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"Are we sure it's safe to just let her walk around, much less sleep with us...?" Luvia points at Saber. "She's frothing at the mouth with anger, presumably anger directed at you." It's cute.

Sakura glares at her. "Don't get involved Edelfelt..." And then she sends the most innocent smile ever towards Saber. "You will be a good, obedient little girl, won't you?"

Saber smiles. "Worry not my Master, when the opportunity presents I shall slay the Campione and free you from your twisted fate." She's not being a good little obedient girl at all!

Sakura gasps. "S-Saber!" In fact pretty much everyone is sending her horrified looks. I guess it's justified, considering she just revealed her intent to assassinate me.

Actually even I understand that revealing that isn't exactly great for her assassination plans.

Luvia crosses her arms. "Yeah, that's it! I know this may come off as me... speaking when I shouldn't, but I beg you to reconsider this, Yato!" Well, I might actually agree with you for once.

To be honest I was pretty confident Saber was gonna play ball, considering she was shaking her hips and all, but I guess not. Maybe I should just lock her up with Hakuno, and then try to break her again another day.

Rin nods. "I cannot believe I'm agreeing with this cow, but yeah... Saber here is clearly not as obedient as Skadi." Wow, Artoria caused a miracle without the Holy Grail! She united a Tohsaka and an Edelfelt!

Sakura sobs. "Ah, it's over, isn't it...?" I don't know why, but it seems my Kouhai took a critical hit from Rin's comment.

I make a thinking pose. "Restraining Saber huh...?" The knight tenses her body, but there's nothing she can realistically do to stop me. And Skadi and Cleopatra are in the room too, both who can help.

My goddess concubine has already shown that putting Saber in a position where she can't do anything isn't hard either. Hell, I could probably make Saber sleep with us by using that, even if it would make everyone uncomfortable.

But... "Nah, it's fine everyone. Saber won't do anything to harm me." It's just a feeling I have, though I don't quite understand why. Maybe it's my instincts as a Campione? To be honest that doesn't really feel right.

Of course, my comment doesn't really put everyone's minds to ease, and immediately Luvia objects. "Yato... I don't care if this gets me punished, I must tell you that this is a foolish decision!" So even her pride has its limits...

Rin nods. "Yeah! I don't want my boyfriend to die! At least tie me up to you and use me as a shield!" I have no idea how that would even work. Also, Saber would probably just cut through the both of us.

And it seems their resistance has turned a bonfire into a inferno, causing Illya to jump in. "Seriously Yato, you can't go get yourself killed! I want to keep bullying my grandfather!" What does have to do with anything!?

Caren pats her stomach. "At least survive until he's born. Or she. I don't really know yet." A expected answer, I suppose. At least she didn't somehow tell me to cut down innocent people or something.

Cleopatra does the same. "Yeah! I mean, we still need to find out whether I'll nail motherhood this time or not!" I hope neither of them are pregnant. The truth is that mistakes are made when a man is horny.

Skadi giggles. "If you die, I'll plunge this city in eternal ice, so don't make careless mistakes." That's pretty scary! And while I'd like to say Rin would stop you, I'm not so sure.

Shirou is sending the goddess a horrified look. "Now you definitely can't die, Yato!" Is it bad that for a second I think of dying? Maybe I need to quell my instinctive need to rebel against my guide.

Nonetheless... "You guys are freaking out for nothing." I scratch my cheek. "Trust me when I say everything is going to be okay." I know that isn't exactly convincing, and it doesn't help that I can't give any proof.

Or can I? Maybe I can find some way of putting my feelings into words... I could just order them to shut up and obey of course, but they're just worried for me, and besides I doubt any of them would be able to sleep with fear in their hearts.

As a harem king I can do whatever I want to my concubines, but even I know that messing up with someone's sleep is a dick move. And more than that, it might cause them to join the assassinate Yato club. Lost sleep causes tragic backstories after all.

Saber glares at me. "Everything is definitely not going to be okay, seeing as your blood shall paint the walls, knave." Yet again she keeps stating her intentions, which isn't exactly very assassin of her.

Perhaps this is some super mega plan to put my guard down, by saying things I wouldn't expect from an assassin. It doesn't matter though, because it's certainly not working, my reasons for trusting her are different.

Sakura takes a deep breath. "I'll... I'll use a Command Seal!" She raises an arm. "Right now I'll use all my Command Seals so that Saber can never harm Yato again!" I don't know if that would even work. And even if it did, it wouldn't be permanent.

Saber flinches. "D-don't do that, Master!" Or maybe it would!? Saber wouldn't react like that otherwise, would she?

But either way, I don't want this. "Hold your horses, Sakura." My Kouhai stops immediately, the red glow coming from her hand slowly subsiding. "Keep the Command Seals for now. They're meant to be used for fun things, like making Saber cum out of nowhere, not boring stuff."

"B-but Senpai...!" She's sending me a shocked look, and so is Saber in fact. "S-she... as much as I hate to admit it, she can be dangerous Senpai." She looks down. "I failed. I didn't summon a good Servant like Tohsaka-Senpai did." That's...

Illya interjects. "Okay, I just wanna say, the insult is very uncalled for, Sakura." Her sudden interruption shocks even me. "From now on, we are enemies. Cleopatra, please remember that this woman is my enemy." The Servant can only awkwardly nod.

Sakura, who is far too confused to get sad or angry, simply raises an eyebrow. "How did I insult you?" Right now, in a funny way, she really does resemble her old self, even if for very strange reasons.

Illya crosses her arms. "I mean, it's pretty clear, isn't it?" She points at me. "First, I've been throwing this guy breadcrumbs to that thing, since you're too much of a coward." I have no idea what you're talking about.

Clearly I need more breadcrumbs. Or perhaps you can simply drop the mystery and give me the whole bread already.

"Second, I am the one who actually gave you Avalon. That is to say, I gave you the Servant that Yato most wanted, even though I could have just summoned her myself." I mean... Avalon was in Shiro, so it was a team effort.

Cleopatra clears her throat. "I'd like to say I'm actually Yato's favorite Servant. I'm also everybody's favorite, really." A queen's pride is really something else, huh?

Skadi immediately objects. "Last time I checked my eternal cold star is only married to one woman. Don't go getting cocky, specially when your only good quality is the size of your behind." That's not just a good quality though, it's an amazing one.

"Are you starting a fight goddess? Last time I checked your only good quality is how convenient you are. You're less of a wife, and more of a tool." Actually, much like you, she has an amazing behind too.

Skadi's eye twitches. "And what's wrong with a wife being useful? I suppose I should have expected such comments from you though, seeing as you can only complain. In fact you complained to the point that Yato had to find maids!" Please don't scream.

Now, Sella and Leysritt are around the mansion, already starting their work, but if they happen to hear a goddess insulting them, they might cry. The clothes incident was probably already traumatizing enough.

Surprisingly enough, Skadi's insult actually has a pretty big effect, seeing as Cleopatra is now sputtering. "S-shut it! I-I could be useful too! It's just that my talents lie in ruling, something which Yato doesn't particularly care about!"

Skadi's answer is quick. "So you admit to being less compatible with him?" The last Queen of Egypt is now squirming. It's a pretty sad sight to be honest.

Which means it's probably time I put an end to this. I don't want a measly harem squabble to end up with my concubines ending up genuinely emotionally hurt. That said, how do I end this...?

Oh, I know. "You two are being incredibly rude right now. I mean, starting a complete separate argument when Illya was in the middle of one? That's evil." Maybe we need to make a line.

Illya smile while motioning to me. "Thank you!" She then glares at Sakura. "Now let's go back on the reasons why a war between our lineages is imminent, please and thank you." Don't sound so happy about that.

And speaking of one's happiness... While Skadi quickly forgets the previous argument, Cleopatra does not. The last Queen of Egypt is looking down, clearly dejected. How troublesome...

I never put much thought into the usefulness of a girl in my harem before. I only think of two things, if I enjoy their personality, and if they're hot. I suppose it's only natural to desire being useful however.

It's clear that Rin, Illya and Sakura feels superior for having a Servant, at least to some extent. Luvia takes pride in being my loyal aide, and gets frustrated if that position seemingly doesn't receive the respect that it deserves.

Shiro sees herself as my guide, and therefore when I make a decision she approves of, she probably feels useful. Caren is in the same boat, though perhaps it's more like both are in a boat, but wondering across different rivers.

Sella and Leysritt are newer additions, and I can't really comment on them. Though as maids they are inherently helpful to a guy like me, who lives in a huge mansion and is constantly surrounded by family.

Skadi bragged about being useful, and she's totally right. In a way she feels almost like a omnipotent helper, capable of easily healing Hakuno, and even restraining a Servant. She also messed with that Servant's head.

In comparison Cleopatra hasn't truly done much. I don't really care about looking like a king, or ruling like one. I also have no need for an assassin, if I wanted someone dead, I would just go up to them, and kill them.

But as previously said, it's not like I care whether someone is useful to me or not. At least not to a certain extent. Now I just need to find someway to show that to Cleopatra.

While I'm lost in thought, Illya continues. "As previously said, I have done a lot for you. It wouldn't be completely inaccurate to call me your big sister." Seeing as you're a mature woman, perhaps a aunt is more accurate.

A elder sibling huh...?

"So why is it that only Rin activates your inferiority complex!? Why do you never go, oh Illya and her cool Servant are way better than me!" Cleopatra nods on the background with surprising speed. She's clearly still thinking about being useful.

Rin is immediately flooded with anger. "Hah!? What the hell are you talking about, you damn brat! Can't you see that we are talking about important stuff here!" I cannot deny that Illya almost made me forget why we were having this conversation in the first place.

That conversation being, will Saber assassinate me in my sleep, as she claims? I still think the answer is no...

Illya nods. "Indeed, we are talking about important things. Like me." Amazing. "So Sakura better apologize before I throw a tantrum." Truly, she is the symbol of maturity.

Sakura slightly bows. "S-sorry...? When I... when I think about my mistakes from now on, I'll try to... to... remember you more?" And so Illya smiles, seemingly satisfied.

Saber mumbles. "She's just like her mother." I have no idea if she's referring to Illya or Sakura. Either way, it's weird, considering Artoria should have never met the mother of either of them.

Her comment gains Sakura's attention, who glares at her own Servant. "So Saber, will I need to use Command Seals, or will you behave?" The girl seemingly forgets about me ordering not to use them.

Saber seems very proud of herself as she smirks. "You will need to use them." For some reason, that reaction is just convincing me more and more that it's okay for her to stay with us...

Oh, I get it. "Stop being a brat, little sis." I never had a little sister... until now. But without a doubt Saber has become one! Or perhaps she always was, and that potential has just now been unleashed!

It probably took me sometime to realize, becauze I was never a big brother, and therefore this is something unusual for me. Nonetheless, the knowledge that she's just a bratty little sister explains why I think she won't kill me.

"What?" Saber is naturally confused. Actually, pretty much everyone is.

It's okay, I can now confidently explain myself. "You're a little sister, aren't you? I'm confident you had a older brother in life. Or perhaps a figure close to it." I need to make Saber realize her new place in life.

She slowly nods. "Well, yes... I had a older brother named Kay." She closes her eyes, maybe reminiscing. "He was quite an intelligent man. Not the strongest of knights, but his wit had no equal." I see...

That sounds totally different from me! I thought we would be more alike. "Okay. Now you're my little sister though. I have cucked this Kay... In a sibling sense, not a romantical one." Um... that still doesn't seem right.

"Not to say we are not in a romantical relationship, because we are, but I'm assuming you weren't romanticizing involved your brother. If you were however, then I'm romantically cucking him too." I'm assuming King Arthur wasn't incestuous.

She is now though, seeing as she has become my little sister.

Her eye twitches. "I... Why did this idea arrive in your mind? Do you even have a mind, or is that something Campione simply lack?" I do have a mind, it's just that it works differently from everyone else.

It's called being special! And I was like this since way before being a Campione. "Isn't it obvious? You were shaking your hips by instinct during sex." Even if that sex didn't really involve you.

Saber sputters in denial. "I-I wasn't! That never happened! And even if I was really doing that, what does it have to do with me being your little sister!?" I choose to ignore the denials of this virgin.

A grin appears on my face. "And since all that energy was clearly directed at me... Naturally you're my little sister. And naturally a little sister would never hurt her big bro." Unless it's by like... jumping on him to wake him up.

I wonder why Kay never awakened her little sister potential however. Or perhaps he did, and she didn't immediately show this side because he wasn't here? I suppose it doesn't matter, since I have now added the NTR tag to this family tree. In a platonic way. But also maybe not in a platonic way.

Saber grits. "I... That's absurd." As expected response from a cute little brat. Oh, maybe I should call my parents and tell them that they now have a cute little daughter.

Sakura interjects. "Actually Saber, it makes sense." Saber looks at her as if she was a ghost. "Even if a little sister really, really, really wants to hurt their elder sibling, they just can't. Physically speaking at least." I'm glad you see my way.

Because Saber still doesn't. "I... I'm not here to debate the code of little sisters!" Why not? "I'm not even this man's little sister in the first place! I'm much older than him even! I'm on my thirties!" Damn brat, being older than her big brother!

Still, I have no argument to counterattack that. I guess I was wrong...? Welp, Saber has made her point, and as recompense she will be sent to the consensual rape dungeon with Hakuno. For sleeping purposes.

Except Illya comes to the rescue of my new family bond. "You can totally be a little sister while being older than your elder sibling though. I mean, first of all, you're adopted." Y-yeah! That's why I can have sex with her in the first place!

"Second of all, you're pretty immature. Unlike me." That's also true! Even though Saber is in her thirties I only see one sexy older lady here! Actually I see three, because Cleopatra and Skadi exist!

I smile. "And so we have decided. Saber is my little sister, and therefore won't hurt me and we can go to sleep already." We even got the seal of approval from Illya! A mature adult who knows what she's doing.

"I will murder you in your sleep, Campione."

"Just call me big bro, Artoria."


"I want to die." Sadly I did not perish during the night, because Saber didn't assassinate her big bro. "Seriously, it's way too hot." Even hotter than yesterday, and that's saying something.

To be honest, I don't want to do anything today, instead I just want to stay in my house to avoid the sun. Alas, school and stuff exists, so I'll have to confront that eventually.

Saber glares at me. "Stop complaining, Campione. I'm growing tired of it, since it's the only thing you have done ever since we woke up." And then she goes back to eating.

It's a bit surprising, since she's a ghost and all, but she's probably the biggest eater here. And she's eating fast too, quickly breaking Sella's and Leysritt's spirits. Not that it matters, since maids should just work forever and never complain.

I pout. "Start calling me big bro already..." Her brattyness is cute and all, but I want to hear those legendary words already. Maybe then I could even face this damn sun.

Sadly, as expected she ignores me.

But Cleopatra is here. "Y-Yato, if you desire I could call you big bro!" That wouldn't really make sense, seeing as you're not my little sister. Also, you don't have the greatest of track records when it comes to siblings relationships.

I wave her off. "No need to, Cleopatra. One day my little sister will realize how much her brother, and his cock, mean to her." Besides, the Assassin Servant doesn't really want to be my little sister, I think she just wants to be useful.

Cleopatra sighs. "O-of course, Yato. I can't act as a little sister either..." Yeah, I definitely need to fix this mess somehow. It's just kind of a pain that the sun is melting my brain to the point that I can't think...

Speaking of that argument, Skadi's eyes suddenly widen. For some reason, that worries me. "Hey, is something wrong?"

She shakes her head. "No. I just felt... something strange in the air for a moment. Must be the sun..." Ah, she doesn't like the heat as usual. "Yato, is there anyway to fix this problem?" We could run away to the air conditioner?

I chuckle. "Sorry Skadi, but not even I can kill the Sun." Even if that guy is being really annoying right now.


AN: Yato wants to make the Pendragon family even more complicated...


Infinite Daze

“A war between our two lineages is imminent.” Yeah Illya it’s called the Holy Grail War.