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"You are a very forward person." Yato couldn't remember the last time someone had complimented him for being stupid.

He could think of people who would compliment him on his other traits, like his sword skills, or his sexual skills, but this was new. And also suspicious, this red haired woman gave off the aura of someome suspicious!

His mom had once said he should watch out for older women like this Aoko girl. Apparently they would shower Yato with compliments and then throw him into a van. He didn't know why, but he knew vans were scary.

Aoko laughed. "Indeed I am!" She then pointed at the girl who was covering her face. "Her name is Ali- Wow!" As she talked, a mouth suddenly appeared and tried to eat her.

Aoko managed to dodge with a backflip, but it certainly surprised Yato, since it looked like it came out of nowhere. Was this part of the Sun god's authority? The Campione couldn't be sure...

The redhead glared at the other girl. "Seriously!? You're sending that thing to kill me even in this situation!?" Ah. So it wasn't an attack of the Sun god.

He should have figured, these two had been fighting before he arrived. In fact he should stop worrying about them and go back to trying to find Skadi or something. The Sun assassins hadn't disappeared, his fight hadn't received a pause after all.

The girl clicked her tongue. "It's just..." She didn't know what to say. She just knew that the Campione shouldn't learn her name right now.

He shouldn't even have learned Aoko's name! He shouldn't even have met the two! But hopefully it would be fine, hopefully such minor mistakes would be fixed. However, there was no need to add even more mistakes.

Even if she really wanted to tell him her name.

Yato raised a hand, a friendly smile on his face. "Well, it's fine! It's not like anyone is obligated to tell their name to me." Unless he ordered them to, of course.

And speaking of orders. "That said, I need to know something important. Have any of you guys seen a Sun god running around? Probably looking very evil and stuff?" Or maybe neutral.

Aoko tilted her head. "A Sun god...?" Her eyed slowly widened. "Are you fighting a god right now!?" Even a True Magician wouldn't take a god lightly.

Yato nodded. "Ayup." Actually, that wasn't exactly correct...?

He was fighting the god's minions, because the Sun god really liked video game mission structure or something. Though these minions were also probably made from the essence of the Sun god, so it all balanced itself out.

Aoko gasps. "Don't just say ayup! I thought you were looking for your concubine or whatever!?" Maybe she really should leave if a god was involved with this mess.

In the end leaving it to the Campione to kill the god was the wisest thing to do. It was both their job, and their instinct after all. Even if Aoko didn't like retreating out of fear... or more accurately, out of apprehension.

Yato tilted his head. "I mean, I'm doing that too..." He shrugged. "Goddesses are surprisingly hard to find, you know?" He was starting to get genuinely worried about Skadi.

What if she had been captive by the Sun god!? Well, in that case that was just another incentive to cut the bastard down, but he already had enough of those anyways. He would rather if his concubine was safe.

Aoko nodded. "Right..." And then she covered her face. "You know, the strangest part about this, is that you have acted like such a little weirdo, that my brain is processing the concubine part just now."

In a way this Campione reminded her a little bit about how Soujuurou used to be, before he adapted to society that is. Though Soujuurou had never ever been so perverted too, he used to be as pure and innocent as a nun.

But like, not real nuns, those fake nuns from anime who don't even know what sex is.

But whatever, she could think about that later. She had made a decision. "You know what though? I'mma help you kill this god." That seemed moderately smart.

Aoko didn't like running away, and so she wouldn't. Instead she would help this baby kill his natural enemy, and prevent any time complications that might happen during the fight.

Alice however, was biting her lip so hard that it might start bleeding.

As always, Aoko decided to be a problem instead of just going home like she asked. Why couldn't she be obedient like Soujuurou? Why did she always have to go around blowing up everything in front of her!?

And as for Yato... "Ah, thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."

The rejection came so quickly that Aoko almost felt herself becoming her anger filled younger self. "Why though!?" There was no reason to deny her help.

Sure she didn't know any useful magecraft besides blowing things up, and she would prefer to not directly fight a god in the frontlines... but she was still Aoko Aozaki, a True Magician!

Time was her little baby! M-most of the time... Admittedly Yato's rather scart new parents would occasionally show up and threaten to kill Aoko, but that was a rare occurrence! Besides, Aoko mostly ignored them anyways.

W-which probably wasn't a good thing, but whatever.

Yato sighed. "I mean... It's because you don't seem to be that strong, if I'm being honest." It was the same reason he made most of his harem wait back home, essentially.

It goes without saying, but Yato did not know who the hell Aoko Aozaki was. In his mind she was probably just another magician wandering around his territory. And since she didn't have Command Seals, he wouldn't consider her a thief.

Therefore, while he was grateful she had volunteered, for her own good he would reject her. Her tits were too big to be lost in some random battle, her ass too glorious to die so early.

A sudden thought hit Yato's brain... Was she concubine mat-? Not the time for that.

Aoko crossed her arms. "I'm actually pretty strong I'll have you know... Have you seriously not heard of me?" She guessed that wasn't too egregious.

She knew a thing or two about Yato Shibata, like everyone in the magus world. And so she knew he came from a normal home, he was the rare normal person who stepped into the realms of a god without any magecraft.

In essence, he had accomplished what Soujuurou could have accomplished, if the boy hadn't lost all that made him strong by interacting with modernity.

Yato hummed for a while. "If you say so... It is true that I could use some help. I almost died a bunch of times at this point, after all." Aoko smiled, satisfied.

She wasn't expecting Alice to suddenly shriek like a banshee. "You almost died!?" Aoko thought she sounded like a worried wife who recently learned her husband had suffered a work place injury.

Yato however, just thought she was way too loud. "Wow, no need to scream... My head is already hurting with this Sun." Such a comment only created more confusion. It was night.

And that wasn't it all. With Wandersnatch being around, the whole area was foggy, even if it was during the day, the Sun would have not be visible. Yato hadn't hidden who his enemy was however, so both Aoko and Alice quickly put two and two together.

Aoko didn't care much about Yato's state of mind of course, she barely knew the guy. Though she did consider the Campione dying as her loss condition, so she rather avoid such a scenario.

If Yato died, Alice didn't know what she would do.

So she stopped hiding her face, and flew closer to him, even though that was an awful idea, even though she shouldn't do it. Worry beat reason, something which in the end happened to all Witches in some way or another.

They met face to face, Alice started analyzing him. "I-it's true that you're pale... why are you so pale? You're always supposed to look as healthy as a person can be." For Alice, Yato should be invincible.

She had never, ever seen him struggle. Even against the greatest opponents, even against Elementals and Dead Apostles, he had always, always won, so...!

She was an idiot, of course he would struggle against a genuine god.

Yato raised an eyebrow. "I'm pale 'cause the god is doing something super freaky to kill me. Duh." This girl was soooo weird. Very pretty though.

She put her hands on his shoulder. "I... I see. Then I will help you kill this god." That was the logical conclusion... right?

She shouldn't interfere, she shouldn't change anything, she shouldn't even be in this town!

But what if he died? Things could change without her input, Aoko had decided to come here after all, and she surely hadn't done that in the "original" timeline. So Yato losing and dying was a possibility.

She couldn't allow that. He had saved her, and her home countless times, so she had to at least try to repay the favor.

Yato shrugged. "Sure." She was... erm... friends with redhead girl who claimed to be strong, so she was probably strong too. Right? Yato hoped these two weren't overestimating themselves.

Aoko definitely thought Alice was overestimating herself. "W-what!? No, you're not fighting any god, you NEET!" If even Aoko was afraid of a direct confrontation, then what hope did her friend think she had!?

Alice glared at her. "Why not?"

Yato smiled in her direction. "Yeah, why not?" NEETs were respectable! He had almost used a NEET plan to win even!

Aoko's eye twitched. "Because a Witch shouldn't fight a god! Even if she is freakishly strong..." And even if she could probably contribute more than Aoko herself...

You see, while Aoko only knew how to fire beams that used modern formulas, and would therefore be resisted by a god's natural Magic Resistance... Alice was a Witch, and one that descended from Yumina at that.

Her skillset was incredibly varied, and so she could help in ways that weren't just blowing things up. And apparently Alice had even replicated one of the three Great Ploys somehow, so she might have even reached the level of the First Magician to some extent.

Compared to her, the Magic Gunner was fairly useless in this situation.

Ah, why shouldn't Alice help again?

Oh right, because a Sun god could probably pick Alice by the scruff and well... throw her in the Sun, or something. In the end a Witch was just a inferior creature when compared to a god.

Alice clicked her tongue. "I shall help no matter what you say, Aoko." A Witch could be just as stubborn as a god however. "Besides, I don't need to listen to you in the first place."

"You certainly haven't been listening to me, in fact you insisted on ignoring me so much that I was even forced to use my Great Ploys on you." Alice would need to recall her Ploys... And she had no idea how she would feed Wandersnatch.

Aoko rolled her eyes. "Why are you bringing up old arguments!? Ugh, that's so like you, Alice." Total NEET behavior.

"Old arguments!? We literally just fought over it! Y-you... manchild!" Aoko was always like this! This was total Aoko behavior!

The two start arguing...

And Yato started wondering if he should just leave at this point. The more time he waited, the more he grew weaker... probably. Avalon was fighting back and all.

Still, if these two didn't stop soon, he would leave without saying another world. Specially since he didn't even get why they were fighting in the first place!

In the end, what did Aoko being a useless adult who only knew how to leave behind debt have to do with god killing? And what did Alice being a stinky NEET have to do with god killing? Yato didn't know, but these two sure were arguing about it.

At least he had learned the weird girl's name, since Aoko had shouted it a few times by this point.

Yato raised his arm, and looked at his pulse, imagining he had a watch. He should buy a watch, watches were cool, and Cleopatra would definitely approve.

And that was enough for the Campione, he turned around and started walking away.

The truth is that he didn't really know what he would do next, he had no plans. But moving was better than standing around and hearing two girls argue for no apparent reason. Probably.

Except Alice noticed he was leaving. "W-wait, please wait Lord Shibata!" To be honest she didn't know what she could call him. She just didn't want to disrespect him, so she went with a very standard title.

Aoko thought that was a bit weird. "Lord huh..." She never thought Alice would address someone like that, even if she was talking with a Campione.

Aoko had certainly never been called Lady Aozaki by her friend! And she was a True Magician! In some ways even more scary than a Campione!

Yato pouted. "I can't wait for you guys. I'm in a pretty serious situation, ya know?" Really, he was lucky those Sun assassins weren't currently trying to stab him. How polite of them!

Or more likely, the god realized they weren't doing much. At that point, conserving his reserves and waiting for a more opportune time was the better choice.

Alice thought there was some irony about Yato of all people being unwilling to wait for her.

But that made sense, since he didn't even know who she was and all that.

Did she really need to help him? Wouldn't it be better to let things progress without her input?

She shook her head. Of course she had to help him! "I apologize Lord Shibata, my friend was just being foolish. Please explain the situation to me so that I may lend you some aid."

Aoko pouted. "Why are you calling me foolish...?" Alice didn't bother responding, she didn't want them starting another argument.

Yato nodded towards the Witch. "Okay then, Alice."

"Ah~." The Witch couldn't help it, she didn't expect such a sudden attack! When had he even learned her name!? She hadn't told him...!

The answer was obvious of course, but Alice was too blind to see it.

So insteasd, she chalked it up to being true love. Sure, Yato's mind and body didn't remember her, mostly because he hadn't had those experiences yet, but the soul was above time itself!

If she had asked Aoko, she would hear the True Magician saying the soul wasn't above a goddamn thing.

Yato put a hand to his chin. "So where do I begin explaining all of this mess...?" He wished he had Cleopatra here. Actually, he wished he had Skadi here.

Nonetheless, he would try his best to explain the situation. And surprisingly enough, he found that as he told them everything, they didn't seem to be confused or anything. That was certainly a relief.

Aoko raised her hand. "I understand the situation! Let's blow up the Sun!" She had blown up the Moon once, she could totally pull this off.

Alice lowered her hand. "This is no time for jokes, Aoko."

"Who said it was a joke?"

Alice chose to ignore that. "So we need to find this Skadi Servant, is that right Lord Shibata?" This was strange. She had always known Yato had concubines, but she didn't imagine one of them would legitimately be a goddess.

The Campione nodded. "Pretty much. Unless you guys have an idea for what the shards can be used for." He doubted they were as skilled as Skadi was.

Aoko raised a hand. "Maybe I can use it to amplify my beams and blow up the Sun!" She was really excited about this!

Alice lowered her hand yet again. "Aoko, no jokes." It was even night, how would her friend blow up the Sun!?

Not to mention that Yato couldn't do it. If Yato couldn't do something, then no one could. That was just basic common sense as far as Alice was concerned. And clearly this NEET Witch was very wise.

The Witch raised a finger. "How about checking out the greatest ley lines of the city, Lord Shibata? Even a mage from the Age of Gods could have some use for them, so maybe she's near one."

Yato's face gained a embarrassed blush. "Sorry, I don't really understand what those are, or where they are." He knew they were important for summoning Servants and that was it.

In his defense, he only practiced magecraft for one day. And he had been sick during that day as well.

Also, he was himself. That should be enough explanation.

Alice smilled. "A leyline is... well, I assume you don't really want an explanation right now, Lord Shibata." She knew he was... special. "There's no need for it anyways."

"I have done extensive research on this city, and so I know where we should go. Ryuudou Temple contains by far the greatest leyline this city has to offer." And so Skadi was most likely there.

Yato hummed. "Um... I don't know how I feel about going into a temple, but I guess I have no choice." In a way it was like invading enemy territory.

Aoko gazed at her friend. "Okay, so are you going to explain to us why you did extensive research on this city? You never even leave Misaki Town." She was learning a lot about Alice today.

The Witch sighed. "Such information doesn't matter Aoko, just forget about it." The answer was a verg simple one of course.

Alice Kuonji wasn't just a NEET Witch. She was a legendary stalker NEET Witch!


AN: Sorry this one was so late!



What is that omake? I don't think I read it

Some Guy

Its called 'Yato's Wacky Adventure In The Past' either it's canon or Alice is delusional (shizo witch hot)