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"Why did she even lie about that though...?" It was something strange to say.

Why would anyone claim someone that didn't even knew them was their spouse? And especially in this situation where Yato could so easily verify the truth.

Hakuno shrugged. "I dunno. There are weirdos like that all around the world though." Fox women who lied about marriage were common? Yato would make sure to remember that. "And for some reason they are always attracted to me..."

Yato smiled. "Well, you are very cute." The type of girl no one would object to building a relationship with.

Hakuno's eye twitches. "I'm naked. And tied up." She looked at the equally naked and tied up woman in the room. "Also, that is a thing." She wondered whether Yato would call someone to help her or not.

Yato looked back at the fox woman. "That's not a thing. That's a goddess." Supposedly. She didn't look very divine right now. "Also, why would you being naked and tied stop my compliment?"

"Because... Look, it's whatever, forget about it." Yato was also one of the weirdos who were attracted her for some unexplainable reason. She knew there was no arguing with him.

Yato sighed. "Okay..."

He then walked over to the tied goddess and picked her up from the ground. Yato had brought her here, so he might as well make her comfortable. With that in mind, he brought her to Hakuno's bed.

The plain looking girl pouted. "Are you really gonna put my crazy stalker right next to me?" Did this guy have no common sense? Yeah, he definitely didn't.

Well, he did look a bit apologetic. "Sorry. Don't worry though, she can't do anything since her... rope is actually made out of dark god or something." Magic was way too hard.

Still, he hoped he would understand it eventually. Now that everything was more or less over, he could go back to his normal life of sex and stuff. Which did include learning magecraft under Rin and Luvia.

Yep, everything was super over. There were was nothing left to resolve.

Yato was just glad the day wasn't constantly filled with sunlight anymore.

Hakuno glared at him. "Did you really just try to comfort me by saying you're putting so-called dark god stuff next to me?" It was strange. She was trying to sound mad or scared, but she couldn't actually pull it off.

The girl had experienced so many crazy things at this point, that being besides a goddess tied with pure evil was simply not scared. It also helped that Yato didn't look like the type who would break his toys.

Yato tilted his head. "Um? Isn't it good that she's tied up and defenseless?"

Hakuno took a deep breath. Controlling her temper was necessary here. "Yes, but..." Would he even understand if she tried to explain it? "Forget about it." He definitely wouldn't.

You know, back in the Moon, the girl had always been the unhinged one, with her Servant acting as the one with common sense. She supposed this must be the price she was paying for that, the legendary karma.

Yato raised an eyebrow. "You're starting a lot of things, and finishing none of them. That's bad you know." As always, Hakuno was hard to understand. Well, sometimes she was also weirdly scary.

She snorted. "Look who's talking." She was very much a unfinished project of his, depending on your point of view.

Though that did bring one thing to her mind. "By the way, are you ever gonna untie me?" She was getting sick of this. The worst part was that she had genuinely gotting used to sleeping tied up, it was almost comfortable.

Once things went back to normal, sleeping without being binded would be weird.

Yato's eyes widened. "Wait, you are always tied up? That can't be good..." It sounded like the type of thing that would have bad consequences in the future. He should have probably thought of that huh?

Hakuno shook her head. "Not really. Sometimes someone comes here and let's me stretch my wings a bit. Mostly Rin." She still couldn't leave the room, but it was better than nothing.

Ugh, she couldn't believe she just thought. Not only was she being attacked by the legendary karma, but also by the legendary Stockholm Syndrome.

Wait, speaking of karma, wasn't it bad that she was starting to blame herself for this?

Yato would need to remember to thank his first concubine. "Really? Then what are you complaining about?" If she walked around then there was no problem, right?

"You know, I would respond with something sarcastic, but you definitely wouldn't get it." That was definitely true. "I obviously just hate staying locked up in a room, like a normal person." Ah, that made sense to Yato.

But... "Sorry, I can't let you leave just yet." She was still dangerous, Yato could tell.

Well, as dangerous as a normal human could be. Nonetheless even if someone like Rin was amazing, all it took was a well place stab with a sharp knife.

Hakuno let out a frustrated groan. "Why not? You let the Servant leave." She still couldn't quite believe she had an orgy with that Servant.

Sort of. Did that even count as sex?

Yato crossed his arms, there was an wise expression on his face. "Saber is both a female knight, a little sister, and a mega Christmas cake. She's easy to break." The implication that Hakuno wasn't was obvious.

Hakuno hated that she got what he was talking about. "Wow, I can't believe a being with such traits exist." Somehow she felt like a certain nun would be creaming just by thinking about it.

Yato nodded. "Yeah, she's pre-."

"Wah! I had the worst nightmare of all time!" The fox opened her eyes. "My wife got kidnapped, and when I tried to save her, I got tied and beaten up. And even worse, she actually ended up forgetting all about me! Netorare!"

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth. "Thankfully it was just a dream! No biggie! I mean, I'm not the type of wife who gets mad when their spouse cheats on their dreams."

And then a look of terror appeared on her face. "Wait, what does having dreams of Netorare say about me...?"

Hakuno smirked. "Wow, such powerful denial. You are literally tied up, girl." And now she would stop suffering alone. The harem had new fresh blood after all.

Yato meanwhile, just look concerned. "She didn't hit her head too hard when she passed out right?" It was clear that the goddess was having some sort of mental problem.

The old Yato would most likely have assume that reality itself was a dream, the new one was just worried he had gone too far.

Nonetheless, after being confronted like this, Tamamo-No-Mae had no choice, but to burst into tears. "Gah...! Can't y'all leave a gal alone!? This attitude totally merits divine punishment!" Which she couldn't inflict anymore.

"You won't catch me disagreeing with that..." Hakuno would have been pretty happy if some god came and separated Yato's head from his shoulders.

Sadly, that was apparently very hard to do.

The Campione walked around the room so he could be face to face with Tamamo-No-Mae. "So, are you okay Tammy? Do I need to call a doctor?" He wouldn't actually call one of those of course, but Skadi existed.

Tamamo's tears did not stop. "My brain feels fine, but my heart is failing..." Even in her worst nightmares she never thought she would actually get cucked like this. Was that Campione dick really that good!?

Yato jumped in place. "S-shit! I'm calling Skadi!" A heart condition was something serious!

But before Yato could raise a fuss, Hakuno interjected. "Hey, she's just being dramatic for comedic effect. She's actually fine." In both senses of the word. Hakuno could appreciate a literal foxy lady.

Why were all her crazy stalkers hot? If they sent an ugly one after her she wouldn't feel so conflicted!

Yato pointed an accusatory finger at the girl. "How can you know that for sure? I won't risk her precious life on a hunch!" It would be really embarrassing if she died like that. He wouldn't even get an authority.

Tamamo didn't know what to say. "E-erm... My adorable wife is right. My heart isn't actually failing." How dumb was this guy!? This was worse than a Berserker.

After some time, Yato nodded. "Oh. Sorry, that I missed the joke then." Stuff like that was always embarassing. "And sorry I shouted at you Hakuno." He lost his composure for a second there.

If Hakuno wasn't tied up, she would have waved him off. "It's fine. I wasn't scared or anything." As previously said, she had seen so many insane things that her courage stat was maxed up at this point.

Tamamo raised an eyebrow. "This is weird... Aren't you acting a bit too nice for a evil insane overlord?" Admittedly she had never seen one of those before.

Okay, that wasn't fair. Tamamo herself could probably count as a type of evil overlord.

It's just that you know... she was a different type of overlord. The perverted kind, that either only existed in stories, or in horrible times of war. It goes without saying that these types of overlord were typically not kind.

Yato smiled. "Why wouldn't I be nice with my concubines?" And besides, he could be mean too. He loved being mean in fact, even if it was very wrong.

Tamamo-No-Mae rolled her eyes. "Uh-huh, sure." She was not ready for the concubine life part two. "Is that why you brainwashed my wife? Is that being nice." You couldn't believe all the stupid legends around the world.

The truth is that evil rapist overlords didn't make girls fall in love with them with the power of dick. Therefore Yato was probably brainwashing people with some authority. That would also explain why Hakuno had forgotten her.

Yato made girls like him with the power of dick. He was confused. "Brainwashing?"

Hakuno sorta likes Yato because of the power of dick. She was confused. "Brainwashing?"

Tamamo-No-Mae nodded to herself. "Brainwashing. That's why your brain is probably screaming at you to love the Campione, and why you forget me."

Yato's eyes widen. "Her brain is screaming at her to love me!?" It sure didn't seem like it.

Hakuno clicked her tongue. "It's not. Also, I never met you Tamamo." She only knew her name because the goddess had shouted it. "Either that or you're so bland I ended up forgetting you." Hah, could she really call someone bland?

Hell, why had she even been mean enough to insult her like this? They were in similar situations, were they not? Actually, that might be why Hakuno metaphorically spit on her in the first place. Victims liked crushing other victims.

Also, for some reason she felt Tamamo was easy to bully.

And as if to prove her point, the goddess burst into tears again. "Guh...! That's so horrible! You're already on the Netorare stage where you insult your past lover!? Is that it!?" She never thought she would have to live through this.

Still, both the Campione and her wife seemed to believe brainwashing wasn't involved. Normally she would call trickery of course, but this Yato guy seemed too dumb to ever trick anyone. Which means...

Was his dick game really that good!?

Hakuno rolled her eyes. "Netorare...? I haven't even..." She hadn't even gotten fucked yet. Yato had... mentally fucked her? Force fucked her? She didn't really know how to describe it.

She huffed. "How stupid." And then looked back at the Campione. "So what now? You're gonna go, or you're gonna do something else to us?" They were both still tied up.

Hakuno was defenseless... she wouldn't be able to fight back...

Tamamo gasped. "Ah...! She's outright giving ideas, and now her legs are moving in a lewd way!" Or at least as much as they could move in the current situation.

This was the worst case scenario.

Her master was usually a girl who while secretly perverted, would refuse Tamamo's straightforward advances. By beating her up if needed. And now that girl looked like she definitely wanted some...!

Yato made a thinking pose. "What exactly are you trying to imply?" Tamamo thought for once his stupidity was gonna be useful.

Because it gave Hakuno a chance to explain she meant something completely different from what was on Tamamo's mind. Yes, she had simply misinterpreted her cute, serious master. For once she had misread her handsome (virgin) soul.

"I'm talking about sex, duh." Hakuno seemed almost mad Yato hadn't immediately realized what she was talking about. "Are you gonna take me now or not?" She didn't want this, but if it had to happen...

Tamamo's heard shattered a second time. Her master was actually shaking her hips! She totally wanted this...!

Yato didn't sound nearly as enthusiastic. "Sex huh...?" It's true that he was incredibly pent up at this point. But he should probably be a responsible harem master and talk with everyone else first.

He had to make sure they understood he was safe, and that the worst had passed. He also needed to figure out what he would do about Aoko and Alice. Should he harem them up? Let them go? Mock Aoko for having the worst drip of Fuyuki?

Tamamo had to do something about this, before her master was ruined even more. "Ya know, celibacy is a virtue!" She planned on volunteering herself, but in the end she hesitated.

Yato flinched. "I can't really say anything about whether that's true or not, but I do hate monks." Though he supposed not all celibate people were monks of course.

Nonetheless, Yato definitely couldn't walk that path now, not when he had a literal harem of concubines. And even if he couldn't, he didn't want. So this piece of wisdom from his newest concubine would have to be thrown into the trash.

Tamamo gave him a shaky smile. "I don't think you would look ugly while bald."

Yato shivered. "Thanks, I guess. Even the thought of that is super terrifying though." Surely not all monks were bald? Issei was like a monk in training, and he still had hair.

Hakuno interjected. "Hey dumbass, Tamamo is distracting you. Make your choice already." Normally she would be all for watching a idiot try to trick another idiot, but she really wasn't in the mood today.

Tamamo immediately gasped. "Why tell him that though!?" And now she was back in the theory that brainwashing authorities existed.

Hakuno clicked her tongue. "W-well... my maidenly heart needs warning before an assault. Being warned before hand is much better than a sudden attack." Yeah, that's why she was putting the idea of sex in Yato's mind.

Before Tamamo could respond, Yato raised a finger. "That's very wise Hakuno." Ambushes were to be avoid. This was true about everything in life.

Yato got up on bed... and started crawling on top of the naked Tamamo.

The goddess shrieked. "Why me!? Isn't the perfect high school girl basically begging for it right now!?" Though maybe this was the best outcome.

Tamamo was a experienced concubine after all, she wouldn't fall to lust so easily. Furthermore, she could use her experience given indifferently to mock the Campione's abilities. Maybe that would wake her Master up from her trance.

Hakuno pouted. "I mean, you are the new one here..." Even if she herself had personality never gotten anything.

She wasn't mad about this. Being mad about this would be incredibly stupid. This was even a good thing, Yato could waste all his energy with the stupid goddess, and then nothing would be left for this poor bland girl.

Yato felt like he had to give an answer to these two. "Tammy goes first because sexual punishments exist. She just tried to trick me after all." He would forgive her about the past evil goddess stuff, but this was different.

Tamamo nodded. "I see, I see. That makes sense." She deeply understood the concept of sexual punishment.

Yato continued. "Also, I did mention anal sex before so I might as well put it in her ass." He didn't have any lube or whatever, but... Eh, she was a goddess. Surely this would just work somehow.

Panic returned to Tamamo's face. "Wah! Bad idea! Bad touch! Bad everything!" Who started with anal sex!? Did this guy have no clue how to be a evil sex overlord!?

Hakuno smirked. "Sucks to be you." Now she was genuinely glad she had dodged a bullet.

Yato sighed. "It doesn't suck to be her, bec-."

A knock on the door. "Yato!" It was Rin's voice. "I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing, but I need you right now!" That immediately alerted Yato's protective senses. Was his concubine in danger?

Yato got out of bed. "What's the problem...?"

And then, as if suddenly remembering nobody cared about knocking in this house, Rin opened the door. "It's that red woman..." Aoko. "She's making me scared..."

Yato crossed his arms. "Did she do anything to you?" She wasn't even a concubine. So Yato wouldn't hesitate to cut her down should that be needed.

Tamamo began whispering. "Oi, what's with this situation?" Did her luck go up a rank? "Why is Rin just ignoring two naked girls?" She knew Rin Tohsaka of course.

Hakuno whispered back. "Everyone in the mansion is weird. You get used to it." She frequently had to hear Rin's rants. She had seen the abyss of insanity which lived here.

Rin got closer to her supposed boyfriend. "N-not really... but something about her puts me off. It's like... like looking at a twisted mirror." Or a prototype version of herself.

Yato didn't get it at all. "Right, I guess I will go there to sort this mess then." He look back at Tamamo. "Enjoy having a non-hurt butt while you can. The clock is ticking."

"Are you a horror movie villain!?"



Stella Glow is way too fun, I might write something for it one day. Sakuya best girl btw.


Infinite Daze

I feel like we should start keeping track of Yato’s unfinished projects. Though the only other one I remember off the top of my head is turning Shiro into a Gyaru


Damn tsunderes cockblocking the upcoming lewd!!! I hope they get corrected via plap plap!!!