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Hajime couldn't help, but be impressed at the mansion. The first area he was greeted with was a fairly entrance room with stairs to the second floor, which wasn't that crazy, but... the ceiling was literally made of glass.

It was probably a pain to clean, and didn't offer much besides a cool visual. Essentially, it was useless fluff for rich people with way too much money. However, Hajime himself wished to be rich so he could waste it in his house in the woods, so he wouldn't judge.

Aoko glanced at him. "Yeah, it's pretty nuts huh?" The heiress wouldn't get mad at him for such a reaction, she was pretty stupefied the first time she came here too.

The mansion simply had a weird feeling Aoko couldn't quite explain... And this was something pretty much every citizen in Misaki Town agreed with.

There was a reason the mansion was thought to be haunted after all.

Aoko nonchalantly started taking off her shoes. "By the way, whether you want to take yours off too is up to you. Alice disapproves of it, but all she can do is send you a spooky glare."

Alice normally walked around the mansion with her big boots. Aoko thought it was a funny sight, she also thought the Witch must be incredibly uncomfortable all the time. And since Aoko refused to adapt and copy her, that had become a minor source of conflict between the two.

Which is why even if Hajime was unaware of it, he was being tested right now.

One might say this was even his first test as a boyfriend!

Hajime smiled. "Well, it's Alice's house, so I'll follow her rules." It was only natural to be polite when visiting someone. Besides, Alice's "spooky" glare might get him kicked out of the mansion or something.

Aoko clicked her tongue. "Do whatever you want." It didn't really matter in the end. Aoko Aozaki was not the type of woman who would get obsessed over something so minor.

Definitely not.

She led her new and... first boyfriend to the living room. As she expected, he gasped in wonder yet again, though that wonder was broken a bit by the giant TV in the room.

Alice and Aoko shared the mansion between the two of them, mostly out of Alice's kindness than anything else. So normally having a TV in "neutral" grounds like the living room wouldn't be allowed.

Thankfully however, Aoko managed to get the Witch addicted, and so the living room now had this capsule of the future. The one piece of modernity amidst the Witch's territory.

Aoko and Hajime both sat down the on a sofa. The heiress wondered if she should sit besides him, or opposite of him, but since they were now technically dating, she chose the first option.

Silence settled in.

For Aoko, it was because she didn't know what to say or do. A rarity for her, but she couldn't be blamed. How was she supposed to act towards her boyfriend...?

One one hand, she wanted to act just as she had during their "first" month of dating. On the other hand, that had clearly not gone well the first time, and she doubted it would work the second. She had to be a perfect girlfriend, damn it!

Maybe she should be more assertive?

Aoko Aozaki being even more assertive? Truly terrifying.

Hajime however, had something completely different occupying his mind. Namely, one Arcueid Brunestud.

He hadn't seen her at all, not even when Aoko and him had briefly passed through his house to collect his things and leave a note for his father. It was like Arcueid had completely and utterly disappeared.

Had she started hunting without him? Did she break off their short lived "friendship" and leave? Had she gotten hurt somehow? There were too many possibilities, enough to make Hajime's head spin.

Hajime was worried about her.

Eventually Hajime sighed. "So, where's Alice anyways?" He should try shifting his mind away from the True Ancestor.

Aoko shrugged. "She's probably away dealing with some... family business." Namely hunting vampires while being all alone because she's a massive sore loser. Even more than Aoko herself somehow.

Hajime hummed. "Gotcha..." Hajime didn't get it at all, since Aoko didn't really elaborate. "Hey, how did the two of you start living together? If you don't mind me asking..." He was a bit curious.

He used to think the mansion belonged to Aoko, and that she was just mega rich. Perhaps he was wrong however, considering the girl was just living with her friend.

Aoko pouted. "Our families know each other, that's all you need to know." Hajime felt like he technically didn't even need to know that, but he would certainly appreciate knowing more anyways.

He was spending the night here after all.

Aoko meanwhile, was getting a bit angry. Wasn't her boyfriend a bit too focused on Alice? And sure, the last question also involved the heiress, but it was clear that he was more interested in the Witch.

For a second she thought about punching him and calling him a cheater, but then she thought better of it.

It was only natural he would be invested in Alice right now and-. Ah! It was still pissing her off!

But punching him wouldn't actually make the situation better, so she had to come up with some reason why he should forget about stupid Alice. She had to do something that only Aoko Aozaki could.

Aoko took a deep breath and...

Put her hand on his thigh. "Hey..." There was a smug grin on her face, for she knew no boy would be able to resist this.

Without a doubt Alice has already been erased from reality.

Though Aoko's heart might go next! Seriously, what the hell was she doing!? She may be smirking right now, but her heart was slowly beating faster and faster... she might die if this keeps up!

Hajime tilted his head. "Hey." Was she trying to restart the conversation? They had barely started one though.

Aoko's eye twitched in anger, as she immediately remembered who Hajime was. Even though her hand was touching him, the boy didn't even have the decency to blush or to stammer.

What she didn't know of course, was that Hajime was getting embarrassed.

He wasn't asexual, Arcueid had even gotten a rise out of him once by whispering on his ear. So of course he would enjoy a situation like this, but... he also didn't want to disrespect his girlfriend.

She could have put her hand on his leg without meaning anything after all. And if that was the case, he would look like a creep for making a big deal of it. So Hajime was doing his best to hide his emotions.

Aoko tightened her grip. "I'm you girlfriend, react, please." Hadn't he reacted already? He said hey...

Hajime grimaced, but instead of responding he put his mind to work, trying to find out what he should do. Sure, he would break up with Aoko eventually, but that wasn't a excuse to be a bad boyfriend.

Eh? What do you mean he was gonna break up Aoko?

Well, as he had discussed with Tobimaru, this relationship was just to prove he could enter into a relationship in the first place. Maybe he would break up with her after he told Tobimaru of his success? Hajime wasn't sure... But he would have many opportunities in the future, of that he was sure.

Hajime slowly nodded. "Okay... I'll react..."

The girl crossed her arms. "You're not supposed to say tha-." But she got cutoff by a loud sound. A very, very loud sound.

A sound that was coming away from the mansion, and yet Hajime could hear it clearly. In fact, he was sure that he would be able to hear it quickly even if he was somewhere else in the mansion.

It was also a very recognizable sound. The vampire knew what it was immediately. "Um... Aoko, does Alice own a helicopter!?" He had to scream, or the heiress would not be able to hear him.

Yes, the thing outside was a helicopter, and it was close enough to land, not that Hajime thought there was any place to land here. Maybe some dumb pilot got to close to the mountains out of a mistake?

Aoko's eyes were open wide in shock. "No! No she doesn't!" She too had to scream if she wanted to be heard. Though Aoko felt like her life was normally like that anyways.

The heiress got up from the sofa with a quick jump. "I'm gonna check it out!" And then she ran off, wanting to find out what hell was happening.

Hajime followed her of course, not just because he was curious, but also because he wanted to protect Aoko in case this was something dangerous. Helicopters don't appear near people's houses for no reason after all.

Still, as they finally got to the entranced, Aoko stopped. "Huh, the helicopter is going away." That was true, the noise was getting farther and farther after all.

But Hajime knew this wasn't over, he could hear the heartbeat of someone outside. That's why he didn't lower his guard... For all he knew he was about to fight a helicopter vampire. The supernatural world had shown him weirder after all.

One could not forget that it was near this mansion where he fought two flying pigs.

Hajime braced himself as the door was kicked open.

In walked the most... eccentric looking woman he had ever met. "A-L-I-C-E!" She looked like an idol of some sort, and she definitely had a voice loud enough to match it.

Immediately upon seeing her, Aoko frowned. "Ah. It's you..." And then her expression grew panicked. "Ah!? It's you!?" The heiress knew exactly who this idiot was, and she didn't know whether she liked or hated her.

The girl's eyes settled on Aoko. "Yes, it's me! I'm not surprised you didn't forget." She put her hand on her chest. "I'm here to meet Alice by the way, so please call that shut-in here posthaste."

Aoko frowned. "What am I? A maid?" The girl would rather call her a leech, but if the Aozaki preferred maid that was fine too. "Alice isn't even here yet..."

This was bad. Alice was already gonna be livid with just Hajime's presence, but now that this girl had arrived, the world might as well have been doomed.

Aoko Aozaki had been preparing herself for a nuclear bomb. The world threw a supernova at her in response.

The girl clicked her tongue. "I see. Well, I can more or less make a guess about what she's doing." Hunting vampires. Which is why the girl was here in the first place. "Well, it's unbecoming of me, but I shall wait for Alice."

Hajime couldn't take it anymore, he raised a hand. "E-excuse me...? Do I know you from somewhere?" He meant that question. He could have sworn he saw this girl before.

She grinned. "Probably! I am a famous star after all!" She chuckled to herself. "May Riddell Archelot. Without a doubt that name has resonated in your heart thousands and thousands of times!"

Suddenly her expression shifted towards depression. "Just please don't be one of those weirdos who beat their tallywacker to pictures of me." Hajime didn't know what to say to that.

Specially since her name didn't help him at all.

Aoko cleared her throat to get May's attention. "Oi Riddell, don't even think about saying weird stuff like that to Wada." Hajime was her boyfriend after all, and as such she would defend his honor. To a certain extent at least.

In a second Riddell was back to smiling. "Oh, don't worry! He doesn't look like the type of extra who would do that!" Her eyes roamed over Hajime. "He looks more like the playboy type who tricks dumb girls!"

"Right." Aoko wondered if she would kill Riddell before Alice ever got to come home.

Hajime awkwardly smiled. "I'm definitely not a playboy." He figured he should make that clear since Aoko was here and all. "Oh, my name is is Hajime Wada. It's nice to meet you." He had never met a popstar before.

Should he ask for an autograph, or would that be way too rude?

She waved him. "Yes, yes, nice to meet you." She looked away, a grumpy expression on her face. "On one hand, it's nice to see Alice leaving her grumpy cave and making new friends... on the other hand, she's definitely the tricked dumb girl..."

She looked back at him, a smile on her face. "You know, I'm rich beyond belief!" H-hah? "I mean, I came here on a helicopter! A military one! Top of the line!" That was... cool?

"What I'm trying to say here... Is that I could totally ruin your life! For fun!" She nodded to herself. "So please remember that only I get to show Alice how much of a loser she is." Wait a second.

Hajime frowned. "Alice isn't a loser. She's nice." She was like Soujuurou, and that wasn't a bad thing at all.

Riddell had to use all her strength to not fall to the ground. "Approved! I don't know where Alice found such a loser dog, but he has my temporary approval!" That's it.

Hajime had heard many tales of how celebrities could be arrogant and the like, but he had never met one until now... He decided he didn't like her. She called him a playboy in front of his girlfriend, insulted Alice, and insulted him too. How rude.

One might wonder why Hajime didn't display such emotions when it came to Aoko Aozaki.

Stockholm Syndrome.

Riddell now began tapping on his shoulder. "Enough about that however, I'm wondering what type of mage- Ack!?" There was a fist digging into her gut.

That fist belonged to a pissed off Aoko Aozaki.

Hajine wondered why his girlfriend had suddenly evolved her violence levels. He attributed to her not being happy with May's attitude either.

And he wasn't exactly wrong. Aoko had certain been pissed off when May had insulted Hajime... and Alice to a certain extent, mostly Hajime. For much like how May say bullying Alice as her exclusive right, Aoko saw bullying Hajime as her own.

She had held back though, since she knew this was just the popstars personality. What had actually broke the limit was that May had almost revealed magecraft to a normal person!

May clutched her stomach and glared at the heiress. "Why though...!?" She was preparing herself for a fight. Much like Aoko herself, May was not the type who ever backed down from a challenge.

Even really stupid challenges, like when she had to jump from a moving helicopter because this shitty mansion didn't have any place for her to land.

Aoko glared right back at her. "Just watch what you say."

May rolled her eyes, as she finally caught her breath. "Ugh, it wasn't like I was gonna ask him for his family's greatest secrets or whatever, I'm not stupid." She was. "I just want to know what basic found- Again!?" Aoko Aozaki struck with the force of a truck.

Aoko sighed. "Are you stupid or something? Read the room." Those words made Hajime feel a great amount of fear.

He sucked at reading the room! Did that mean he would be the next if he made whatever mistake May was making!?

The popstar grit her teeth. "What's the big deal, gorilla!?" But she didn't fight back immediately. Instead she tried reading the room like Aoko ordered.

For what reason was she getting punched? Was Aoko jealous of her beautiful looks? Her overwhelming talent at magecraft? Her overwhelming talent at music? Her vast fortunes?

Maybe all of that at once...?

No, even if Aoko was definitely jealous of her, for who wouldn't be, thetr was definitely something more at play here. Normally people who were envious of her grand self, would only impotently seethe and do nothing about it.

And then it clicked on May's mind. "Oi, for real?" Aoko nodded, she understood Riddell had finally come to the right conclusion. "B-but..."

She slowly shifted her gaze to the boy. "He just looks so... so... so much like he isn't a extra character, ya know?" A sigh escaped her mouth. "I guess what matters is what is on the inside... and in this case there's nothing special there." The girl finished with a burst of laughter.

"I'm surprised Alice even let this..." She snorted in his direction. "Muggle... stay here." Her eyes narrowed. "Alice did give permission for him to stay here, didn't she?"

Hajime was about to say no, but Aoko interjected. "Yes. Yes, she did." It was time to lie! Even if that lie would probably die very soon...

Well, May should just consider herself lucky that Aoko didn't break her jaw or something. Why the hell was she calling him a muggle of all things!? Didn't she get the memo that she should completely shut up about magecraft!?

May raised an eyebrow. "I see... my rival really has been slacking off lately." She shrugged. "Well, whatever. You two, lead me to a place where I can rest until the important people actually arrive." She began walking forward.

She tripped.

She fell onto Hajime.

The boy didn't even budge of course, he was a Dead Apostle who could survive getting hit by a car. That didn't stop the girl from falling however, and from hitting his crotch with her head.

There were no words at first, the girl girl simply got up and dusted herself off. Wandering if she should kill him, herself, or maybe even both. It was probably a good idea to kill both.

Hajime shivered. "Ugh..." He had never gotten sexually harassed before... what a horrifying experience. Popstars really did go and do whatever they felt like it, huh?

May put a hand to her chin. "Strange... My heart recognizes that crotch..." There was a nostalgic feeling to it, like eating food made by one's own mother.

What's that supposed to mean!?

Well, neither would be learning what that meant anytime soon.

With a dash filled by anger, Aoko Aozaki punched the sexual deviant right in the face. "What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend...!?" And then in the gut. And then in other places that shouldn't be mentioned.

May Riddell Archelot fell to the ground, dead. Probably.


AN: It took sometime, but I finally managed to finish the chapter. I hope the one May fan across the cosmos is happy.



Oh my god, I was reviewing the thread on QQ 5 minutes ago, and thinking "man, I hope Fakeking recovers from Dengue to write more of this," and here you are. What a miracle.


this chapter: bullying, violence, sexual harassment, violence