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"And this is your new room, Yuuma." Claude smiled. "It's nothing too fancy, but it's probably a upgrade to what you used to have!" He opened the door and entered like he owned the place.

Well, Claude was the leader of the Golden Deers. In a way he did own this place.

Yuuma follows along. "It certainly is..." He wondered if all students received this treatment, or if this was due to him being Rhea's special little boy.

Claude gave a mocking bow. "And with that, the tour is over, your majesty. I hope it was to your liking." It had been adequate.

Claude introduced Yuuma to several key students, such as Hilda Goneril and the like. And also their professor. Not to mention he also explained what various places in the Monastery were for.

Yuuma already knew many of these things of course, but it was nice to know what he could and couldn't do as a student. Heh, now people were going to be cleaning up his messes.

More importantly however... "Huh? What's that about your majesty?" Wasn't this reversed? Claude was the one who was gonna be the future leader of a country here, not him.

His leader smirked. "What else am I supposed to call ya? I mean, Rhea handed you over to me like she was a mother giving someone her newborn baby." What was with that description!? "So, care to share any secrets there?"

Yuuma sighed. "There are no secrets there. Rhea just gave me this opportunity on a whim." As Seteth predicted, there were consequences for being recognized as Rhea's protege.

He could still remember Claude's face slowly falling into shock as Rhea explained that any and all problems related to Yuuma should be directed at her. It really did make her sound like some overprotective mother.

Claude gave him a wink. "Whatever, feel free to keep your secrets. I'm just glad you picked the winner's house..." He scratched his cheek. "Or more accurately, the loser's house."

He continued, his voice sounding displeased. "We got dominated in that mock battle thingy... It was the battle of the Eagle and the Lion alright. Edelgard and her army of mages, and Dimitri and his army of one super skilled merc."

It seemed he was getting more and more depressed as things went on. "Meanwhile, the deer was really just prey... Having some Rhea chosen talent is gonna gives us better odds when the real deal comes though!" And by the end he had regained some excitement.

He didn't know what Yuuma's deal was. He had heard the stories of a strange foreign with amnesia of course, and the man's appearance seemed to fit that. But why would Rhea get so interested in some foreigner with amnesia?

Claude decided that he had to have some hidden talent. Maybe a lost crest? Either way, it was bound to be super useful, and Claude needed all the tools he could get for his future dream.

Yuuma awkwardly raised a hand. "Right... about that... I don't really have any talents and all that. I really mean it when I say Rhea chose me on a whim." He guessed powerful people just like throwing around power.

Claude chuckled. "Trust me friend, there is no need for self-deprecation here. We already have Marianne for that, in case you didn't realize it." And also Hilda... And Lysithea was pretty insecure. And so was Leonie in her own way.

The women of his house clearly needed a morale boost. Claude would add that to his mental check-list.

Yuuma blushed. "No, it's not that I'm depressed or trying to be humble or anything. I have literally never held a sword in my hand. Or a lance. Or a bow. Or... you get the idea. And before you ask, I don't have a crest."

Claude just kept chuckling. "I see you're a jokester! You'll fit right in buddy!"

"I'm not joking. Please accept reality."

"Give me some time."

Some time passed. "Okay, I accepted reality..." Claude covered his face. "What is Lady Rhea even thinking...?" He clumsy looked at Yuuma. "Ugh, no offense."

Yuuma shrugged in response. "None taken dude, I get you." Claude must have been expecting a super soldier, and instead he got a guy who could wash dishes really fast. "Just like... don't take me on missions and stuff."

His leader shook his head. "Can't do that... I can already see the scandal, leader of the Golden Deer neglects Rhea's chosen." Ah, he hadn't thought about that. "Besides, even if you never see any real combat, not knowing how to fight will impact your grades."

He continued. "And since Lady Rhea oh so gracefully handed you over to me, I guess I'll be screwed if that happens." Yuuma hadn't really thought about all that when he had decided to accept this whole monastery thing.

"Honestly... But welp, if I have no choice, then I have no choice." He patted Yuuma's shoulder. "I'll be making a man outta you."


"You're making me work!" In the end Hilda ended up breaking the lance in his hands.

And causes Yuuma to fall on his ass. "Damn it...!" But he quickly felt a fire growing inside of him, a fire that told him to never give up! "I can still fight!" So he slowly began to get up.

Until Claude called out. "That's cool and all, but the fight is over! So feel free to not get up!"

Yuuma's eye twitched. "My bad." In the end he had decided to lay down onto the ground.

He wasn't unused to this after all, it had become a routine of sortts even. Since Claude decided he would be responsible for training Yuuma into a competent fighter, he would often call people to kick Yuuma's ass... Well, he called a spar.

That said, sparing wasn't the only thing he did of course. Actual training was done constantly, he also needed to attend classes and when he had extra time he even studied magic in the surprisingly available library.

One might say that doing so many things would be exhausting. That person would probably be right.

But Yuuma didn't really hate it. It's not like there was anything else to do, and besides recently he had felt a strange well of motivation inside of himself.

There was one problem with all his training though.

Hilda sighed. "There Claude, I did some babysitting. Can I go back to my room now? I had plans for today ya know?" And this was the problem.

Resentment for Yuuma was clearly brewing among his class. He supposed it was inevitable since Claude kept dragging them into his mess. Not to mention how he clearly started receiving better treatment from the people here.

Claude waved her off. "Sure, sure. Just don't act like your plans weren't just lazying off all day." And with that Hilda left.

The leader of the Golden Deer let his pet project catch his breath. To be honest, he was impressed. While Yuuma hadn't lied about being a complete amateur, he was also certainly improving quickly.

Eventually Yuuma was forced to get however. Claude pat his back. "Okay, let's go over that fight." It had become normal for them to analyze Yuuma's mistakes after a bout.

But before that could happen...

"Excuse me." A woman cleared her throat.

Both of them turned around. Claude was already smiling. "Oh, hey teach, how's it going?" He then snorted. "Here to spy on some precious information?" The merc had chosen the Blue Lions after all.

She shook her head. "No." And then she stared at Yuuma.

Yuuma stared back.

This was weird. "Um... do you need something?" He had never personally talked with the legendary mercenary with massive titties before, so this was certainly an experience. Why was she so... tranquil?

Byleth nodded. "Yes, but first..." She took a pen out of her pocket. "You lost this. Take it."

Yuuma awkwardly took it. "Right... T-thanks for finding it? Um. Yeah. Thanks for finding it." He didn't even know he had lost the thing in the first place, but he didn't want to be rude.

Actually... the pen had nothing special about it. How did she know it was his...?

The professor's face remained as emotionless as ever. "You are welcome." She took a pause. "Join my class." Hah!?

Claude scrunched his eyebrows together. "Wow...! Trying to poach him right under my nose, teach!?" This had come a bit out of nowhere, hadn't it!?

That said, there was technically nothing wrong with it. Students changing houses wasn't against the rules or anything like that, it was just typically not done. A house was closely affiliated with a nation after all, so typically you just joined and stayed whatever was affiliated with yours.

Byleth was shameless. "Yes." And then she went back to staring at Yuuma, waiting for an answer.

He stepped back. He was feeling a bit uncomfortable here... "That's... a nice offer? But I just got into the Golden Deers and I'm enjoying my time here, so I'll have to pass Professor Byleth." This was flattering in a way.

Though the professor of the Blue Lions was probably just trying to gather up some prestige by picking up Rhea's golden boy. Yuuma hadn't done anything impressive to receive this opportunity on his on merits.

She didn't seem bothered by his rejection at all. "I see. What exactly would convince you to join my class then?"

"Huh?" Both Yuuma and Claude were surprised about her persistent behavior.

Byleth clarified. "I am willing to accommodate you by raising my skills in certain areas so that I may train you better. Please give me a list so that I may begin working on it as soon as possible." She wished she had a notepad with her.

Yuuma looked away. "Um... there is no list, Professor. I'm just not gonna... I'm just not gonna join your class." Claude was just glad his pet project wasn't gonna be so easily swayed away.

For the first time ever, Byleth showed emotion. "But... why? I am willing to make your learning experience in the Blue Lions superior." Wasn't that all that mattered? This was a school after all.

Yuuma sighed. "Because the Blue Lions is really..." Should he really say what he was about to say? Fuck it. "Classist? I mean, ninety-nine percent of the people there are nobles. They would eat me alive." That's wasn't completely true.

In the recent days Yuuma had been treated as nobility due to his connection with Rhea, so it's not like he would be mistreated or anything. Nonetheless, the whole thing left a bad taste in his mouth.

He continued. "And like... I'm not saying that's a Blue Lions exclusive, I ain't joining the Black Eagles either. Still, the point is that I won't be joining you unless you fix that. I guess." And he probably wouldn't join even if she did.

Mostly because asking Rhea to change his house would be really embarrassing.

Byleth showed another crumb of emotion. A small pout. "Oh. I can't do that." She turned around and... ran away.

Claude glared at him. "Dude, uncool."

"I did literally nothing wrong in this conversation."


"A Support Event has been triggered." Yuuma felt a sudden bout of frustration hit him as that voice returned.

And then a woman from behind cleared her throat. "Excuse me." Yuuma turned around, and yet again he found the professor of the Blue Lions.

He could already feel a headache coming. "Oh, hello professor." Why was she here!? He was walking around the Dormitory of the Golden Deer!

She took a pair of gloves from her pocket. "You lost this. Take it."

Did he... did he even wear clothes? "Oh. Thank you." Welp, he wasn't gonna say no to a teacher. Especially when he was already on her shit list for his previous rejection.

Byleth just stared at him and say nothing back. Yuuma began wondering if she was trying to kill him with her eyes. Or perhaps she was trying to bless him. It was hard to tell when it came to her.

He looked around. "So... um..." Okay, he reached his limit. "Professor, can you please stop staring at me? I know that's like your thing, but you're being really creepy right now." There he finally said it.

Her eyes widened. "I'm being... creepy?"

He nodded. "Yeah, you're being creepy. And I realize that you're probably just trying to be helpful, but... look, I don't even own a pair of gloves. Where did you even get this?"

He raised it to his eyes, and analyzed. "I'm pretty sure it had a name written on it... Ferdinand Von Aegir." Who wrote their name on their gloves!?

Byleth quickly took them back. "My apologies." And then she started muttering to herself. "Let's go back... What do you mean can't? This is unacceptable." And suddenly she had become even more creepy.

In the end the professor went back to staring at Yuuma. "I... About that."

Yuuma shrugged. "No need to explain. I don't want to know. But about that pen... how did you even know it was mine? I didn't even know I had lost it."

"Trial and error." What was that supposed to mean. "Nonetheless, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I... struggle with these matters. I never wished to make you, or any of my students uncomfortable."

He smiled. "It's alright professor... Just try to not do it again." It was hard to feel mad when she clearly wasn't trying to be harmful.

"Event Over." As always, the voice returned. "Byleth's/Sothis' C-Support achieved!" Sothis!?

While Yuuma agonized over the voice in his head suddenly name dropping the goddess of Fodlan together with his socially stunted professor...

The professor herself suddenly started muttering to herself. "I wonder what kind of tea leaves he would enjoy..."


Time had passed more or less normally for Yuuma. Though Byleth would now occasionally show up and return him a missing item or two... It seemed she hadn't learned much after their conversation. Though at least she asked if the items was his or not nowadays.

"A Support Event has been triggered." Again!? It had been like three days!?

Professor Byleth greeted him with a friendly smile. Or at least as friendly as she could manage it. "Yuuma. Hello."

He waved back at her. "Y-yo." But he wasn't paying too much attention if he was being honest. Instead he was wandering why that voice had decided to start acting up even when Rhea wasn't around.

Since Byleth wasn't naturally unaware of all that, she kept pressing on without a care. "Would you like to have some tea with me? There's also sweets and the like." She had some free time to spend.

Her sudden invitation broke through Yuuma's thoughts. "Professor, I don't think someone of your profession should be inviting a student to have tea." Was he being groomed? Well, the professor probably didn't mean it.

As expected, she was confused. "Why not? I invite my students to have tea with me all the time." Had she been doing something wrong...? That would be unacceptable.

Yuuma scratched his cheek. "Man, how do I explain this... Look Professor, one thing is inviting a big group of people. Inviting just a single individual is another thing entirely." She could keep doing the first if she wanted to.

She tilted her head. "I frequently invite people in the individual level, however." She put a hand to her chin. "Dimitri seemed to think it's nice. Felix complains but always accepts it. Sylvain... Sylvain isn't getting invited to tea parties anymore. Dedue is the best." She said all that with a monotone tone.

"Y-you have been inviting all the guy's from your house...?" Why no girls!?

Byleth shook her head. "I have also invited men from outside the Blue Lions. Such as you." Right... "Tell me, why is that considered bad?" If he had a good reason she would naturally stop doing it of course.

Geez, maybe he knew she was socially stunted, but wasn't this a bit much...? "It's obviously inappropriate for a teacher to invite a student for something like this... It makes it look like you're... you know... dating them."

Her jaw hit the floor. "What?" She looked at an empty space. "You... are telling me he is correct? Why didn't you warn me before?"

Yuuma pouted. "Well, how could I have warned you? I just learned about this..."

She tried recomposing herself. "No, sorry I was actually speaking with... nevermind." The lightest of smiles appeared on her face. "I will take your advice into consideration. From now on I shall not carelessly invite students for tea."

Yuuma gave her a thumbs up. "Great." He had saved her from any possible scandals. Truly he was a hero. "I'm gonna go now, see ya, professor." He had things to do. Namely waste his life trying to figure out how fireballs worked.

"Wait a minute." Oh? "Would you like to have tea with me? There's also sweets and the like." The sweets were very expensive.

Yuuma wondered what he had done to deserve this. "W-we just had a talk about this! In fact, I'm pretty sure you repeated yourself word-by-word!" Was he going crazy? Was this the next step after the voices?

She... giggled? "Yes, but it is different when it's with you. I know you won't misread what I mean, in that way you're just like my father." That was... sweet of her? From what he knew her father was a hardass though.

"Professor... I'm still not going. I'm busy."

"Oh, what a shame. However, if I may bother you some more, would you like to join my class?" Damn it.

"Event Over. Byleth's/Sothis' B-Support Achieved!"


"A Support Event has been triggered." And there it was.

Why had the strange voices in head decided they needed to start activating whenever Byleth was around? Were they cheating on Rhea? Welp, Yuuma couldn't tell since he hadn't been spending much time with the Archbishop. And honestly, he had never spent much time with the Archbishop. Or Byleth for that matter. Claude was probably the person who had most monopolized his time.

Byleth smiled, it was as barely visible as always. "I'm glad you have finally accepted my invitation. Is everything to your liking?" He didn't know what half of the food in the table even was.

But there was no reason to be impolite. "Y-yeah, everything is... um... great." Why was he even here? Why did he even accept this?

The truth is that after getting his ass beat, as usual, he was feeling pretty down. So eating some sweets while discreetly stealing glances at some massive tits sounded like a real nice pick me up.

Byleth nodded. "Very well. Do warn me if you would prefer something else." This was definitely one of those moments when he was supposed to stay silent instead of leeching off someone's politeness, wasn't it?

She took a sip of her tea. "So, I've been speaking with Lady Rhea recently..." Immediately Yuuma tensed up. "More specifically about the matter of me recruiting you to the Blue Lions. She sounded ecstatic about the idea." Ah, so this is what this is about.

Yuuma sighed. "Look Professor, this isn't about me being scared of Lady Rhea." In fact he really appreciated everything the Archbishop had done. "I won't join your class just because you went to ask for her permission." Unless Rhea ordered him to, of course.

Byleth looked down. "I see..." It was a shame, but she could not control people's minds.

Yuuma rested his head against his hand. "Why do you even want me on your class anyways? I'm not good at combat." He was making progress, but he still had zero wins under his belt.

Byleth frowned. "First of all, I want you in my class to change that. It worries me that you are so weak." Ouch. She wasn't lying, but it still hurt. "Though I didn't have that motivation at the beginning of course."

She seemed... embarassed? "At first I sought to recruit you simply because I sought to recruit many people." Huh. "Though you were also naturally interesting due to your connection with Lady Rhea. I saw talent in you, just as she did."

"But then I started talking with you more and more and..." More and more? They had like a total of two actual conversations. "I... I didn't know many people around my age growing up." Oh no.

It was trauma dumping time, wasn't it?

"From the moment I could walk a sword was put in my hands. I was truly raised as a mercenary." She giggled. "But I don't hate that life. I love it in fact, and I love my father who gently guided me along that path." Okay, so maybe it wasn't trauma time?

She continued. "However, I always had difficulty connecting with others... besides him. My heart doesn't even beat, you see." In like a metaphorical way, right? "Yes, for the longest of times my father was the only one who understood me, and I never had the time to find another."

She took his hands in a gentle caress. "I was lonely, so lonely, because I hadn't met you yet. So... I want to recruit you." Where had this come from!? When did he walk the teacher route!?

"So... stay with me. Promise me you won't leave me alone." This was...

So sad, in like a really pathetic way. "Um... I won't join your class, but like... we can keep being friends and stuff." This woman needed some therapy. Desperately. Fuck that shit about her liking the mercenary life, it was clearly not going well.

Byleth sighed. "If that's the best I can ask for... but don't expect me to give up so easily. I will keep asking you, because I want you by my side at all times." He was pretty sure he could report her to Seteth for that. But whatever.

"Event Over. Byleth's/Sothis' A-Support Achieved!"


"Hey Professor, I'm here." Yuuma knocked on the door.

He didn't know why Byleth had called him over to her room, and normally he wouldn't come out of the fear of having his organs harvested and sold in some black market. However, he had come to understand that while Byleth may be creepy at times, it was mostly out of ignorance.

He was pretty sure she had some sort of undiagnosed condition, but whatever.

"Come in." Her voice sounded strangely nervous, which didn't feel him with a lot of confidence.

Knowing her, she had probably done another inappropriate thing, except maybe she was now finally paying the price for it. Welp, he was willing to try and help her out, even if a student probably shouldn't get too close with his teacher.

He opened the door, immediately his senses were attacked by two things. "A Support Event has been triggered." At this point he wasn't even surprised by it anymore.

The second thing however... "Are you planning on going to a date, Professor?" Byleth was all dressed up. It was almost weird seeing her doing things like wearing makeup, and she was also holding a bouquet of flowers on one hand.

She shook her head. "N-no..."

Yuuma raised an eyebrow as he close the door behind him. "Okay...? So what are you up to? You need my help for anything?" After his first guess turned out to be wrong, he seriously didn't know what to say.

Byleth glared at his lower half? "Stop licking him. It's wrong." What? "Anyways, I have something to tell you..."

Byleth shook her head as she approached him. "Here, flowers." She handed him the bouquet.

Yuuma took it with great care. "Thanks, professor...?" He was still trying to figure out what his stupid friend was up to, but there was no reason to refuse a gift. Even if he wasn't a flowers guy.

Byleth smiled. "You like them?" Yuuma hesitantly nodded. "I see. I'll have to thank Annete and Mercedes later then." Those were students from the Blue Lions, right?

Byleth took a deep breath, and opened a box, inside of it was... "This is a ring."

Yuuma started looking around, trying to see if he was missing something. "Y-yeah...? It looks... pretty cool." His mind started running through a certain theory. He immediately discarded it, because he wasn't insane.

Byleth blushed. "I misspoke out of nervousness. I meant to say... it's your ring. It belonged to... to... someone really dear to me. But now it belongs to you. If you want it." Hah... the crazy theory he discarded came back to life.

Yuuma discarded it again. "Oh, cool. Thanks for the gift Professor, but I don't think someone like you should be giving gifts to students." Or asking for their hand in marriage...! No, forget the theory.

Byleth's lips trembled. "Please do not do this with me. I know... I know you understand what I mean." Oh no. "But if I must speak... Marry me." She clicked her tongue out of nowhere. "Us. Marry us. Spend the rest of your life with us, my... my beloved." For once her voice was truly filled with emotion.

Yuuma took a step back. "Professor... What?" Was this some... Fodlan custom he didn't get? Was her marriage invitation actually a invite to eat some lunch together?

There was no way this grown ass woman who was also a teacher, even if not his teacher, was asking for his hand in marriage, right? And also, what was with the us part? Had he missed some development!?

Byleth's eyes were filled with resolve. "I asked for your hand in marriage, Yuuma. If you want to reject me... I understand, but I want you to acknowledge me while you do so." Huh, maybe he really should report her to Seteth.

On one hand, she was definitely committing some huge crime born out of delusional and mental illness here.

On the other hand however, she had really big tits.

In the end, he needed to know more. "Why... why do you want to marry me?" Couldn't she have molested him like a normal pedo teacher instead!? He wasn't ready for marriage! He wasn't even ready for school!

"Because... because I love you. I know if you don't feel the same, that doesn't mean much, but for me it is the world. I want to support you, I desperately want to protect you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Even when hard times come, I want you to trust me above all else. I want you to look at me. I want you... Like I said before, I want you to stay with me forever. No matter what the future holds, or what unfolds." She nodded to herself. "The first time we met was certainly fate. Because I have gained something I lacked from birth."

She gazed at the ring. "My heart now finally beats, it's inside of your chest."

Yuuma's jaw hit the floor. "That was very..." Creep. It would be romantic, if he actually knew this woman for a few years, and not less than a month. "Very sweet. I'm like... super... yeah, I'm super flattered."

Now it was his time to show resolve. "But I can't accept this. I'm so sorry, Byleth." He would totally be cool with a booty call or two though!

Byleth looked down. She was crying, probably for the first time in her life. "Love truly is terrifying... I wish I could stab it." And that was probably his clue to leave before she tried it.

However, Byleth closed the small box and put it back inside of her pocket. "V-very well..." She was sobbing as she talked. "I shall face the truth and accept this rejection... But please, whenever you face troubles... Feel free to call me for help."

"Right. Thank you for your understanding." Huh, he had rejected a woman for the first time in his life.

Byleth suddenly went still.

Yuuma flinched, and braced himself for a yandere meltdown. "P-professor...?" There was definitely something wrong happening.

His feelings were immediately proven correct as the ground began to shake, and as Byleth began to glow. Yuuma felt like he was seeing someone going super saiyan. And it was probably with the intent of killing him.

He began walking towards the door. It did not open. He turned around to stare at Byleth again, a horrified look on his face, as her hair began... began turning a bright shade of green. The same thing happened to her eyes.

Byleth finally moved. She scowled. "Like hell! My foolish vessel may accept something like rejection, because she clearly does not truly love you, but I shall not give up so easily!" Vessel...?

She began walking towards him. "Let me make something clear, I love you. Passionately! Desperately! Hopelessly! If you do not feel the same then... then I will change that. I shall tear the very hands of fate into pieces if necessary!"

The shaking got worse... something began to crack, revealing nothing, but black void.

Yuuma was certain he was experiencing a heart attack. "Oh my Sothis, you are breaking reality." What kind of Super Saiyan was this!? He knew sympathized with galactic emperors who feared legends.

Wait, what even was a Super Saiyan!?

Byleth? blushed. "Yes, I am indeed yours! For I am Sothis, the beginning!" Was he... was he speaking with a goddess right now? "And you are my end! Now love me, for I command you to do so...!"

Something snapped inside of Yuuma.

He wasn't a heroine from some Rape VN who lost so easily. "No. I rejected Byleth, and I will reject you too." He also didn't know what a heroine from a Rape VN even was! B-but saying no to a goddess felt pretty badass.

Besides, this bitch ignored his prayers like all the time.

Byleth... Sothis... glared at him. "You... you..." He naturally expected divine punishment. Maybe she would turn him into a goat?

Reality fixed itself.

Sothis started bawling. "You are so awful...! Can you not see that my heart... our heart... beats only for you!?"


Sothis threw herself at his feet. "Please, give us a chance! If there is something wrong.... we can change! I promise we can! Is this about Byleth inviting other men for tea!? If you so desire I will do my best to erase those men from the timeline!"

Yuuma looked down at the goblin groveling beneath. "Yeah, I'm gonna go back to my dorm." He would also change his religion. He heard that Axis Cult from Almyra was pretty nice.

Sothis grabbed his leg with surprising strength. "Do not go my love! Do not!" He could see snot falling from her nose. Ew. "Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me!"

"Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me! Please love me!" He wondered if it would be okay to kick her so he could escape.

The door was kicked down. "Byleth, are you okay!? The earthquake didn't-..." Jeralt came to save his precious daughter.

Yeah, he would definitely save his precious daughter.

"Event Over. Byleth's/Sothis' S-Support... achieved?"


AN: I've been struggling with the Kazuma scene, so you get this instead.

"I was pretty informal with my students, but I always kept a respectful distance too."


Some Guy

Damm that was kinda creepy I mean normal Yuuma has that slow burn rizz(mind control) so interactions between him and Lucina or Celica feel natural and more interesting. On the other hand Yan Byleth is hot so peak is still peak.


Wow, Sothis is cringe.