficial, I just met her after all." That makes sense... Ah, this is a waste of time. "That woman is like Kaguya, descending from the Moon and begging to be whisked away." The Moon princess?

That's funny, in a way. "Thankfully for you, it was easy to sidestep her impossible challenges. She must not be your type of woman right? Considering any other person could have taken her heart..." She's definitely my type of woman!

He sighs. "Though admittedly... Perhaps that challenge was harder than I think? Or maybe this is not a story about boy meets girl, but instead about boy keeps girl?" He begins to laugh. "Yes, that is correct! She will return to Moon eventually, so at least make sure to get immortality out of it." She's still technically in the Moon, actually.

A smirk appears on his face. "That is to say... That woman is already desperately in love with you. Your face is her reason for being happy, your voice brings her out of the darkness, and her heart beats to keep up with yours. Good job emperor." H-hah!?

I take a step back. "A-are you saying that Altera is in love with me!? We met each other today!" Or maybe yesterday, I can't tell the time to know if it's past midnight after all.

He nods. "You two did. And...? None of that matters to her, because there is such a thing as love at first sight. That said, don't trust her, she's the type who betrays at the end, a true woman." Did you just drop some misogyny in your analysis?

Nevermind that for now. "What do you mean by betrays at the end?" I won't let him plant any seeds of distrust between me and my servant of course, but now I'm a bit curious about what his delusional mind has come up.

He hums. "Imagine this, you are close to your dream... She will break you just before it, and then drag you back to her home. Her home is you/her of course." He nods to himself. "She's a good servant for you, an awful woman should keep you from becoming a honored one." Are you complimenting her or not?

He waves his hand. "By the way, I don't know if she's ready to commit to any hipwork just yet, her love is purely that of the soul after all. Also, I died a virgin so I have no idea when a woman is in the mood." Then why am I listening to your advice!?

I wave him off to hide my embarrassment. "Next! Next! Um... tell me about Rider!" I don't even know why I'm keeping up with this scammer. It's obvious that he needs way more time to analyze someone.

He nods. "No need to scream, but sure let's talk about the fox. First of all, she's a woman. That alone tells you that she's awful in all the ways one could be awful." No, it definitely doesn't! It tells me nothing about her!

I glare at him. "How am I ever gonna get anything from the word woman? All you're telling me is her gender." The power of sexism isn't exactly enlightening my mind. I expected more from a writer.

He seems confused for a moment, but then he waves me off. "Don't worry, I'm not being misogynistic, even if I do hate all women." Oi. "What I mean isn't simple that Rider is a woman/gender, I mean that she's a woman/myth. Does that make sense?" No...?

He shrugs. "Well, I will just continue. It will be up to you to put the pieces together if you wish to indulge yourself in the body and soul of a fox." Now I kind of wish you had said this stuff in front of them.

He raises a finger. "So as I was saying, that woman is the devil. She is attracted to the light however, and so she seeks it with all her heart... And yet light only rejects her. She understands that instinctively, so instead she seeks someone who wears a coat of it." He nods to himself. "If that coat paints her lovers insides, then surely that will happen to her as well when that lover paints her insides. If you catch my drift." I don't. At this point I'm just going along for the ride.

He frowns. "In summary, her perfect lover would be a samurai who cuts in the name of peace with a twisted smile on his face. That's why you and my master are her type... That said, you have a bigger chance with her, seeing as you are neither ripe nor rotten." He then laughs out of nowhere. "Oh, it was apples, of course. I'm as unlucky as always." I feel like the unlucky one here... But I did say I was normally lucky, so whatever.

I sigh. "So onto the third person... what about your master? I never met her, so I'm curious." She was originally gonna be my last question, before I talked my way into getting four... Well, they all have been useless, so I'm not expecting much.

He looks away. "Her name is Kiara Sessyoin, a woman of faith... or so she claims, but the truth is that she too is an apple." Oh, is that supposed to mean we are similar? Maybe we can bond over how annoying you are. "Both of you will probably bond over how annoying I am." He read me like an open book!

After taking a deep breath, he looks to me again. "I thought that woman only had the option of becoming a beast, had I not met you I would have kept believing that until the day I died... again, but it seems you are like Mara, if Mara wasn't such a piece of shit." That's... a religious figure, right?

He smiles. "Grow and change Mara, you don't need to do anything else. If you follow my advice Kiara will gladly follow you onto the altar, your blushing bride until the end of time. Though even if you don't... She cannot fall for anyone else. A human loves a human, a beast in the womb must surely love a beast in the womb, opposites attracting each other is the miracle, not the norm." Is this guy trying to butter me up...?

He then laughs. "Kiara is a hag however, so perhaps you are far too young prince! Yes, ignore my bitch of a master and take that Saber! My master's tears as she collapses, having her human heart made and then broken will be wonderful to see!" Aren't you too excited for this!?

As I look at him in disbelief, he eventually stops laughing. "Well, time for the last one. Let me guess, you want to hear about BB do you not?" I can only nod, yet again he read me completely. "Don't be too shocked, it was the last option left." I suppose so...

He frowns. "Give up on that one, she's already desperately in love with that Senpai of hers." I'm that senpai though! And she's definitely not in love with me! "It is curious however... That man, or woman, must surely not be man or woman, because she would never hurt him." I would beg to differ!

That said, Andersen does look confident with his answer. "Her love is the most putrid of all, I even hesitate to call her an awful woman or a good woman, the truth is that she is her lover. If humanity is being destroyed them her senpai must be an alien who considers us it's enemy." No, she's just a bugged A.I.

I take a deep breath. "And assuming that senpai is human, what would you think then?" Probably some dumb shit, but at this I kind of find his mumbling to be fun.

He sighs. "That her lover has died and she's avenging him? That this is some twisted plan to save him? Either way, BB is sacrificial love. I could be wrong of course, I only had Kiara's description of her message to go from." Ah!? You made all of that up from a description!?

He then chuckles. "Not that you should worry about that. A young girl's love is terrifying yes, but a mature woman's love is the true nightmare... If you wish to face that nightmare continue here, if you don't, leave the building." I...

We stay in silence for a moment, eventually we hears steps, someone is coming down from the stairs. "Look at that, you stayed, and so boy meets girl." And from the stars come.

A yellow eyed nun. "Caster, what are you doing...?" She then notices me. "Oh? Who is this?" She's... I didn't think I could ever find a woman who managed to match Altera in the beauty department.

Andersen snorts. "I'm talking with the man who can put a leash on your slutty body and take your heart." He then points at me. "This is that man of course, congratulations Little Mermaid. Now seduce your prince without your voice/purity." This guy...

He already made our first meeting super awkward, didn't he?


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