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"Hey Akiha, are you feeling well?" I shall now begin my investigation!

She raises an eyebrow. "Um? I'm feeling just fine, Yuta." It seems my question has given her an avenue to calm down from her embarrassment. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I point at her. "Are you sure about that!? I'm totally willing to become your personal nurse for a while, so answer truthfully!" I never said Detective Yuta is a subtle individual. Still, he will get the job done.

Now she's squinting at me. "Right... Can you even work as a nurse?" Not really, but I could probably be really sexy and roleplay as one.

I shift my attention to my legendary sister. "Kohaku, bestow upon me a medical license. I beg of thee." I have no shame about using my little sisters for personal gain, as long as it in comedical ways!

She makes a heart with her hands. "I... can't do that! But I'm still sending you all my love!" I don't know how that will help me, but I'll naturally take it. So I make a heart with my hands too.

With a swipe of her hand, Akiha destroys my heart. The fake one, I mean. "Stop that." She blushes. "What gave you the impression that I was sick anyways...?" Admittedly, thinking she's sick because she's not acting as unhinged as normal is probably not a good sign.

Kohaku gasps. "S-she broke it, she mercilessly tore the heart of love in half...!" Don't worry, she didn't actually break my hands, so I can reconstruct it again. Truly a beautiful metaphor for actual love.

As Kohaku throws herself at her sister, Hisui is forced to comfort her. "Honored Sister... I don't know what to say, but please stop..." Ah, she's probably uncomfortable because Kohaku is... erm... trying to touch inappropriate places.

I ignore them and focus on Akiha. "You don't look sick or anything, but... How do I put this..." I don't want her to get mad at me, so I must be careful. "You haven't gone bananas yet. I mean, normally you would be rupturing my eardrums with your shouts right now." She's definitely getting mad at me!

Rika quickly nods. "Yeah, normally there is a reason why we call you a hot head, but right now your hair isn't even going all red and stuff." I think only you call her hot head, but I agree with the general sentiment.

Akiha crosses her arms. "You two sure have a low opinion of me..." She looks away. "Was I really being that disgraceful lately?" Oh no, it seems our comment genuinely hurt her. Though she is trying to hide it.

Rika nods. "Yep, you were always being pretty disgraceful, but you have been acting even worse than usual lately." I would get mad at my ghost girlfriend for saying such hurtful words, but...

She is a yandere, and Akiha is clearly trying to move on her territory. In this situation I can blame nobody except for myself. Confronting situation like this is the price one pays for trying to make a harem.

I awkwardly smile. "I wouldn't say you were acting disgraceful or anything. You were just more... emotional." A sudden thought is born in the brain of Detective Yuta.

What if Akiha was going through some... personal stuff, and that's why she was freaking out so much!? And if that is the case, I never even tried helping her... Okay, I need to find a rope and repent for my sins.

Akiha sighs. "There is no need to... try and console me. Ugh, I tried criticizing you, but in the end I was the one needing criticism, isn't that right?" She raises a hand, and begins biting on one of her hands. "Perhaps I have been too lax on myself recently."

Ah, this just won't do. "Akiha... Okay, I won't lie to you, there are times when your temper can get pretty out of hand." She flinches. "But everyone has their quirks. I mean, I'm a pervert for example." And people still like me for some reason!

I put a hand on her chin, trying my best to become an otome love interest. "Furthermore, do you really think I would invite you here if I wasn't interested in you? If I didn't enjoy spending time with you?"

"Then let me tell you straight Akiha Tohno. Be it the black haired one or the red haired one... You have enchanted me." I would feel much more like a prince of love right now if Kohaku wasn't snickering on the background.

Thankfully Akiha sputters, proving that I can be a prince! "Y-you...!" She ends up taking a step back, escaping from my hand. "W-well, if you say so. Thank you for your complements, you are quite captivating as well." Hah, nice.

She fakes a cough. "Still, while I'm happy you haven't lost any adoration for me during these past few days, I do admit I was acting very unladylike like. I promise to try and be better from now on." Huh...

In the end she's never even going to say why she was acting like that? To be honest I want to pry, but that is probably not a good choice right now. This doesn't give out the same vibes the situation with the twins did, and so maybe Detective Yuta needs to be put to rest.

Kohaku suddenly interjects. "Hey, big bro... I did something a bit strange today." A sudden crime confession!? "But I really don't regret doing, so if you ever find out... Please don't get mad..." If she says it like that...

I smile. "Kohaku, I don't know what you did, but as long as its your choice, then I'm fine with it. In the end that's all that matters." But now I'm really curious on why she's hitting me with such dialogue!

She giggles. "Thanks big bro! No take backsies in the future!" Seriously, did she poison me or something!? Am I dying!?

Well, for Kohaku I could survive that. "Ah, and one more thing my legendary little sister..." I put my hands on my hips. "If you don't feel like smiling, then you don't need to. Don't force yourself for anybody, okay?"

An awkward silence settles in.

I expected Kohaku's eyes to become empty, and they do to a certain extent, but... "Don't worry big bro, today I did something that genuinely made me smile." For real!?

That's good. That's really good!


"A ghost! How are you all ignoring this evil, vengeful spirit!?" Miyako points at Rika. We haven't really cared to hide the supernatural from her, so she's naturally freaking out.

Shiki pushes his glasses up. "Take this as a lesson Miyako, death may not mean the end, but at the same time it does." He looks towards the ocean. "That is to say, death changes people. And people change all the time. Without a doubt we die everyday..."

Cat rolls her eyes. "Don't be foolish. That's not true death. True death leaves nothing behind, it just completely erases everything, leaving only the cold..." You just said it left nothing behind though!

Shiki shrugs. "You won't see me disagree... to a certain extent. Death does leave something behind, it leaves regrets. And then those regrets spread and cause more death... the Circle of Unlife." How can you say that with a straight face!?

Miyako stomps the ground. "Stop being two chuuni who talk about useless stuff and explain the ghost already! Or the scary ladies fighting in the ocean! Please!" I think she might carry a trauma of this for the rest of her life.

I pat her head. "It is simple Miyako... Vampires, ghosts, and all other types of scary things exist. Hell, I'm even sort of an alien... Here's my advice, act like a comedy ecchi character and don't think too hard about it." That's my strategy.

She slaps my hand away. "There's no way I could do that!? Who could do that!?" Me? "You're even worse than big bro, and the other chuuni lady who has the same name as him!" I imagine Shiki and Cat would be offended, but they're too busy arguing about death.

I'm not as bad as them... I'm definitely not worse than them... I refuse to believe it.

She then glares at her. "And if a evil spirit really does stand before me..." She gets into a fighting stance. "Then it's my duty as a martial artist, to purify it!" What kind of martial artist are you!?

I send an awkward smile to my girlfriend. "Rika, please do not kill this child." She's way too cute. She needs to live until she can finally come of age and marry. Actually, I'm just a teen, totally. So we should marry right now.

Rika nods. "She's cute, so sure." Ah, she must not be feeling threatened right now because Miyako is pretty young. I would call her a fool, but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Miyako takes a deep breath. "Here it goes...!" And stomps her foot yet again.

There is a certain thing athletes call being on the zone. When one enters this state, their focus skyrockets, and their body moves in optimal ways without even thinking about it. No, maybe it's just that they're thinking that fast.

The light in Miyako's eyes tell me she has entered that state. And because of that, it wouldn't be unfair to say she is now working at a hundred and twenty percent efficiency. Her pride as a martial artist is guiding.

She takes one step forward. This battle will be decided in blow, one second, the girl instinctively understands that.

Li Shuwen. A legendary martial artist who ended all his battles with one single, deadly blow... The girl who practices the same style of combat is far beneath him. She understands that, but just for now she must reach his level.

So even though her mind understands that this is impossible, and her body tells her she is not experienced enough for this... The third part that makes her human tells her, win.

Rika has no heart, therefore the next best target is her head. Miyako aims her strike there, and the vengeful ghost makes no effort to defend herself, for she knows her endurance is far too tough for the girl.

And like a thunder clap, Miyako moves, hitting Rika with full force and... "Ouch...! Ouch! Ouch!" Bruising her hand.

Not everyone can be a underdog protagonist who defeats far superior supernatural creatures!

Miyako is looking at her own hand with tears in her eyes. "How the heck are you so tough!?" Hah, she said heck. "I hate you!" I have a feeling we are accidentally grooming this girl to hate the supernatural...

Rika snorts. "What were you expecting, you little twerp? Try facing me again once you actually start swearing." And so Rika returns to her old ways of bullying children.

Shiki talked about the cycle of unlife. Surely he was wrong, because this is the genuine article.

Miyako bites her lip. "Why are you being mean to me...!?" She turns around to her own brother. "Big bro, help!" But Shiki is still busy being the world's greatest chuuni, so her cries go unheard.

Rika pouts. "How am I being the mean one here? I literally didn't do anything..." True. Nonetheless...

As a big brother, I must protect this girl. "Miyako, is your hand really that hurt? Let me see it?" It must be really bad if she's feeling it this much. She's a martial artist after all, she should have some resistance to it.

She nods. "Okay..." And then she shows it to me. To be honest, it doesn't look that bad, in fact it doesn't look bad at all. And here I was, thinking she had some crazy good pain resistance.

She's probably making a mountain out of a molehill. There's no reason to be mean towards her and tell her to tough it out though. Besides, I'm not her, for all I know this really is hurting like hell.

I give her my brightest smile. "Well, then let's take you to one of those red haired big sisters over there..." I point at where I should never go. Where Aoko, Touko and Noel are complaining about how the youth is wasted with the young.

"You see my teacher, Touko, is a mage. And a super talented one... for her, healing something like this would be a breeze." Surely she wouldn't refuse to heal a child? She better not, because I can't do it yet.

Miyako's eyes widen. "She can heal people!? Just like that!?" I'm surprised she's so shocked... Though I guess it really is an incredible thing. I probably just got used to it to the point where I don't really see it as special anymore.

I nod. "Yep. Not all magic things are scary and bad ya know...? In fact, the two ladies who are fighting, and the ghost you just tried to fight, are actually really nice people." Under the correct circumstances at least...

She looks down. "I see..." And then she looks back at me, a scowl now on her face. "Wait, you still haven't explained how any of this works!? Why are people acting like this is normal!?" Just be glad powers are real and shut up.

I chuckle. "The reason why I haven't explained it is simple Miyako... I don't really get how anything works either!"



"Stupid Ciel... I hope she loses. And that she loses really badly." Right now my vampire girlfriend is complaining as we watch Ciel crush even more people in volleyball. Arcueid having been one of the people previously crushed by her.

I chuckle. "I for one don't know who to cheer for, so I'll stay neutral." On one side stands Ciel and Noel. On the other side stands Rika and Shiki... So I obviously can't pick a side here.

She pouts. "You cheered for me when I was against Ciel, right?" Well, I certainly thought you would win at least. I was genuinely surprised my Senpai managed to steal a victory in the end.

I look away. "If you ask me that, I'm forced to say yes. However, if Senpai was asking me, there is a decent chance... an hundred percent chance, that I would say something else. Sorry!" I'm trying to be honest here.

Her eye twitches. "At that point you might as well say you were cheering for Ciel, Yuta." She didn't really understand what I meant. Alternatively, I didn't explain it well.

I sigh. "That's not really what I meant... It's more like... if you ask me, I'll say you. If she asks me, I'll say her! A pretty simple and effective game plan, don't you think?" I personally think it's genius.

Her pout returns. "Then what's the point...? I mean, you're just being scummy with that! Also, why tell me about your scumbaggery?" Please do not call me a scumbag my vampire girlfriend.

I smirk. "The point is trying to make everyone happy. And yes, I am a scumbag. I mean, I have multiple girlfriends, that's the most scumbag thing ever." It is a path with many great rewards.

"But I want to be at least a honest scumbag... I would say I'm sorry I roped you into this scumbag journey, Arcueid... But I'll keep trying my best to make sure you're still happy nonetheless." I sound like an abusive boyfriend, don't I?

"So if you ask me whether I pick Ciel or you... I'd pick both! And I'll admit that every single time!" And I just have to hope she genuinely believes I mean that. Because I do and all, but I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking otherwise.

She snorts. "Okay then, Yuta..." She looks up. "The day is about to end, isn't it?" Well the sun is about to set, that's for sure. It makes for a beautiful view if I'm being honest.

Though I do obviously understand what she means. "Did you enjoy it?" If she did we can do it again one day, and if she didn't we can do something else. In the end however, I can't stretch this forever.

She hums. "I did... so thanks Yuta. You fulfilled my wish!" Does it really count as yours when I wanted it too? I guess in the end it was just a convenient wish. "And now... do you want something too? I want to grant a wish of yours."

My answer is immediate. "Grant me a harem, oh genie of the lamp!" What more could a guy want!? Well, maybe I should have asked for a cool spaceship, or for people to try Yu-Gi-Oh formats that aren't Goat or Edison.

She makes a thinking pose. "I can't really do that... probably. Besides, you have a harem already Yuta, so be more greedy!" How can I become even more greedy!? Should I get white hair and complain about violations of rights!?

I smile. "In that case..." I think I can't just say I don't wish for anything, that would definitely make her mad. "I wish for you to keep wishing things for me. That will be more than enough." It's my most sincere desire.

She looks down. "I don't think I can do that... not forever." Well, I will kick the bucket one day... I will try to leave something she can remember me by at least. "And shouldn't you ask for infinite wishes for yourself instead? Don't be stupid." For once I'm not being stupid though.

I mean what I say. "Arcueid, I already get infinite wishes by staying with you. And you can't get two infinites, that's just not how things work."

She smiles. "I see. Then as long as I can... I will grant every single wish of yours, my little brother..." I...

Did she have to ruin the mood by bringing that up!?


AN: Beach arc is over! Now we can start the Roa arc... Unless something else strikes my fancy.


Yuval Roth

Rika adopting a dog ghost arc!