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"Isn't this pose a bit humiliating? Then again, I guess for a loser like him, it's fitting." Right now I'm staring at the statue made of my past self, Belzerg's legendary hero... Himmel. The man who died protecting the Crimson Demons.

And the way they thanked him was by making a pose of him sending someone a kiss. Seriously, it's pathetic... Couldn't he just have been serenely holding a sword with a smile or something? I guess at least the statue is in good condition, that has to count for something right?

Nina snorts, she seems grumpy today. "So... did you just come here to make fun of your past self? If that's the case, then we should have followed that explosion nutjob." Maybe you are right.

Today is a bright shining new day, meeting the parents of a close friend sounds much more fun than just staring at a statue, but... "I just don't get it why he's so famous, that's all." He never defeated a singel Demon General, or at least never killed them.

And he died for these chuuni's who probably already forgot all about him... He died a virgin unlike this Greatzuma. I... I killed many Demon Generals, I have a fiancee... who's kind of the worst sometimes, but still... So why do I feel so small looking at him?

Nina sighs and pats my head, like I'm a kid. I'm your future husband damn it! "Are you jealous? Don't be. You're just as popular as him Mister Belzerg Reinhard." I'm nothing like Reinhard Van Astrea.

I can't cut a mountain in half. I can't move faster than light. I can't just walk through Explosion Magic with a smile. I'm a cocky perv with high luck and okay intelligence, my favorite move is stealing things... normally panties.

Still, Nina and Eris have given me a taste of a real adventurer's life, so I send her a smile. "I'm not jealous or anything." Who would be jealous of this loser? "I'm curious though, what does it even entail being a Sword God?" That's the title past me had.

I know someone like that is very strong of course, but that's about it. I myself am apparently just getting into Advanced Rank... Nina talked about it like it was some crazy feat, but I know stuff like this just gets harder as it goes on, so my hopes aren't high.

I'm just waiting for the rug to be pulled under me. It always happens, maybe it's because my card has shit stats, or because my magic is perverted, in the end I always turn out to be living a joke. Kazuma Satou doesn't get to be cool, just like Himmel, he needs to be a clown.

Nina closes her eyes. "Well... To become a Sword God, a practitioner of the style must challenge and defeat the current Sword God. That's my father right now by the way." Gal Farion huh, the man I have to impress...

I don't see how. Sure I can kill someone using guile and all that, but impressing a meathead is another matter entirely... And I don't think I need to say this, but I have no plans of killing the man. Nina would be sad. Probably.

My fiance opens her eyes again, she's also focusing on the statue now. "That said... apparently Himmel didn't challenge the Sword God. He didn't care for titles or anything like that, the previous Sword God died in a fight, and they just naturally gave the title to him." The loser couldn't even get it by himself huh?

Now it's my turn to sigh. "You think I can get the title? Like ever...? Because if that's the requirement to marry you..." Then I might as well give up right now and die. Then I will be just as much of a loser as this guy.

She chuckles. "Hell no, not in a straight fight." You didn't need to laugh! "Don't get me wrong, you're... kind of scarily talented. Even more talented than Jino." That's... your friend right? You don't talk much about him.

Also, it's kind of... weird to hear that I'm talented. Not because I have low self-esteem or something, but... Well, my card said I had low stats in everything, that I could either be an adventurer or a merchant, but...

When I hold a sword, when I hold Chunchunmaru, everything that Nina is saying just clicks right. I guess that's why so many people just ignore the adventurer cards huh? I should have dropped that thing ages ago, from the moment Darkness of all people said it was useless.

She smiles. "But... your mistress wants you as fast as possible. I don't want your in like twenty years when you surpass my father or something. That's why... just beat my father in your own special way." Well, if I have permission...

"Admiring Himmel? If you two do that so much, he might descend from heaven to brag." The person who suddenly interrupts us is... is... that silver haired elf called Frieren, someone who had made my heart skip.

I'm an otaku okay! It goes without saying that I have fantasized about elves plenty of times... I'm a engaged man now though, and I also know harems are probably more trouble than they are worth. That said... there are other reason why my heart skips when looking at this woman.

Nina smirks, she enjoys having information others don't. "Oh? Himmel was a prideful guy like that? Sounds like someone I know." She sends me a side eye. Please don't give the game away... the game being that I'm this elf's dead party member of course.

Should I tell her? Probably. Will I? Definitely not. I wouldn't even know where to begin telling her that the amazing... that the loser hero she knew is here, alive and well. Would she even consider me as Himmel?

Should I consider myself as Himmel?

The elf sends me a smile. "Kazuma Satou huh? I have been meaning to talk with you, Demon General slayer." Don't say such embarrassing things damn it! Ah, it's like as soon as I left Axel people have been treating me better...

That's because... probably because I acted like scum back in Axel. Himmel here is proof, he's a massive, pathetic loser, but since he was charming everyone liked him. It's not fair at all! But I really hope... I really hope I can keep being respected...

I wave her off, trying to not proudly puff my chest. "It's fine, I don't... I don't need praises or anything!" Gotta be like Himmel...! Or at least the parts of him that were cool! Who knows, maybe I will get a statue one day...

And speaking of the statue, Nina ponders. "By the way Frieren, doesn't this pose piss you off?" She's talking about Himmel doing a little kiss of course. The elf probably saw me die or something, so she must be furious...

A little laugh escapes her mouth. "Not at all. This is just what Himmel would have wanted... even if he would never say it..." She puts a hand on the statue. "We once saved a village and they built a statue of him in gratitude... Himmel wanted a pose like this, but he settled for a modest one in the end." So...?

She looks back at me. "I didn't like that, he deserved better. Feel free to puff your chest in pride Kazuma Satou, don't give everything you have until there's nothing left like Himmel did." She read me super easily huh?

And then a scowl appears on her face. "If anything is making me mad it's that Crimson Demon brat. Not only does he not know how to stop that... whatever he's doing it, he also doesn't know how he's doing it." Amazing.

Now it's my turn to chuckle. "A Crimson Demon who is motivated is way too scary. That guy might actually end up summoning the Witch of Envy." Considering how my life tends to go? He definitely will. Hopefully we end up being fine though.

Her eye twitches. "Let's hope not. I'm simply taking a break to go check on Fern, then I shall return to bothering him..." A silver haired elf girl is trying to ruin his date with another silver haired elf girl? Knowing Crimson Demons he's probably living some harem fantasy in his head right now.

Before Frieren goes though, there's one thing I need to learn. "Hey... this is a pretty dark question, and I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable... But how did he die?" I never researched too much about it...

Frieren flinches, it makes me regret my decision immediately, that was dumb. Like most of my decisions really... "I... I can't exactly say what happened. I wasn't here to see it, just like I wasn't there for Flugel..." Who's that...?

Now she's back to staring at the statue. "From what I know however... First I must say that things were different back then, the Demon King was far more bloodthirsty. Civilians were specifically targeted... and to be honest, to this day I don't know why he stopped with those dark tactics." I'm glad he did, that sounds messed up...

Actually, doesn't Wiz have something to do with that...? I can't quite remember what she said about it, mostly because it's also mixed up with her crying about Aqua or crying about being poor, or crying about... Wiz cries a lot. She's hot though, so she gets a pass.

Frieren continues. "And the Demon King himself would strengthen his army with... some strange ability of his. This meant that... even the lowest of demon was a threat to a knight... and the Demon Generals were unbelievably strong threats." Scary!

Her lips are trembling. "F-from what I heard... The Demon King got tired of the Crimson Demons. He marched here together with his army and Vanir the Duke of Hell and... and... they killed Himmel...!" Ah. Vanir killed me.

Holy shit that guy killed me! No wonder he's always giggling to himself when looking at me, because he definitely knows...! I can't believe I was about to sign a deal with my killer of all things!

I clench my fists. "Yeah, but at least he made them retreat." That's a logical deduction, considering the village is still here. "That guy... Himmel... From what I heard he never won, but he always fought." He had it way harder than me, that's why...!

The elf is crying. "Y-yes I know... But still, thanks for having this talk with me Kazuma, I needed it." Why do I have a feeling this is the first time she's talking about this? "And thank you for avenging him." I didn't.

I didn't truly kill Vanir. He's living a happy life in Axel, my murderer, a Demon General got scot free. Should I tell her about this? So she can go get real revenge? So that other people can get their revenge?

I smile. "Don't worry, he won't ever hurt anyone ever again." Nah. I'm sort of Himmel so I get to pick... And Vanir has been really helpful. Those dark times she talked about are over, there's no need to try and bring them back.

In fact, I wish the rest of the Demon Generals would lay down their weapons too, and I bet this is what this amazing loser with a cringe statue would want as well.

Heh, he died a virgin.


"Okay, so please be nice to them, okay Purge King?" When I am not nice to someone? "My family can have their quirks, but they're nice people." I don't doubt that, even if I'm still scared of meeting Papagumin and Mamagumin.

Worst case scenario her mother is my soulmate, but... c'mon, that ain't happening. If it did though, I doubt Megumin would survive. You don't believe me? Well... "Hey Megumin-Tan, do you remember what we talked about with Yunyun's father?" This is a test.

She rolls her red eyes. "This question again? I passed out... probably because of being without mana or whatever, so I don't remember a goddamn thing." In essence, she's in complete denial.

I don't know if it's because she's secretly yuri for Yunyun or if it's becauses she hasn't completely forgotten being my soulmate, but... She has developed selective amnesia due to trauma. The Crimson Demons truly are an adaptable species...

Ah, if you're wondering I haven't even managed to talk with Yunyun since that accident. That's because she has now returned to her classic mode of passing out everytime she sees me.

Welp, I'll just figure out a way out of the hole Eris put me in later. By the way my fiancee is currently exploring the village with Rudeus. And no, I don't feel threatened, since it's Rudeus... in fact I'm happy she's trying to build her bond with him again.

So currently the people who are going to go meet Megumin's family are Aqua, Darkness, Wolbach and I. Kazuma and Nina were gonna come too, but he apparently wanted to do something else...

Don't even ask me about Frieren and her apprentice, but... considering the massive dark pillar of energy is still in the village, I'm guessing the elf hasn't had much success. That's scary... I can't exactly press my Satella panic button if the problem is Satella herself.

Wolbach sends MMT a smile. "So Megumin, should we be ready for anything special?" Now that the fear she felt has left her body, my fiancee is back to being the kind and cheery woman she normally is.

Megumin shrugs, her face conveying annoyance. "Not really. There's dad, Hyoizaburoo... He's a useless bum who keeps wasting money in his failed business and leaving us to starve." I Papagumin certainly doesn't match up to my dad.

The Arch Mage continues. "And then there's my mom, Yuiyui. She's the only reason why dad even makes money at all, but... she's also weird. Like she's always super tired and soft spoken." So your Gumin genes mostly came from Papagumin?

Then Megumin's face becomes filled with despair. "And last, but not least... there's my little sister. Komekko is... she might try to eat Aqua and Wolbach, but she's smart enough to not try and eat humans, so Darkness and Purge King should be okay." What kind of Monstergumin is your little sister!?

And why is it that you're face is getting filled with more and more despair. "Also, please... please... keep what happened with Chomusuke a secret. Komekko will definitely burst into tears." Ah, so she knew about the cat... I have a feeling this won't go well.

Aqua glares at my fiancee. "When that young life collapses into despair, please remember that this is all your fault, you rotten goddess." Are you forgetting that time you threatened the life of a bunch of young children?

To my surprise Wolbach doesn't say anything snarky back, she just looks sad. "Indeed. If she learns the truth I'll make sure to apologize as much as I can." Ah! My kind fiancee is actually trying to take responsibility for something she had no control over!

And I can't let that happen. "Don't blame yourself Wolbach. You weren't even gonna fuse with Chomusuke... what happened was an accident, that's all." If the cat had never opened the door, then there would still be two goddesses.

Wolbach blushes and looks away. "Thanks... nyah." A little bit of the old Chomusuke came back!? Well, I was wondering where her nyah habbit had gone too, I guess it's just always there. Eris loves it, so it's okay, I guess.

Aqua pouts. "Ah! I just don't get why Subaru defends you no matter what! This has to be some sort of twisted favoritism!" I normally don't have to be so defensive of Wolbach, since she's perfect.

Also of course I show her favoritism! She's my fiancee...! Even if we got together very recently. By the way, I show you favoritism as well, if I didn't then you would be inside of a coffin right now for all the stuff you pull.

Darkness smiles. "You have to be a bit less... pathetic about your wants Aqua." Wow, you didn't hold back at all. "Please take this advice for me, waiting will give you rewards, begging just comes off as unattractive." I feel like both are horrible.

Aqua glares at her. "Shut up packing mule. What would you know?" The reason why she called Darkness that, is because the crusader is carrying a few bags for us. I would call her a pack mule though...

It's just some food. Due to the suddenness of our visit, I couldn't prepare anything special, but thankfully I had some money in hand, so I on the way here we bought some snacks for Megumin's family... It's definitely not as cool as a souvenir from another continent, but hopefully it's good enough to not embarrass us.

Lalatina smirks. "Ah, I don't know... perhaps I know because I slept with the man you are flirting with?" Geez, it's like after losing her v-card she became the only thing worse than a desperate virgin... a braggart who never shuts up about sex.

Aqua's eye twitches. "Listen here Darkness... Actually you won't be listening to anything after I put some water inside of your dumbass ears. Get ready to feel like you had the worst swim of your life." Don't threaten her with a good time.

Megumin's suddenly interjects. "We are here..." Now that she mentions it... We reached a pretty poor looking house. I guess the Arch Mage meant it when she said her family was starving... I can't say anything though, since I'm technically homeless.

I take a deep breath. "I guess it's time for me to meet your parents Megumin-Tan." Is it strange that I feel really nervous? And MMT isn't even my lover or anything... Man, I'm not looking forward to meeting Lalatina's family.

She blushes bright red, it looks cute with her new hair. "Don't say it like that!" How else am I supposed to say it!? "Anyways... I'm home!" MMT shouts while opening the house's front door. I haven't thought of it until now, but...

This is probably the first time in a long while that Megumin is seeing her parents, and now she's living in a different continent... I guess it isn't too bad though, since Wolbach can always build teleportation circles for her.

In fact she will probably do that later. Both because we need to go home, and because we need a escape route in case Satella really shows up... That said, since we didn't put a teleportation circle back home, it's gonna take a lot of mana, and we can't directly go to Sharia.

For a long time we are met with silence, but... eventually an adorable looking young girl appears. A Littlegumin. "Ah! A delinquent showed up! A debt collector!" And she's pointing at her own sister while trembling in fear.

Megumin's eye twitches. "Seriously all that changed is my hair. You guys are pranking me right? Next thing you know Yunyun is gonna be sold as a bride to Purge King." Oh, your dark memories are trying to escape!

However, the little girl I'm assuming is Komekko completely ignores her, instead she starts sniffing the air. "Chomusuke! You have returned!" Well, I guess we are about to traumatize this Littlegumin...

Megumin raises her hands up. "Listen here Komekko... about Chomusuke, she..." There's no way this is going to be an easy talk. This Littlegumin is too young... By the way, I'm avoiding her eyes for obvious reasons.

She completely ignores her older sister. "Wait a second delinquent lady, you can harass my dad later!" And then she runs out of the house. Megumin's only option being getting out of the way of her little sister. I see these siblings are pretty similar... KMT!

She runs to Wolbach... and hugs her. The goddess can only awkwardly cringe. "Little lady, I... about Chomusuke... nyah..." This is a bad time to start your mewoing trick! Though you're probably just understandably nervous...

Komekko has stairs in her eyes. "W-wow, you learned how to talk! And you became an older sister type lady!" T-that's kind of correct... "Does this mean that if I keep taking care of you, then you might grow even bigger!?" How did you even recognize her in the first place?

Before Wolbach can say anything, Aqua interjects. "Yep! Who knows maybe one day she will get as big as a house!" The goddess says scream that anyone who tells her the truth will be punished.

Komekko smiles back. "Yay! I could totally eat a house...!" You were planning to eat Chomusuke!? "Anyways, why is it that the mega super scary mafiakuza has Chomusuke with them? Did Megumin fall into debt like dad?" I will never let MMT go through such a fate.

Darkness raises an eyebrow. "Is your father really being pursued by a criminal faction? If that's the case I could help..." I see your inner gallant knight is shining through. I agree that we should protect the Crimson Demons of course.

Komekko shrugs. "Dunno. But I heard an adult saying all scum who are in massive debt deserves to get killed by the Yakuza. And then I heard they saying my dad was a useless bum who was ruining our family, and that if he doesn't stop, his wife is gonna find a bright young man to take care of her beloved children." That's...

Megumin gasps. "W-who told you that Komekko!?" The corruption Crimson Demon or something!?

Komekko answers without hesitation. "It was my mom! She was throwing a table at dad! But then she saw me, and told me that I should forget I ever heard or saw anything... I didn't though, because she didn't give any reward..." I have no words.

Littlegumin continues, ignoring the fact that her sister is having a heart attack. "So... really, what do you guys need?" A therapist probably. At least I know Megumin will probably be needing one... Now she can bond with Nanahoshi.

My white haired friend sighs. "Look Komekko... It's me, Megumin. I just came here to visit with a few friends." I still can't believe she didn't recognize you just because your hair changed...

Komekko's eyes widen... And then she immediately runs back to the house screaming. "Dad! Mom! Big Sis joined the Yakuza, and she has a dragon tattoo in her back!" At least she followed the Kiryu path instead of the Majima one...

"I only have one tattoo though, and it's certainly not dragon related..." You have a tattoo!? Also, how do you guys even know about the Yakuza and the Mafia!?


"Ah, so you figured it out Megumin? I suppose this is better than you joining the Yakuza... Actually that sounds pretty cool too, so maybe you should do both." Dadgumin, or Hyoizaburoo is exactly as I imagined him, that's for sure.

Yuiyui, Megumin's mother, hums. "Dear, please don't encourage our daughter to become a criminal. Also, Megumin keep those secrets to yourself and yourself only, Komekko doesn't need to go through that." Seriously what's up with the hair!?

Anyways, I don't think I need to mention this, but I'm trying my best to avoid Mamagumin's eyes... She's way, way too much. I would like to make a few Megumin's... Ah! Control yourself Subaru Natsuki!

Hyoizaburoo then scans our little party. "So these people... am I right to assume these are Aqua, the priestess, Darkness the crusader, Kazuma the scum... and you..." His gaze focus on my fiancee. "Aren't you that Dark Goddess?" Please don't compare me to Kazuma.

Wolbach nods, a happy smile on her face. "Indeed Mister Hyoizaburoo, I'm the Dark Goddess your village contained." She then motions to me. "However, I do no more evil, for I have fallen for this man and become his beloved fiancee..." At this point Wolbach us used to telling this story.

I wave at him. "Yo, I'm not anyone as amazing as Kazuma. My name is Subaru Natsuki, the Purge King... I'm just a normal guy really." Ah, I'm being judged by Dadgumin... scary. He could definitely obtain the title of Delinquentgumin after all...

He squints his eyes. "I do wanna believe your words... specially since everything about you sounds awesome, but... From what I've heard from this Kazuma, this is definitely the type of trick he would try pulling." Why do you have such a low opinion of him?

Megumin interjects. "Actually he's telling the truth, dad. Kazuma is actually here too, but... he said he had something important to do." Megumin plays with her hair, a blush on her face. "I actually did write some letters about Purge King too, but I guess they didn't arrive yet..." Like those from your confession? Ah, now I'm blushing.

Momgumin tilts her head. "Oh...? How did you get here before any letters? Did you learn teleportation?" She didn't learn it, but she certainly did use it. Also don't move your head so suddenly like that, I almost ended up looking at your eyes.

Megumin shakes her head. "No... but Wolbach here can use teleportation... I never told you guys, but she's actually the woman who taught me Explosion Magic." Their eyes widen. "So basically, we are friends, so I'll probably ask her to come here even more..." Cute. I totally support the meetings of the Manygumins.

Her entire family smiles, in fact her dad straight up raises his hands and starts laughing. I guess this family is even closer than I expected, it's a good thing I won't ruin it by looking at Mamagumi's eyes.

Megumin then looks down. "That said, there is one more thing I need to say..." She takes a deep breath. "Currently I'm attending the Ranoa Magical Academy, I'm not living in Axel at all." I suppose that reveal had to come eventually.

The room is engulfed with silence, but it doesn't last too long, as Hyoizaburoo puts his hand on her shoulder. "I see that my daughter still bravely pursues her passions. I'm just as proud of you as always." Adorable, and now MMT is almost crying of happiness. The Crimson Demons are truly powerful...! They might challenged silver haired elfs if even their guys are this great.

Yuiyui quickly nods. "Yes Megumin, just make sure to not focus so much on your passions that you can't feed your family! Actually here's an even more important piece of advice, don't open a business about selling purposefully bad items! Find a more normal passion like conquering kingdoms or slaying gods." I feel like there's a lot to unpack here.

Which is probably why Megumin takes a while to respond. "S-sure...? My dreams are still the same, I wish to master Explosion Magic and reach the Seven Great Powers." Considering how your species is, I imagine every single Crimson Demon wants the latter.

Komekko suddenly grins. "So Big Sis, did you get any closer to your goal now that you're living in the Central Continent!?" She recognized where Ranoa is...? That didn't surprise me coming from adults, but she is just a kid, how adorably smart. KMT.

Megumin blushes, and steals a glance at me. "Yeah..." She then looks back to her little sister. "I found an amazingly beautiful guiding star... One day I hope to reach it's heat." You mean you wanna blow it up right?

Hyoizaburoo suddenly hits the table, it scares the crap out of me. "I do not approve!" Then he closes his eyes. "Actually he's pretty cool... But as a father I simply cannot ever approve, even if it was Reinhard Van Astrea himself!" Schizodadgumin...?

Yuiyui giggles. "I will only give my approval after you tell me his salary." Are you all talking about me? In that case, there's a big misunderstanding happening... Also, my salary is a grand total of zero coins.

Megumin extends a hand towards Lalatina. "Darkness, put the food in the table." She's speaking like a Yakuza who's trading drugs. Also, aren't you changing the subject a bit too quickly!?

Darkness looks confused. "Sure...?" And then she puts all the bags on the table. "Subaru bought some food from the village as a gift... Our arrival was quite unplanned however, so we could not bring anything from the Central Continent. Our apologies." It always surprises me when you act polite.

Aqua raises a hand. "It's my fault that it was unplanned by the way! Isn't adventure the best when it's like that?" Wolbach is giving her a look that, unsurprisingly, screams have some shame. It's unsurprising because I'm doing the same of course.

Hyoizaburoo grins, his eyes shine bright red. "Oh, I had a feeling you would be great when I read about you Miss Aqua." Of course a perfect angelic demon would approve of her actions... Actually if Aqua toned her personality down just a bit, she could easily become AMT, or would it be more accurate for it to be AMM?

Komekko stars messing through the bags. "So what did you guys buy...?" And her eyes too start blazing crimson. "Oh...! Candy! And cookies and...!" She goes on, and on. I'm glad she's enjoying it.

Everything on this village was decently cheap... And it was also surprising that they accepted coin from the Central Continent. So in the end I managed to buy a bunch of food... a good thing since I had to impress Dadgumin and impregnate Mamagumin. Forget the last one.

Speaking of the woman who should be carrying my child, she raises an eyebrow. "Now Komekko, don't go eating it all immediately..." She then takes a look at the bag. "Isn't this all premium!?" It is? Maybe I have more money than I thought...

I still don't really understand how prices work here after all. All I get is that Nanahoshi gave me a loan and I tripled it and paid her back, then kept a little for personal spending. So the amount of cash I have depends on how much the Banana gave me...

Megumin has a smug smirk on. "It is. By the way Purge King is making a business all the way on Lugunica. He's being backed by Silent Seven Stars too, yes that one who's being trying to invade the Dragon Continent's market." I doubt they would recognize her by name alone...

Both Hyoizaburoo and Yinyin immediately hit the table. "I approve! This has our approval at a hundred percent...!" I should probably put an end to this misunderstanding, but now I'm a bit too afraid to do so...

Suddenly Hyoizaburoo fakes a cough as he takes his hands off the table. "Actually... I do not approve! Sorry Megumin, but there's something off about this guy!" Oi, this may be a misunderstanding, but hearing that from a Gumin still breaks my heart.

His wife pulls on his ear, he immediately starts screaming in pain. "And what would that be dear? By the way, let me remind you that this food will be feeding Komekko, our cute dear daughter for weeks." There's no way this is gonna last weeks!

Geez, if Megumin's parents are struggling this much... then maybe I should send some money to them occasionally... But then again, there's no way Megumin doesn't already do that right? She clearly loves them...

Hyoizaburoo desperately tries to escape her grasp. "Sorry...!" Eventually she lets him off the hook. "No offense Purge King, I'm grateful for the gift, but... You're engaged right? I guess it's not the same for everyone, but I would prefer if my daughter found a man who loves her and only her." So this is where her opinion came from...

I smile. "I completely understand HTM... I mean Mister Hyoizaburoo. And to be honest... a misunderstanding is happening here... I am not in anyway part of a romantic relationship with your daughter. We are just friends, besties even." Wow, Megumin just hit her head on the table by accident.

His eyes widen. "Really...?" He looks at his daughter, who's head is still on the table. "I see, it's like that huh... Maybe I should approve after all... My bad Megumin." I just told you it was a misunderstanding though.

Mamagumin sighs, she seems to be quite saddened by the news. "Why are all the rich ones always taken? If it's not a Dark Goddess then it's something else..." I'm not rich at all though! Another misunderstanding has been born!

Darkness clears her throat. "Trust me it's a good thing Megumin isn't involved. Subaru is engaged to two woman, including Wolbach, and I'm his consensual sex slave... And there's Yunyu-, nothing more." Oh, you chose to spare Megumin?

Megumin clenches her fists. "Yeah, there's all that, plus all the women who mindlessly pursue Purge King without any shame at all." She points at Aqua, who is seemingly entertaining Komekko with some water trick.

Yuiyui frowns. "Oh, Megumin... Don't be sad. Maybe if it went the way you wanted to, things could be even worse. Just look at me for example... I married your father, a useless bum who gets scammed again and again, and who makes no good products, and who sometimes has fits of rage and destroys parts of the house..." Those all sound terrifying.

She continues. "But your father loves you, Komekko and I, and he would never dream of hurting us. You see, the reason why I'm saying this, is that when I got hitched to your father, I thought my life was over, that's because I... used to be in a love triangle with Heinkel Astrea and his current wife, Louanna." The Astrea name again...?

She smiles. "I obviously lost the love triangle, but while I'm here with a happy family... Louanna fell into a coma, and it's basically public knowledge that her husband is a drunk who abuses her son, and... let's not even start with Wilhelm Astrea." What does that even have to do with me and Megumin though!?

Her smile turns twisted. "Basically, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't pray for your own success, you should pray for their downfall, eat garbage Louanna~. And maybe one day so shall Miss Wolbach." Oi, she's right here, in fact she looks horrified right now!

Actually so does Megumin. "Mom, I've heard the mother of the Sword Saint is in a sleep she can never wake up from. Mom, you happen to be a master at putting others to sleep with magic. Mom, none of this is related right?" Of course it's isn't. It shouldn't be. It can't be.

Yuiyui giggles and gives a cute little wink. "I can't give someone the sleeping beauty disease, you silly! I was just hoping everyday that something like that would happen!" In some ways that's just as bad!

Hyoizaburoo then silently mutters. "Ugh, it's a shame we didn't get a Crimson Demon Sword Saint... So much potential wasted." Oi, you're talking about your own wife here! Don't start hoping she fucks another man for titles or whatever!

Megumin sends me a look filled with... something. "Purge King, if I ever fall this far... just kill me." I nod. I understand the message, if MMT gets to consumed by her Gumin genes, she will need to be eliminated.

Yuiyui's mom claps her hands together. "So my dear daughter, how long do you plan to stay here? Do you wanna sleep here? Please tell me that you do." Ah, of course a parent wants to spend time with their child.

Megumin smiles. "I don't know for how long to be honest... We came here to investigate the moon prophecy stuff that's going on, so we will leave when that gets solved, I guess." Even if the only person currently doing anything about is Frieren.

Hyoizaburoo makes a serious face. "That prophecy huh...? Well, let me give you a tip Megumin, it has nothing to do with Bukkororii. So don't even go to him at all." Who even is that? Also why are you sounding so suspicious right now?

Megumin rolls her eyes with a blush. "Dad, we already know he's trying to summon the Witch of Envy and we are trying to stop that." Papagumin looks crestfallen at the news... Ah, I get it know, he just wanted his daughter to spend more time here. "That said, I'm more than fine with sleeping here while we are in the village." And now Hyoizaburoo looks happy again. Adorable, HMT.

Mamagumin smirks. "Good! And your friends are invited too of course!" She begins silently muttering. "I can put even a great warrior to sleep you know? I once used it on Theresia Van Astrea herself, when I needed some alone time." Scary!

Megumin recoils back. "Scary! Today I'm learning a lot!" Maybe the white hair unlocked new dialogues trees...? I should try to customize my Megumin more, so I can see everything this world has to offer.

Hyoizaburoo growls. "So... we are proceeding with that huh?" He looks at me. "Okay, here's a tip punk, since I'll need to like you from now on. Stop avoiding people's eyes, you have been doing that through the entire conversation and it's what put me off in the first place." But...

Welp, if permission has been given, I won't hesitate! "Got it sir!" I look into Yuiyui's eyes, and she looks back at mine. I half expect to get nothing... I should be hoping to get nothing, because if I did it would be messed up.

But... a shock runs through my body, and her face immediately becomes red. Shame hits my body instantly and I look away... which makes me look into Komekko's eyes. Another shock runs through me.

I'm sorry Megumin, specially as Komekko approaches me. "H-hey Purge King, if you want, you can eat one of my cookies, but I'll be expecting that you pay a percentage of that back every month, and you're gonna need to pay a little extra too! How much extra will depend on how many months you want to take paying!" I... I... Forgive me MMT. I lost to greed, for but a second, but it cost me so much...

Yuiyui looks at her husband. "Hyoizaburoo... dear... I have a question, a total hypothetical question of course, but how would you feel if your wife suddenly swooned by looking at a younger man's eyes?" That's way too specific Miss Mamagumin!

He makes a thinking pose. "I guess I would get mad, but the anger would make me super inspired when creating products, so it's all good!" It's definitely not all good! Please, I know you're a Gumin, but be more suspicious of what she said!

I look down, I can make no excuses. I was weak at the moment that mattered the most and now Megumin will pay the price... Except not really. I mean, I know the solution through Ariel and stuff.

I just gotta let this insane love die.


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