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Rin pointed at the True Magician. "Execute her, Yato." That might be beyond his power.

He could fight her and win, sure. A Campione tended to have more raw power and resistences than a True Magician due to their nature. They also tended to have more skill when it came to battle. One tended to be a researcher, the other a fighter.

With that said... Things were rarely that simple in this world. True Magic did not obey rules, and so who knows what Aoko could pull it off with it.

Maybe she could send Yato to the French Revolution or something, as just an example.

Yato wasn't really aware of all that, but his instincts were. "Why though?" So he unconsciously hesitated. Without a doubt though, should Rin Tohsaka have kept pushing the Campione, he would have followed her orders.

If the Clock Tower... if the world at large knew how much influence the young Tohsaka mage had over a Campione, many people would stop sleeping soundly at night. Thankfully while Rin was more or less aware of this, her character always held her back.

So the young heiress pouted. "Because... Forget about it, Yato." It would be bad for the world if a True Magician and a Campione clashed.

Also, her reason for all of this was just plain stupid.

Aoko snorted. "She's just mad that I have been teasing her." Yep, that was pretty much it.

The True Magician knew exactly what buttons to push when it came to this young girl. She didn't know exactly why though, maybe it was because she was fairly similar to her younger self? Yeah, that was probably it.

Though if Aoko Aozaki learned of the devotion Rin Tohsaka had for her boyfriend, she would probably immediately retract that thought. Her younger self definitely wasn't such a goddamned loser.

Alice, the Witch sighed. "Aoko, please stop trying to bring unbalance into Lord Shibata's harem." Some times she felt like Aoko was a dog who constantly had to be kept by her leash. It was downright embarrassing.

"I'm not trying to bring unbalance to anything." Aoko smirked. "Besides, I bet little miss perfect over there needs to get teased more, she's definitely way too uptight." At least she should be, if she was anything like her young self. "She needs to let loose, ya know?"

Rin blushed, stealing glances at Yato. "I-I have ways of letting loose." In the end this was the difference between Rin Tohsaka and a young Aoko Aozaki.

One got laid. One didn't. Like two Eevee's who took different evolutionists paths, they were similar, but oh-so different.

Oh, and if anyone said that to Aoko they would definitely get sent to the French revolution.

Rin controlled her blush. "Forget about teasing right now though. What do you two plan on doing?" She was glaring at both the Witch and at the True Magician.

Wasn't this situation a bit insane?

Aoko Aozaki was the current holder of the Fifth True Magic, and she would most likely be the last True Magician to ever grace the Earth. Not to mention that she was also possibly the most destructive Magician ever. Not the strongest, the most destructive. The distinction was important.

Meanwhile Alice was a direct descendant of Yumina, a Magician who carried the first True Magic, and possibly the first person to ever have Sorcery in general. And she carried many of Yumina's tools with her.

Basically, both were big deals and couldn't be ignored. That's why Yato had to be here for this.

A Campione was a king. Yato may not care much for that unless Cleopatra was specifically pushing him down that path, but he was one. Japan was his kingdom, and both Aoko Aozaki and Alice Kujoin were Japanese. In that way, it was like his castle, in this case Fuyuki, was being visited by two Duchess'.

Also, they were hot, and Rin just knew her boyfriend totally wanted to enslave them.

Aoko pusher her hair back. "Same ol' for me. I'll go right back to travelling." She had no intention of staying with your majesty over there. "If I ain't travelling, my soul starts to rot after all." Also, she was in severed debt.

She was a free spirit, always wandering around and finding interesting and awe worthy things. And then exploding them most of the time. It couldn't be helped though, a bird flies, Aoko Aozaki explodes things. Rules of nature.

Also she couldn't let the debt collectors get her.

Rin hummed. "Is that so..." It would depend on Yato's decision.

Sort of. Aoko was one of the few people who could say no to a Campione, but she knew her boyfriend was way too stubborn to accept. There was a chance of a big fight breaking out, so hopefully that wouldn't be happening.

Yato gave her a look of pity. "Your soul rots if you don't travel? What a scary nightmare."

Alice immediately interjected. "Lord Shibata, she was not being literal." Nobody's soul was getting rotted anytime soon. Though if Alice had been born a normal witch, that would have indeed been her punishment for falling in love.

Yato nodded. "Yeah, I get that. Duh."

"Eh?" Then what was Lord Shibata's problem?

Aoko was now interested too. "Um? You have something against travelling?" Since she was the personification of travel, she would definitely be pissed off at a guy with such bad taste.

"Uh-huh. I hate travel. Sort of." He did want to travel with his harem. "Going to new places is cool and all, but I just hate waiting in a bus and the like." It was too goddamn slow.

That was fair enough... "Okay, and?" She just didn't see why that was relevant.

He smiled. "And nothing, that's it."

"Please stay silent from now on." Yato would obey her order, since she said please.

Rin Tohsaka however, started contemplating murder. Her boyfriend was trying to be nice and make small talk and this is what he got? Well, he had raised no objections towards Aoko travelling, so she supposed that was it.

Alice interjected. "Yato, Aoko is being rude. Punish her." This was definitely not done because Alice was mad at her friend, not at all. She was just being a wise advisor.

Aoko glared at her friend. "If people are gonna punish me for being rude, my entire life will just be punishment!" One might argue that this was already the case, considering how she was homeless and all.

Yato chuckled. "Hah, don't worry, I won't be punishing anyone right now." For two primary reasons.

1. He had a tied up goddess and high schooler that he had to dick down. Before adding more work to his plate he should probably eat what was already there. Punishment was something serious, it shouldn't be taken lightly!

2. This was probably gonna be a goodbye. He didn't know when he would see Aoko again, if her ever would and so... it was better if things went like this. Just a nice conversation between friends.

Though he supposed he literally met her yesterday. And also that she hadn't done much. Still, her butt was big and Yato respected that.

He then looked at Alice. "So, if Aoko is gonna be travelling around, what's your plan?"

Alice trembled. "My plan...?" She looked down. "I suppose that time has truly come, has it not?" Yes, she had a important choice to make now. One that could not be taken back no matter what.

Aoko interject. "I'm guessing you're gonna go back to Misaki, right Alice?" That's where her mansion was. Besides, for a Witch to leave her home... it was weird already, her friend probably wanted desperately to return.

Alice hesitantly nodded. "Ye-." But she stopped herself. "Aoko, I have a question. What happened to that time anomaly you were expecting to happen?" That was the reason she had stupidly come here after all.

Aoko put a hand to her chin. "The time anomaly huh?" That was a good question.

Nothing had happened in the end though. Aoko could only assume that Sun Goddesses originally had some sort of authority that would mess with time? Or perhaps Yato had it and would misuse it? Well, in the end it didn't happen.

Rin raised an eyebrow. "A time anomaly? That sounds... dangerous." And exactly the type of thing her boyfriend was supposed to deal with.

Actually, it was more like a Campione was supposed to be the last thing to ever come near a time anomaly, since they would probably make it even worse. Rin Tohsaka foolishly believed her boyfriend was the exception however.

All the other Campiones? Beasts, savages, fools even. Her Campione? Cute, but sometimes misguided.

Aoko shrugged. "It normally is. This one kind of solved itself though... I think. It was probably something the goddess was gonna do, but Caster stopped her." Which means coming here had essentially been a big waste of time.

Though then again, Aoko was essentially immortal due to the Fifth True Magic. She also didn't have a job and the like. Could she even waste time? Not really.

So in the end this had been just another fun adventure to enrich her memories.

Rin was even more confused now, however. "The time anomaly solved itself...? Is that something that can really happen?" She was a very active girl.

So if Rin Tohsaka found a problem, she fixed with as much speed as she could manage, or at least she tried alleviating the problem. That's how she had been since she had been young, that's what her training as a mage taught her. That's why hearing something fixed itself felt so wrong.

In the end however, Aoko Aozaki was the expert here. True Magics were notorious for only really making sense to its wielders, so if she said everything was okay, Rin didn't really have a place to argue back.

Aoko motioned to Yato. "Blame your boyfriend here. A time anomaly was definitely destined to happened, but a Campione doesn't really care about that." In other words, Yato challenged his fate and won.

It was one of a Campione's greatest strength, especially when fighting a god. Divine beings were often subjected to prophecies, even they could rarely defy fate. This was not exclusive to them however...

As an example, a Heroic Spirit would often meet his end to similar circumstances of how he had actually lost his life in legend. A Campione was thus a being that existed above them.

It wasn't that a Campione couldn't lose to a Heroic Spirit or a god of course, and it had happened in the past. It was just that in a way they were a higher form of being. Dragons could lose to other lesser, and yet stronger Phantasmal Beasts, but they were still dragons.

Arcueid Brunestud could be killed by a Dead Apostle Ancestor, but she was still Arcueid Brunestud. At least that's how Aoko understood this whole mess.

Yato grinned. "Look at that? Me being awesome without even trying?" This was definitely something arrogant to say.

Especially when he had not even fought that god, much to his frustration... or at least that would be the case normally, but surprisingly enough he felt fairly satisfied. Some part of that was because the true battle in the bed hadn't yet happened, but...

He also felt content because he understood the true winner of the battle should have been Skadi. She was the MVP so to speak. She was also his concubine. Yato was the Campione of ass. Or love. And his love has conquered the Sun.

He'd won.

Aoko scoffed. "Right." She then looked back at Alice. "So I hope that answered your question." Her friend had probably been worrying about leaving things unfinished before returning home.

Alice clutched... some sort of necklace. "It did..." And then she started mumbling to herself. "So it will never happen, will it?" That was it. She messed up.

Yato hadn't changed fate, she probably had done so. Or perhaps, due to her nature as a foolish witch who fell in love, she had followed fate? Either way, as things stood, those memories would forever just be that, memories.

In that case, the correct path to follow was... "You were right before, Aoko. I shall return home." To that cold mansion.

Well, calling it cold was way too mean. She had... friends who occasionally visited. It wasn't a bad life, and Alice certainly had a far better hand dealt to her by fate than most witches. As previously said, normal witches literally had their soul rotten if they fell in love.

Aoko smiled. "Okay then..." She was surprised.

Alice had been freaking her out a bit with the whole way she had been acting, and her... stalker-ish tendencies. In the end though, it seemed she had been wrong. Alice was probably just stressed or something.

Rin gazed at her boyfriend, wondering if he was gonna object.

He didn't. "Okay then, I hope you guys have a safe travel back home! Thanks for all the help!" It seemed the Shibata family would not be getting any new concubines today.

Besides the Sun Goddess that is.

That was probably a good thing, she knew her boyfriend had a... big appetite, but it was starting to get too crowded here. Also, she was pretty sure Luvia's pride would break if she didn't get some dick soon, and she would murder someone. As expected of a lewd cow.

But... "With that said, let me reward you guys since y'all helped!" They had helped a decent amount.

Alice knew where to go to find Skadi, and Aoko had basically stopped the goddess from going with the evil god plan. Okay, in the end maybe those contributions weren't that crazy. Still, Yato wanted to do something nice for his friends.

This was essentially his shy way of giving someone a parting gift.

Alice raised her hands, shaking them in denial. "There is no need for that, Lord Shibata!" There could be no greater shame than coming here and then acting as a leech.

Aoko was totally fine being a leech. "Don't listen to her! I totally want a reward! Hopefully a monetary one!" Campione's were all crazy billionaire's right!?

Actually, why didn't True Magicians get the same treatment!? Why weren't people throwing money at her for doing nothing!?

The answer was a simple one, even if Aoko Aozaki didn't realize it. In the end she still had some amount of common sense, and she was also not affiliated with the Planet or Alaya, in fact she was rather hated by them. So she wasn't too much of a threat.

If Yato... If any Campione wiped Tokyo out of the map, they would probably just get a slap on the wrist from their "parents". If even that.


Rin grumbled to herself. "Greedy bitch." She would have done the same.

Yato sent Aoko a thumbs up. "Okay then, pick anything you want. Think of me as a cool wish granter." There was very little beyond a Campione's wish.

Though Yato had just done the worst maneuver imaginable, by putting the reward into the person's hand, they would naturally reject it. Or at least they would ask for something small at least. That was the humbleness of the common man.

Aoko was not the common man. "Pay all my debts. Sue my sister for making me be into debt. Pay for my travels. Buy me a house. Buy me a private jet. Give me millions of yen. Billions. Maybe a trillion." Tons of different wishes had come at once.

Rin gasped. "Who do you think you a-!" Yato cut her off.

"Okay then!" Spending money wasn't any trouble, so this was easy. "I swear that you shall never worry about money ever again, Aoko." And that was that.


"Um... professor... why did you just break a desk in half?"

"I do not know. I don't want to know either." He had a feeling today was going to be a nightmare.


Aoko immediately sputtered. "What do you mean I won't have to worry about money ever again!?" She was expecting a nice and quick rejection. It was more of a joke than anything else.

Yato smiled. "Of course. I will take care of you for the rest of your life, Aoko." That was...!

Aoko's face became as red as her hair. "Marriage!? That is totally marriage, isn't it!?" Was the Campione asking for her hand right here and now!? Without any restraint whatsoever!?

This is why stupid people were scary.

Both Rin and Alice immediately objected, as one would expect.

"Its totally not at all like marriage! Don't even think about my boyfriend like that!" The only person Yato was getting married to was her. And only after many years.

"Indeed, do not think of yourself as worthy of Lord Shib-."

"Well, I did say you could ask for anything, so if you wanna get married... sure." The Soviet Harem would undoubtedly crumble, nonetheless a Campione had to always keep his word. Unless they didn't want to.

The truth is that Yato could just marry her and then divorce her like he had done with Illya, it wasn't too complicated. The Soviet Harem would fall... and then rise again shortly after. Huh, maybe this Campione was secretly a genius!?

Aoko covered her face.

She was obviously gonna reject this dumbass. Her reasons were simple.

1. He was dumb.

2. She met him yesterday!

Sure the part where she would never had to worry about money ever again was nice and all, but Aoko Aozaki was not the type to stress over money. Yep, and she totally didn't care about being a millionaire or any-.

"Yato, please marry me." Her body acted before her mind. She could only ask for forgiveness.

Alice and Rin both looked at the Campione. His decision was indeed going to challenge fate.

He nodded. "Of course! We can even make a big party and stuff!" He regretted not doing something like this with Illya.

Aoko looked down, her blush even more prominent. "L-like a wedding ceremony?" Was this really happening!? Did she eat some weird flower and was now paying the price!?

"Yeah, it's gonna be a wedding ceremony." That sounded really fun, a experienced he wouldn't forget anytime soon. "I want the whole world to know that Aoko Aozaki is the most precious girl in the world for me."

Rin and Alice fell to the ground, they might be dead. Aoko fell to the ground, she had never felt so alive.

Soon the world would tremble.


AN: Sorry that this took so long, I had the good ol' writers block. Not with this funnily enough, it was mostly True Love eating my brain. In fact I will probably go back to it immediately after writing this.

Oh, yeah, next arc is gonna be Yato and Aoko marrying each other. Mostly because that sounded really fun to write. Tamamo and Hakuno will have some of the spotlight too.

So yes, the marriage arc begins.


Some Guy

Ahhh... Aoko sex I can almost taste it


Thanks for the chapter! Aoko’s rizz is too strong