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"Hey Kohaku..." Yuta gently knocked on the door to the bathroom.

The moment he had entered the house, his so-called little sister had ran to it, and locked herself inside. To be honest it made him wonder if he should have even comeback so early after all.

Yeah, because letting problems for later was always a good thing.

He knocked again. He received no response. Um... while he couldn't ignore this, maybe leaving it for later wasn't actually a bad idea? Sometimes people just needed some space. The only problem however, was that Yuta didn't know what was wrong in the first place.

He could theoretically drag her away from the bathroom by force of course, and even if he couldn't, there were other people who could, like Rika. That was obviously a horrible idea however, so he had to find some other way of unlocking the bathroom.

Maybe by using Hisui as bait? The ex-maid was quite literally by his side, looking super worried and hoping her supposed big brother could fix the situation. Still, she was Kohaku's weakness...

Nah, he had another idea. He knocked once again. "Kohaku... I desperately need to pee. Like for real. I didn't do it back in the Tohno manor. I didn't do it during the steal mission. I didn't do it at night. I didn't do it at school. I have been holding it in for hours."

That was actually true, though Yuta was just using that to accrue pity.

"Please let me in. There can be no sin bigger than letting your big brother piss himself." Especially in the apartment of his Senpai girlfriend. Ciel would probably dump him in the spot.

More silence.

After a while, Hisui looked at him. "U-um... Elder Brother, perhaps you can go find a public bathroom? Assuming you're not lying of course." Ah, she actually believed him. He snagged the wrong sister.

Yuta clicked his tongue. "I can't use those. I end up getting too nervous and nothing comes out..." That wasn't true. That said, in his past life he did suffer such a condition when he was an anxiety filled teenager, so perhaps he could shine some honesty.

Hisui covered her mouth. "Oh." Now both of her siblings were in danger...

Kohaku opened the door. "F-fine, but don't talk with me..." Her eyes were red, as one would expect from a person who had been crying?

Had Yuta ever seen her in such a state? Pretty much not. Even back when he had taken them away from the mansion, much of the crazy emotional reaction came from Hisui, the fake Kuudere.

Yuta entered the bathroom without hesitation, Hisui following him, as Kohaku stepped aside. "Thanks...!" His heart felt light now that he knew his sister wouldn't let him piss himself.

Not that he was actually gonna take a piss in front of his two sisters of course.

So before he did the deed, he looked at Kohaku. "Sorry, I tricked you." Somehow.

Her lips trembled. "B-but..." Not even someone like her could imagine someone being cruel enough to use such trickery against their own family. Though maybe Yuta didn't even consider them family anymore.

Hisui gasped. "Wow." She was so ready to see it happening... Actually, she would leave the bathroom of course.

And then Yuta naturally hugged Kohaku. "It had to be done." This was actually a bit of an awkward maneuver to pull off.

Mostly because the bathroom was actually very small. This was originally an apartment meant for one person after all, it was just that Yuta was ruining Ciel's comfortable life with his degenerate harem dreams. It goes without saying, but mornings were true hell.

Kohaku didn't hug him back. "I can't believe I actually fell for that, that's so stupid..." This is a serious situation, and here she was doing dumb shit like this.

Hisui built enough courage to interject. "It shows you're kind." In the mansion she would have stayed quiet in such a scene. Here she had enough freedom to do so.

Kohaku sent her a look of disbelief. "I let him in because I thought he was being for real about pissing himself. That's so..." Fucking stupid. Had her life become a gag manga?

Typically she would put on the mask of a gag manga character of course, but the world wouldn't actually follow through!? She really didn't understand how Yuta Okkotsu functioned at all.

Yuta hugged her tighter. "That doesn't disprove her statement at all... Now let's talk Kohaku." He still didn't end the hug. He wouldn't do that until she hugged him back. This was the pride of a older brother.

She shivered. "Talk about what?"

Yuta took a deep breath. "I don't really know. I want to understand why you're crying, and why you ran away, but I don't really have a clue." Okay, he sort of understood, but also not really. Which was a very common thing in a way.

"I-I... You read the diary. Makihisa's diary." It felt awful just to say his name.

How strange.

It had never bothered her before. It was just a name. She didn't really care about it, because she didn't really care about much of anything. The only thing she ever felt in the past few years was hatred for the boy who stared at her through the window, and even that had gone away eventually.

She didn't hate Akiha. She didn't care about Shiki. She didn't love Hisui. She didn't appreciate Yuta. She was just a doll, and dolls didn't really do these things.

Yuta looked down. "I did. But... I don't really see how that changes anything?" There were tons of big shocking revelations there.

In Kohaku's case though, it had simply confirmed the thing he always sort of knew. Besides, what kind of messed up guy would get angry at Kohaku for something like this!? Or was he misreading the situation and this was something completely different?

Kohaku tilted her head. "It changes things because..." Huh, why did this change things?

She couldn't really answer.

The truth was that she just got scared when the diary was found out, and most importantly when Yuta run away. So she panicked until Hisui said some comforting words to her. Even so, when Yuta returned, so did that panic.

That was strange, dolls didn't feel fear. They didn't panic.

Was she... scared of Yuta?

No, she wasn't. As soon as she questioned that, she received a answer from the bottom of her heart. So what was the problem...? Was she afraid of Akiha? Of Makihisa? Of something else entirely?

The answer to all of those questions had to be no, since she was a doll.

Yuta patiently waited for her answer. Though considering she didn't immediately respond, maybe he should have given her sometime to think after all.

Just to make his support clear though... "Kohaku, you're still my little sister. I just want you to know that." Those were simple comfort words from a confused man, but he hoped they still had some meaning to them.

Hisui nodded. "And you will always be my big sister!" She really didn't need to say anything. Kohaku definitely didn't have a problem with her, but she wanted to reassure the person she loved the most in the entire world.

A weak smile appeared on Kohaku's face. "Thanks..." That did make her pretty happy surprisingly enough.

But there was still something... weighing her down. Something she couldn't quite put a finger into.

Yuta's brain was racing. He knew it was wrong of him, but he was trying to understand what Kohaku was feeling way before even she did. So at first his mind thought about the diary and its contents. He didn't really find what he was looking for.

That said it did lend his mind to the right direction.

Yuta understood. Or at least he hoped he did. "Kohaku, I didn't have a fight with Akiha, just so you know." He hoped he wasn't misreading the situation here. If he was then this could end very badly.

That said, he didn't think he was. Kohaku had helped Akiha back in the beach by letting her suck on her blood, that was done of her own volition.

Which could mean three things.

1. Kohaku was just being kind. She knew of Akiha's condition, she didn't want it getting any worse. This one was a very possible one, though if that happened to be the case, then Yuta wouldn't have shot himself in the foot just now.

2. Kohaku was scared. She gave Akiha blood out of internalized fear. Yuta hoped this wasn't the case, because then she definitely didn't want to hear about Akiha right now. If it was the case though, Yuta would have officially become the worst big brother of all time.

3. Kohaku... was friends with Akiha and wanted to help. Maybe she didn't even realize it, but they had spent much of their life together, in that way they were almost siblings too. So if Kohaku had separated Makihisa from Akiha along the way, this option could be possible.

At least Yuta thought so. After all, it had been repeatedly proved to him that Akiha was a kind girl who was desperately carrying the burden of a broken family. And hey, Kohaku did ask whether Yuta would accept her choices or not, and he had said yes.

He gulped as she took the time to answer.

Slowly however, her weak smile became stronger. "Really? Nobody got hurt?"

He pat her in the back. "Really. I would even say our bonds got tighter than ever!" Ugh, he was talking like a JRPG protagonist. Though he wasn't lying either. "Akiha and Shiki even had a super brotherly moment you know?"

"Meanwhile I got her to sleep on my shoulder. My game is as impeccable as always." Ah, he was such a scumbag that he started bragging while comforting his own supposed sister.

Maybe he really was the worst brother of all time.

Thankfully she finally hugged him back. "Hah! As expected of my big bro! Should I be expecting a mini-Akiha slash mini-Yuta soon?" Such terrifying creature would probably rule the cosmos with an iron fist.

Yuta laughed. "Nah. Though I did lie about it to some people there... Sadly Akiha is no fun and probably killed the lie immediately." The future ruler of the cosmos wouldn't be born so soon.

The hug finally ended, as a big pout appeared on Kohaku's face. "Ah, you need to have kids already. I wanne be an aunt!" She would be the cool video game obsessed one.

Hisui interjected. "Elder Brother is seventeen! He is not nearly old enough to build a family!" The youngest sister was truly glad her sister had recovered.

She didn't really understand how exactly Yuta had fixed things, but he had, as he always did, because he was an invincible hero. Compared to him, Hisui was just a worthless girl who let tragedy happen for years.


Yuta started mumbling to himself. "Yeah, I'm way too young." He wasn't. Still, he didn't have the infrastructure to support a child. "Besides, I don't know how to feel about my sort of maid redheaded sister becoming an aunt." Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Definitely don't think about it!

Kohaky tilted her head. "Um? What's that supposed to mean?"

He sighed. "Somethings are better left unanswered." Hah, he couldn't believe he was saying something like that after stealing a dead man's diary.

Well, he was just glad Kohaku had failed to understand the reference this time. It was cursed knowledge.

He put his hands on his hips, and smiled. "Anyways..." And then that smile immediately disappeared as he bowed. "I'm so, so sorry Kohaku!" He had messed up. He had been messing up for a while.

Now the girl looked truly confused. "E-eh? About what?"

He took a deep breath. "Well, I... I have just been assuming that you and Akiha were enemies to a certain extent. But in the end you guys were friends, were you not?" He had become a judgmental brother.

He didn't regret taking them out of the mansion, that was clearly the right step. Still, he should have some way of reconciling Akiha and Kohaku. He had left a job unfinished due to his lack of perception. Shameful.

Kohaku looked away. "Don't worry about it Big Bro! I don't really care... And she is my enemy." Yeah. She naturally hated the Tohno family.

She couldn't hate them, because she was a doll, but if she was a human she definitely would. Yes. A human would hate Akiha and Shiki for what they did, so as a well built doll she would keep doing that.

Yuta raised an eyebrow.

Did she not realize it? Was she in denial? Or maybe he had missed the mark while hitting it at the same time? It was hard to say with a complicated girl like Kohaku.

Hisui clasped her hands together. "I guess... That's completely understandable." As long as Kohaku didn't pursue revenge, it was okay to hate her. "We should probably leave the bathroom at this point though..." Wasn't it weird that this conversation was happening here.

Kohaku grinned, a smile on her face. "Yeah. Unless Big Bro actually needs to pee. In that case, I'm totally willing to hold down the railgun so that it can aim it by the way."

"D-don't say things like that!" She immediately rejected to her sister's perversion.

Well, it was probably just a joke, but still...

Yuta was lost in thought. He couldn't possibly be thinking about accepting her offer, could he!?

He sighed. "Wait a second Hisui, let's not leave just yet." This place gave them privacy after all, and this should probably be kept between them. It was a family matter.

Ugh, he was about to be really preachy, but it couldn't be helped. He had once saved them, and he had invaded a mansion to steal a diary. At this point he might as well go full-in into the annoying inquisitive protagonist archetype. Personal boundaries would cease to exist before him!

Hisui gasped. "Elder Brother!?" Was he really gonna accept it!?

Kohaku imitated her sister. "B-big bro!?" No way right!? S-should she... like... jerk it off or something? "I'm not ready, but I'm also totally ready!" It was gonna be a weird experience. That was for sure.

Yuta's eye twitched. "What are you guys freakin-." It didn't matter. "Look, Kohaku... You are friends with Akiha." Probably. Maybe. He shouldn't be playing therapist, he definitely wasn't qualified for it.

Kohaku shook her head. "Of course not, why would I be?" She put a finger to her lips. "Don't worry though, I won't put a stop to your guy's romance." She had already thrown her plans of revenge away anyways.

Oh boy, how he was supposed to deal with this...?

"Kohaku, why do you dislike Akiha then, can you put into words?" He really was about to give a mini therapy session in a bathroom. This had to be illegal in some way, shape or form, there is no way it wasn't.

Kohaku rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I hate her because that's the normal thing to do here." What was her brother going on about? Was her permission not enough for his harem dreams or something?

Hisui was equally confused. Her sister wasn't saying anything... Nonetheless, this was the invincible hero Yuta, so he was definitely onto something.

Yuta held back from sighing yet again. "Kohaku... Just because it's normal, it doesn't mean you have to feel it." He got it. This was definitely the doll thing again, wasn't it?

Kohaku flinched. "Well..."

Yuta pat her head in response. "You're trying to be super logical about this for some god forsaken reason, but people don't always have to be logical about things ya know?" They tended to do the contrary actually.

"For example, remember when we went to the supermarket? I saw a guy wearing a shirt from an anime, and he is forever my enemy." Like and dislike didn't have to make sense all the time. Sometimes you just didn't get along with someone, sometimes you just did.

"Besides, I'm pretty Arihiko didn't actually ever do anything wrong to Rika, and she despises him." Though she was a bully, so this wasn't the best possible example.

"And there's also the fact that Akiha wasn't really responsible for what happened to you. Whether someone would hate her or not depends on the person." He wouldn't judge it either way, but it wasn't set on stone.

Kohaku looked down. "Sorry, I must have understood things wrongly. That's my fault for failing as a observer. As a doll." In the end she was a fake so...

Hisui's lips began to tremble. "Elder Sister..." She had failed to notice something yet again, while Yuta did it flawlessly.

He pouted. "Urgh, you certainly are troublesome sometimes. I just said Akiha is your friend, so you're certainly not a doll. You arrived at a humane conclusion, like the cute little human you are." Talking like this made him feel like an alien.

She rolled her eyes. "I believe you I told I was a doll as soon as you brought me to this apartment, Big Bro." It was the first time she had told that to anyone, so it was...


Yuta smiled from the heart. "A doll doesn't get genuinely annoyed like you just did. A doll doesn't have friends. And a doll certainly doesn't hide in the bathroom like you did Kohaku." No doll was this cute.

"I think... I think you're just beginning to have complicated thoughts about things. Or more accurately, they're finally becoming apparent to you. So stop denying them and just saying you're a doll, it's bad for you."

"You need to do it like all of us. Take a look deep inside of yourself, and then decide why you like or hate someone." Hopefully she didn't come to the conclusion he sucked.

There was now a healthy blush on her face. "W-well... Um..." But she couldn't really deny it. "Okay, Big Bro?" Had she really become human? Since when...?

Well, it was time to use her good ol' Kohaku charms to escape this embarrassing situation. "By the way, Big Bro, do you want me to hold your dick or not?"

He put his hands on his hips. "I'm not really into that sort of play, but I do need to pee..."

"I can always just watch."

Sadly Hisui ended their fun. "Absolutely not!" Prude.


AN: Twins are cute.


Yuval Roth

Damm, guy speedrrunning their route now, if Rika didn't say children aren't allowed, I would suspect a mini Yuta would be cooking by the time they found where SHIKI is.