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Aoko was the first to recover. "Argh...! I'm gonna get married!?" Contrary to what people thought, she wasn't desperate for it.


Yes, she had just accepted marrying a man she met yesterday, but it was more akin to a political marriage, right? She was doing less for Yato, and more for the money and privilege he naturally had as a Campione.

Not to say she didn't like him to a certain extent. As she had said yesterday, she liked stupid men. And though the concubine harem thing was pretty bad, Aoko also knew supernatural beings like him were weird like that sometimes.

So yes, in the end this was just an arran-. Ah! She was finally getting married, baby!

Alice was the second one to recover.

Well, she would never truly recover, but at least her mind had started to work again. "What... what doomed world is this...?" She had to have messed up somewhere along the line.

She knew that from the beginning of course, but her mistake was even bigger than previously thought. Something like this simply couldn't be allowed to happen, she had to stop it one way or another. And the easiest way of doing that would be contacting the wielder of the Second True Magic.

Not that she had any idea on how to do that.

Rin didn't recover. She just got up and walked away from the room like a demon. She had to gather hell's forces to change the tide of this battle after all.

Yato chuckled. "Welp, now that's settled I gotta go. I have... something I need to do." That something was breaking Tamamo-No-Mae's ass with his dick. And also Hakuno's ass he supposed.

Before he could complete his goal as a Campione however, Aoko put her hands on his shoulders. "Hey, this isn't some sort of joke right!? You're marrying me, right!?" If he said this was just a prank then... then...

Then she would send him straight to the Age of Gods. Let's see how a Campione would survive that!

He seemed more confused than anything. "Of course it's not a joke." What would even be the point of that. "Though I can understand why you would want some confirmation... Which is why I have an idea." He didn't have a ring to give her, but he did have something he could do.

She stepped back and nodded. "Okay, that's good." Her heart felt like it was about to explode. "T-then what is that idea?" She was playing with her hair. Aoko Aozaki was playing with her hair with embarrassment.

Yato took his phone from his pocket. "I can call a guy who is responsible for taking care of me and ask him to start making plans. And of course, ask him to announce our marriage to world wide." That way Yato could not cancel it last second.

That wasn't completely true, he could since he was a Campione, and nobody would be able to say anything about it. That said, it would hurt his pride. Though in the end Yato wasn't about to go back in his word, this was just to appease his fiancee.

Aoko sputtered. "World wide!?" Everyone would know... would know that Aoko Aozaki wasn't a total loser. That she could even bag a Campione! And not just any Campione, the Campione who was known for not settling down with anyone!

Well, the truth is that Aoko was being delusional. Nobody thought she was a loser for her lack of a lover, people disrespected her because she was a walking nuke. Really, she would only be even more ridiculed when it was found she was getting married to a teenager.

Alice shivered. "W-world wide..." If that happened, then there would be no going back from this. She had to stop it somehow.

Yato nodded. "World wide. Though I will only do it if Aoko wants me to of course." He had to listen to his fiancee. She was essentially a upgraded concubine after all!

Alice tried saving the world. "She doesn't-."

"Sounds good to me!" But as expected, Aoko had to destroy everything.

Yato sent her a thumbs up. "Okay! I'll get this whole thing started then...!" He then put his free hand to his chin. "Though once this actually gets going you better get ready for tons of responsibility. Planning a marriage isn't easy. I think."

Well, they could let Waver do all the work, but then what would even be the point? It would be a soulless marriage. Or more accurately, a marriage with Waver's soul! And Yato really didn't want to marry Waver!

Alice raised a hand. "She isn't read-."

"I am so ready!" But there's no way her fairy quiet voice could ever compete with the constant explosion of energy that Aoko Aozaki was. It was like expecting a droplet of water to match a raging storm.

So she had to face the beast in a direct battle, as scary as that sounded.

Alice glared at Aoko. "Did you receive some brain damage during our fight!? Why are you going with this!?" It was rare for her to shout due to her nature demeanor, but she really was losing it right now.

It was enough to make Aoko flinch. "H-hey, are you trying to make me deaf!?" This wasn't good. If Alice pointed out how stupid she was being, she might grow some common sense and stop the happiest moment of her life.

Wait, wasn't that a good thing?

Yato too flinched. He took a step back however, since there was no reason to get involved in this fight.

Alice grit her teeth. "I'm trying to make you see reason! Are you really going to... to... to marry Lord Shibata just like that!? Out of nowhere!?" Much to Alice's worry, the more she thought about it, the more she realized this was just standard Aoko behavior.

Truly she had awful taste in companionship.

Except for Yato of course, he was perfect and the light of her life.

Aoko rolled her eyes. "What's the problem!? You were all about praising him every five seconds a moment ago!" She knew Alice was probably just looking out for her, but she could be quite stubborn.

The Witch scoffed. "Indeed, Yato is too good for you."

And that was the last straw. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that." She looked towards the Campione. "Yato call that guy right now! I'm super going through this marriage!" Nobody was too good for her!

Yato awkwardly nodded. "Sure..."

Alice interjected. "Do not call him!" A sudden idea sprang in her head. "In fact, I have something to ask of you Lord Shibata. You were going to grant me a gift as well, correct!?" This was possibly her last chance.

"Yeah, sure. Ask away." As he had shown with Aoko he really was willing to grant whatever she asked of him.

It may be foolish, but he was no normal man, he was a Campione. When one received a gift from a Campione their lives should be defined by it. He wasn't gonna give people Christmas sweaters, he was going to change their existences.

A smile found its way on Alice's face. Her tone return to normal. "Then I use my gift to ask you to not marry Aoko Aozaki. For her sake as well as your own." It was for his sake because Aoko was going to ruin his life.

It was for Aoko's sake because Alice was going to kill her if this marriage thing actually happened.

Aoko scowled. "Bitch...!" When had Alice become such a clam jam!? And not just any clam jam, apparently the biggest, most bitchiest clam jam in proper human history!

Yato scratched his cheek. "Um... sorry, but I can't grant that." Immediately Aoko's face shined with the light of victory.

Alice could only fall into despair. "But why...?" What cruel fate was this!? Was her gift considered lesser than Aoko!?

"Because letting people use their gift to cancel someone's gift is just... is just dumb okay? Like even for me." He nodded to himself. "And no asking for infinite gifts either." The rules had been established!

And he could change them at any moment if he felt the whim, but it was good to have a base to work from.

Alice silently walked to a sofa and sat down. She needed to regenerate. A Witch of her level could only be killed by an act of love, but she was certainly dying right now nonetheless.

"Now that that's settled, I'm calling the guy." As one would expect, he called Waver.

Lord El-Melloi picked up the call almost instantaneously. It didn't matter the time, or location he was in, as the handler of Japan's king this would always be the most important issue.

"H-hello Lord Shibata." He waited with held breath for what Yato would ask of him.

It was probably a new concubine. He knew how this Campione worked. Which was probably a good thing, dealing with a simple Campione was far easier than dealing with some of the crazier and more violent ones.

"Yo, I need you to do something for me Waver." Though Yato couldn't see it, the Clock Tower Lord nodded his head.

He wondered what other sacrificial pawn he could throw his way. He didn't want to use Gray of course, especially since she recently had... some issues. Reines was also out of the discussion, because it would lead to the end of the world. Maybe Yvette? Actually that might also lead to the end of the world.

Yato continued. "I need you to organize a marriage for me. 'Cause I'm getting married and stuff. Oh, and announce it to the wider public." Waver almost had a heart attack on the spot.

It's not like a marriage was too bad... is what a naive fool would think!

Marriages were important, for some people they became the most important even in their entire lives. So naturally screwing this up would mean a very angry and murderous Campione making Waver's life a living hell.

And to make matters worse, Yato wanted to make this whole thing public, or at least let people know that it was happening. The chances of disaster increased a lot in that case. What if some lunatic Dead Apostle Ancestor decided to crash the party!?

Which is why he had to at least try to put an end to this. Honestly, he knew Yato was an idiot, but why the hell was he getting hitched so soon!? Especially when most Campiones never got hitched in the first place!

"C-congratulations Lord Shibata... Though may I ask a few questions? And maybe... maybe give a few suggestions too?" Hopefully Yato would listen to his advice.

If he didn't then Waver would probably need to contact one of his concubines and ask her to change his mind. Which was extremely dangerous for fairly obvious reasons. A man should not try dealing in the shadows when a Campione was involved.

"Go ahead Waver." The man was pretty smart, so Yato trusted him.

His hierarchy of bros went something like this. His father, who was naturally number one. Waver who had done tons of work to rise up. Gilgamesh who had done one super nice thing and... like... the first god he killed? Limiting himself to normal human levels of physicality had been pretty cool.

Naturally Doni was in there somewhere as well, but he was technically really Yato's brother, so it was hard to rank him. Oh, maybe he should invite Doni to the ceremony!

Waver didn't know why, but he felt his heart explode. "T-thank you Lord Shibata... So about this, what exactly do you mean when you say it you want to announce it to the wider public?"

Yato quickly clarified. "I just want everyone to know who I'm marrying. And that I'm getting married in the first place of course. It was actually something she asked for." He sent a wink towards Aoko.

The Fifth Magician looked like she took a critical hit from it. And so did the Witch. The type of damage the two received was very different however.

Waver clicked his tongue. "I see..." He started theorizing who the... lucky bride was.

It probably wasn't Rin Tohsaka, she was smart enough to not make something like this public. Luvia was also equally smart. Which meant there was a big chance it was with someone he didn't know. How scary.

Now because of this girl he had to try and change the mind of a Campione. He disliked her already. "Lord Shibata... I recommend making this a private affair, to minimize the possibility of... unforeseen annoyances."

He continued after taking a deep breath. "That isn't to say we shouldn't announce anything, but perhaps it would be wiser to do it after the marriage is over." There, he tried his best.

Naturally his best was not enough. "Nah, I want everyone to know."

Waver's eye twitched. "Right..." His luck was amazing as usual. "I will do as your order of course, but I assume you will want to get more involved with planning process later on?" If he didn't want to, that was fine too.

Really, when you were a Campione everything was fine too.

"Yep. Just start on the basic things..." Though Yato supposed there weren't many basic things to plan out when he hadn't even picked a location yet. Should he marry on Japan for example?

Both him and Aoko were Japanese, and this country was also his territory, so that seemed like the natural conclusion. However, he knew marrying on a foreign country could be exciting as well.

And hell, even after picking the country he had to pick a city. Personally, there was no way he was getting married on boring ass Fuyuki. Though that had technically happened in the past with Illya.

Waver would try his best. "Very well. Though may I know what is the bride's name? If I am to make an announcement I will need to know that information." He wondered if she was a concubine rising up in status, or a new girl.

"Aoko Aozaki."

Waver Velvet died.

Yato glared at his phone. "Huh, he ended the call." Or something else had happened... Well, in the end Waver got the message.

He gazed at Aoko. "Okay, it's being planned right now! We are getting married soon!" Though there was one thing he wanted to decide right now. "By the way, do you have a date in mind, Aoko?" Soon she would be Aoko Shibata!

Damn, that didn't sound as good as Aoko Aozaki. Maybe he should become Yato Aozaki... Nah, that wasn't super good either. How strange, marriages had their difficulties.

Aoko's answer was immediate. "In line a week! Let's get married in a week!" That would make the whole planning part really complicated.

But sure. "Okay then, let's get married in one week." Why was she panting? Why was Alice passed out on the floor?

Yato didn't really understand it, and for once he thanked the universe for being born with this level of intelligence.

His phone began ringing. Once Yato looked at the number, he realized that he didn't really recognize it. Still, he picked it up just to not be rude. It could be someone accidentally calling the wrong number after all.

Strangely enough, Waver's voice came from the other side. "H-hello again Lord Shibata, my apologies for what happened just now."

Yato chuckled. "It's cool, it's cool. What did happen just now though?" Also, why did Waver change his number?

Waver's face was as red as it could possibly be. "Well... I... Um... I accidentally broke my cellphone. I'm borrowing one from one of my students right now." He would be forever thankful many of his pupils were actually pretty tech literate when compared to a normal magus.

He also felt a bit good about himself, since he just found out he had the raw strength to crush a cellphone with one hand. Or at least he would feel like that if he wasn't feeling so much anxiety right now.

Aoko Aozaki, the Fifth True Magician. In some ways she was arguably just as destructive as some of the most active Campione, and also just as unreasonable. It may be cruel of Waver, but he had hoped she would die alone.

He had the same hopes for her sister of course, both were absolute troublemakers and the world would be a better place if the Aozaki bloodline simply died out.

Now however... they weren't going to die out... one of them was going to procreate... with a Campione...

Waver felt like vomiting. Not out of disgut, but out of sheer stress.

Yato laughed. "You broke your phone, that's..." But his smile quickly died out, replaced with a guilty frown. "Sucks. If you don't have enough cash to get a new one, you can take some from my bank account." Though that would use some bro points.

"T-that won't be necessary Lord Campione, but thank you for the offer... Anyways, how did you meet Lady Aozaki in the first place?" He now had to be super respectful to her as well.

Ugh, he just knew Touko would be abusing her new status as sister-in-law of a Campione. Either that or she would throw a temper tantrum of never before seeing proportions.

"It's a long story, but we fought a god, I stuck the god in a room tied up with a teenager, and... actually that's pretty much the entire story." They met yesterday after all.

"I see..." Waver should have expected such a ridiculous story from a Campione and a True Magician. "So, did you kill this god? Are you now in possession of a new authority?" That was always good information to have...

Especially when the association didn't even know another god had descended upon Fuyuki in the first place. That city just attracted trouble...

Yato thought about the ass that awaited him. "Nah... I made her into a concubine." The call ended again.

Waver would apologize to his student for breaking his phone later.


AN: Waver might die soon.


Infinite Daze

I wonder if the Counter Force is going to be throwing Aoko even more dirty looks now.


Ngl I would be so down if the marriage went through just because the idea of the reactions to it would be amazing (also cause Aoka's hawt)