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"This is bad...!" In the stress of the situation, Hajime had completely forgotten what Arcueid had done to his house.

She had taken the door of its hinges! And now he had to find some way to fix this, before his father came home and gave Hajime the scolding of a goddamn lifetime! Even Kazuma Wada's patience had limits.

And the worst part is that Arcueid was giving him a sheepish smile. "Sorry!" She didn't actually feel sorry, it was his fault for not opening the door. "But you can get it fixed tomorrow, right?"

It wasn't a big deal, and even if some robber appeared during the night, she could just deal with it! Oh, she hoped no one had stolen something while they were gone though...

Hajime grit his teeth. "Who cares about fixing something tomorrow!? What matters is that my fathet will ground me once he sees this!" Hajime couldn't remember the last time he was grounded...

He could remember that he almost got grounded recently though, during the night where he became a Dead Apostle. So his father's patience was already thin...

Arcueid put her hands on her hips. "Welp, if that's the only problem I can always use my Mystic Eyes on him! I can hypnotize him, ya know." That sounded tempting, but...

He shook his head. "I don't want to mess with my dad's head! That's messed up!" At that point he might as well accept the punishment like a man!

Arcueid pouted. "I'm not gonna mess with his head... I'm just gonna plant the suggestion that he should ignore the door for today!" She sent him a thumbs up. "Easy peasy!"

She didn't get what his problem with hypnotism was anyways. Maybe it was because he didn't have any contact with the supernatural previously? She probably had to teach him the rules eventually...

That said, considering the type of person he was, she doubted he would ever kill a innocent witness.

He slapped the thumbs up away. "Not easy peasy...!" A sigh escaped his mouth. "I'm just gonna... take punishment for this I guess. I will say I accidentally broke it." He could only hope his father would be in a good mood.

Arcueid tilted her head. "I broke it though." Wouldn't it be better to throw her under the bus? It's not like Hajime's father could truly punish her anyways.

Hajime crossed his arms. "If I do that, then dad probably won't let you stay here for the night. So I will be taking the blame. Just this once."

Arcueid looked away. "Um... Got it. Okay then." She didn't want him to see her face.

It was burning red after all.


As soon as his father arrived, Hajime bowed. "Sorry dad, I accidentally broke the door!" He didn't even greet Kazuma. It was better to get straight to the point.

Kazuma laughed. "Hah! I noticed! Good thing it wasn't a burglary, my heart was about to leap out of my chest!" And then he scowled. "What do you mean you broke the door!? How!?"

Hajime bowed even harder. "I don't really have an excuse! It just happened!" Sometimes there were benefits to being as direct as Hajime usually was. For example, he wouldn't dance around this topic.

Nonetheless, Kazuma wouldn't forgive his son so easily. "Hah..." His mind was already running with ideas of punishment. Maybe taking away Hajime's TV? But his soon was more of a book nerd...

As Kazuma wondered about the future of hell he would inflict on his son however, he noticed a strange woman. "Hah? You..." That woman was Arcueid of course.

She looked like a ghost from the past.

But Kazuma shook his head to get his thoughts away from that woman. "Son, who's that?" He pointed at the strange foreigner, hoping that he wasn't hallucinating.

Kazuma wasn't racist, he had traveled plenty in his youth, and so he had lost that which was still very prevalent in Japan. Nonetheless, seeing a foreigner in Misaki Town was rare, this wasn't exactly a town full of tourists and the like.

And besides all that... Arcueid just looked weird. It took one look for Kazuma to realize she was one of those "special" people. The type who just exudes a certain aura of excellency... and now she was in his house for some reason.

Hajime looked away. "Well, she's my..." What did Hajime want to call Arcueid? He obviously couldn't call her great grandma or teacher.

Thankfully Arcueid settled that for him, as she excitedly waved at his father. "I'm Arcueid Brunestud! His friend!" They were friends...?

Hajime hadn't really thought of that possibility yet. Arcueid was planning on killing him eventually, and she had showed no signs that this murderous plan had been canceled. He supposed she was just lying to his father.

That was much more acceptable than mind control, so he let it pass.

His father's eyes widened. "Oh, I see. Nice to meet you Brunestud. I'm Kazuma Wada." Differently from his son, Kazuma did not butcher the name.

That said... he had never heard any name as strange as Arcueid Brunestud throughout his travels... Welp, the world was a big place, he shouldn't judge the girl for a name of all things.

That said... Kazuma now faced a otherworldly challenge.

How was he supposed to punish Hajime now!? He couldn't shame the boy in front of his friend! Kazuma rarely brought friends home after all, only recently had he broken the mold with that very nice Shizuki boy.

Oh, and let's make something clear.

Hajime thought there would be no problems with bringing a foreigner girl home... and he was absolutely right.

First of all, Kazuma was very modern for his age. He didn't think a boy and a girl were incapable of being just friends, in fact he had plenty of platonic relationships with women. And even if she was his son's girlfriend, that was cause for celebration, not rage.

Second of all, he didn't found Arcueid being a foreigner to be particularly suspicious. He did not know when their friendship started, and Arcueid also spoke perfect Japanese. She was clearly born and raised in Japan, she wasn't some tourist trying to scam his kid.

Kazuma looked at his son. "It's pretty late... When is she going home?" Ugh, that made it sound like he was kicking her out.

But he didn't want to embarrass his son in front of his friend, and it really was late. Kazuma would probably ask his son to take her home, so that no creep tried anything.

Hajime raised a hand. "Actually, she is planning on staying here for the night."

Arcueid almost jumped in excitement. "Actually, I'm planning to stay for the night!" She didn't need to to be honest.

The True Ancestor was as rich as a person could be, and she had been staying at a hotel before meeting Hajime. She could simply go back to it. That said, staying here sounded way more fun, so the vampire would shamelessly forget to tell Hajime about the hotel.

Kazuma sighed. "I see..." He looked Hajime right in the eyes. "Okay then, just remember that the Sun always sets." What he was saying was clear.

He wouldn't scold Hajime right in front of his friend, but he wouldn't forget this. Once Arcueid had gone home, Hajime's life would be offered to the gods.

Hajime was just glad he still had a life to offer.


"Hey Hajime, why are you getting up so early?" Arcueid was surprised.

She had seen him act during the day of course, but she thought that had been an exception. In the end Hajime was a Dead Apostle, a creature that hunted during the night, and rested during the day.

Hajime raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it obvious...? I'm going to school." He was beginning to lose his patience with Arcueid.

One might say that her existence alone had solidified the dream Hajime has. Or at least the part about running to the mountains and escaping civilization.

You see, while Soujuurou was a calm boy who went to sleep without a word, Arcueid was like a young child in a sleepover. She would constantly wake Hajime up to tell him a joke, or just to say something meaningless in general.

Hajime technically didn't need sleep anymore, and yet he felt so drained that he couldn't even be angry at her anymore.

School would be a nice reprieve from the cheerful demon known as Arcueid Brunestud.

Arcueid however, was just confused. "For real? You're a vampire now, you can just ditch school." Also, if he went to school, then what the hell was she supposed to do during the day?

Well, she could hunt that Dead Apostle of course. One of the advantages of being a True Ancestor is that she could be active during the day, and if she found the vampire's lair at the time where they were so weakened it would be basically a guaranteed win.

Hajime glared at her. "I can't ditch school. I'm still trying to live a normal life." Besides, it's not like going to school was a big challenge for him. He could stand in the sun for a few hours just fine.

"Hajime you're a vampire, you can't live a normal life anymore." She nodded to herself. "I mean, what will you do when you need to start feeding on people? Even if you have my Principle, animals will not work forever." She didn't want him to get hurt.

There would be a day where Hajime would most likely start feeding on humans. A day where he would most likely become her enemy... And he had to accept that instead of being delusional.

Hajime pouted. "It's fine, if that day ever comes I decided I kill myself."

To that, Arcueid could say nothing.


"Wada...?" Arriving at the school gates, the first thing he saw was a very confused looking Aoko Aozaki.

He waved at her. "Good morning Aozaki." She looked tired, just like he did.

The reason for that was because Aoko was not yet fully healed of course, she had come to the school limping. It was special awful since she had to walk all the way down the mountain.

Aoko tilted her head. "Yeah... Good morning." The mage didn't really know what to think upon seeing Hajime alive.

She guessed he was a lucky guy, to have survived that encounter with the Dead Apostle. Perhaps her and Alice's intervention really did help... She would have to tell Alice that later.

The Witch had been super grumpy ever since that humiliating defeat, so maybe knowing that they didn't completely fail would boost her mood a little. Well, Alice was a sore loser, so she would probably stay angry to a certain extent.

Aoko walked closer to Hajime, close enough that they were almost touching.

Normally a person would question why someone was invading their person space like this, specifically when the person invading their personal space happened to be Aoko Aozaki, but this was Hajime.

So they just stayed in silence. The silence that Aoko was quickly growing to hate.

She didn't even know why she had come so close to him, and Aoko hated not being able to explain herself. Which was a thing that happened fairly often, considering how explosive the girl could be.

The girl glared at Hajime. "Oi. Yesterday you sudden ran off when a girl chased you, what was that all about?" She was just trying to break this damn silence.

If she didn't, then she would have to think about what she was doing.

Hajime however, did not know what to say. He couldn't outright tell Aoko that Arcueid was some super special vampire who was planning to kill him. He also didn't understand why she was suddenly mad.

But it was true that he had acted super strangely in front of Aoko. "Um... she is... just a foreigner I guess. She gave me bad vibes when she started approaching me, and i just ran off. I guess." Even Hajime could tell that excuse wouldn't fly.

Surprisingly enough, it had. Aoko knew the Dead Apostle had most likely used some special ability to freak out Hajime. She even felt sort of bad for him, without a doubt he was very confused.

Now that she had opened this can of worms, there was no reason to stop. "So, did she keep chasing you or something?" If Hajime said she stopped at an alleyway, then she would know her suspicions were right.

Hajime nodded. "Yep. We became... friends in the end though. She even stayed in my house at night." He thought about hiding that fact from her, but there was a decent chance she would see Arcueid in the future.

It all depended on Arcueid's mood really. Hajime wouldn't be surprised if she showed up after school ended.

Aoko immediately went bug eyes. "You guys did what?"

"We became friends and she stayed in my house." Was she about to get angry because he invited someone to his house again?

Aoko kicked his leg. "Why the hell are you inviting strangers to your house!?" She felt her heart was about to explode in worry.

What kind of sick game was this Dead Apostle playing!? Did she do this in purpose to freak Aoko out!? Did she get hit so hard with one of Aoko's bullets that she forgot she was a vampire!? Was she saving a snack for later!?

Well, whatever she was planning was getting stopped by Aoko.

She finally knew why she had moved so closer to Hajime, it was because she was acting as his bodyguard!

The truth is that Aoko was just glad he was alive, she hadn't realized it, but she would miss him. Not that the mage would ever come even close to admitting something so embarrassing about her "ex".

Hajime was just glad her kick didn't hurt much. The perks of being a Dead Apostle, he supposed. "I invited her because she was nice. She didn't do anything wrong, don't worry." She sort of did, actually.

Aoko's eye twitched. "Right..." And so she kept watching him.

Hajime never realized that kick should have hurt like hell.

He was under the Sun, after all.


"You're exuding a calm presence today, it feels like the calm sky, Wada. It's very nice." Soujuurou was surprised by it. Had something changed about his friend? Perhaps he had found a new perspective in life?

Hajime tilted his head. "Thanks. That's a very kind thing to say, Shizuki." Though he had no idea what he was talking about.

Tobimaru got up and slapped the table. "Okay, can we stop ignoring the issue here!? Can we finally address the huge elephant in the room!?" There was an invader in their midst.

They were all in the Student Council room having lunch, but Hajime Wada, Tobimaru Tsukiji and Soujuurou Shizuki were not the only people in the room.

Aoko Aozaki was here after all, and she was hugging the vampire's arm. "Hah? Is there some problem with me being here? Have you forgotten your place, Vice-President?" Then she would have to remind him.

Besides, it was not like Aoko was here because she wanted to be. The mage was just keeping watch of Hajime, in case the vampire suddenly showed up, cornered him, and killed him.

Tobimaru sat back down. "There are no problems, President." He was far too terrified to confront Aoko.

But he seriously didn't get what was going on in her mind. Not only was she clearly making Hajime uncomfortable, she was also hugging him in front of Sono-G. In essence, she was almost like a supervillain right now.

Soujuurou chuckled, he was really enjoying this lunch.

Naturally Aoko glared at him, for she was the enemy of happiness. "What's so funny, Shizuki?" There was no need to hold her fury back, she knew she was surrounded by enemies.

Soujuurou sent her a smile. "You."

"Wanna die?"

Hajime flinched. "Aozaki, please don't crush my arm." Yet again he was glad he was a Dead Apostle. Aoko had just held his arm in a even tighter grip after all.

Tobimaru, seeing that the world was about to meet its end, decided he needed to become a hero. "Aozaki... We both know Sono-G meant something else with that comment." He had no doubts Sono-G could be mean when he wanted to.

But this wasn't one of those times. Specially since the mountain boy cleared had a soft spot for the president... Unless he was mad about her hugging another guy's arm. Tobimaru had never met jealousy Sono-G after all.

Aoko kept glaring at the mountain boy. "Shizuki explain what you found funny. Now." Tobimaru was just glad she had listened to him.

The Vice-President truly hoped her appearance during lunch wouldn't become a constant. His heart would give in before he reached his thirties in that timeline.

Shizuki was confused why he had to explain such a obvious thing, but he might as well. "I just think you always become better when near Hajime."

He put a hand on his chin. "Normally when you're with other people, you try to hide your true self. You never do the same with Hajime though, you don't compromise, it makes me happy." This was the Aoko he liked.

She sometimes showed this side of hers to him as well, but it always took sometime. Hajime somehow got it to happen immediately. It made Soujuurou really happy in a way he couldn't yet explain.

Tobimaru's jaw hit the floor. Had Sono-G just given his blessings!? Was this like one of those TV scenes where a guy let a girl go!?

Hajime's jaw hit the floor. Both because Soujuurou said something that made no sense, and because if he was a normal human, Aoko would have broken his arm.

The girl was gritted her teeth so hard that they might crack. "Your head is definitely on the chopping block, Shizuki." What was so good about staying pissed off all the time?

Because that was what Hajime did, he pissed her off all the time.

Tobimaru took a deep breath. For his friends, he would sacrifice himself. "Actually, I agree with Sono-G, Aozaki." He wondered when he had become like this... what had happened to the selfish Tobimaru?

Sono-G had happened. His innocence had cleansed the Vice-President's soul. "And it doesn't surprise me either. You guys were actually pretty close last year, right? I remember you and Hajime were always joined at the hip." He always wondered what that was about.

Specially since one day that just stopped. Tobimaru had thought his friend had finally found another close friend, maybe even a girlfriend, but...

They just stopped talking with each other out of nowhere.

Aoko was so caught off guard that she didn't even have the strength to get angry. "Well...! Urgh...!" If Tobimaru found out the truth...

It would all be over.

Without a doubt the Vice-President would spread it all around the school... the city... the country... the world. Aoko Aozaki's life would be over. She would have no choice left, but to take a page from her grandpa's book and isolate herself from society.

The girl steeled her heart. "I stopped hanging out with Wada because he's unbearable to be around. I was just trying to give him a chance out of pity, that's all."

Hajime lowered his head. Today Aoko really had decided to break his spirit, huh?

Soujuurou interjected. "I don't think that's true, Aozaki." Tobimaru wondered why he had even bothered to save this idiot. Clearly Sono-G was suicidal or something.

The girl's glare returned with full force. "What, do you have more enlightening commentary to give?" Her patience was at its limits.

Soujuurou tilted his head. "I don't know if I would call it enlightening, but... If you keep acting like that, you might regret one day. Please be yourself, crash through that wall, and admit you like Wada alr-."

Aoko got up, releasing Hajime's arm. "I'm killing you!"

Soujuurou sent her a serious look. "Aozaki, murder is wrong." It was so out of nowhere that the mage had no option, but to sit back down again.

She also hugged Hajime's arm again, 'cause she was protecting him and stuff.

Actually... speaking of protecting him, she would eventually face a wall, wouldn't she? She could protect Hajime during school hours, but that was pretty much it really.

Aoko clicked her tongue. "Wada, I'm spending the night at your house." That was the easiest solution, then she could keep watch over him. Also, due to very obvious reasons, she had the right to stay in his house.

If Tobimaru had been drinking, he would have spat it all at this very moment. What the hell happened when he wasn't around!? Since when did Aoko Aozaki invite herself to people's houses!? To Hajime's house!?

Soujuurou was happy, maybe Aoko was taking his advice. With that said, he was also a bit jealous, he wanted to spend more time with his friends, but he had to go to work after school was over...

Hajime however, had different thoughts. "Eh? Why though?" This was a troublesome situation.

He didn't have a problem with Aoko visiting him, but his dad probably would. He was sure that Kazuma Wada was mad at him. And furthermore, there was the situation with Arcueid, he was supposed to help her hunt his sire.

Aoko's glare shifted towards him. "Does it really matter why?" She couldn't tell him it was related to vampires of course.

And she would rather die than admit she just wanted to go there.

Hajime thought for a second. "Yeah, you're right, it doesn't matter."

Aoko smiled, men should be obedient, and they shouldn't question women. More specifically they shouldn't question her. Aoko's perfect boyfriend would be one who treats being in a relationship with like being in the army.

"After all, there's no way you can come. I have stuff to do tonight." Like hunting vampires.

Aoko got up again. "That's it. You and me, outside, now." She would finish what that vampire was too much of a pussy to do. Hajime Wada died today!

Soujuurou too got up. "Aozaki..." Even he had realized what was occurring at this point, and so he had one piece of wisdom to give. "Murder is wrong." Good ol' reliable.

Aoko sat back down. "What am I supposed to say to that...?" Why did he have to look so serious when saying something like that!? It wasn't fair!

Tobimaru looked away. "You're supposed to call it amazing..." To think Sono-G was supporting this relationship with such vigor. He truly was a far greater kind soul than Tobimaru could ever be.

Hajime though, didn't really get what the hell was going. He understood Aoko was angry at him, and apparently wanted to kill him... And yes she wanted to go in his house!? How did her mind work!?

First Arcueid calling him a friend and now this. Next thing you know Aoko was gonna confess her love or something.

Aoko took a deep breath. "Anyways..." She poked Hajime's cheek. "Me. You. Your room. Spending the night."

Tobimaru immediately choked in his spit... Aoko soon after realized what she had said, but thankfully Hajime was too socially stupid to notice.

Soujuurou blushed. "Wow, that sounds like a sexual innuendo, Aozaki." Sadly Soujuurou was just aware enough to notice, but not aware enough to not comment on it.

Aoko picked up a piece of bread and threw at him. It's worth noting that she only realized it was a piece of bread once she threw it.

Even if it happened to be a knife, her course of action would be no different.

Soujuurou puts his hands on his forehead, the place where the impact happened. "Ouch." It didn't actually hurt, but he didn't understand what had happened in the first place. He truly had a lot to learn.

Hajime sighed. "Shizuki, it definitely wasn't a sexual innuendo. Don't make it weird." Why would Aoko tell jokes about having sex with Hajime? They weren't that close, and Aoko was actually good at interacting with people.

Aoko, the person who just almost murdered a man, nodded. "Yep." And then went back to poking Hajime's cheek. "Any objections to my request?" It was more of an order really.

Hajime looked away. "I don't know if my dad will let me have guests over... I've been having a lot of people come to the house, and I've accidentally broke the door yesterday..." He couldn't avoid punishment forever.

Aoko hadn't even considered the existence of his father if she was being honest, but apparently he would be an issue. She also couldn't just make Hajime's dad obey her... What a conundrum.

Oh! She knew what she could. "Alright then, here's a solution. We'll both pass through your house to get some stuff, and then you will spend the night in the mansion." Alice would probably be mad, but...

It was just too convenient. This way they both could protect Hajime in the case of a vampire attack. And they also wouldn't bother his dead, in fact they could probably leave the house before his father ever returned from work!

A perceptive person could tell Aoko's plan was absolutely stupid of course. And if he goal was to protect people from the vampire, then what about Kazuma Wada?

Hajime pouted. "But..."

Tobimaru sighed. "Just give it up Hajime. If Aozaki wants something, she gets it." She was still forcing him to waste his time searching for rumors even.

Hajime just knew Arcueid would kill him.


"So there are a few rules in the mansion... I'll give you a list of a few rooms where you can go. Don't go in the rooms that aren't in that list." Aoko had been exploding on his ear from lunch to now, when class ended.

Hajime could only weakly nod. "Got it..." And then he realized something. "Huh, that Alice girl isn't waiting for you today." They must have solved whatever problem they had.

Aoko crossed her arms. "So she isn't..."

The sore loser must have went vampire hunting before even meeting with Aoko. Didn't that idiot realize she was outclassed unless the fight happened under very specific circumstances?

Well, it didn't matter for now. At least this meant she could sneak Hajime into the mansion without letting Alice object.

And speaking of the mansion and Alice... "by the way Wada, let me make something clear to you. The mansion isn't actually mine, it belongs to Alice, and I'm just living with her for now."

Hajime's eye twitched. "For real...?" Why did she decide to drop such a revelation now!?

"For real. So make sure to obey her, and to not piss her off, or she will kill you." She genuinely meant that. Though Hajime being Hajime would probably give him some amount of leeway.

Heh, she could watch him and Alice flounder around for a whole night. Amazing. She could feel her revenge being completed.

And that was enough for Hajime. "Aozaki, why are you even doing all of this?" His patience had finally run out... No, it had run out all the way back in the Arcueid sleepover. "I seriously don't get you." He had achieved a new state of stress.

"I mean, you're doing all of this while still being mad at me... And like Tobimaru said, you suddenly stopped talking to me after one month." Did he do something wrong?

"Just please... explain to me what you're thinking. I genuinely can't decipher it, I can't read minds. Dumb-." He held himself back at the final moment.

Aoko was shocked to to her very core. She had never considered Hajime would have been hurt by her ignoring him after that moment.

But that made some amount of sense. He clearly didn't understand they were "dating" after all, and that he had "dumped" her. So in his mind one day his friend just cut contact and stopped talking with him.

This all probably wasn't fair for him, huh?

Then Aoko had a brilliant idea. "Okay, I'm gonna explain exactly what I'm doing Wada." He nodded, his face the definition of seriousness. "I'm dating you. Starting from here on out."

"H-hah...?" That... that had come out even more out of nowhere than Arcueid's friend comment!

But he was probably misunderstanding it in some way.

Aoko pulled him by the collar. "And when I say dating, I mean you are my boyfriend!" She didn't have the courage to say she was his girlfriend. "We are entering in a romantic relationship! You and me! Me and you! A couple!"

"Wh-." that was it.

Aoko Aozaki pulled him for a kiss.

It was a short thing, and there was no tongue involved. Nonetheless, this was Aoko's first time doing something this stupid, so he better get the fucking message, or her feets would be kissing his ass.

The kiss ended, Hajime was confused. "Okay... boyfriend and girlfriend... got it."

Aoko's face was completely red. "G-good. I'm happy we established that." Her plan was as simple as it was genius.

First she would be the best girlfriend even... for one month. And then SHE would dump him, making them even! That way she wouldn't have any more need to seek revenge and the like. They could stay as friends.

Aoko could see why her grandfather chose herself over her sister. Clearly she was a genius.

Hajime was wondering if he had accidentally slipped into a alternate reality where the human race worked differently. He decided he would keep his guard up and prepare himself for the worst.

At least he proved Tobimaru wrong. He could get a girlfriend! Somehow...


AN: Aoko should consider herself lucky that getting naked to send the message wasn't needed.


Some Guy

After starting to read mahoyo I finally get why Aoko is so great. She's essentially just a chaos goblin it's so fucking peak. The possibilities of all shenanigans with her may even surpass YANarculeid. Keep cooking bro 🔥