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"So... should you take Alice to a room or something?" The Witch had just kind of passed out on the floor.

Well, a Witch was probably sturdier than the average person, so maybe it would be fine...? But then again, Yato was pretty sure than even him would get a stiff back from sleeping on the cold floor.

Aoko looked at her downed friend. "Yeah... sure..." And then she realized something. "Wait, what do you mean by you? You're coming with me, buster." She didn't know this mansion's layout at all.

Heh, she would learn it though, since it now also belonged to her. Technically.

Yato looked away. "I have... things to do." Image of naked butts came to his mind.

Ditching his fiancee for some ass sounded pretty wrong, but a Campione's moral compass was all twisted and stuff, so it was fine. Actually, since even he could detect it as something wrong, didn't that mean his moral compass was working for once? So he didn't even have a excuse to fall back on.

Aoko glared at him. "And those things are...?" Her glare got fiercer. "Because let me make something clear, I will not accept being second place to a concubine! As your soon-to-be wife I have priority!"

Yato sighed. "You... you're right. Sorry. I'll show you around the mansion while we drop Alice." That ass would just need to wait.

Aoko sputtered. "Wait, you were actually gonna ditch me for a concubine!? I was just throwing random stuff at the wall, damn it!" If she was right, then why is she so mad?

Yato wondered if this was a moment for a classic joke about men not understanding their wives. He decided he was above that however.

So instead he simply nodded. "Yeah. I've changed my mind though." Or more accurately Aoko changed his mind. Stealing credit was wrong.

Her eye twitched. "I... You know, in a situation like this I'm pretty sure you were supposed to start lying and making excuses. Why the hell did you immediately admit to your sins?" Why was she acting like that was a bad thing?

Welp, maybe it was. "My bad, I'm pretty new to this marriage thing. I only got married once during the past. From now on I'll keep your advice in my mind and start lying and stuff." Though he would probably be a bad one.

But then again, Yato was fairly talented when it came to tormenting women!

Aoko's lips trembled. "Y-you know, I'm pretty new to this, so maybe don't take my advice all the time." Yato was gonna call that confusing, but he shouldn't judge.

Assuming Aoko had never gotten married before, then she was even less experienced than himself! But then again, she looked decently old, and she also had a pretty amazing body. Even if she never got married, she was probably pretty experienced when it came to romance.


Yato sent her a thumbs up. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." The problem however, was that Aoko now didn't know if he was lying or not...

They're marriage had already been corrupted by paranoia and mistrust. Truly amazing.

They raised up Alice together, though in the end Yato ended up being the one carrying her. And much like last time, it was a bridal carry. Aoko thought about commenting on it, but it was just a small inconsequential thing.

In the end they put her to rest in a random unused room. The mansion had plenty of those, especially nowadays where almost everyone slept together. Yato supposed he should thank Cleopatra for that.

Though he had a feeling that convincing his new wife of the importance of that habit would be a difficult task. And he would need to pull it off, a husband couldn't just ignore his wife, unless he wanted to die a painful death. At least according to his mom.

What a pain... Though Aoko would have plenty of challenges ahead as well.

And she suddenly realized one. "Wait a second, did you say you were married in the past?" She had kind of thrown that to the back of her mind due to the whole lying situation, but it had just comeback at full force.

Yato nodded. "Yep, I said that." Was her memory failing her...?

She might truly be Yato's perfect partner. Their intelligence matches!

Aoko gasped. "Who the hell did you get married though!? You're like... sixteen or something! You're a brat!" Cleary that wasn't stopping her anytime soon though.

Yato scratched cheek. "Well..." Bringing up your exes was so awkward!

Especially since Illya didn't really fit that definition. Typically when someone divorced their wife that was it, the relationship was now over. Yato had simply changed a few attributes of his relationship however.

Before he could continue, Aoko clicked her tongue. "Ah, I put the pieces together. It's that goddess, right? Skadi or whatever?" Aoko felt a natural rivalry towards her.

The goddess had been pretty rude towards, so really, what else was Aoko supposed to feel? Especially when the goddess stole all the spotlight and was essentially the one who actually stopped the Sun Goddess in her tracks.

Aoko hated all mages that were way too smart for their own good. Both because she had common sense, sometimes, and because her sister existed. So it was only obvious she would hate the advanced form of that.

Yato quickly destroyed her suspicions. "Nope. I love and appreciate Skadi and all that crap, but she's not my wife. She's my concubine wife..." He snorted. "As expected of a shitty goddess, she's delusional." Oops, his true feelings towards the divine came out.

Aoko flinched. "I think if she heard that, she would start the apocalypse." Eh, Yato would intervene with his dick in that case. "That aside though, what the hell is a difference between a wife and a concubine wife!?"

"Because let me make something very clear buster, I did not come here to enter some guy's harem... I mean I did, but... Look, there can only be one wife!" What was she even doing? Shouldn't she back out of this sham already?

Aoko once had a talk with Zelretch about Campiones. She didn't remember what brought up the topic, but she did remember his advice. It was to not get involved with them if possible, not because of their power, but because of their lunacy.

And the most scary part of that lunacy, the fact that they dragged other people into becoming lunatics as well. It was only natural for these beings who were blessed by the planet itself.

Yato smiled. "Don't worry, there will only be one wife. I'm not a polygamist, dad and mom didn't raise me like that." She wanted to punch him. She wanted to punch him so bad. "But about the issue of a concubine wife..."

"If I dress up someone as a maid to have sex with them, that doesn't make them a maid. Even if they start believing it afterwards." He hummed. "Welp, you can't really dress someone like a wife, but it's not like role-playing needs cosplay." It's just nice.

Aoko scrunched her eyebrows together. "Huh, that's certainly... something." She didn't know if his logic made sense, or if she was losing her marbles yet again.

She was getting involved with a teen Campione. She was gonna marry that teen Campione. Did she even have any marbles left to lose?

The True Magician suddenly scowled. "So, if Skadi isn't your ex-wife, who is?" She didn't even know why she was getting mad.

Knowing him it was probably something stupid like him getting married to a girl in a online video game. Hell, it could even be him getting married to a girl on a offline video game! Yato would treat it seriously no matter what.

He left out a chuckle. "My ex-wife is Illyasviel Von Einzbern." Aoko went still.

She knew of the Einzberns of course, even if they weren't what they used to be, they were still incredibly influential. And most importantly, they once held Heaven's Feel, the Third True Magic.

Back when Aoko was a teenager and her grandpa decided to kick the bucket and toss some really scary things at her, she had made her research on past True Magicians. It was only natural, even if there wasn't a lot of information available.

Welp, the important part here is that they didn't have True Magic anymore. Aoko wasn't scared to pick a fight with them. And honestly, even if they did have it, she would still be unafraid of picking a fight with them.

Yato's eyes had a strange light of nostalgia to them. "I got married to her just a little bit after becoming a Campione." Which wasn't too long ago. He hadn't even been a Campione for a year.

It was strange. He felt like a lot had happened ever since that day, and yet he felt as if very little had happened at the same time. Maybe it was because at that time the sword was everything to him. And so, he naturally would only count fighting as important events...

But then he realized he was the Campione of ass. And so, he had grown stronger with each woman that conveniently fell upon his lap.

He eyes moved downward, but they were looking at the past. "When she showed up, she kinda just... declared herself as my wife. I didn't really know much about my place in the world, and I was instantly charmed by her... erm... maturity. So I just went along with it."

The Fifth True Magician could picture the event in her mind. No doubt the Einzbern must be a incredibly beautiful homunculus, so little virgin Yato fell for her immediately and just couldn't say no. Aoko wouldn't even blame him.

If when Aoko had become a True Magician people threw a beefy gorgeous man at her, she would probably have done the same thing.

Yato continued. "Eventually though, I realized... Rin made me realize that I could just say no to these kinds of things, so I got divorced." And so the Soviet Harem lasted for another thousand years!

Aoko muttered to herself. "I really have to watch out for that girl, huh?" She had scurried off, but apparently she had been the downfall of the previous wife. So Aoko would definitely keep an eye on her.

She went back to focusing on Yato. "Honestly..." She was about to call him foolish for jumping into a marriage like that, but... you know...

She was doing the same thing. "I'm surprised I never heard about that, you think the Einzberns would brag all the day if one of their own had bagged a Campione. And then be promptly mocked once that fell through." Naturally she changed the topic.

These news were genuinely surprising though. Not only for what she said, but also because the enemies of the Einzbern hadn't abused that information. Letting people know that the Einzbern family wasn't in good waters with a Campione could genuinely ruin them.

Yato waved her off. "I can't speak for them, but this all happened very fast. That said, I wouldn't say its worth mocking them, especially since I would make anyone who makes fun of my Illya pay."

Aoko tilted her head. "Y-your Illya...?" He was using a nickname!? "Why call her yours, didn't you guys get divorced?" Was this some good ol' possessiveness over one's ex?

Yato was confused for a moment, but he understood eventually. "I call her mine, because she's mine. You see, we may have gotten divorced, but I kept her as a concubine since she's really cute."

Aoko wanted to shed tears for this girl. "I see, I'm surprised I haven't met her yet." Though now that she thought about, she hadn't met most of his concubines.

She didn't even know how many he had. Um... Could she set a limit? In that case she would set a limit of zero.

Yato shrugged her comment off. "Don't worry, you will meet everyone eventually... Especially since this mansion becomes smaller the more you live in it." At least that's how it felt to him.

The True Magician didn't how to feel about sharing a house with his supposed ex-wife. That felt like recipe for trouble. And not just any trouble, the assassination type of trouble.

Aoko put a hand on her hip. "I don't know about that. I've lived in a smaller mansion than this in the past and it still felt massive to me..." And that was especially crazy when she thought about how she only had half of that mansion.

She really didn't know how Alice could stand living there all alone.

But speaking of houses and the like. "By the way Yato, I don't plan on staying here for most of the time." Not that she hated or anything, but... travelling was her thing.

"I understand. You're a free spirit, right?" That was partly why this marriage was happening in the first place. "So feel free to go around and have fun. Oh, but if you cheat on me I'll live to the title of Demon King and destroy the entire world." Or at least try to.

She gave him a thumbs up. "Okay!" And then her eyes widened. "Hey, aren't things a bit too on your side!? Don't I get to have concubines too!?"

"You do. But then I get to destroy the world." He nodded to himself. "Free will is a thing, but every action has its consequence. Unless you're a Campione that is." Well, it was more accurate to say you could ignore consequences.

Aoko sighed. "Right." Why did she even try to argue? Though this didn't bother her too much, Aoko wasn't the type who went around sleeping with everyone.

Her younger self would have definitely gotten into a fight with Yato however, out of principle if nothing else.

Yato stretched. "So, now that you're familiar with the mansion... to a certain extent, I'm gonna go... do something." Anal sex! Anal sex! Anal sex! "If you get lost or something, just ask anybody for help. Everyone is really nice here." Aoko was fairly sure half the people here would want her dead as soon as they heard the news.

More importantly however... "Did you for real go back to the plan of ditching me to go have sex with your concubines?" Just like that!? With no damn hesitation!?

Yato blushed. "I-I mean... I can't put it off forever! And it's not like I'm gonna go have normal sex, it's correction sex! Which is like... way more important!" And that wasn't all either. He had already claimed that ass, he couldn't go back now.

Aoko crossed her arms. "Wow. Just wow."

To that Yato could only lower his head. "Okay, so what did you have in mind...?" This husband... or fiance business was really strict. Was it this bad back with Illya?

Aoko pouted. "I don't know, but shouldn't we bond or something...? Maybe we could watch a movie, or listen to some music together or..." A shriek of pure horror and anger resonated throughout the mansion. "Or you could save me from whatever that was!"

Yato wasn't afraid. "Don't worry, it's just my mom."


Well, Yato's parents were still here due to that whole fiasco, and he could recognize his mom's voice anywhere. He didn't know what made her so pissed off though, maybe she found out more stuff that dad was hiding?

Speaking of hiding... Aoko awkwardly walked behind Yato. "I do not know why, but please be a good fiance and act as my shield." Right now her instincts could probably match that of a Campione.

Alternatively, the aura of terror that was reaching her was so palpable that even a completely normal human from the modern era would know to preserve its life.

Footsteps echoed through the halls, as the demon approached.

Naturally it was Yato's mother indeed. "What did I hear about marriage!? Why is it that some hag is preying on my son!?" She showed up with the speed of a bullet train.

You see, the truth is that most of Yato's harem was the planning type. The wouldn't immediately confront Aoko, and so the first person to both obtain the information Rin was carrying, and make a scene out of it, was naturally his mother.

Normally Aoko would have cowered behind Yato until the storm went away.

But she was set off. "Huh? Hag? I get the marriage part is annoying and all, but I'm no hag...! You damn concubine!" She also didn't know who she was talking to, of course.

"Actually I'm his mother."

"My most sincere apologies." Immediately Aoko began wishing for death. She also began wondering if hiding behind Yato's back would be so bad after all.

But her resolve quickly returned. "A-anyways, sincere mistakes aside, I'm not a hag! And I look way younger than you too!" Even if it was due to True Magic.

Yato's mother grit her teeth. "Looking younger than me isn't some crazy achievement! I'm old! I'm a mother! The problem here is that you're also clearly old enough to be a mother too!"

Aoko looked away. "I'm twenty years old." Appearance wise.

Yato sent her a confused glance. "You are?" Aoko nodded without any shame. "Huh." That made her older than Illya. Yato was upgrading in the maturw woman scale.

Naturally Heroic Spirits didn't count.

Yato's mother glared at his new fiancee. "Shut up, I can smell the loser Christmas cake aura around you. And as a woman who actually managed to get a man around her age, and start a family, I will murder you."

Aoko entered a combat stance. "Feel free to try! By the way, people only become Christmas cake at twenty-five plus years of age! Since I'm twenty years old, I'm not one yet!" She also couldn't become one. Thank you Fifth.

For once Yato decided to be a wise man. "Nope. Even a husband's duties has limits." He left the scene.


AN: I've been getting into Aether Gazer recently. Izanami best girl.



Ya know ngl yato prolly has no other authorities cause he keeps tryna sex them


We need correction sex now!!!