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"So this is it, huh...?" Shiki stared at the book in his hands. "Can I really take this home with me?" Honestly he didn't know if he should.

Yuta gave him a thumps up. "Yep, it's fine dude. It's not like we are gonna be using it for anything anyways." Well, if Makihisa came back from the dead, they could use it as evidence against him!

Ciel pushed her glasses up, a smile on her face. "And it's not like I got thrown around the city for that diary or anything!" Yuta suddenly wondered whether he should bow and apologize or not.

He decided to be safe. "My bad, Senpai."

Naturally Shiki copied his friend. "Yeah, I apologize as well, even though I can't really control Yuta being a bad boyfriend." The worst part is that Yuta couldn't even correct the little bastard.

Ciel awkwardly laughed. "Please, there's no need for all that... I was just making a joke." Which she now regretted it.

Shiki raised his head and nodded. "Right." He took a quick glance at the book, and sighed. "So... I guess I'll be leaving for now. Good luck with Sensei's sister." Shiki hadn't interacted at all with Touko Aozaki.

Even during the whole beach visit thing, he had more or less only talked with her subordinate and gotten her very clearly biased opinions. He knew someone related to Sensei couldn't be easy to handle though. Alternatively, since they had handled Sensei for a majority of their life, their patience must be basically infinite.

Ciel scratched her cheek. "Thanks, we'll be needing it." Yuta didn't think Touko was that bad...

Sure she was the magus equivalent of a violent stinky NEET who occasionally tried to kill someone in a fit of anger, but there were worse people out there. Like... the people he and Ciel hunted as a job.

Okay, maybe he was bad at defending Touko.

"You will also be needing me!" A sudden stranger jumped into the conversation!? No, it was actually just Aoko.

She was doing a strange pose. Yuta was pretty sure it came from Kamen Rider. He held back the desire to tell her she was old and should grow up already. Mostly because he both acted the same as her, and because he was dating her.

Ciel's eye twitched. "Why would we need you?" The executor had already accepted a few inevitable things when it came to her boyfriend apprentice.

The first was that Rika would always follow Yuta. This was a good thing when it came to missions however, since she contributed to a great part of the boy's strength. So even though Rika had the personality of a nuclear bomb, it couldn't really be helped.

The second was that Arcueid would also always follow Yuta. Much like Rika, she was also crazy strong and overly protective. Nonetheless, Ciel wished she could change this universal rule, mostly because she really didn't like Arcueid.

In essence, Yuta already had two nukes following him during missions. He didn't need another.

Aoko confidently grinned. "Why wouldn't you need me, you small, cute little executor?" She pointed at herself. "As the Fifth True Magician, I'm arguably the most useful and unique individual in the world! Nobody can do what I do!"

Yuta awkwardly raised a hand. "I'm pretty sure I can use the Fifth True Magic too." He just never did. Mostly because Sensei had warned him against it.

Aoko immediately glared at him. "You totally don't count. In fact you should be immediately disqualified from any and all competitions." He didn't know this was a competition though!?

She continued. "But seriously, I'm going. To be honest I have no idea why y'all wanna go see my sister..." Oi. "I do know she's trouble though, and nobody can read her as well as I do." He couldn't deny that.

Except he could! He could totally read Touko better than Aoko did! And he also refused to accept being immediately disqualified from this competition!

He grinned. "You just wanna go, because you're afraid of me meeting Touko, isn't that it?" Ah, good ol' harem rivalries. They're especially hot when they're happening between women in their thirties.

He got kicked.


Touko's eye twitched. "What are you doing here, Aoko...?" As one would expect, Aoko's appearance immediately put her older sister on guard.

Yuta could see his cute Senpai sighing.

Aoko crossed her arms. "Just watching for now." Yuta got a sudden urge to make a NTR joke. "It's these two..." She looked at Yuta's shadow. "Three that you got business with."

Touko chuckled. "Technically it's four, there's also that stalker princess to consider." Yuta wondered just how much ruined Arcueid's reputation would be once her habits became public knowledge. He could apologize.

Aoko looked away. "Right..." She didn't need to be constantly reminded that a bunch of nutjobs were obsessed with her boyfriend.

What was up with teens nowadays!? Things weren't that bad back when she was a teenager! The craziest thing people would do would be locking up their crush in their mansion so that knowledge about magecraft wouldn't get around!

This generation was messed up. "Leaving that aside though, how did you even get enough money to afford this- place!?" Yuta suddenly pulled her back by the collar.

He had the expression of a disappointed father. "Not now Sensei, please remember Senpai and I are on the clock." This is probably why Ciel didn't want to bring her.

If she was allowed to continue speaking, he had no doubt somehow things would escalate into a fight.

Aoko pouted. "I remember, I remember..."

Touko grinned at the sight, glad that Aoko was being put in her place... and for once she didn't feel the immediate need to verbalize that. "So, what do you guys need?"

She continued. "Before anything however, let me say that I don't like working with the Holy Church. I'm only listening at all because Yuta is my apprentice." Or he had been for one measly night. Such a slacker...

And now it was Aoko's turn to grin. "Wasn't your first crush a member of the Holy Church, maybe you-." Yuta gave her a light chop on the head. "Ouch!? Is this Aoko bully day or something!?" Yes it was.

Ciel nodded. "Of course. Don't worry, we only want information. More specifically, we want to know what you learned about the supposed spider ghoul that attacked Yuta recently."

Touko looked away. "How do you know I was involved?"

Yuta snorted. "Because a bunch of puppets saved me? Anyways, no need to act like a tsundere. We aren't mad or anything." He understood it was probably Aozaki instinct to try and make things difficult though.

Touko sighed. "Um... what a pain." Was it though? "Well, I suppose I can share a few things about it. It definitely wasn't my area of expertise though, so it's not like I discovered all of its secrets or anything like that."

"First of all, that thing really was a Ghoul. A vampire. I know that isn't surprising or anything, but it's better to have confirmation that it wasn't some other magical creature, right?" So he supposed they could elimate the idea of being a magus' familiar.

"The second thing is that it wasn't all natural. While it was a Ghoul, it also had modifications done to it... Both in a magecraft sense, and in a purely normal sense." So maybe it was a magus' familiar?

"Oh, and the last thing. It had an Idea Blood."

Yuta reacted as one would expect. "It had a what!?" That was insane right!?

Wouldn't that make the Ghoul a Dead Apostle Ancestor!? There's no way right!? Vlov was meant to be pretty weak as far as that organization went and even he would wipe the floor with that spider. Yuta by himself was wiping the floor with that spider.

Ciel put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, I think she's trying to get a rise out of us by mentioning stuff that makes no sense without context." Typical mage behavior. Yuta would get used to it eventually.

The more he thought about, the more that made sense to him. "Oh, you're right. I forgot who I was speaking to for a moment." He glared at Touko. "I'll have my revenge one day, I'll have you know." Mostly with teasing.

Touko snorted. "Greater men have tried."

That was probably true, but Yuta had the advantage of Touko loving him, even if she denied it. So really, he had thousands of ways to get revenge.

Touko continued. "But about the Idea Blood thing... It's more like a vestige than anything else. It certainly made the Ghoul punch above its weight, but that was about it. It could only use it as an energy source."

"I guess you could say the Ghoul was like the very weakened and mutated child of a Dead Apostle Ancestor. That said, the Idea Blood was implanted artificially, so this doesn't confirm we have one of those monsters in town." Welp, that was even scarier somehow.

Still, it seemed to bring back the magus theory with full force. Though he supposed most Dead Apostles ended up being mages anyways.

Touko. frowned. "And that's pretty much all I have on it. Sorry." It was both more and less than what he had expected it.

Ciel waved her off. "It's fine. Especially when you aren't asking anything in compensation." Or at least that's what she was assuming. Now that she had the information though, she could just reject any and all requests.

However... "By the way, can we have the body? If you still have it?" It would probably be wise to send it to the Vatican. There would be people more specialized on this type of stuff there after all.

Touko smiled. "No way, dirty executor." Wow.

Yuta sighed, and interjected. "Okay, so what would it take for you to give Senpai the body?" He knew how this thing went.

Touko smirked. "Maybe I would be willing to give to your girlfriend... if my pupil actually showed up for class once or twice." Ah, so she wanted him to learn magic huh?

He could do that.


"Sensei, can I ask for a better learning environment?" He had a headache. And he also wasn't learning a single goddamned thing here.

Immediately Aoko slapped the table. "Don't call her Sensei! That's my thing! If you do that again, I'm breaking up with you!" Normally he would be scared of such a threat, but he had learned they meant nothing.

Aoko was kind of an annoying girlfriend.

Rika glared at her. "Stop screaming while Yuta is studying! Are you stupid or something?" Naturally she shouted that at the top of her ghost lungs.

And that was the crux of Yuta's issue. During his magical lesson one of these two would say something, the other would rebuke it, and it would quickly explode into a massive argument. And in that argument, only Yuta's brain lost.

He sent a look of pure pain towards Touko, begging for salvation. Or at least a break.

The eldest Aozaki initially ignored his pleas, as she had done for the past few minutes. Probably because it was Yuta's fault that these two were here in the first place. Eventually her cold heart relented however.

Probably because she was getting a headache too. "Hey, you two morons, give me a damn break already." Yep, she was definitely getting a headache. If she even could as a puppet.

Though Yuta supposed one could never be immune to the headache of the soul.

All of Aoko's rage was immediately redirected towards her sister. "Who the hell are you calling a moron!?"

Rika snorted. "You and Yuta, I guess." Denial can be such a beautiful thing...

And Touko sought to quickly crush that denial. "No! I'm talking about you and my dumbass sister!" Her eye twitched. "At least change your size, you're clearly not meant to fit in here!" Yep, but that was just the struggle tha-.

Change her size?

Rika pouted. "Sorry that I'm a big girl, but that's not something I can change ya know?" Whatever rage she had immediately faded out. Probably because she was genuinely a bit insecure with the matter of her size.

Aoko nodded. "Yeah, and I can't change the fact that I'm a moron either." What a moron.

Touko rolled her eyes. "I won't disagree with my sister, mostly because I have seen her desperately trying to change it during her teenage years..." What kind of monster was teenager Aoko Aozaki?

Yuta constantly heard about how she was some super monster. Surely she couldn't be any crazier than her... mature version? Well, she probably traded a few sexy points for some cute points. If he could he would have both. An Aoko for each arm...!

"But Rika Okkotsu is not my sister. She's not even a ghost. As far as I understand she's Yuta Okkotsu's Knight Arm, a weapon designed by his Grain." Huh, so she had figured out Rika's shtick huh?

Rika tilted her head. "I don't really appreciate the weapon part, but I do appreciate you calling me Okkotsu. Anyways, just because I'm a weapon, that doesn't mean much. A sword can't suddenly change into a spear." At least most couldn't.

Yuta put a hand to his chin. "That's true, but we did manage to make you pass through walls that one time." Which is sort of a change, right?

Rika nodded. "Fair enough... But I still don't see how I could change my size. It just wouldn't... feel natural."

Touko scoffed. "What you are right now is unnatural." Welp, that was overly mean. "Let me give you two a quick lesson over the Third True Magic... The body imitates the state of the soul. In this case the body being the vessel."

"There is a limit to this of course, if you put a human soul in a flower nothing will change. But it does want to change, it just can't. Meanwhile, if you put a human soul in one my human puppets... they will change to look like the soul. It may take time, but it will happen."

Yuta immediately wondered if she was describing the process of how she obtained her own immortality, but there was no way right? From what he understood only Aoko could use True Magic, and she couldn't use the third. Only the fifth.

Touko crossed her arms. "If you want another example of... wacky stuff that can happen with it, here's one. A vampire's curse is imprinted directly on the soul, therefore even if a Dead Apostle changes bodies, they'll keep being a vampire." She gazed at Yuta, clearly expecting something.

And then it clicked on his head. "Ah... that's part of how Roa's immortality works." That useful information. Maybe.

He didn't really know how to use it, but it was good to keep in mind. It also meant that any damage he dealt to Roa's soul would be kept during his next reincarnation. Assuming he didn't permanently kill Roa of course.

Aoko raised hand. She looked just as lost as Yuta and Rika. "That's neat and all, but maybe my cute pupil is the flower in this situation. She can't change her body... or maybe that's just how her soul... looks."

Touko waved her off. "Nope. First of all, Rika Okkotsu's soul definitely looks like her younger girly self. That's how her human body was shaped after all, and the body imitates the soul. Like I just said."

"And about the first part... It's not it either. Her... outer shell is just made out of mana, nothing too rigid. In fact, it's probably more malleable than a human body if I'm being honest." Yuta didn't know how to feel about Rika being described as malleable.

"Which means changing something as simple as size should be easy. She can already change herself from little girl to... that, after all." Touko took a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. "With that said..." And then she started smoking.

She really had entered magus mode. "The fact that she has defaulted to this state, means something is wrong. For a while I thought it was conscious decision to keep her like that, but clearly not."

Yuta looked down, lost in thought.

A conscious decision huh? It definitely wasn't one. He had never gone out of his way to turn Rika into a big spooky ghost. So this was indeed something done by accident. Which wasn't surprising considering how weird his powers were.

Rika sounded excited. "So if we fix whatever issue is happening, I can change my body a bunch!? That sounds great...!"" She could have a butt as big as Rabbit!

Touko nodded. "To a certain extent yes. Changing should be easy, but... becoming the shape you want shouldn't. With the exception of just turning into your original form, I guess." And the curse form. Rika had stayed like that for years after all.

Aoko interjected, raising a finger. "What my nerd sister means, is that while you can go super crazy with your body, expect to look like a PS1 character more often than not. Just because you have a crazy 3D modeling program, it doesn't mean you know how to use it."

"And even if you know how to use it, the process is still gonna take days to make a good model. It's not something that is applicable on combat." But it still seemed insane...

Rika quickly waved Aoko off. "That's fine! That's fine! I can learna and stuff!" Just changing from this body would already be a blessing.

She had gotten used to it, but that didn't mean she liked it, so... "Okay Yuta, turn me into jailbait." For him she had always been jailbait.

He avoided her gaze. "Right, here's the problem with that... I don't know what's wrong in the first place." He looked at his teacher. "So, are you gonna tell us, Touko?"

"Hah? You think I'm omniscient? I don't know how you and your freaky Grain work." Ah.


AN: My Roy gained a strength level up after eons, but then Shanna got crit and I had to restart the map. Naturally that strenght growth did not repeat itself. Just Roy things, I suppose.

Level 15, 8 strength btw. My boy is made out of bread.


Yuval Roth

Loli Rika is coming!