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"I was expecting something else for some reason..." When one thought of a divine item they thought of something that looked... well... divine.

Even Yato was no exception to this, so even though he knew there would only be shards of this mirror, he was expecting something that would blow his mind. After all, even if someone broke Sekki into a thousand pieces, it would still shine as brightly as the moon.

These shards of glass however, really were just shards of glass. The box they were in was more beautiful, but it was also a box his father had acquired in some random antique store, so basically nothing special.

Yaboku nodded. "Yeah, when I first found it I also thought it was a bit lackluster. It's legit though, the Edelfelts did plenty of testing with it." Yato supposed that was enough. Luvia's family was probably competent.

"Hopefully it will be legit enough to do something." Yato closed the box.

He was sure Skadi could probably use for something, but he also didn't know where she currently was. Well, worst case scenario someone like Rin could probably still utilize it to a certain extent.

His father patted Yato's back. "You're surrounded by smart people, I'm sure they can figure it."

Yato blushed and nodded. "Yeah... dumb guys like me ought to rely on others." He would bring the brawn and they would bring everything else.

His father laughed a bit. "Trust me, I get ya. I'm pretty much the same as you." Though he admittedly wasn't nearly as strong as his son. Most of the time the thing he brought to the table was pure luck.

Yato pouted. "Are you though?" He didn't want to contradict his father, but... "I mean, you're super smart and stuff." Yato sometimes wondered how he was so dumb. Maybe his grandpa was really stupid?

His father immediately shaked his head. "Trust me, I'm not."

And then Yato's mom interjected. "Trust him, he's not." She handed a empty bag to Yato. "He is the guy keeping divine artefacts on our house after all. Without telling me." Yaboku could only flinch.

Yato opened the bag, and threw the box inside. He would probably be moving a lot, but it's not like it will be matter if shards break into even more shards, right?

He then put the bag in his back, while wishing it won't limit his mobility too much.

After that process was done he sighed. "I still don't believe you guys..." Saying that to his parents felt like sacrilege. "But if you say so. Maybe I can one day become as smart as dad." Wasn't that a crazy goal.

Some people wish to become astronauts, others wish to become famous actors, others wish to reach Akasha. Yato wished he would become as smart as an average guy. Actually that might be too much.

His mom pet his head. "You already walked some steps towards that direction... somehow." Her son was acting weirdly smart, so she would keep a closer eye on him from here on out.

Yaboku crossed his arms. "So, do you need anything before we go, Yato?" He wouldn't mind wasting more time... sort of.

That would mean less people on the street after all, and his son would have a easier time running wild. The only problem is that the more time flied, the closer they got to the rising sun.

Yaboku had a feeling it would be bad news, considering they were probably fighting Amaterasu.

Yato scratched his cheek. "Um... Do you have any other super old artefacts here, dad?" He had something in mind.

His mom glared at Yaboku, as if daring him to say yes.

His father had to put all his willpower into not lying. "Y-yeah, I have a few..." His death would come soon. "Not anything as crazy as a divine item though! Just some stuff I thought was too cool to give to museums!" Wasn't that illegal!?

"I don't need anything crazy, just a sword."


Cutting through people really was far too easy.

Yato figured the act of killing someone should be harder, but nope. It was as easy as breathing, and while he acknowledged that not everyone had it as easy as him, it was still easy for them too.

With his new sword Yato was cutting through those Sun assassins with even more ease than drawing breath.

A smile appeared on the Campione's face. "This sword is really good." Not as good as Sekki of course, but it could do its job without much difficulty.

He motioned to his parents. "This area should be safe now!" They had created a system on how they would travel.

It was pretty simple, Yato would clear an area and then his parents would move forward. With a bit of prompting from his mother, Yato had confirmed that the assassins didn't seem to respawn, and if they did it took a long while.

Though the truth is that Yato wasn't even sure those guys could interact with his parents. He had yet to ascertain whether they were illusion or not after all. He also didn't know if they could touch his parents even if they weren't an illusion.

Only Yato was under the sun after all.

But in situations like this it was better be safe than sorry, so even though it went pretty against how Yato would normally act, he was taking his time and being careful.

His parents came closer, Yaboku stared at the sword. "I'm surprised that thing is holding as well as it is, it should have lost any edge it had long ago." It was old, and it didn't have much mystery.

And yet... "Seriously, how is that thing holding up to a Campione's strength?" Maybe Yato was just being really careful with it? Yaboku was not a swordsman, so he couldn't really tell with these things.

Yato looked down at his new shiny sword. "I think it just has experience." The sword he was holding wasn't just any sword after all.

It was a sword once held by Iori Miyamoto, so even though it technically had nothing special, it was still unique in its own way. Apparently this was one of his father's prized possessions, even if he never found the second sword.

That was fine with Yato. While he could use two swords just fine, most of his training was focused on utilizing a single one. Mostly because it was easier to find tutelage in that.

Yaboku put his hands on his hips. "If you say so..." He scratched under his nose, clearly full of pride. "I'm just glad it came in handy! Makes it feel like the adventure to get it was worth it."

Yato's mom clicked her tongue. "We are selling all your relics as soon as we get the chance."

"Why though!?" Upon seeing his wife's glare, he could only do one thing. "I'm sorry, please forgive me..." Ugh, there went his favorite hobby. Now he would need to be like all other dads and... what did other dads do!?

Yato snorted. "You-" But he got interrupted.

The ground started shaking, almost as if an earthquake was happening. Yato immediately raised his guard, preparing himself for the attack of an enemy authority user.

And yet nothing came. "Ah, that's nice." Yato may be a fighting maniac, but he also didn't want his parents to get hurt.

Except as soon as he said that, more and more noises started reaching his ear. He turned around and saw... a light show. It was like someone far away was constantly firing lightbeams.

His father's eye twitched. "H-hey, magecraft is supposed to be a secret you know?" Sure it was night out, but even so...! Whoever was shooting those beams was clearly an idiot!

Yato's eyes lost their color. "Don't worry, the association is the type who can hide a mountain disappearing with the excuse of gas leaks." Somehow.

He then continued walking. "Anyways! Let's keep on going home!" Time was money after all!

His father gasped. "Yato, wait!"

"Um...? Wait for what, dad?" He didn't want to spend so much time here! What if one of the beams hit his parents? Clearly whoever was shooting them didn't care about property damage.

Yato once destroyed a mountain in a spar.

His fathet had an awkward smile. "It's just that... you know..." He sent another worried look to the beams. "Seriously, who's fighting there!?" Actually there was someone who came to mind when he saw big destructive beams...

No way though... right?

Yato's mother chimed in. "What your father is trying to say, is that you should check out those beams. I mean, they are probably related to the Sun god, right?" There was no way they were something completely separate, right?

Yato tilted his head. "Why would they be?" They were just beams...

His mom clasped her hands together. "I see you're still the same old you!" Yato had a feeling that wasn't a compliment. "Anyhow, just trust us on this one, Yato." She was aware she could be wrong.

But c'mon. That would be way too big of a coincidence. There is a god here, so there's no way some dumb mage came here with something completely unrelated to the Sun god.

Yato still couldn't guess why... until a lightbulb turned his brain on.

Skadi was missing. Skadi could probably make big laser beams. The big laser beam maker was probably Skadi! And Yato had the glass shards with him, so he naturally should go see her!

A big smile appeared on Yato's face. "You're right mom! But let's take you guys to my house first anyways." As he had said before, he needed to be careful.

He hoped he wouldn't miss anything important.


Aoko Aozaki had thought she more or less had people figured out at this point.

Or at least her close friends. She thought she knew what made them tick, their likes and dislikes, their dreams, all that good stuff... That's what made them her close friends. But in that case...

"Why are you trying to kill me!? For real!?" Then in that case why was Alice trying to kill her!?

Alice, who was flying in the air menacingly glared at Aoko. "I'm not trying to kill you. I did warn you that coming to this city would have consequences however." Apparently those consequences were being crushed by the Thames Troll.

Aoko had no idea what to say. "Why though!? It's not like I'm here to cause problems!" Even though she almost always did it by accident anyways. "I'm here to fix problems! That's a rare for me!"

She could feel this city, Fuyuki, was in some kind of danger. Some kind of danger that affected the Fifth, which is why she had been drawn here.

Aoko had two ideas of what those problems could be. Either that Holy Grail thing was gonna be used irresponsibly, or that Campione guy would do something stupid. Well, either way she was gonna put a stop to it.

And when she decided that, she casually mentioned it to Alice.

Who told her she should back off and never come to Fuyuki. Aoko naturally didn't listen, and just assumed Alice was in a horrible mood or something. Alice was always in a bad mood after all, so it wouldn't surprise Aoko to see some evolution.

Alice's answer was curt. "You are the problem."

Aoko grimaced. "Ah, I hear that a lot!" She span her magic circuits, her magic crest, to the maximum.

Not because she was about to fire something at Alice of course, she didn't know what was affecting the girl, but Aoko wouldn't kill her own friend. She didn't think she could ever meet that boy again if she did.

But she had to defend herself against Alice's troll... And the Witch had the balls to claim she wasn't try to kill Aoko!?

She pointed her finger at the giant monster. "Aoko beam!" And pure mana was fired from it, more than enough to knock a phantasmal beast on its ass.

So naturally the troll fell down. Right now it was just made out of stone anyways, and Alice could never surpass that level. Aoko wasn't too worried about it.

What she was worried about, was if Alice decided to use her other Great Ploy. Or even her Mystic Eyes.

The redhead glared at her friend. "Seriously Alice, let's talk!" It was rare for her to try diplomacy, but this felt like a situation that warranted it.

The Witch huffed. "I have nothing... I can't say anything to you. Just listen to my advice and leave the city. I'll even come with you, Aoko." That sounded like a fine offer, but now Aoko was even more curious about this time problem.

Aoko pointed her finger at Alice. "Why though!? Give me an explanation!"

"I basically just told you I can't explain it Aoko! This is important, so listen for once!" The Witch had finally lost her patience, she was even screaming. Aoko was sure she had never heard Alice scream.

This was a big deal, huh?

Aoko grinned. "Sorry Alice, but I gotta figured out what made such a nutjob NEET like you leave her house! I'm digging 'till there's no dirt left!" If one hid things from the Fifth, she would naturally become a demon.

Aoko had mellowed with age, but she was still Aoko in the end.

The True Magician started moving as soon as she taunted the Witch, and she had started avoiding looking into her eyes as well. Getting caught by Alice's Mystic Eyes would probably mean defeat.

Aoko could easily beat Alice if she used the Fifth of course, but there was no reason for such a overkill technique when facing her own friend, and Aoko was sure that even Alice thought that to-.

Utensils appeared below Aoko, and would have killed her if she had not dodged at the last second.

She turned around, and barely had the time to blast a beam at a monster made out of mist and mouth. "Hah!? You're bringing the big guns out!?" Two Great Ploys!?

Did her friend have some sort of embarrassing secret in this city or something!? What the hell was she trying to hide with such vigor!?

And suddenly Aoko couldn't move. "Tsk. I stopped moving, right." Alice's Mystic Eyes... or more appropriately Mystic Eye was really scary. Just it alone was enough to defeat most mages.

As expected of a descendant of Yumina, she supposed.

One of Alice's eyes glowed red. "We both know that this isn't enough to stop you. I bet you're already coming up with some stupid idea on how to free yourself." Aoko could only give a cheeky smile in response.

The Witch raised her hand, there was a vial on her grip. "Which is why... why I won't stop using Ploy after Ploy. I will bury you in curses even if you look like you're about to die, Aoko." That's...

The True Magician could only deadpan. "Didn't you say you weren't trying to kill me? That totally counts as trying to kill me..." She glared at the vial. "And that thing you're holding... there's no way it's what I think it is, right?" She destroyed it...

Alice frowned. "I'm a Witch, I simply made another." This wasn't something that could simply be remade! It was a ancient thing made by the first Witch in the first place!

She opened the vial, and let it's contents spread around.

Aoko knew what it was immediately, Flat Snark, the third Great Ploy. The Great Ploy she had destroyed in the past.

At least she now knew what Alice did while she spent the entire day in her room. Apparently her friend was pulling off things that only Yumina had accomplished. Talk about talent.

Aoko could only hope she wasn't about to face the First. Surely that was out of limits even for a mega obsessed prodigious NEET Witch?

Welp, no time to worry 'bout that! If she let Flat Snark establish itself, she really would need to use the Fifth!

As Alice predicted, Aoko came up with a trick to escape the Mystic Eyes... She simply basted energy in all directions, from every pore from her body. That was she was technically out of Alice's sight!

As one could tell, Aoko was good at blowing up stuff.

The Fifth immediately started moving, she had to find Flat Snark and blow him up before-!

"You guys aren't my concubine goddesses wife..." A new challenger appeared!?

Aoko immediately looked at the boy, a incredulous expression on her face. "Excuse me?" What was she supposed to say to a guy who had suddenly interrupted her duel of fates? Specially a guy who gave off Soujuurou aura?

And then Aoko noticed she didn't immediately get paralyzed and killed by her friend. Mostly because her friend was covering her face, as if trying to hide the fact that she was here at all.

The boy cleared her throat. "I said you guys aren't my concubine goddess wife... I thought you guys would be her. I'm disappointed." He waved at her. "Anyways, sorry to interrupt the fight. You two can keep going."

Aoko nodded. "Ah, okay then, don't worry... Like hell! Who are you anyways!?" As she said it, she realized who it probably was. She had heard tales of a new born Campione who was just as powerful as he was perverted.

And she knew this was his city, hell she was almost sure he would be the one causing the problem she had to solve.

The boy smiled. "I'm Yato! Who are you two?" Out of nowhere he swung his sword against air, it was so fast Aoko could barely keep up with it. "Stupid assassin ghosts..." Eh?

Aoko felt like she was dealing with a even bigger problem than when she had faced her sister. "I'm... Aoko Aozaki." She pointed at the flying Witch. "And she is..."

"Shut up Aoko! I'm not here! I'm not here at all!" Her friend was still trying to cover her face for some reason.

Yato tilted his head. "So... is her name I'm not here, or is she trying like... a joke or something?"

"Um... you're stupid. I like that in a man." Aoko had now found something interesting!


AN: SE.RA.PH was (used to be) a missable event, and yet contributes to the main story of Fate/Grand Order.

Huh? What does that have to do with this chapter?



That FGO mahoyo collab must really be giving you a lot inspiration

Yuval Roth

Is the side story real or is it a case of Gaia pulling strings to keep her little boy safe from groomers.