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"What were you two idiots thinking!?" What must Aoko Aozaki be thinking? Scolding Ciel in her own apartment.

It goes without saying, but she was also scolding Arcueid. And the reason for that scolding was simple too, the two had rampaged across the city, and even destroyed a bit of the Tohno mansion.

Yuta let a sigh escape his mouth. "Yep, I ain't going in there." Though he would probably be forced to do so eventually.

He would also need to find some type of gift for Arcueid and Ciel eventually... Not to mention how he had promised to do whatever they wanted after the mission was over.

For now though? He might as well take the time to continue reading Makihisa's diary. He had become a thief over it after all.

Well, he doubted the book had any earth shaking revelations at this point.


Oh, he now sort of understood the dead adopted child part. Makihisa had two children, Akiha and SHIKI, and then he adopted Shiki later. He must have used Shiki's existence to cover up the death of his biological son.


Oh, the Nanayas didn't just go extinct out of nowhere. Makihisa went out of his way to wipe them out, killing everyone besides Shiki. And if Akiha wasn't so young, he would have even involved her.


Oh, those with Oni Blood go insane eventually. SHIKI went insane. Akiha apparently had low chances of going insane. Nonetheless, for most members of the Tohno family this fate was a inevitability.


Oh, Kohaku and Hisui have an ability called synchronizer. It refreshes one's mind and body through sex. This is why Makihisa continuously raped Kohaku throughout out the years.


"I..." Yuta looked up.

He had more or less expected a few of the entries here, if he was being honest. As dark and horrible as what had happened to Kohaku was, he pretty much knew about at this point. The diary had only confirmed it.

The other parts however? Those were a bit more of a shock. Yuta certainly didn't expect Makihisa had killed Shiki's entire family, or that there was a low, but decent chance of Akiha becoming insane.


He dropped the book. "I don't want to look at that anymore."

He didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what to think, but he knew he didn't want to look at that damn book anymore. In fact he didn't want to look at anything Makihisa had ever touched.

He looked back at the apartment, he could still hear arguing. Yuta would have no choice, but to wait for Sensei to finish. After that he could come up with a second plan of action with everybody's help.

Well... mostly everybody. Yuta was sure Kohaku and Hisui would be way too shocked about the fact that he went around snooping to help, as an example. But it is what it is, Yuta would apologize to them later.

So basically, all he had to do was wait.

"Like hell I can just wait!" Yuta blasted off towards his destination with as much speed as he could muster.

That destination was the Tohno household of course.

Yuta had no idea what he would do once he got there, he had no idea why he was even going there in the first place. This mission was a stealth one, so would he just throw it all away once he got there?

Yuta didn't know. He just knew he had to be there.

And it wouldn't take too long for him to get there either. Yuta wasn't using any special ability besides reinforcement, but his speed was surprising even himself.

And that speed was what allowed him to dodge a sudden blow.

He jumped backwards, just in time to avoid a hail of bullets. "Tsk. For real?" He clicked his tongue. Talk about awful timing.

His gaze went to whatever bastard just tried to stop him and what he saw was... "Hah?" Some sort of gigantic... death spider? It wasn't something Yuta had ever seen before, that was for sure.

It didn't matter, he would tell Senpai about this later.

Yuta grimaced. "You picked the worst timing." He dashed forward, he didn't have Rika with him right now, but he wasn't scared. It was hard to be scared of such a stupid looking monster in the first place.

Nonetheless, he should think about what tools he had with him. He didn't have any special abilities, and he had even sent the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception back to Rika. He didn't have a sword or Black Keys.

So what did he have? Enormous amounts of grain, and a few ways to use it, that's what.

The... spider aimed it's guns at him again. Yuta didn't even bother dodging them this time however, he just let grain burst from his body and erases the bullets from existence. Though it would be more accurate to say he melted them.

He didn't have any fast way of putting the thing down, so he just punched the spider with as much strength as he could.

The spider went flying, it surprised even Yuta.

The reason for it was clear. Yuta Okkotsu didn't truly understand the type of monster he was... the level of monster he was.

Normal people didn't engage in close quarters combat with a Dead Apostle Ancestor, not even a very weak one such as Vlov. And so, naturally Yuta Okkotsu was not a normal person.

By himself, without Rika or any abilities, he sat amongst the top ranks of the Holy Church.

The spider's body trembled, and in a second it was up again. It was a monster too, so it wouldn't die so easily.

Yuta clenched his fists, and tilted his head in confusion. "Are you a vampire...?" That regeneration looked similar to the Undead he had fought in the past. It was the curse of vampirism.

But vampires weren't meant to be giant fucking spiders. Or at least as far as Yuta was aware. Ciel had once told him about some of the weirder variations, but she certainly hadn't mentioned this one.

In the end it didn't really matter, he supposed. If it's on his way, stopping him from reaching the mansion, he will kill it. Besides, he is a member of the Holy Church, putting down monsters like these is part of his job description.

That regeneration will be a problem however, since he doesn't have any holy weapons to deal with it-.

Something jumped on the spider.

It quickly got crushed, as the spider revealed new weapons... except then another thing jumped on the spider. And then another. And then another. Even a giant monster like that one was getting overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

And these were just things, they were puppets.

Which means. "Touko...!" A smile blossomed on Yuta's face. His stalker teacher had come to land a hand.

And so Yuta turned around and went back to dashing towards the Tohno Mansion. He was sure Touko could handle a vampire as weak as that one after all. Though he would thank her for this latter nonetheless.

He would also need to report this to Ciel... He could worry about that later! For now he just had to get to the mansion and... and do something damn it!

Yuta met no more distractions... Actually, that isn't exactly true, his cellphone did ring, but he had no time for that, so he just ignored it.

Eventually he arrived at the mansion's gate... and now Yuta had to confront the fact that he had no plan at all. He did not know what to say to Shiki or Akiha or...!

Yuta's brain and heart was more or less overloaded at this point, so he did the only thing he could do. "Shiki! Shiki...! Come here bro, we need to talk!" He started screaming in front of the mansion. Like a maniac.

Obviously, his screaming didn't go ignored forever. Before long a young boy left the mansion and rushed towards the gate. "Yuta!? What the hell are you doing!?" Shiki was worried.

Akiha was already in a bad mood, she didn't need someone to come here and annoy people. Even her precious totally not boyfriend was not exempt from her rage. In fact, he might be her main target.

He started opening the gate. "Seriously, don't just stand silent there...!" His face was pale. "Akiha is genuinely this close to killing you, you know!?" Maybe Yuta had come here to apologize for the Arcueid and Ciel debacle?

The gate opened.

Yuta basically threw himself at Shiki, hugging his friend with as much strength as he could muster. What else was he supposed to do to the man who had his family wiped out when he was a small child?

Shiki was understandably confused. Where had this come from...?

But Yuta looked like he was about to cry, and so Shiki hugged his friend back, even if he normally wasn't the type to do something like this. It felt... strange. Shiki didn't remember ever being hugged like this.

Eventually however, Shiki was forced to question his friend. "Yuta... did something happen?"

Yuta grit his teeth. "Yeah... something really bad happened..." And he didn't even know where to start with it. He obviously had to tell Shiki, but how?

Shiki pat Yuta's back and ended the hug. "Well... let's have a walk and talk about it, I guess." He scratched his cheek. "This seems pretty important." Did one of Yuta's girlfriends break up with him?

Probably not. Shiki couldn't ever see that happening if he was being honest. Hey, Akiha would be really happy at least, in fact that sounded like her dream come true.

Yuta took a deep breath. "Shiki I... orchestrated the fight that happened tonight."

"Eh?" Oh wow, Akiha really was gonna murder his friend. No, seriously, what the hell!? "Yuta... did Rika finally drive you insane?" He always feared that could happen.

Yuta looked away. "No, that's... Right, I need to start from the beginning." He messed up just now, but his head was hurting, his heart was hurting. It felt like he had just stumbled onto the most horrifying secret to ever exist.

Shiki nodded. "That would probably be a good idea."

And with that Yuta remembered where it all started. "So, the other day... remember when Arach showed up on our school?"

"How could I forget? Ugh, of course this is related to her..." Actually, now that he thought about it, the doctor was the one who wanted to answer the gate. Shiki just ran past her.

Yuta grimaced. "I can't be mad at her for this one, if I'm being honest." She's the one who gave him clues and all that. "She... she showed up and said something worrying about the Tohnos."

And just like that, Yuta gained even more attention from Shiki. He thought this had nothing to do with his own family, but apparently he thought wrong. What was that bitch doing!?

"She... she said... she said some really scary things, and then she said there were some fucked up things your father..." It felt sickening to call that man Shiki's father.

Yuta almost threw up just thinking about it.

"Something that man was hiding, in a diary. So basically that whole big fight was just a distraction so I could sneak in and steal that diary." That was the easy part to explain.

Shiki pushed his glasses up. "I see... Akiha is gonna murder you." More important however... "So, where's the diary? Did you bring it back with you?" He wanted to read it as well, of course.

Yuta shook his head. "Sorry, I dropped after reading it. It should be in front of Senpai's apartment." He wondered if she was currently reading it too.

Shiki clicked his tongue. "That's unfortunate... Did it really say something bad?" Yuta hadn't even told him what Arach had said yet, so Shiki was as worried as he could be.

Specially since his friend seemed so... hesitant. "Shiki... the Nanayas they..."

A invisible switch was flipped in Shiki's head as soon as that family was mentioned. His family, that family, his family, that family, his family, that family, his family, that family, his family. Nanaya.

It made his head spin. It hurt his heart. And yet at the same time it felt inconsequential, so inconsequential that he wanted to cry.

Just the mere mention of that name was enough for that.

"The Nanaya didn't just die naturally. Makihisa ordered them all killed, he partnered with a mix blood named Kouma Kirishima, and apparently that was enough. He only spared you because you..." Have the same name as his son.

Yuta had to stop himself however, because his friend almost collapsed. Shiki was now sitting on the ground, his face completely pale, and cold sweat dripping across his body.

Shiki felt awful. He felt like his mind was melting and becoming one with his body, both equally sharing in pain and vertigo. He felt like he wasn't really here, that he hadn't even left the Tohno mansion yet.

And he couldn't deny what his long time friend was telling him. Because Shiki still remembered, that even during that night... that night where his mother and father had been killed...

The Moon had still been beautiful.

Yuta kneeled next to Shiki, and helped him get up. "I'll... I'll carry you back into the mansion. Sorry about... about suddenly dropping such a bomb on you." He didn't know how else to say it however.

How does one tell their friend that their adoptive father had ordered the death of his entire biological family? There was simply no good way to do it. He just had to trust that Shiki would be strong enough to not break.

Shiki leaned on his friend's shoulder. "Right... thanks. I really need some rest." He closed his eyes.

Yuta began walking his friend towards the door. Once he was inside he could ask for someone to show him to Shiki's room. Alternatively, he could take his friend to a hospital.

Nanaya opened his eyes. "Are you sure about entering the mansion? A confrontation with Akiha might be inevitable if you do, and it wouldn't surprise me if she started a fight."

Yuta was just glad his friend was feeling well enough to talk. "Of course I'm entering... Besides, I have things I want to confront Akiha about." Both in a good way, and a bad one.

Did she know about the contents of the diary, and yet didn't tell Shiki? That would be horrible. Unforgivable even. Specially since the girl had used a previous chance to confess the truth, and only told certain selected parts.

But... Yuta also understood that she was probably a victim in this as well. Makihisa was a dead man after all, just a vengeful curse ruining everything he had touched in the past. He couldn't make Akiha carry his sins.

Nanaya chuckled. "Um... You do really always have a death wish, don't you? Though I'm guessing there's way more stuff on that man's diary. Isn't that right?" Yuta could only nod.

"Welp, I don't want you to die, so I'll follow along. No need to take me to my room, sitting on a chair should be more than enough." If the Oni tried killing Shiki's friend, Nanaya would separate the two. Somehow.

A weak smile appeared on Yuta's face. "Akiha won't fight me. I won't fight Akiha. It's that simple." Shiki was just being a pessimi-.

Could he really be enough of a piece of shit to call his friend a pessimist? Shiki had just learnt the Tohnos killed his family. He should be surprised Shiki didn't draw a knife, and tried to kill Akiha.

They walked to the mansion in silence.

Once they entered, they were met with even more silence. The entrance hall was empty. "Hey Shiki, can you guide me to Akiha's room? Erm... assuming she's there, of course."

Nanaya grinned. "Sure, I'll take you there. Just make sure to forget about it afterwards, pervert." He was already feeling well enough to joke?

Yuta really hoped that was a good sign.

"Still, I'm surprised. You entered here to steal that diary, and you don't even know where Akiha's room is? How much did you study the layout of the mansion?" It was pretty big, so surely Yuta had done some research.

A embarrassed blush appeared on Yuta's face. "I didn't study the layout at all. I just... floundered my way." He had literally used instinct to guide his way.

He had a feeling Shiki would never stop laughing at him if he learned about that.

Well, Shiki laughed at his comment anyways. "That sounds like you alright. And yet, somehow you always succeed... What a golden path." Yuta had a feeling his friend was mocking him.

But that didn't matter right now. With Shiki's instructions, he made his way to Akiha's room, or at least the door to it.

Yuta knocked on the door. "Um... hey, Akiha, are you there?" He didn't raise his voice, for all he knew she was sleeping.

He would still wake her up in that case, but he also wouldn't be an asshole about it. Specially since he had been screaming at the mansion's gate a few minutes ago. Really, he should consider himself grateful not one called the police.

"Yuta, you actually entered...!?" And Akiha's tone revealed she was definitely not sleeping. "G-give me a moment!" Yuta didn't mind that... though perhaps he should let Shiki lay down somewhere else while he waited.

Nanaya snorted. "Oi Akiha, don't waste time! We want to talk about Makihisa's diary!" Yuta wondered when his friend had become so forward.

For a few moments there was silence, and eventually the door was opened. Akiha glared at the two. "How?"

Nanaya rolled his eyes. "Arach."

"I'm going to kill her. I'm going to fire her, and then kill her."


AN: Ah, I managed to finish this before the deadline! But the same thing probably won't apply to the other Patreon fic. Sorry! I'll still try to get it out by tomorrow!



Ah, the white women hunter is free. and soon synchroniser Akiha sex!

Yuval Roth

Nanaya also thinks Yuta is his bro.