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Rin Tohsaka

Yato is cute! Yato is handsome! Yato is skilled! Yato is great! Yato is beautiful! Yato is caring! Yato is amazing in bed! Yato loves me! I love Yato! I'm not very competent, but Yato will take care of me! Yato is not very bright, so I'll take care of him!

"U-um... Lady Tohsaka, are you really sure you want to handle making food for everyone...?" That new maid, Leysritt, cuts my train of thought.

I nod to her, while holding back my irritation. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm not cooking for everyone however, I'm just cooking for Yato. The other ones can get the scraps if they want to." Except Sakura. I like her just as much as Yato after all... maybe.

Sella sighs. "Well, while I cannot protest against your decision Lady Tohsaka... Please see reason and let me handle this duty. As the concubine of a Campione, this is beneath you." She's pissing me off.

She's seriously pissing me off. First of all, she doesn't get to call me a concubine, because I'm not one. I'm Yato's girlfriend... the woman that will take care of him until she dies. There's no way I'm just a concubine.

Now, Yato does call me a concubine of course, but that's just a cute pet name. It's like calling me... Rinnie or something. And naturally this means some random woman can't steal that pet name.

Second of all... Cooking breakfast for one's boyfriend is never beneath anyone. It wouldn't matter if I was a Campione, or a goddess, if I want to make something special to my boyfriend, then cooking is the obvious choice.

Nonetheless, I am a Tohsaka, and as such I should try to at least be a little elegant. "Leysritt, it seems you have forgotten your place. Don't talk back to me." My tone is cold, not angry.

There is a difference. Probably. "Don't think I'm as easy to push around as Shiro. If I want to use the kitchen, then I'll use the kitchen." The maid has pretty much kicked the Fake Janitor out of here...

Sella sputters. "M-my apologies... It's just that I wish to help Lady Illyasviel... I mean, I wish to help Lord Yato." Well, she isn't hiding where her loyalties lie, at least.

My eye twitches. "Is that so...?" For a second I almost explode at her, but then I take a deep breath and remember that I'm of Tohsaka lineage. Elegance is key, even when it concerns the matters of the heart.

Sometimes I can't help, but feel like I care about Yato too much. Is it really normal to constantly think about a single person? To sometimes forget how to breathe because you're too focused on him?

Well, it just is what it is. Being a magus means to sacrifice every aspect of one's life, constantly. So the fact that I can so easily love a man with all my heart should be cherished...

Besides, maybe it's in my nature to act like this... My mother was similar. She would follow whatever father ordered without complaint, even if it meant giving up one of her daughters.

Though... maybe we are not so similar. If Yato asked something like that of me, we would have our first fight.

Sella looks away. "Y-yes... I fear I have upset Lord Yato in some way I cannot understand... He hasn't even looked at me ever since I got here..."

She gulps. "Is he still angry with the uniform...?" She raises her skirt. "I thought I made it cuter..." She definitely did. I-I'm not into girls or anything, but right now she looks like a super hot maid.

So it is indeed weird that Yato hasn't even taken his time to speak to her, or with her "sister". He also hasn't really interacted with Hakuno Kishinami, and neither has he taken Saber's virginity.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't care for his libido. Even if Yato became a monk I would still love him, but it is weird that he's just... suddenly acting like this. Is it a Campione thing?

I wave the maid off. "Yato is just feeling very... tired. When he's more well rested, he will start talking with you more." And hopefully he will mess me up again...

Hey, just because I don't need sex, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it!

That said, he really has been tired recently nowadays, and he hasn't even gotten up from bed yet. Even during our magic training with that bitch of a woman he constantly looked like he wanted to pass out. And he keeps saying it is the heat, but...

It genuinely isn't that bad. Fuyuki has faced worse days in the past, even if it normally isn't during a season like this. I guess in that way this heat really is a freak event.

Sella sighs. "I hope so..." A blush appears on her face. "I am curious about how it feels to.. erm... do that." Wow, aren't you being very forward for just a maid...

Pervert. Differently from this slut I didn't throw myself at Yato. The guy should always be the perverted one in a relationship after all, so I acted like a pure lady until it wasn't possible anymore. It was bery

I smirk, raising a hand I blow the dust off my nails. "Heh, I don't blame you for being curious..." Is it wrong that I now wish to bully this virgin until she cries?

Normally all the stupid people here are trying to bully me for some reason, so it's only fair I get a turn eventually right!? Besides, I have seniority damn it! I was the first girl here! Not to mention I'm Yato's girlfriend while everyone else is just a lowly concubine.

Before I can do any of that however, Skadi marches onto the kitchen. "Master, I have urgent news." Immediately she gains my attention, both because she's scowling and because...

Normally Skadi does talk to me, even though I'm her Master. Hell, she doesn't talk with anyone, and I know the reason why too. Its arrogance, she clearly see everyone here as beneath her attention, with the exception of Yato of course.

So naturally I'm now worried sick. "Is something wrong, Caster?" The first thing that comes to mind is that Saber has hurt someone. She's still a bit rebellious, I can tell.


Sakura Matou

Senpai is sick. And this isn't a common cold either, he genuinely looks awful, like he's about to die.

It can't be anything serious. He's a Campione. A killer of armies. A destroyer of nations. A devil king. A god slayer. He can even command grandfather... If he can do that, then nothing on this world can stop him.

But I'm still scared, and...! It also doesn't help that Caster kicked everyone out of the room and now I can't even help Senpai. So I chose a random room and came here to calm myself down.

The mansion is wonderful in that way. It has plenty of space, plenty of places I can go if I wish to take a deep breath. It's not filled with enemies at every corner like the previous place I lived...

Well, for the most part.

The door opens, that annoying woman enters, the third, Caren. "Oh? So this is the place you ran to?" I immediately force a smile on my face. This one is possibly the worst of the whole lot, but I shouldn't get angry at her.

"I didn't run anywhere..." Why did she even follow me anyways? Doesn't she have something better to do, like hallucinating about how she's carrying Senpai's baby. "So, do you need anything, Caren?"

What a stupid bitch, as if she would get so lucky. That isn't to say I think I will be the one of course... but it definitely won't be her.

She shrugs. "I just came up to check on you. That's all." She came to check on me...? Don't tell me she thinks we are friends or something? I knew she was stupid, but I didn't think it was this bad.

I have two friends in this mansion. Shiro, and Yato. That isn't to say I have everyone else of course, I don't really have troubles with them, but... When it comes down to it they just aren't as important.

And there are hierarchies even among friends. Since Senpai is the man who I love, and the man who lets me believe that he loves me back, he is naturally much more important than Shiro. If she's a planet, he's the Sun.

I obviously can't say anything of this to Caren, so I smile. "Thanks for worrying, I'm just fine! Well, as fine as we can be right now." If Senpai finds out what I'm actually thinking... He will hate me.

He knows I'm not pure, but he doesn't know I'm dirty. If he find out then... then...

He wouldn't do something as awful as sending me back to the worm pit. It would be far more cruel, he would let me stay here and watch as everyone is loved, but me. Because Senpai is stupidly kind and honest, too dumb to lie.

Caren grins. "That's good, I thought you were going to hurt somebody." Hah? "After all, you are by far the most troublesome person here. And since my Lord is indisposed, I will take watch and stop Lucifer from falling." What the hell is she talking about...?

This nutjob...! "I-I wasn't going to hurt anyone... I'm sorry if I gave up that impression." Did I do something wrong without realizing it? No way, right...?

Caren snorts. "The viper claims to lack fangs... And yet you glared at Caster with such fierce hatred once she took our Lord from us... You hate her, do you not?" She's wrong.

I don't hate Caster. I respect her, she's the most useful woman in the world. A goddess who stayed pure for thousands of years, and then gave herself to Senpai, and now she guards him like she's his personal guardian angel. I wish I could be just like her.

Who I hate would be Sabe-...! No, I don't hate her either. She's incredibly frustrating of course, and it's not fair that I got the useless disobedient Servant, but in the end it didn't matter. She didn't help me any, but she didn't curse me either, Senpai didn't throw me away because of her.

The person I truly desp-. I don't hate Rin Tohsaka, I really don't. It's just unfair that she was the first, and that she got the best Servant one could get. But then again, what did I expect...? Of course she summoned a goddess.

I look away. "I didn't mean to look scary... But you understand, right? You care for Senpai too." In her own sick way at least. I don't think she can even understand love at all.

Caren clasps her hands together. "Yes, I love him." Weird bitch. "However... it is because I have loved him for so long that I can spot the mask, Sakura Matou. Forget not that I'm the third concubine here..." Oh no...

"You may fool the newcomers, and the veterans may be too blind to see, but I understand... Those cold eyes of yours have a darkness that consumes thy empty smile." I should have known.

She joined just after me, so she naturally knows I'm forcing my smiles... But it's not like I'm actually not smiling! It's just that this damn face refuses to follow my heart and... and... there's no way Senpai would love a cold woman who never smiles.

But Caren doesn't understand that, she keeps talking like the bitch she is, taunting me. "Who is it that you wish to become Sakura Matou? Is that new, kind personality of yours a original creation?"

"Or perhaps you are trying to copy everyone's best traits...? I can see a lot of that foolish, albeit kind janitor on your facade." That's because... because Senpai likes everyone, and so...!

"I wonder however... if you are willing to go as far as losing yourself... Then why waste time with this foolish mask at all? We all know who Yato's perfect woman is. Simply become Rin Tohsaka." Crack. "Or is it that you can't even do that?" Crack.

Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack.

I'm going to kill this woman.

"Shut up already, before I stab your stomach." My smile has dropped, there's no point in it anymore.

Caren tilts her head, and chuckles. "Oh my, how adorable!" There's nothing adorable about this. I really will do it... Senpai will hate me, but it will be for his own good. This woman wants to ruin eve-.

She hugs me. Huh? "Foolish girl... how are you being lectured by me of all people? You are so cute like this... if that's the case, then why put on a mask? If you do that, then you can be naugh, but a inferior copy of what he already has..." W-what...?

I flinch. "What are you doing...?" I just threatened to stab her, and she... she... decided that hugging me was the wise thing to do!? How stupid can she get!?

She smiles. "I'm comforting you..." I d-don't think that's true. "Sakura Matou, Lord Yato loves me... Of course, maybe it hasn't become deep love yet, maybe it's just a flickering flame... but it does exist. And I won't hear any objections about it from anyone."

"So if he is even capable of loving a woman as rotted as me... Why would he be incapable of loving you? Stop trying to become what you aren't to receive love. You already have it, my fellow slut." D-don't call me that...!

I look away, and now I'm even blushing for some reason...! "Our situations aren't similar at all!" So she should just shut up and leave me alone. How hard is it to understand that I just want to be loved by Senpai...!?

Caren rolls her eyes. "I suggest Lord Yato should rape a child every other day. You are right, our situations are different, I'm far more creepy." That's...! "What, are you surprised about my admission?"

"You shouldn't be. Differently from you, I do not try to hide my true nature, not even from myself. I am completely aware of who I am, and I'm completely aware that..." A bright red blush appears on her face. "That Lord Yato enjoyed making love to me nonetheless..."

I can't deny that... "I... I really hope you're right." How wonderful would it be? For Senpai to take a look at my own disgusting self, and confess his love nonetheless? That sounds like the stuff of dreams...

And dreams are just that, dreams.

Caren smiles, it's a smile I could never fake. Purity incarnate. "I'm glad you're seeing it my way..." Her hug gets tighter, her smile continues. "However, I would like to add something extra... Yato has also seen your previous self. And your facade."

The hug gets tighter, tight enough to hurt, she's still still smiling. "And so he's genuinely thinking you are becoming happier... but he isn't completely stupid. He will notice you are deceiving him eventually..."

I can't breathe, even as I struggle. She's still smiling. "And when that happens he might cry. If my love cries because of you..." My vision is blurring. "I won't forgive you. I won't forgive you. I won't forgive you. I know it's wrong, but I won't forgive you..." She releases me after that.

The only thing on my mind, is the disbelief at her strength. "Sakura Matou, across the entire world... there is only one man who could ever love Caren Hortensia while not being a fool who thinks changing her soul is possible... Hurt that man and I'll..."

Her face is filled with anger, and yet her smile is just as pure as always. "I'll kill you. I'll erase you completely. Understood?" I can only nod.

Is it weird that I respect her more after this...? I wonder if maybe I could have three friends here.



"I'm... I'm gonna be fine Skadi, so please stop giving me weird stuff to drink. They all taste awful." He's like a child sometimes. Who even cares about taste in a situation like this!?

My husband looks like a dead man, and I'm sure he feels like one too. "Just drink it my beloved cool drink during the summer." Who knew taking care of a husband could be so troublesome?

Well, the moments where we lie together and share our hearts make it all worth it. And so I won't ever forgive the person who is harming my beloved snowflake filled with love of all kinds.

That's right, this is definitely caused by someone else. There is no way a Campione, as I have begun to understand them, would fall due to the common heat, or a sickness. If those really were the cause of Yato's problems...

Then either the sun would be so scorching that humanity would have gone extinct, or that the plague his body would be carrying would spread and end humanity. So this is the work of someone.

Most likely a foolish, soon to be dead and rotting, god.

In the end he downs his drink. "Okay... Can I at least get up to tell everyone I'm fine? I don't want to make everyone worried." Hah, as if those humans would care...

Well, perhaps that isn't fair. They do care, but they don't understand the current situation, and to be honest I find that telling them is meaningless. What could they do, except needlessly worry my beautiful ice man with a big cock?

And they could figure this out by themselves... but they are too small minded. When they think the word god, they imagine a being with a wrath to take down civilizations. And yet we face a trickster, like Odin.

I wave him off. "I shall do that myself later. For now simply rest. You need to conserve your stamina..." He needs to be as strong as possible for when his confrontation with the god comes.

For now I shall keep it a secret however... knowing my beautiful and perfect universe of a man, he will go around the city wasting his energy and swinging at nothing. In a way this trickster god is the worst match up possible for him.

I'll show that bastard a thing or two, for I shall not become a widow... And to think he has not even targeted me, perhaps thinking of me as an ally... I imagine he made that misconception due to my marriage ceremony being... unusual.

He's wrong of course, Yato's heart is my heart. And so when I catch this trickster, if he's a man castration shall be his most light punishment.

Yato nods. "Kay... Wake me up if something bad happens. Then I'll protect you." And so he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. My foolish and beloved husband... it seems I will do the protecting for now.

I giggle. "Of course, I shall believe in you as always." For we share a bond. The bond of husband and wife. The bond I waited so many years to make with someone.

Um? I'm a concubine? Of course I'm not. That's just a pet name he has for me! Only those other whores are concubines! Speaking of pet names, I should add a few new ones for my diary later. Just today I already used one hundred pages of it, and my husband deserves better than repeated material.

Well, I'll do that after I catch this god of course.


AN: Originally this whole chapter was just going to be from Yato's perspective as usual, but I decided to get a little experimental. So instead I wrote a bunch of different POV's! I also threw the towel and finally added something telling who's POV it is...

I hate it to be honest, it goes against my very soul. But everyone is always asking to do it when I change POV's so... You win. I lose.

Though I actually think this is the first time the POV has changed in this fic specifically. Hopefully it was a fun read, I tried to show how we have very... erm... diverse yanderes here.



Yato should really reaffirm the Soviet harem.


Much like the Soviet Union, the equality of this thing is clearly a lie! When will our glorious leader take action!? Alternatively, yanderes are hot, so maybe everything is aight.


Great chapter and nice pov’s. I don’t know why you hate adding the pov’s name, it can be pretty convenient for some readers. It wasn’t really necessary in this chapter though, because even without pov’s name reader can easily understand what character it is, since you hinted it in the beggining of each section, like: “Umm… Lady Tohsaka”, “SENPAI is sick” and “I’m gonna be fine Skadi”. So if you don’t like it so much, maybe you can just properly hint it in the beginning of the pov and not name it.