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Akiha Tohno

My younger brother is sick as usual.

He's unlike my big brother who seems incapable of getting sick... honestly he's unlike my brother in many, many ways. While Shiki Tohno is always healthy as a horse, and constantly pranking everyone...

Daichi Tohno is always sick, always stays home. He's kind and gentle however, never hurting anyone. My older brother sometimes scares me, while my younger brother sometimes seems scared of everything.

He starts coughing, normally something like that would scare me, but at this point I'm used to it. "Do you need something, Big Sis?" His voice is weak, his sickness must be devouring his throat.

I pout. "Shiki wanted to know if you're feeling good enough to play outside." My older brother always invites Daichi... Even though he never invites me! Sexism!

I won't get mad at Daichi however, as his big sister I have certain responsibilities, one of these being forgiving him for anything and everything. I won't get mad at Shiki either, because he's scary.

Daichi shakes his head. "Sorry... but no. If I get bored I'll just play with Kohaku like normal." Ah. Shiki will be disappointed, but he will understand, it's not like it's Daichi's fault.

Among the Tohno household there are two people who must never leave the mansion. One of them is Daichi Tohno, my little brother who's always sick, and can't risk going outside. Father is takes great care so that Daichi won't get hurt.

The other one is Kohaku, I don't really know why, but she can never leave either, she can't even go too far away from father's office. Honestly I didn't even know much about her until recently, the only person I talked to was her sister, Hisui.

But then Daichi and her naturally started playing together, so I join in whenever I can. You could say we are friends.

I pout. "Well, if that's the case I'm leaving." Yeah, we are friends... but for some reason I stopped playing with her. I can't really explain it, and I have a feeling it's not something I want to think about.

Daichi sighs. "Big sis..." Why do I have a feeling I just said something wrong? "Fine, I'll go play with Shiki. You're going with us, right?" Eh? What's with the sudden change?

I guess I shouldn't think too much about it, this suits me after all. "Y-yes! In that case I'll join too!" Father also doesn't like me leaving the mansion, but he's not as strict with me as he is with Daichi and Kohaku.

As long as I'm with Shiki it should be fine... Well, I'll call Hisui too! Though... I have a feeling Daichi will be in trouble if we get caught no matter what. If worst comes to worst I'll have to take the blame for him.

Daichi struggles to get himself out of bed. "Okay, let's go..." Seeing him putting so much effort almost makes me tell him he should just stay resting, but...

I can't waste this opportunity! And besides, nothing too bad will happen!


The door to my office opens. "Hello Lady Akiha! He's finally here!" Kohaku enters with a skip in her step. It seems she's even more cheerful than usual, which makes sense because...

"Yo, Big Sis..." Her childhood friend has finally made his way back home. My... one and only brother has finally made his way back home.

I cross my arms. "Hello, Daichi." An awkward silence immediately settles in. It seems my brother hasn't changed much after so many years, still far too shy to say anything and guide a conversation.

Which means it must be up to me. "You must be wondering why I called you back from the Arimas." I'm not foolish enough to to believe he was simply content with leaving his foster family. He must be mad, but... this had to be done.

He nods. "I'll admit, I'm pretty curious about that." He then mumbles to himself. "There goes my martial arts training..." So he practiced with the Arimas? I suppose that's a good thing for someone with... anemia.

I nod back. "Father has recently passed away, as I'm sure you know. Therefore his word doesn't matter anymore. As a child of the Tohno, it was only natural for me to call you back." If Makihisa Tohno had his way, Daichi Tohno would probably never step foot here again.

I continue. "And now that you are here... you will receive the privileges of belonging to this family, such as a monthly allowance for example... However you will also have certain responsibilities."

"You will have a curfew, you better be at the top of your class... and your cellphone will be confiscated." Daichi is too young to have one of those! As his older sister, it is my duty to make sure it doesn't corrupt him!

His eye twitches. "E-even my phone...? Also, you didn't really give me a reason why you called me back..." I didn't, did I?

I scowl. "Yes, even your phone." And then the answer to the next question comes out purely by instinct. "As for why I called you back home... it's because I'm your big sister." And now I'm blushing. Great.

He sighs. "By like... a few minutes. You don't need to concern yourself about me, Akiha. If I'm troublesome you can just leave me to the Arimas." It's a bit funny, hearing he call us twins.

The truth is that we are not even related by blood. Daichi is actually the son of some mage from... Fu-... Fuyuki? Father apparently adopted him because he has some interesting abilities he inherited from his mother.

My blush gets fiercer. "It doesn't matter. Furthermore, I won't allow you to escape your responsibilities as a Tohno." I must not think about that ability, I must not!

He scratches his cheek. "If you say so... Then I guess I'll have to bother you for a few years." Yet again he starts mumbling. "Seriously though? A curfew... Regulus is going to be pis-." That's an awful habit.

I cut him off. "I don't care who will be angered at this." Who's Regulus anyways? It must be one of those... online nicknames. "Besides, from what I've heard you have been missing quite a few days of school."

"Since clearly you need someone to lead you by the hand, I will do so. Naturally the price to pray for this is a bit of your freedom." I don't mind leading him by the hand until he dies. I really don't.

He clearly holds back a frown. "Got it. I will try to not make any troubles for you, big sis." He better. If he does continue being a lazy slob, I will cut his allowance! After having a taste of money, he definitely won't want to lose it.

Well, I won't make any effort to hide I'm annoyed. "You'd better... However there is one more thing I'd like to tell you. Common chores are beneath a member of the Tohno family, and that's why you will have a personal maid for now on."

He flinches. "A-a personal maid...!?" Yeah, that cellphone has definitely rotted his brain already! Fixing it will be troublesome.

I nod. "Yes, a personal maid." I motion to the woman who brought him here. "For example, Kohaku here is mine. She takes care of lesser matters so that my time isn't wasted." She may also be trying to kill me.

I can't blame her for it however, so all I can do is endure it.

And then I motion to a person standing on a corner. "This is Hisui... I'm sure you remember her from our days as kids?" He nods. That's convenient. "From now on she shall be your personal maid. If you face any trouble, consult her." Specially because she can tell me what happened later. In essence she's a spy.

Daichi awkward waves at her. "H-hey Hisui, no long time no see..." And then he looks back at me. "Hey Big Sis, is this all really necessary? I don't really need a... personal maid. No offense, Hisui." He's clearly uncomfortable.

I suppose I can... understand. He is my commoner brother after all, so this is certainly all new to him.

Originally I even planned on making Kohaku his personal maid instead, since he used to be so close to her and all... but I decided against. Kohaku is... dangerous, I don't mind if she aims her hatred at me, but I won't let my brother get hurt.

Also, I don't want him getting closer to Kohaku! I just don't want it!

I roll my eyes. "So what, you want me to throw Hisui to the streets?" He flinches. "If you won't take her then I have no use for her after all." I definitely wouldn't do that, I'm just trying to make him see sense.

He grits his teeth. "No, there's no need for that... I'll accept Hisui as a... personal maid." Good. "Though... where is all the other personnel of the mansion anyways? Or the other guests in general?" That's...

I end up looking away. "I kicked them all out. There might be some annoyances that show up occasionally..." Like Arach. "B-but besides that, it's just me and you on this big mansion. All alone." W-well, Kohaku and Hisui are obviously living here too.

"Scary." What's that supposed to mean!?


"A-are you sure you should be drinking that much, Big Sis?" I have barely drank anything though. "I mean, you have downed like... a few bottles of whiskey already..." Eh, I could go for a few more.

I wave him off. "It's fine! This is supposed to be a celebration after all!" It's been a few days since he came back, and we are finally throwing a party to celebrate his return. "Y-you should drink too..." I want to see him drunk.

And also, this party is supposed to celebrate him finally coming back to my waiting arms and all. If he doesn't even drink then what's the point? A party doesn't start until everyone has downed a bottle, and so this hasn't even turned into a real party yet.

His smile twitches. "I don't think I should do that Big Sis, I'm not old enough to drink yet... In fact you aren't either. So please stop getting so plastered."

I roll my eyes. "Rich people don't care about... waiting until they can legally drink Daichi, we have too much money for that." He gasps, for some reason. "Besides, you... you don't need to drink as much as me. Just a little... little bit." I know this is wrong of me.

I know pushing him towards this is incredibly wrong, but... I'm an Oni. Or at least I have the blood of one. Drinking comes pretty naturally to us, and so there is nothing we appreciate more than drinking with our loved ones.

He chuckles. "Hisui drank just a little bit, and we can clearly see what happened to her..." Currently the mais is passed out, her head resting on Daichi's lap.

Um? Isn't this a little bit weird? Why is she resting on a man's lap...?

I shouldn't think too much about it, this is Hisui after all. Daichi is just such a shy boy that she probably doesn't fear his touch. "Well, Kohaku is fine." She's currently at the kitchen, preparing more snacks.

I would feel bad about making her work during something like this... but this is literally her job. Also, she's drinking expensive stuff on my wallet, so she really has nothing to complain about.

He looks away. "Is she though...?" Ugh, my brother really knows how to be annoying.

I glare at him. "Just drink a little bit... for me?" I just want to have fun! I never get to have fun, so he shouldn't ruin this for me! Specially how I have been overlooking the fact that he breaks curfew pretty much everyday.

He pouts for a few moments, but eventually concedes. "Okay... just remember that I can't drink too much. I have my condition to worry about after all." I nod immediately. I know very well that his body can't be forced too much.


I take my cup and hand it over to him. "Here, drink this." A indirect kiss... this way I can steal his purity...! Is what I would think if I was a freak. There is no nothing strange about this at all.

He sighs. "I could have just drank from my own cup..." After taking a deep breath, he downs it. Obviously you're not supposed to drink it this fast, so he starts coughing. "This... this is awful." He's weak.



"So, what excuse have you come up with?" I'm furious. To be honest I haven't been this furious ever since I learned about father's true personality.

My brother limps towards a chair, Hisui trailing behind him. "Why do I have a feeling that excuses will just get me killed?" Because they will of course.

Really, I should do much worse. My brother didn't just break curfew this time... he disappeared. For days. And he didn't even contact me. Well, I suppose I did take his cellphone, but still...!

Ugh, I'm definitely giving it back to him after this at least. Taking it was foolish.

I cross my arms. "I won't go as far as killing you, but you should prepare to repent for the rest of your life." I have overlooked far too much trouble. If this keeps up, then I'll be force to...

To cut his life force. Just for a little bit of course, enough so that he passes out, and I'm given a reason to make him stay home for a few days. And if he insists on being rebellious even after that...

Well, the Tohno has a dark place to rehabilitate rebellious brothers. I would like to keep that as a last resort of course, but he really has been testing my patience.

He bows. "I'm definitely prepared for that. And I also promise that this won't happen again. There were... special circumstances." Oh?

I raise an eyebrow. "Those special circumstances better be enough to convince the police that you weren't doing anything illegal... You weren't doing anything illegal, were you?" I will not let my brother become a hoodlum!

He blinks in confusion. "The police... you called the police!?" And by the end his face is filled with shock. This reaction... Oh no. Please don't tell my brother actually became a criminal!

I slap the table. "Of course I called the police! You went missing! For days! What else did you expect me to do!?" Magus lineage aside, my brother is a normal person. "You could have been kidnapped! Killed!" For all I knew he had an anemic attack and died on the streets like a dog.

Okay, I definitely knew he wasn't dead. Due to our... connection, I can always feel he is alive, feel his heart beating. I may not have a lot of energy due to this bond, but this is one of the few advantages. Daichi's heart belongs to me.

He looks away. "I..." At least he's showing a guilty filled face. Still, I won't forgive him if he was committing some sort of crime... or worst, spending a few nights with some floozy from his school.

That is the one place where I can't truly protect him after all... I attend a different school, one exclusive to girls... But maybe... Just maybe...

Suddenly I hear a sob. It comes so out of nowhere that mine and Daichi's attention goes completely to it. "I-I was really worried about you Lord Daichi..." It's... Hisui!?

The maid wasn't even supposed to talk, not in a situation like this. However, since she clearly has become good friends with my brother, I'll overlook it this time. Also, this should make my brother feel even more guilty.

And weirdly enough, after her, Kohaku starts talking too. "I was worried too you know? I thought you ran away from me..." Her voice sounds empty, almost mechanical. It's a bit scary to be honest.

But just like with Hisui, I let my personal maid talk. Maybe with this Daichi will have some common sense beaten into his dumb head.

And he really does look pretty distraught. "S-sorry everyone... I didn't want to make anyone worried." Why is it that he didn't look nearly as sad as when I was grilling him? Ugh, he's spending too much time with Hisui.

He takes a deep breath. "Originally I wanted to make a bunch of excuses, but now I really have no choice." I brace myself... Is my brother a drug dealer? A human trafficker? A killer? Does he have a girlfriend!?

"Okay, so this part actually happened before I ever got here... I met a bird who gave me a bunch of legendary weapons, and he said I should defeat some sort of spider to save the world." What?

"Sometime passed and I eventually got called back here... but I heard those rumors about the serial killer attacks. My weapons said it was probably a vampire, so I went to hunt this monster down." Is he...

"In the end I did find a vampire... and I did... kill her. She came back though, and told me to take responsibility for her body... And I had to, because she was actually a good person." He grimaces, as if it hurt to just think about the vampire.

He scratches his cheek. "Anyways, stuff kept escalating and before I knew I was fighting all kinds of vampires, from Russian ones, to ones made out of a bunch of animals, to monstrous spiders, to ones that reincarnate."

"And vampires weren't everything I fought... there was scary stuff like vampire hunters who tought I was a bad guy... In the end everything is more or less resolved though, and I made a bunch of friends!" He ends with a smile.

Seriously, that's it. He doesn't say anything else.

For a second I think about exploding, cutting his life force, and then forcing him to stay inside of the Tohno dungeon until he goes from a cute high schooler to a cute old man. That might be a bit much however.

So instead I just glare at him. "Is that really it, Daichi?" As his big sister, I'm immensely disappointed. "I thought you were going to be honest?" But instead of that he just started making stuff up.

His eyes widen. "Y-yeah...? I mean, this is all real! I know it's hard to believe, but I..." He raises an arm. "Here, let me show you some proof?" I don't want to hear it.

"Shut up. We are dropping this topic." For a second I almost got worried that he had gotten himself involved with the supernatural, but with such a tale... He's clearly making stuff up.

My brother is normal.

He grits his teeth. "W-why though? I really do have proof!" That would be impossible.

Because my brother is a normal person who is going to live a normal life. I'm similar of course, because even if I do have oni blood... I will control it and live a normal life right besides him.

So it doesn't matter what sort of proof he has. "As I said, the topic has been dropped." I take a deep breath. "Now go back to your room and rest for the day. I'll contact the police and say you simply got lost in the city." Because that's probably what happened.

My younger brother doesn't respond. Good.


"Akiha... why are you here?" What sort of greeting is that?

I cross my arms. "Because I transferred to here. That's all." In the end, as an effort to keep better watch on my stupid brother, I ended up transfering to the same school as him.

He pinches his nose. "Don't just casually say that... Specially since you didn't warn me at all!" What's the problem with that? Its not like I caused him any trouble with my actions.

Okay, I'll admit... I almost started crying while trying to buy lunch, and he and his friends had to save me. But that's a minor thing, and it is not my fault that this school made for commoners is so scary.

I huff. "Well, it's not like you ever warn me of anything." He can only look away, as expected. "And enough of this, introduce me to your friends already." I don't like them.

First there is a very... shapely blue haired girl, the type that appears in those types of magazines. And that isn't the only problem here... she just gives me a bad feeling.

I decided I dislike her.

And then there is the second girl. She has brown hair, and to be honest she can not match me or the blue haired girl when it comes to beauty. That said, she's the type who marries early due to... accidents, I can tell... How dangerous. Oh, and and she also gives off a bad feeling.

I decided I dislike her.

His eye twitches. "Big sis..." But he then relents. "Fine... Everyone, this is my older sister, Akiha. Well, we are actually twins." I feel like he should have made everyone aware of my presence already.

The brown haired girl's eyes widen. "Y-you have a twin, Daichi!?" She then sends a smile towards me, I don't like it. "It's super nice to meet you Akiha! I'm Satsuki Yumizuka, a second year!" My senior huh... and also Daichi's senior.

The blue haired girl pushes her glasses up. "And I'm Ciel. A third year." This one is even older... "If you need anything, feel free to come to me for help, Akiha. I'll make sure to lend you a hand." I don't like this.

Isn't it a boy's fantasy to date older women? Just thinking about it almost makes me scowl. "I see, it is unpleasant to meet you two." Maybe my little brother needs to change schools. He's not a commoner, so this one is inappropriate for him.

Yumizuka giggles. "Heh, you're just as nice as Daichi... Wait, unpleasant!?" She takes a step back. Ciel however, she looks at Daichi with a raised eyebrow while my younger brother shrugs.

It's clear that he is embarrassed, but I won't hide my distate for my situation. "Let me make something clear, it took one look at the two of you to realize both of you are skanks trying to corrupt my younger brother."

Yumizuka starts stuttering. "S-skanks!?"

I nod. "Skanks! I mean, why would two Senpais be hanging out with a Kouhai!? The reason is simple! Both of you are skanks targetting my younger brother because he is rich!"

I continue. "But don't think I will allow it any longer! Trust me when I say that your legs will not be opening! My brother will... he will marry a woman worthy of his station!" L-like... me! Or at least someone with a good social position like me!

My brother interjects. "Akiha... it isn't like that. Trust me when I say that both of these are just my friends..." He says it with a massive blush... but I trust him. He is not the problem here, he is the victim.

Which is why I must save him. "Oh yeah? Then how did you meet those two? Let me guess, they came to your class and argued that breaking curfew is fun? And that karaoke is an amazing past time?" Standard skank behavior.

He shakes his head. "No...?" Oh? Is he about to make up some story to protect them? "I just sort of met Ciel-Senpai in the school... I go to her club sometimes." I bet it's a club about... about sex! And about how to throw your life away for momentary pleasure.

"And about Satsuki-Senpai..." He's on a first name basis with her!? Though now that I think about it, this Ciel didn't give her first name either... "We did admittedly met on an alleyway, but nothing strange happened." I...

I have no words for that.

I try to control my anger. "I see. Well, from now on I'll keep watch over you, and these skanks aren't allowed to stay close to you either." I have to protect him from these bitches.

It's my duty, like a wife protecting her husband... It's a bit embarrassing to make that comparison, but Daichi and I would have probably gotten married should have father not have passed away anyways.

I mean, there was surely a reason why he adopted a child with such... abilities. Now, you might argue that he was planning on setting up Daichi with someone else... maybe even Kohaku or Hisui, so the Tohno family could continue to hone their synchronization abilities...

But that's stupid, shut up.

Also, I'm not actually going to marry my younger brother, I'm just saying he was probably adopted with the intention of belonging to me for the rest of his life. That's all.

Daichi pinches his nose. "Big sis... I really don't know what to say." You can start with a thank you. "Just... just please don't bother my senpais too much." I will end their social lives with my financial resources. If necessary.

Ciel laughs. "It's fine Daichi, she's pretty cute." Um? Am I being misunderstood here? Underestimated? I'll seriously kill you.

Yumizuka jumps on the spot. "Yeah, she's cute! Definitely not scary or anything..." She gulps, and with all her focus on me, she starts mumbling. "I will definitely win your favor... and this race..." My favor huh?

As I thought, these two are money obsessed skanks! I won't let them corrupt my would be husband!


Daichi Tohno

"Hey Albion, when did my life become such a mess?" Yet again I'm hiding atop of some random skyscraper. Nowadays this is the only way I can ever have some time for myself.

Albion snorts. "Isn't the answer obvious? Since you awakened me and Ddraig." I'm a bit surprised. I expected him to say something like ever since I left the Arimas.

I put a hand on my chin. "What do you have to do with anything?" If he really is to blame I will seriously be mad. Because I can't go one day without meeting some insane girl or some insane monster.

"It is complicated partner... but essentially, powerful people attract conflict. That goes double for dragons... You possess the souls of two of the strongest dragons inside of you." And also the other Longinus...

A sigh escapes my mouth. "Did your previous partners ever go to something similar to me though?" I have so many girlfriends now... It sounds nice at first, but let me tell you, it is more scary than anything else.

And I have to hide it all from my sister, who is essentially my caretaker as well. If she figured out I had one girlfriend she would end my life, so if she figured out I technically have a harem... A fate worst than death awaits me.

Albion chuckles. "Yes. A previous user of the Boosted Gear even went as far as sleeping with a different woman every night." What a pervert! "Eventually his sister, who was my partner at the time, killed him. Scorned women and all that." I...

I don't even know where to begin unpacking that. "You have the craziest stories, Albion... though thankfully that doesn't really apply to me in anyway." If there is one blessing in this world, is that Akiha is purely my sister.

Well, to be honest I would be happy if she had a bit more affection for me. I obviously don't want anything romantic, but I also don't want her to hate me like she clearly does. It is what it is though.

After sometimes in silence, I take out my phone. "I might as well check out my messages..." Now that Akiha has given my phone back, and that I'm actually dating people, I have certain responsibilities.

A few messages are what you would expect. The Arimas asking if everything is okay for example. Or my medic asking if my anemia has gotten worse recently. Answering them doesn't take much time.

And then comes Ciel-Senpai. "Don't forget to rest plenty. We will start you training soon." It seems she intends on keeping her promise of preparing me for the spider. I really appreciate it.

Below that massage however... "You are the sun who illuminates my night. The silver blade which cuts my fear. My heart which pumps blood across my body. I truly love you." Is some really embarrassing poetry.

I don't know what to say, so I just send a heart emoji.

After that, I check on Arcueid's messages. "Daichi." Huh? What kind of message is that? "Daichi. Daichi. Daichi. Daichi. Daichi. Daichi." She just keeps repeating my name over and over again, until... "Please stop ignoring me, I have nothing to say, but I still want to talk with you, because I really love you..." That's... cute?

I don't know what to say, so I just send a heart emoji.

Now it's Satsuki's turn. "Hey Daichi, do you wanna come to my house tomorrow?" A normal message for once. "I don't mean to annoy you or anything, but my parents are fighting again." E-eh?

"So I had a thought... when you're here, they become too awkward to have fights. So maybe your presence can delay their divorce a little bit. I love you, and will never divorce you by the way." Can I block my girlfriend?

I technically can, but I shouldn't. So I send her a heart emoji.

I shake my head, and go read Hisui's messages. "I made something special for you, Daichi. It should taste really good." Why is it that this is the one message that fills me with the most amount of fear?

"Nevermind. It melted away." What is that supposed to mean!? "I will make you something else later, so please don't be disappointed or sad. I really do love you, from my heart to my soul." Even such a sweet comment can't erase the fear flooding my body...

Heart emoji.

Oh... Arach has sent me a message, she's a troublesome one. "Did your wound from the last fight heal? If you're bleeding out make sure to call me! Doing it with a bloodied up guy is the best!" Oi.

"Anyways, if you die I won't be able to see that super scary spider eating your weak ant self, so please don't die, cutie. I love you." Well, that's nice... and she also sent me a picture of her tits.

Yeah, that one I'm leaving on read.

Well, it is time to check out my last message. It seems Kohaku has sent me something... knowing her its either some "dark humor" meme or a nude. "Code red, no, code black. Lady Akiha will end us all. Let it be known that I have always loved you, my one and only friend." Well, time to send a heart em-.

Wait a second. "What do you mean by that?" I quickly send a message to her.

She answers with a heart emoji.

I immediately start moving towards the Tohno Mansion. A streak of white cuts through Souya as I desperately rush to my destination. The way back home is a blur of fear, a blur of imminent death.

Once I burst through the mansion's front doors, I'm met by a concerned maid. "Hisui, has the apocalypse happened yet!?" I still have no idea what Kohaku meant, but my heart feels like it's about to burst.

The maid shakes her head. "Not yet." So we can still prevent it. "Currently Lady Akiha is talking with... that Arcueid woman, so I imagine we are experiencing it right now." My heart isn't about to burst anymore.

Because it has completely stopped beating in the first place.

Hisui guides me to a room... As soon as I enter it, I see that everyone is here. Arcueid, Ciel, Satsuki, Kohaku, Arach... and of course, most important of all... my older sister, Akiha Tohno.

Arcueid waves at me. "Yo Daichi! You were ignoring my messages, so I came to hang out!" Shit. I wasn't ignoring them, I just took a bit of time to respond... but whatever.

For now I should assume everyone is here for the same reason, and try to control the damage. I know pretty much everyone here is willing to keep this a secret from Akiha, at least. Well everyone, but Arcueid.

I wave back at her. "Y-yo, sorry that I didn't answer them immediately..." I scan the room. "And hello to everyone else too." The room is tense, even Arach isn't smiling. Arcueid really is the only exception.

Akiha grits her teeth. "Daichi, sit." And suddenly the room's oppressive aura gets even worse. It is like I just walked on the throne room of a demon king.

Vlov can't compare to this. Nero can't compare to this. Arach back when she was still evil can't compare to this. Roa can't compare to this. Mostly because I don't get to punch my way out of this situation.

I take a deep breath and sit, right next to Arcueid that is. You see, outside of me, the vampire, and my sister, everyone is standing. The fact that I'm a exception and not a rule just makes me even more scared.

Akiha glares at me. "So if I'm understanding right... this woman... who is clearly much older than you... is your girlfriend?" Much older!? Arcueid definitely doesn't look like that old!

I take some time to gather my courage. "Well, you see... what did Arcueid say in the first place?" All I have to tell her is that the vampire isn't my girlfriend, and then later explain why I did that to Arcueid.

But for some reason that's a lot harder to do than I expected. And so I can only weakly stretch the conversation. Please forgive your weak younger brother, Akiha.

Arcueid raises a hand. "I did nothing bad! I just told her that you're my man, and I came to hang out with you! Now let's go play, Daichi!" This vampire really can be vengeful when she wants to, huh?

The True Ancestor is definitely not stupid, in fact I have seen her serious mode countless times right now. So she must have done this in purpose as punishment for me taking so long to respond to her messages...

Akiha is the definition of fury. "No! You two are not going to play! Have some shame, and act your age! Can't you see you're much older than he is!?" Well, she is, but at the same time...

Arcueid grins. "Even if Daichi was a little baby he would still belong to me." Compared to her I might as well be one. "Besides, he is the one who acts all weird around Len." Let's not bring up the sins of the past.

Akiha huffs. "Enough of this, I do not need to hear anything from some skank." Another one joins the party!? "Daichi, denounce her... and all this other women here, immediately!" That's...

I sigh. "Sorry big sis, but she really is my girlfriend. And so is everyone else here, except for you really..." There's no point in hiding it anymore. It was always something that would come out...

Arcueid gushes. "Oh...! You finally said it! I mean, you have called me your girlfriend a bunch of times now, but it always feels nice to hear it!" She definitely plannes this. Well, I'll have my revenge one way or another...

Ciel smiles. "Hah... sorry about this, Daichi. I probably shouldn't have come here." With a comment like that, I can't help, but think you're on this too. "Even if I really hate sharing you with... these people." Vampires.

Satsuki giggles to herself, but it sounds like it's out of nervousness more than anything else. "This is not how I thought I would be introduced to my boyfriend's family..." You already knew Akiha though.

Hisui frowns. "Please do not kill my Daichi, Lady Akiha." As expected of someone that works with my sister, she is completely aware of what is about to happen.

Kohaku scowls. "If you kill my Daichi, there will be consequences." The older sister is a lot more brave than the younger. Alternatively, you could say she's a lot more foolish.

And finally, Arach laughs. "Feel free to kill my Daichi, I'll just rebuild him better than ever!" Why did I accept you as an ally again? You were trying to kill me with giant spider monsters a week ago.

Well, whatever. At least the truth has finally come out. It goes without saying, that while I do love my big sister, I won't let her separate me from any of my girlfriends. I will stand my ground!

But... Akiha doesn't seem angry. Instead she immediately goes pale. "What...?" And then color returns to her face. "Is this some prank, Daichi? Your allowance has been cut to zero percent." An immediate counter!?

Arcueid has a sly grin on her face. "An allowance huh? Well, I'm actually rich. Way richer than you. So if Daichi wants an allowance I won't mind giving him a couple million each month." Why are you throwing the gauntlet at my sister's face!?

Akiha slaps the table. "Shut your mouth. This prank is not funny. It has not been funny from the start in fact." She takes a deep breath. "Keep this up and I'll sue you." She's taking legal action!? What would she even sue Arcueid for!?

Arcueid's grin is just becoming more and more devious. "Prank? I'm not pranking you little sis. Daichi and I have quite an involved relationship." She truly looks like a vampire princess right now. I'm half expecting her to bring out her Mystic Eyes.

"That is to say, we are not some new couple. Daichi and I have gone all the way multiple times at this point... and that applies to pretty much everyone here." I don't think my big sister needs to learn about my sex life!

Akiha has gone back to being pale, specially once she notices everyone in the room is blushing. "I... What do you mean by going all the way?" What Arcueid meant was obvious, but she clearly does not wish to see it.

The vampire rolls her eyes. "Isn't obvious? We had sex. Well, Daichi over here once stabbed me with his big spear, and so naturally I asked him to stab me with his big spear once again as repayment." Don't put it that way!

Arcueid plays with her hair. "Your brother is actually quite the beast you know? I guess you wouldn't know, since you're his sibling and all, but once he stars all that shy facade goes away. Even though he was a virgin he didn't show any me-." This dumb vampire!

I cut her off. "Arcueid, I get you're frustrated and all, but my big sister really doesn't need to hear about my sex life!" From now on I will answer any message I get the moment I get it. I swear it.

Akiha starts stuttering. "W-wait, so you're saying she's actually... she's actually being honest...?" I can only weakly nod. "B-but how... When...?" It's strange.

I was really expecting Akiha to get angry and to flip the table or something, but instead she's just trembling like a scared dog. Her face is so pale that one would think she's the one with anemia. Though I guess I hadn't have any troubles with anemia since Roa died...

I clear my throat. "If you ask me how and when... to be honest I wouldn't even know how to start." It also does help that I'm so confused. I mean, Akiha is not even screaming at me about harems are immoral.

She just seems... really lost.

Arcueid is more than glad to answer however. "Well, I met him a decent time ago. We just naturally fell in love to be honest, it was destiny." She got obsessed with me after I killed her. For some reason.

Arcueid answering her is like opening a floodgate. Immediate Ciel chimes in. "We go to the same club, so we got close..." A blush appears on her face. "I don't know if I should say this, but since it's always just the two of us there... we ended up feeling really comfortable and... you know." You definitely shouldn't say that.

And much like with Arcueid, Ciel is withholding a bunch of information. Originally she was an enemy who thought I was the reincarnation of a vampire. Bringing her to my side took tons of work.

Then it's Satsuki's turn. "He helped me with some stuff, and we got close... Our first time was in my room, when our parents were away." Seriously, why are you all telling this to her!?

Also, the reason why we got close, is because I helped Satsuki control her urges as a Dead Apostle. It is still a work in progress, but nowadays she drinks from blood packs. Oh, and also from the beings I can create.

Akiha slowly gets up. "I... I don't want to hear this." She's... Honestly it almost looks like she's a drunk trying to not fall down. She must be dizzy for some reason.

Still, after her declaration we all become silent. My big sister naturally doesn't want to hear about her younger brother getting his dick wet after all. I must repeat however, I really am surprised that she doesn't seem that angry.

However, for some reason Kohaku starts talking. "Well, you know when Daichi and I met, Lady Akiha! We first had sex in your room, by the way! Sorry, but I cleaned everything up!" Actually, I cleaned everything up, since you're really bad at it.

Also, why are you telling her this!? I thought we both agreed we would take that information to the grave!? Well, we might really die very soon...

Akiha looks down. "B-but... Daichi is my... h-hu-..." She must be thinking about how disgusting this whole having sex in her room situation is. I agree and I'm sorry! It's just that it was my first time, and I was very horny!

Hisui clears her throat. "I would like to apologize, Lady Akiha. I simply... fell for him. Our first time was in his room." She might be the only one without a crazy story to tell. We just fell for each other.

Akiha looks down. "But... I called him back home. And I... we had that party together... and school... and his heart..." She's still in shock over the room thing, isn't she? Understandable...

Arach jumps on the spot. "I feel for him because he's hot! We had sex because he is hot!" Amazing.

To be honest I still don't get why Arach likes me. She used to be an enemy, but she just completely changed sides once she heard about my mission to face the spider. I guess I shouldn't expect a Dead Apostle Ancestor to make sense...

A weird sound comes from Akiha. It's almost like she just gagged. "You... you... you had sex with my brother too...?" The doctor shrugs with a smile, and that finally makes Akiha mad. "Is there anyone here who hasn't whored themselves to my brother!?"

Arach snorts. "You! You're the only pure little flower here!" Akiha takes a step back, flinching. "Don't worry though, if you want to watch us get freaky you're welcome." She definitely isn't!

Akiha falls forward, but uses her hands to stabilize herself. Essentially holding her weight against a table.

At this point this conversation has gone on for long enough. "Um... are you okay, big sis? Do you need to... rest or something?" Either she really hates this conversation, or she was feeling sick before this...

She slowly looks at me. "You're the one who's feeling sick." I'm... feeling fine, actually? "Go back to your room. Right now. Big sis will erase this pests, you can thank me later." Is this what they call cold fury?

I shake my head. "Please don't call them pests, that's too far, big sis!" I won't let her demean my girlfriends. "Also... I actually feel fine. You're the one who clearly looks sick, so..." So go rest.

Akiha slowly tilts her head. "You feel... fine?" Yet again she gags. You know what, maybe I should call an ambulance, because I think my sister is about to vomit... Wait, both Arach and Kohaku have medical licences... how convenient.

Arach giggles. "Isn't it obvious Miss Matriarch? The small bird regrew his wings one way or another. He doesn't need to be carried by the big bird anymore. He can fly solo, fly ahead of you." Before I can process what she just said...

Akiha picks up the table and lifts it.

She does so with incredible ease, it's definitely not something a high school girl should ever be capable of. Specially when she throws that table at Arach, the expensive wooden table immediately breaking into pieces.

Arach is a Dead Apostle Ancestor of course, so she essentially doesn't take any damage, she doesn't even flinch. Nonetheless the sight of Akiha doing something like that is enough to make me paralyzed.

Why... why is Akiha's hair red? "You're fired! You're fired, you hear me you bitch!?" I don't think I have ever heard her swear before. It's just something that Akiha Tohno, the elegant lady, should never do.

And then she glares at Kohaku. "And you're fired too! You and your sister...! You both can starve on the streets for all I care!" After saying that, she runs away from the room. Crying.

I move without any hesitation.

I'm running to follow her, but she's strangely fast. In a blink of an eye she disappears from my vision, and I'm forced to simply look around the Tohno Estate like an idiot, hoping that my instincts as her brother are enough.

Honestly this girl...! I had my suspicions... I basically knew she wasn't a human, but did she have to confirm it this way!? And why does she always get so pissed everytime I bring up the supernatural!?

Eventually I find her inside of the forest surrounding the estate. It's a bit hard not to spot her, as she is standing in the middle of it like a tragic ghost. Her now flaming red hair illuminating the darkness as she... sobs?

"C'mon big sis, really?" What else can I even say in this situation? "I... I know this is weird, but it's not like me finding a girlfriend is the end of the world." Now that I'm thinking about it... why the hell is she crying over this?

I continue approaching her, even as she sobs. "Okay, I know this is a lot more complicated than me just finding one girlfriend, but... If you're worried about the reputation of the Tohno, don't be!"

"I mean, Arcueid is actually sort of a big deal, so she will just elevate us..." She's still crying. "Seriously, I know my amazing big sister can get through this, right?" Even if I don't know what this is anyways!

It all happens incredibly quick.

One moment she's sobbing, and then on the next she laughing. She finally turns around to face me and then... I fall down on to the ground. For some reason my legs stopped working the moment she looked at me.

And then in the next moment, she herself is on top of me. "Erm... what are you doing, big sis?" She does not respond. To be honest right now she looks less like Akiha, and more like a wild beast.

And then she...!

BAD END: Oni Rape.


AN: As you may or may not know, recently I was possessed by a spirit that compelled me to bully Akiha. I tried resisting, but in the end I had to write this so it would leave me alone.

So, the idea behind this omake is to create something similar to that Yato X Alice Omake I did for the Campione fic. Except all the romance is in Akiha's head and she's getting mega cucked.

To not be too mean however, she does use the legendary correction technique at the end. This omake was also meant to be way shorter, just something for me to quickly finish up and then to back to writing the main fic, but... I guess it just naturally got big.



BAD END: Oni Rape. --- lmao... just lmao.

Some Guy

Nice cooking, now where's my Olga Marie bulli and correction?

Some Guy

I re-read the chapter and realised that demanding Olga Marie sex after we got such high quality Akiha bulling is kinda improper. I mean you sit there locked up is some basement cooking the highest grade fiction non stop. That's why I will ask about something else, what are the chances of innovate clear rape correction domain expansion reality marble behind used on arcueid after she tries to pull out her bullshit magic Castle only for it to get no diffed. I mean it would just be so fucking peak to see her job in a funny way.