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Cheat: Support System.

One may raise their affection with another individual incredibly fast. All it takes is one "meaningful" conversation between the user and the target and a "rank-up" shall occur. There must be no third party and only individuals with strong destinies shall be affected by this.

C - A friend.

B - A close friend.

A - One's most important treasure.

S - Eternal love. Can only be obtained if certain conditions are met.

One who takes this cheat becomes a JRPG protagonist. Caution is advised.


Yuuma Abe hated his current situation, and in his defense, who wouldn't?

A few days ago he had awoken in a strange place without being able to remember anything except for his name, while wearing what were apparently very strange clothes.

And as he soon found out, this wasn't just any place, it was Garreg Mach Monastery. It was like a weird mixture between one massive religious HQ and a school for privileged kids. Since Yuuma wa suspicious, and this place was filled with nobility, words about executing him had been thrown around.

Thankfully the Archbishop had intervened and in the end Yuuma was even given a spot as a servant here.

Which fucking sucked!

So now Yuuma was praying. "Please Goddess Sothis, make me rich or something...! I can't handle this anymore...!" His job was killing him. Yuuma had not been prepared about how much work a average servant had to do.

He spent the entire day cleaning. There was never any lack of tasks to be accomplished, mostly because when he finished everything, the places he had previously cleaned were now back to being dirty as fuck.

So yes, he had come to the goddess to pray for a easy life.

And since he was already here... "If you need to take some luck from someone else to make my better, please screw up those noble brats, Goddess Sothis... They're all dastards. Each and every single one of them."

When Yuuma had just gotten here, he thought he would be all over them. And he had for a while... all the girls looked like VN heroines, and all the guys looked pretty chill. He didn't really know what he himself meant by VN heroine by the way.

Nonetheless, as time passed he realized something very important... They did not clean their messes, and they made a lot of messes. So... fuck them.

Yuuma kept praying, until a voice suddenly rang out in his head.

"A Support Event has been triggered." It was enough to spook him out of his prayer's.

Yuuma's eyes widened. "Miss Goddess!?" Was Sothis talking with him right here and now!? Or had his infernal work finally broken his mind!? With his luck it was most definitely the latter.

But no goddess answered.

Debatably. The woman who did answer had the figure of a goddess as far as he was concerned. "Oh, are you praying, Yuuma?" He turned around and saw the Archbishop with a slight smile on her face.

He immediately bowed. "Y-yes Lady Rhea! B-but it's not like I'm being lazy or anything, I'm on a break from work right now!" He was surprised she even remembered his name.

But perhaps he shouldn't be. He was the weirdo who had shown up with no memories while wearing strange clothes and looking different from everyone. There was no way he was being forgotten anytime soon.

Rhea's eyebrows shot up at his reaction. "Oh my, no need for such... an outburst. From what I've heard you have worked incredibly hard so far young man..." She knew pretty much everything he had done since he had stepped foot in Garreg Mach.

Yuuma did not know this, but Rhea had many eyes watching him. Just in case he truly was someone with nefarious intentions. Though so far the boy had only shown to be... quirky. That was normal for teenagers however, and the boy was clearly very young.

She continued. "And furthermore, praying to the goddess is not lazy in any way, shape or form. In fact it gladdens my heart that you have sought comfort in her embrace." She nodded to herself. "Perhaps the goddess shall even help you recover your memories."

Yuuma awkwardly looked away. "Yeah, that was totally what I was praying for. Restoring my memories..." He wasn't about to admit to Rhea how he was praying to get easier work.

Nor was he about to admit he had heard voices in his head. Yuuma didn't have some ultra powerful cheat that made him above social norms after all. Which is why he also wasn't about to say he really wished he could knock on Rhea's backdoor.

Rhea chuckled. "Well, whatever you were praying for is between you and the goddess. You need not tell me." Well, Yuuma had to admit that at least she was nice.

"However... if it is perhaps something that I could help with, feel free to tell me Yuuma. I am no goddess, but I can lend you a hand." Maybe a bit too nice even. Was this some sort of test?

Probably not. It was most likely one of those situations where she was just being polite, that's all. If Yuuma was correct she just threw those words into the air with the expectation that Yuuma would reject her help in a effort to be equally as polite.

This wasn't her lucky day though, because there was something Yuuma desperately wanted. "Um... in that case, can you get my clothes back?" He wouldn't ask for easier work, but surely this was fine?

She slightly tilter her head. "Your clothes...? I am afraid I do not understand what you mean."

Yuuma blushed a little. "Right, sorry. Basically, when I got here I was wearing some pretty weird clothes... and when I was given new ones they kept the old ones. In case it became evidence or something."

"I see... I could get them back for you." It would be easy for her. Rhea's authority had no equal in Garreg Mach Monastery. It arguably had no equal in the continent of Fodlan itself. "But may I ask why?"

Huh, that was a good question.

Yuuma hadn't exactly thought about it, he had simply followed his heart. So now that he was put on the spot, he needed sometime to put his thoughts into order. Thankfully Rhea did not complain, silently waiting for his answer.

After a while, he sighed. "I guess... I guess its just because it's the only thing I have left from my home. Whatever that home is..." The answer he had arrived was a fairly obvious one, but it was his answer nonetheless.

Rhea flinched. "I... I understand. Very well, I shall see what I can do."

Immediately Yuuma smiled. "T-thanks Lady Rhea! I really appreciate it!" In the end some of his wishes were really grant-.

"Event over." He almost jumped from fright at the sudden return from the voice. "Rhea's C-Support achieved!" And now it was outright screaming on his ears!

Rhea seemed worried. "Are you alright? You look frightened..." He didn't just look frightened! He was terrified!

But there was no way he was going to tell Rhea that. "I-I'm fine Lady Rhea, don't worry about." There was no way he was telling anyone about the voices in his head.

Even if it would be kind of funny.


He was praying again.

Not because he had become particularly religious or anything. It was simple because Yuuma noticed a very curious fact... People started treating him better once he made praying for the goddess a part of his routine.

It was probably because it made him seem less of a stranger. Well, he was okay with adapting to the culture of Fodlan as long as it made his life easier. Besides, maybe the goddess would listen to his prayer's and actually explain the voice issue.

Yuuma actually hadn't heard them ever since that day, but that didn't mean he was any less worried. Even if there was nothing he could do about it... Actually the fact he could do nothing about it made him even more worried.

He began muttering to himself. "Maybe I should just forget about that voic-."

"A Support Event has been triggered." Of course. Naturally the universe existed just to make a fool out of Yuuma Abe.

"So these are your clothes...?" He turned around and saw Rhea yet again. "They are indeed quite strange. I have never seen anything like it." Just where had this boy come from...? Even... those snakes didn't dress like this.

He bowed. "Hello Lady Rhea. Um... thanks for getting for keeping your word." One day after their talk some other servant had knocked on his room and delivered the clothes.

Yuuma had been extremely happy. Happy enough that he was wearing them even though he was trying to integrate himself into this world's culture.

She smiled. "I would not deserve my post if I could not grant such a simple wish... I hope your day is just a bit brighter now that your home walks with you, Yuuma." Wow, she had suddenly got all poetic.

He laughed. "Yep, it's brighter alright! Even if they're weird enough to give even you pause..." Maybe he should chuck them into a drawer and forget them until there was a special event or something.

Surprisingly enough, Rhea blushed a bit. "My apologies, I meant no insult..."

He waved her off. "It's alright... Even if they're weird, they're mine. Something that came from the same place as me... That's why I need to keep wearing them with pride." Screw chucking them into a drawer.

Rhea's eyes widened. "That's..." But slowly her smile widened. "Completely correct. How wise of you, Yuuma." That was the first time anyone ever called him wise...! Amazing...!

Yuuma scratched his nose. "Hah, I got a compliment from the Archbishop today! It sure is a lucky day... It seems everytime I run into you It's a lucky day even." He regretted those words as soon as he said it.

Was he getting a bit too comfortable with the Archbishop? As a common servant, he definitely didn't have the rank to do that.

Thankfully it seemed Rhea wasn't mad either. "Running into you makes my day better as well, Yuuma." He would never forget this moment... To think such a hottie was saying those words to a commoner such as him.

"Though I did not run into you by accident. I actually... wished to see those clothes, as strange as that sounds." She hadn't run into him by luck the first time either. She had wanted to talk with the amnesiac boy to see what he really was like.

She had been pleasantly surprised.

Yuuma blushed. "Y-you wanted to see the clothes...?" That was weird right? He wasn't weird for thinking it was weird right!? "Why...?"

She nodded. "I wanted to see them because... because I too miss things that will not so easily be brought back." She closed her eyes. "I suppose I got a bit attached to your story, Yuuma. I apologize if that bothers."

He immediately shook his head. "Y-you aren't bothering anyone, don't worry!" She looked super sad out of nowhere...! He shouldn't have questioned her...

Still, what was she talking about? Was she not born around these parts? He supposed that was possible, and also fairly likely even. Fodlan was a massive continent with three entirely different countries after all.

Now he felt like it was obligation to comfort her. "And... and Lady Rhea, please remember that even if it is hard like you said, hard doesn't mean impossible." He tried giving her a bright smile.

It didn't work. "Of course..." She still seemed just as sad.

Yuuma wouldn't give up so easily now though. "And if it does happen to be impossible... At least a person can always find a new home too!" He gave her a thumbs up. "The clothes I see people wearing aren't bad at all! I find them pretty cool!" Sometimes. The student uniform was cool, but he couldn't wear it.

Finally a smile returned to her lips, even if weak. "Is that so...? But I miss what I have lost so, so much..." Geez, did she really have to trauma dump on him!? This was their second conversation!

He immediately nodded. "That is so. That isn't to say the past isn't important though. It's just that... every part is important. What you wore yesterday, what you are wearing today, and what you will wear tomorrow are all important!" And now he was shouting at the Archbishop.

In his defense, he was a teenager with no memories. What the hell was he supposed to do when a grown ass woman who could have him executed with a snap of her fingertips looked like she was about to cry?

Now she looked pretty happy though. "I... You are even wiser than I previously thought Yuuma." She chuckled. "How embarrassing for me, acting as if I am the younger one." At least she could see that.

Her smile looked beautiful though, so fighting this awkwardness had been worth it. "I'll have to return this favor eventually, Yuuma." Also, her hips were massive. No woman with such big hips deserved sadness.

He waved her off. "Nah, I was basically paying back a favor. Due to the clothes and all." Also, having the Archbishop owe him a favor sounded kind of terrifying.

She hummed. "Ah, you are one of those types... very well, I suppose I will just have to surprise you with some form of gift then." Scar-.

"Event over." This again! And it was with Rhea both times too...! "Rhea's B-Support Achieved!" It was just as loud as it had been during that day.

He really was going crazy... Maybe he hit his head in the past causing the amnesia and also this? Should he go see a healer?

Rhea interrupted his thought process. "Speaking of the future however, do you have any plans for the future, Yuuma?" She was gonna keep talking with him?

He shrugged. "As embarrassing as it to say after all that... Not really. Though even if I had, in the end I'm just a servant here." He supposed he could technically still rise through ranks of sort. But becoming a servant who organized other servants didn't really sound exciting.

Rhea frowned. "Just a servant...? You wish for more, Yuuma?"

He hesitantly nodded. "Who doesn't? In the end though, I don't have some super skill to make myself shine." He didn't have a crest or whatever those were called. "Who knows though? Maybe one day I'll have a lucky break. So I have to keep working."

"Indeed. You do have a... super skill however, I want you too keep that in mind. It's your heart." That's...

So embarrassing!? This woman was totally misreading him!


Yuuma had never been so nervous in his life. Or at least he thought so, he admittedly couldn't remember most of that life, so perhaps he was incorrect. If that was the case however, he must have lived quite the stressful life.

After all he had been called to meet with Lady Rhea.

Sure he thought he had build a good rapport with her during their two conversations, but this was still extremely anxiety inducing. Mostly because he didn't know what he had done to be called in the first place.

He hadn't messed any tasks recently, but he also hadn't exceeded them. It was just same old, same old for him. So why did the Archbishop personally call for some bum ass servant!?

He was also worried about starting another event. Whatever that meant. Those always started near Rhea after all, and he still didn't know their purpose at all. Or even if they were real and not just an hallucination.

And as he got closer to the room where he was supposed to go, he started hearing shouting.

"Really Rhea? The professor was one thing, but this...! The boy has no combat training to speak of! He could get seriously hurt!" Oh-uh. Was he supposed to interrupt and enter or just wait?

Rhea's voice was far calmer. "The school shall teach him how to fight. And besides, my decision to hire Byleth as a professor did not go wrong. Is that not correct?" Yuuma had heard of this Byleth. Apparently she had big tits.

"W-well, yes, but she is a experienced mercenary. This boy is... well, he is a boy. And let me clarify that I do not mean to judge him for his condition, this is for his own good! Any knave with an axe could turn him into a corpse!" Welp, sucks to be that boy.

Rhea sighed. "I cannot deny that... but I believe there is something... special about Yuuma." They were talking about him!? "But if he is not given the opportunity to cultivate his talents, then... then that special something may disappear."

Huh, he was flattered. Though he hadn't really done anything special at all.

The voice on the other side sounded even more frustrated. "I... I trust your judgment Rhea, if you say he is in the possession of some unique quality, then he is in the possession of some unique quality."

After a pause, he continued. "However, would it not be better to give this opportunity to him after a few years? Let the boy prepare for what is ahead of him."

Rhea, finally relented. "That is... acceptable. Though I shall let him make the final choice."

And now the voice sounded confused. "You are giving him this much autonomy? How special is he...?" Yuuma was wondering the same goddamned thing! Well, he was also wondering what this opportunity is in the first place.

Rhea smiled. "Special enough to attend this academy as a prized student, not as a servant."

And that was enough for Yuuma, he almost fell opening the door. "I accept! I totally accept! I wanna be a student!" He regretted it though, since both of them were now staring at him. Worst of all, that voice turned out to be Seteth of all people.

Yuuma had never personally talked with the man, only seen him from afar, but he had heard from his co-workers that he could be quite the demon when his temper was stroked.

This was so embarrassing... but he was so excited! Why was he even being given this opportunity!?

Seteth frowned. "Young man... were you listening to our conversation?"

Yuuma immediately bowed. "I-I was, sorry! It's just that I got here and you two were arguing really loudly and I didn't know if I should interrupt it or not, and... Sorry!" Fuck, what if he lost this opportunity because of this mistake!?

Seteth's frown diminished. "I see. Well..."

Before he could continue, Rhea spoke up. "Apologies accepted. And thankfully this means we don't need to catch you up. I believe you would make a wonderful addition to the officer's academy, Yuuma."

Seteth raised a finger. "In a few years of course. Becoming a student here means engaging in actual battle. Even against real enemies should the professor responsible for your house take you to missions."

Yuuma flinched. "Right..." That was scary... "Years though?"

Rhea shook her head. "Only if you desire it. I shall be personally sponsoring your education and training. Take the path that makes you most comfortable, my dear friend." She just called him dear friend...?

They talked twice. Was Rhea just really friendly or something? Talk about extrovert...

Even Seteth seemed surprised, his jaw had hit the floor. Though he quickly recomposed himself. "Yes, Rhea will... personally sponsor you. Which can put you in even more danger out there in the field." The reasons for it were obvious.

While Rhea was a beloved figure, her noteworthy status naturally made her have tons of enemies. Many of which would really love to kill her personal protege. Though they might be shock about her having a personal protege in the first place.

Not to say Rhea didn't care for children. She had many orphaned boys here in the monastery who she "took" care of. She never gave any of them this much privilege however, it was certainly a first.

Seteth continued. "And I cannot stress enough how dangerous it can be to become a student while having no combat training. I seriously recommend you prepare yourself for a few years young man."

"You are rather young anyways. There are many students here who are in their twenties, so you won't stand out in the future, worry not." The boy was probably as old as the Ordelia girl from the Golden Deer.

He had time.

Yuuma was conflicted... Mostly because he was trying to gather up the courage to say something really stupid. "I... um... kinda wanna join right now? I don't want to wait for years..." Especially since the academy was so awesome right now!

They had a future empress attending! He couldn't miss that!

Seteth scowled. "Young man, that's..."

Rhea interjected. "Completely acceptable." Man, she really was doing him a crazy favor.

He smiled. "Right! Great! Um... Can I ask why I'm getting this opportunity though?" He should have probably asked that before anything else. Sure he heard Rhea saying she saw something special in him, but... that was total bullshit.

She giggled. "Your super special skill got you a spot." He suddenly remembered her saying she would one day pay him back for that stupid improvised pep talk he gave...

Seteth grumbled. "That skill better be able to defend him from an armed brigand..." It wouldn't! He didn't even have a special skill in the first place!

He just got super lucky. Like a guy who just happened to help a billionaire one time.

Rhea didn't seem bothered by his comment. "It will... I believe bonds are what makes one stronger, and Yuuma shall forge plenty of those." He had been here for one month, and he had no friends. What the fuck was she smoking?

He wanted some too.

Rhea continued. "Now however... I must ask you a very important question, Yuuma. What house do you wish to join?" Right, that was a thing.

"I want to join..." Who did he want to join!?


AN: So this is something I came up with. I wanted to write something based around the whole meme of getting married after four conversations, but I didn't want to start a new fic, so...

This fic gets its first omake! Probably too early in its lifespan, but whatever.



Ok… this was weirdly wholesome 10/10