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"This is surprisingly nice." I never really took the time to appreciate the ocean before, but it's pretty beautiful.

Maybe I never did it before, because usually beaches are filled with people? Now that it's just me and my friends I must be feeling more comfortable than usual. Comfortable enough to just stare at the waves while doing nothing.

Rika pouts. "What's surprising about this? Were you expecting to not enjoy spending time with me?" Ah! What a cruel misunderstanding! She must be grumpy because the train took so long.

I smile. "I didn't mean it like that. Nonetheless, as I have committed the sin of making my girlfriend sad, you may choose to skin me alive, if that's what you desire." Punishment must be administered sometimes.

She chuckles. "I'll pass for now, I don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours." Looks truly affect life. "Though then again, maybe that would mean you would finally be left alone." I wish I was born ugly.

I laugh. "Hah, maybe I should ask Sensei and Arcueid if they would love me if I was a shrimp. Or Meat from Mortal Kombat." That sounds like a pretty painful existence, and the worst part is that it's totally possible to pull it off in a world like this.

Shiki pushes his glasses up, and interjects. "Arcueid would probably say yes immediately, Sensei would totally reject you though." What's with this Sensei bully? Do I need to kick someone in her stead?

I raise am eyebrow. "Is that so? Now I kinda want to test that to prove you wrong. I'm confident Sensei would love me no matter what form I take." Mostly because she's a desperate woman who doesn't want to be alone.

He shrugs. "Feel free to skin yourself then." I could totally do it, at least with enough magic training. "Man... I can't believe you and Sensei actually got together...: And so the true reason for your doubt reveals itself.

Rika nods. "Yeah, I still think it's pretty crazy too. We might be living in a doomed timeline, Four Eyes." I have no allies!? Not even my own childhood girlfriend who is also sort of my wife!?

Ugh, for shame. "What are you guys talking about? The mentor getting on with the pupil is a classic, it happens all the time." Admittedly sometimes the trope can be cursed, by right now it's a blessing from the heavens.

Rika nods yet again. Perhaps this time coming to my side? "Yep, I can't say that's wrong." I'm so back. "In dumb pornography plots at least." It's so over.

Shiki gasps. "Yeah, you finally put what I was thinking into words, Rika." He glares at me. "Stop trying to turn life into porn." Wouldn't life be way better if it was porn? At least the wholesome kind?

And besides... "C'mon, this ain't the plot of a porno. This is at maxing the plot of an ecchi series." If I was living in pornland, right now I would be turning Sensei into a mom, and finally fulfilling her hidden dreams.

Sadly I'm forced to talk with my awesome, perfect girlfriend, and my not as awesome, but still pretty nice occasionally friend.

Shiki rolls his eyes. "We all know the only reason for that is Senpai's rule." It is true that right now Senpai is keeping a careful watch over everyone, even though she is the biggest perv here.

That said, even if she wasn't doing that, the legendary beach sex would be pretty hard to pull off. Mostly because while we aren't completely together, having separated in groups, it isn't like we moved really far away from each other or anything.

In fact, my group is currently the legendary childhood buddies group. And I fear joining any other group and upsetting a balance that has definitely started. Nonetheless, like a completionist dating sim protagonist, eventually I'll have to check out any group.

Rika snorts. "If only you knew the sins of the bunny species, Four Eyes." She shakes her head. "Why did I even give her that nickname? I thought it was cute at the time, but looking back at it, I was basically cursing myself."

Shiki is confused at first. "What's wrong with bunnies...?" And then slowly realization appears on his face. "Oh. I see. Yuta, please be aware that if this information becomes public knowledge, our classmates will kill you. Specially a certain one." I imagine he has red hair.

I grin. "I don't fear the cucksquadron, but thanks for the warning." Now that I think about it, isn't guys trying to kill the harem protagonist out of jealousy also a trope? Thankfully I have avoided that one so far.

Shiki grins too. "Heh, if you say so. Just remember that a million ants are definitely capable of bringing down a elephant." That's absolutely debatable. I think. Maybe it isn't, but I don't want to be the losing elephant.

"Jokes aside though, have you genuinely considered if you ever gonna make your relationships public?" He glances at the far off Ciel. "I'm personally the guy who keeps everything private, but I'm curious about your stance."

That's... a interesting question. To be honest I have no problems with keeping things private, at least when it's really troublesome to do otherwise. A example of this is my relationship with Rika, which is obviously not something the average joe knows about...

But my feelings about it right now are...! "I don't want to keep any secrets. Next time I enter class I will scream that I have four beautiful girlfriends...!" Perhaps that is something I should have done a long time ago.

"I won't hesitate even if my reputation gets ruined and everyone starts thinking I'm not mysterious, just delusional!" I will however, not tell people that these girlfriends include a ghost, a vampire, a mage, and a immortal.

Mostly because that wouldn't just ruin my reputation, that might genuinely cause problems if someone believes me, as unlikely as that is. Actually, it's so unlikely that I might announce it to the world as well!

I'm hyped, so before my courage fades away, I get up with one jump. "Okay Shiki, I'm gonna go attack another nation and break this careful peace that we have established." I'm prideful over having multiple girlfriends.

So surely I should ignore jealous looks and talk with them during a beach event! even if those jealous looks are coming from other women, many who can kill me before I even realize what's happening.

He waves me off. "Good luck." There's no need for other words. "Ah, I guess I'll go bother Akiha more in the meanwhile." There were more words.

Rika sends me a serious look. "Well, I'll follow you, but tell me Yuta... Which camp shall you attack first?" In this case I think the wisest place to start would be...


"Um... Arcueid, what are you doing?"

In the end I decide to attack the vampire camp. Mostly because she was completely alone until Rika and I decided to come here. Also, she's actually on the ocean, instead of the sand, so I got the opportunity to get wet.

She smiles. "Oh, hey Yuta! I'm just..." She squints her eyes. "Hunting down magical creatures." Well, that's a lie. Or that better be a lie, because I really don't want to hunt down a kraken right now.

Rika sighs. "Bimbocueid... You're not gonna find a magical creatures in a random beach. I know you're... special, but get real." Wow, you immediately hit her with a special level of hostility...

Arcueid... blushes? "You don't know that... I mean, this beach doesn't have many humans here, so there's no reason for magical creatures to avoid this place. Take it from me, who is super connected to the planet."

"Now, the chances of me encountering one are admittedly low, but as I have recently learned, miracles happen all the time, right? It actually makes me wonder if perhaps miracled are more common than normal things."

"Oh, and just for your guys information, not every magical being has run off to the reverse side of the world. Specially the small ones, since they don't need much mana to live in the first place." I... see?

Rika grits her teeth. "Okay, now stop trying to distract us, and confess why you're acting like such a weirdo already."

Arcueid trembles. "I-I... I'm just hunting magical beasts! I have been talking about killing a kraken ever since this whole thing was proposed! Remember, Rika!" That's true, but we still don't believe you.

This vampire may try to play dumb sometimes... or most times, but I know she's a princess. That is to say, while she lacks common sense, she's not an idiot. She definitely knows a kraken won't show up here!

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Arcueid, the truth. Please." I'm scared of what she's about to say. It wouldn't be unlike Arcueid to confess about how she's turning the ocean into a giant bomb or something.

She looks away. "I'm trying to remove my bikini without anyone noticing. Or at least the lower part." Hah? "It's because that annoying park bitch forbid anything lewd, but then I had a genius idea..." I have a feeling nothing intelligent will come from this.

"What if I sneakily got naked, and then you and I had sex while the ocean covered us!? That way she wouldn't notice a thing... and I would finally put an end to this." I was wrong, she's definitely a genius.

I give her a thumbs. "Keep practicing. Actually, maybe I should start practicing too, just to be sure." I will also have to get naked after all. It will be a difficult task to pull it off, but if I can kill Vlov, I can do this.

Rika however, fails to see our genius. "Okay, first of all... I will genuinely kill you Bimbocueid. Trust me when I say that Rabbit isn't your biggest enemy here." Right, talking about having sex with another girl while my ghost girlfriend is here is probably not wise.

"And Yuta... Please don't add this ability to your skillset, everything has limits." C'mon, I'm sure being able to remove my clothes without anybody noticing is bound to be useful one day!

Arcueid points at her. "S-shut up!" It's a rare sight, seeing her actually fight back. "You're just talking like that because you're not a virgin! Sort of... You don't understand my pain!" So being a wizard finally got to Arcueid?

Rika flinches. "It's true that I'm not a big loser like you..." Oi, that's just cruel. "But... but nothing. Accept your loserdom, Bimbocueid." Yeah, this is definitely just cruelty!

Arcueid grits her teeth. "D-damn you..." And then she mumbles to herself. "Ugh, I really wish I could fight a kraken right now." If certain tropes were real, that could end your virginity.

Speaking of that... "Arcueid, you shouldn't listen to Rika. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, and... as crazy as this sounds coming from me, sex isn't really a big deal. It's just another form of showing affection."

"It doesn't inherently have more worth than a hug, or a kiss, or even spending some time in a beach. It's just two people pleasuring each other, and while that is nice, it's not the end point of a relationship." There you go, some Yuta wisdom!

Arcueid smiles. "I see, that's a very sweet thing to say, Yuta." What can I say? I'm a sweet person. "But I still want to have sex. And it's not fair that Ciel of all people got to do it before me!" Ah. I didn't change anything.

I raise an arm. "Well... Let's just leave it for another time. This isn't exactly the best place for that." Perhaps one day my abilities will rise so much that I will shamelessly bang my girlfriend in front of all my other girlfriends who are just casually going on with their business.

But that day isn't today. Also, Shiki is here, and the only special thing he's allowed to see is death! I'm not a guy who shares! Not even when it's just letting other dudes see the action!

Arcueid grips her hair. "Ugh...! It isn't fair! I suggested this trip in the first place, so why does Ciel get to ruin it!?" Well, I see Senpai's point to be honest. We do have to control ourselves to a certain extent.

Rika giggles, showing no compassion for the vampire as usual. "What a loser. As expected of a mega virgin, she came here expecting sex, and now it's throwing a temper tantrum because she didn't get it." Well...

I awkwardly smile. "Rika, that isn't the case, so let's decrease the Arcueid bullying, okay?" Specially since as the harem lead here, her virginity is my fault! I'm sorry Arcueid, but I'm a busy guy!

Here and now, I make a oath to never ever become a salaryman. That at least I promise to all woman who love me. Oh, and I also promise to not become a neglectful dad while ignoring all my previous character development.

Arcueid cries out. "No! I really am throwing a tantrum damn it!" Ah. "And I was close to convincing Yuta to go along with my plan too, before Rika ruined everything!"

My ghost girlfriend simply grabs me. "Welp, that's enough Arcueid for now, let's go Yuta." To the next event we go, I suppose...


"So, why was the vampire acting super mad?" As soon as I get close to Senpai, she starts questioning me. "And now she just looks down..." It will pass, I'm sure.

Noel crosses her arms. "Why are we even talking about the vampire...?" To my surprise my teacher actually joined the Senpai group, trying to act as a responsible adult who is supervising us all.

I guess it shouldn't be a surprise, since she's a member of the church just like Ciel, but for some reason I imagined that she would be hanging around Aoko and Touko. Maybe because they share a similar aura...? An aura of being a loser that is.

Rika pouts. "Hey, Bimbocueid isn't just a vampire. Get used to her already, Noel-Sensei." I feel like you of all people should receive heavenly punishment for defending Arcueid.

Could my girlfriend perhaps be a massive tsundere? Since I normally only see her yandere side, perhaps I ended up missing this side of hers. Maybe it's like a side digievolution, though I have no intention of resetting her anytime soon to check.

Noel scoffs. "If you say so." She's probably scared of Rika too, so I won't push. "That said, are you guys gonna answer the question or not?" Sorry, to busy contemplating why cowardly adult women are the best.

Um... Should I throw Arcueid under the bus? If I tell the truth here, Ciel will probably march over and declare war on the vampire. And if Akiha happens to hear what Arcueid was planning, she will probably join the war too.

I should definitely lie. "She's just frustrated because there aren't any krakens around here or whatever. I'm surprised she even had hopes to be honest, but I guess a True Ancestor just has a distorted mind." A very cute distorted mind.

Ciel smiles and pushes her glasses up. "That makes sense... You know, she can be surprisingly innocent sometimes. I would say it's sweet, if she wasn't so annoying." Oh, did I raise some Senpai X Arcueid flags?

"Actually Yuta is lying, because he's way too nice." No, my flags! "Bimbocueid is trying to sneakily get naked so she can have sex without you noticing." I'm pretty sure she gave up on that plan though! She's probably genuinely trying to hunt down krakens right now!

Ciel's body tenses. "Arcueid...!" And in a flash she dashes forward, ready to defend public morals. Also, she probably just wants to pick a fight with Arcueid because she doesn't like her.

I sigh. "Really Rika? Why throw a bomb in her way?" I can already hear the screaming. Though Ciel immediately lowers her voice once Arcueid drops the legendary park word.

My ghost girlfriend shrugs. "I like bringing chaos and disorder." I see, and seeing as I like what Rika likes... Perhaps I was more suited to be a supervillain.

Noel-Sensei's eye twitches. "Should I be concerned over a curse saying that?" Aren't you always concerned? "Honestly, I should have brought something to drink." You wanna escape to the drunk realm, huh?

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you didn't, though... You could always ask Sensei and Touko for some. They are literally getting wasted right now." And they will probably regret it later, since it's still pretty early.

Noel looks away, a blush on her face. "Nah, there's no need. Now you two should go and... try to have sneaky sex when Ciel is occupied, or whatever is it that you teens do." Hah? What a weird reaction.

Why wouldn't Noel just go ask for something to drink? It's not like anybody would refuse her... Oh.

A sudden realization hits my brain. Now, I could be wrong of course, but if there's something I know, is that Noel tends to interact with younger people, like her student, while ignoring the adult members of the school.

And I now realize why. This woman... is shy. She's scared of going up to Aoko and Touko and interacting with them. And as Rika turns to me, our souls connect, and I realize we have come to the same conclusion.

Rika grabs one of Noel's hands. "Okay, let's go. And I better not hear any complaining." As expected of my girlfriend, she doesn't explain the situation at all.

And so Noel justifiably freaks out. "H-hey, what are you doing?" The answer is simple of course, so I don't mind it giving it away, while I grab her other hand.

"We are gonna help you make friends!"


AN: Today I was playing Melty, and I then remembered that Noel's sprite is just way too good.



One day the rest of the harem will gang up on Rika and bully her. You know after there done fighting each other and realise she is the true villain all along. Never trust the childhood friend!

Yuval Roth

Can the strongest girlfriend in history survive the combined power of all modern girlfriends.

Yuval Roth

"Oh, did I raise some Senpai X Ciel flags?" Typo