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"Are you trying to scratch out my eyes or something!?" I'm being attacked by a mad beast that looks like my girlfriend. If Arcueid is a cat, then this is a feral cat. "Just stop already!"

Surprisingly enough, she does stop. "Ugh, fine... Being without my strength is truly troublesome." Now that I'm not being attacked, I can actually get up and get a better look on my surroundings.

Sadly I'm just as confused as ever. "So... where am? And who are you?" Now that she has shifted into pacifist mode, maybe she will be willing to answer a few of my questions.

Her eye twitches. "I am Altrouge Brunestud, you know where we are, human." As soon as she says it something clicks on my brain. It's like someone is reminding me of something I forgot a long time ago.

I put a hand on my head. "Ugh... I'm here again?" I just wanted to have a normal night of sleep so I could have fun with everyone tomorrow damn it! This is supposed to be my break!

She puts her hands on her hips. "What's that supposed to mean?" Wow, is the insane murder who thinks of my race as lower than a bug really wondering why I don't enjoy spending time with her?

I roll my eyes. "It's supposed to mean..." And then I remember that while she can't kill me right now, that could theoretically change in the future. "How did you remember me anyways?" So I change the topic with zero subtlety.

And surprisingly enough it works. "I-I... um...! I guess I just developed some resistance to this attack!" She laughs. "As expected of me! Before I long I shall be immune!" I hope that happens soon...

Her eyes then widen. "But before that..." Why do I suddenly feel like I'm about to die? "Human, it is time for you to serenade me!" Ah, right this stupid thing.

A groan escapes my mouth. "Why though? Can't we just leave that in the past?" Is this karmic punishment for something? It's not like I ever did something awful like grooming a little girl...

She shakes her head. "Of course it cannot! Ugh, you have to be the worst love sick man humanity has to offer!" As long as my actual girlfriends don't agree with you I don't care. "Just be glad I'm not punishing you over not following my clothing advice."

How does this woman function? "How was I supposed to follow that!? I forgot everything! I can't just grow resistances like you do!" Well, even if I remembered I would have just ignored it anyways.

She huffs. "Like I said, I'm not punishing you for it, I'm just using it to needle your other flaws." Amazing. "Forget that matter. For now just love serenade me." I...

I'm not escaping this, am I? And even if I just try ignoring her, she will just bother me over and over again until I do as she asks. I have no idea when she will become fully immune to this dream thing either...

So I have no choice... I prepare my heart and soul. "Okay then... here it comes." I feel no love towards her, but maybe I can think about Arcueid? That makes me feel like a shitty housewife in a NTR hentai...

She smiles. "Oh, I've been waiting for this! It is most pleasent to have a jester!" I had almost forgotten that she just wanted to have a laugh at me... That fact makes me feel better surprisingly enough.

I clear my throat and then... "I can't do it." I'm pussying it out. If this was a girl which I love I would do it without hesitation! Ok, maybe with a bit of hesitation... But I would do it! But this isn't a girl I love, this is Altrouge.

She's a spoiled little princess, which would normally be hot, but the massive amount of death she causes ruins it. And most importantly she's Arcueid's sister. The sister of my girlfriend.

This is like totally awful cheating! Or at least it would be if I didn't stop myself! I mean, what kind of guy sings a love serenade to someone who they don't love, while they have girlfriends back home!?

She glares at me. "Why not?" W-why do I have a feeling she's seriously pissed off right now!? Ah, I know, it's probably the glowing red eyes, those are a pretty huge sign!

For a few seconds I think of saying some bullshit lie, but then I remember I'm too stupid to get away with it. "B-because I have a girlfriend!" I won't elaborate on the details though!

And my comment has not calmed her down at all. "You didn't have a lover yesterday, in fact you were trying to find one." I should have never made any comments about the Touko situation...

And now even though I specifically chose not to lie, I ended up as the liar. "Just get this serenade thing out of your head already! You're a vampire, there's no way I would ever do something like that for someone of your kind!" Yeah, falling in love with a vampire?


To my surprise my comment seems to have actually worked. "Well..." Mostly because she's now confused. "Humans fall in love with vampires all the time right? I'm not exactly an expert, but I do know we tend to be perfect beauties..."

"And I'm the greatest beauty of them all! So you got it wrong! It is vampires who never fall for humans!" If that was true Arcueid would be the greatest heartbroker in history. "Now sing, before I get mad." You were already mad.

But fine, if she wants me to sing... "Oh Altrouge!" I won't even bother rhyming, though even if I did I would need enough time to write something anyways. "She's beautiful! she's young... looking?" She seems to be nodding along though.

The embarrassment is already killing me. "She's a shitty killer who's gonna be put down eventually!" Which is why I ended up saying something which I probably shouldn't have.

Her glare has returned. "Is that so?" She interrupted my song before I could even start. Thank fuck. "And who will be putting me down human? My sister? Another Dead Apostle Ancestor?" She doesn't even mention me.

"Someone will come along." An awkward silence descends. It consumes this dream.


"I might just die..." I'm overwhelmed.

Being inside of a train with Rika, Arcueid, Ciel, Hisui, Kohaku, Aoko, Touko, Akiha, Miyako, Cat and Noel is a terrifying experience. The only solace I have is that Shiki is also here, and therefore must suffer like I do.

Shiki who is sitting besides me, whispers. "Don't you dare to go before me, since you brought me here, you have a certain responsibility." I didn't force anyone's hand!

Akiha glares at us. "What are you two gossiping about?" It's only natural that we would be noticed as the weird element, considering that before this everything was completely silent.

Only killing intent was filling the air. Well, that and terrified intent. Ah, what's terrified intent you ask? I don't exactly know either, but I imagine it's what's currently leaking from Noel-Sensei.

I raise a hand. "Shiki was telling me about he just loves perving on woman during beach trips, and how he loves disrespecting social boundaries." I have no responsibility towards him, no matter what he says.

His eye twitches. "Oi, that one is so obvious that obviously nobody is g-"

"Big brother, if at any moment in time I even catch a glimpe of you being a deviant, your life is forfeit." Shiki's spirits die, I stand victorious. "And the same goes for you Yuta, wipe that smirk out of your face." Damn it.

Thankfully my legendary little sister of the Kohaku variety objects. "B-but La-, but Akiha, big bro will surely die in such conditions! It's like asking a fish to fly!" Yeah, it's an absurd condition! Straight up unfair!

Akiha glares at the maid without hesitation. "Then he will fly." Oi! "Since there are many teenagers here... We must set up boundaries and limits, lest we descend into depravity." That sounds awesome though.

As long as we don't include Shiki for obvious reasons. Actually it's straight up unfair that he can talk right now, while Rika needs to stay hidden until we reach our destination, so let's kill him.

The worst part about this... is that she's actually getting support. Most specifically from Ciel. "That's very wise. I'm sure everyone here has the best of intentions, but there's nothing wrong with setting up regul-" Arcueid cuts her off.

"Park. Public." My poor Senpai is immediately destroyed, being unable to talk back at all. "And rules are boring! Let's just do whatever we want to do when we want to do!" This cute vampire is trembling, this trip definitely charged her batteries.

Touko, who is trying to sneakily steal a thread of Arcueid's hair, finally has enough. "Stop moving already you hyperactive child." Did I say sneakily? I meant that she's not trying to hide at all.

Noel is staring at her with her jaw on the floor. "How are you doing that with zero hesitation...?" Slowly her eyes grow cold. "A monster. I'm surrounded by monsters..." Ah, maybe she shouldn't have come...

But hey, she could have refused our invitation! I'm assuming Toji and Arach did for example... Well, it's not like I particularly like Toji anyways, and I barely know Arach. In the end I'm not very hurt.

Touko doesn't bother to look back at her, but she does answer. "The vampire won't kill me unless I really piss her off. My pupil is here after all." I like to think Arcueid doesn't go around killing hair thieves.

Or at least one would think so, but Arcueid waves Touko's hand away, and is now glaring at the older Aozaki sister. "You may be right, but you should also know that you are getting close to that threshold." I guess girls don't like when you mess with their hair.

Touko pouts. "Ugh, so stingy..." She then shrugs. "Well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of other opportunities in the future. Besides, Yuta is the more interesting subject here anyways." If you wanna treat me like a science experiment, at least do something sexy before.

And her lasting will seems to have broken Noel. "You're definitely insane..." Considering you are saying all of that outloud you may be insane as well, but who am I to judge...?

Kohaku sighs. "Don't stress to much over it auntie, you will go bald even sooner if you do." Hah? Has Arcueid's corruption finally reached you? Please don't go bullying this poor woman around.

Noel's eye twitches. "Auntie? Oh, and if I ever go bald I'll kill myself." No hesitation at all!?

I join my hands together. "I would do the same, but you must live Noel-Sensei. Your face is too beautiful, your voice too cute, your butt too big..." If we lost all that, than what would we have!?

Aoko glares at me. "Hah? Since when did someone started infringing on my character traits?" You have more things than a beautiful face, a cute voice, and a big butt. You're also insecure in a cute way!


Akiha grits her teeth. "Yuta. No deviancy. Specially since Miyako is here." Right, and I forgot a demon was here. I know jokes where thrown around, but I might genuinely die.

As for Miyako... her eyes are swirls. "I don't get it... I don't get it at all..." As expected a normal girl just can't survive this type of energy. "This has to be some sort of weird roleplay..." Well...

Will she believe Rika is just a girl in cosplay when she comes out? Definitely not. Welp, we will just refuse to explain anything and carry on as normal, that is sure to be good for her mental health.

Shiki chuckles. "Don't think too hard about it Miyako, just have fun." That's the attitude. "I mean, everyone here is actually pretty chill..." Debatable. "T-that said, why are you staring at me, miss?" He's talking about Cat of course.

She squints her eyes. "You're the boy with the Mystic Eyes aren't you?" Yep, we aren't hiding anything from Miyako at all. "Have you ever felt the urge to kill?" What's with this sudden question!?

He immediately shakes his head. "Of course not! What kind of question is that!?" For some reason his denial... Um...

Cat looks at Miyako. "Yo brat, that's your big brother right? The actual one this time." The little girl nods. "Stay away from him, he's a deviant, I can tell." Weren't you the one talking about killing!?

"I'm no-"

"Yeah, I sorta know already." Such a quick betrayal. "My big sister keeps an eye on him for a reason, and mother always said he was a manwho-." A supreme glare from Akiha is revealed. "A playboy." And is met with a quick reaction!

Akiha nods, content. "Good, that's a better word. Please remember that a lady doesn't swear unless absolutely necessary." She glares at Shiki. "But yes, you are correct." No mercy, huh...

I don't think his spirits have ever been this low. "Sorry, I'll behave myself." It also doesn't help that in the end I didn't invite his friend group. Maybe if a certain redhead was here, together with that a certain never wins, he could have a chance.

As a big brother who is loved by all his siblings, and hopefully even the biological one, I can only do one thing. "Sucker." Step on him while he's down of course.

Kohaku giggles. "A super sucker even." Shiki might arrive as a corpse. Having my little sister back me up while he is being destroyed by the ones he has is just too much for any man to handle.

Hisui however, disapproves of our actions. "You two..." She sends an apologetic look towards him. "Pay them no mind, I know you're a gentleman." And his confidence is immediately restored.

Ah, what a shame. I can't get mad at her kind nature of course, but I do wish Hisui would understand that being rude to another human being for no reason is a virtue. Wait, could it be that I'm on the wrong here?

Impossible, as we all know I tend to be pretty wise. "By the way, is there any plans on what to do in case something starts back in Souya?" That question comes from Noel-Sensei, who is also pretty wise.

One might say we shouldn't leave the city while Roa is out and they would probably be right. "Well, not really, but I'm sure things will be fine." At least that's how I feel about it.

Noel looks at me like I'm a fool. "For real? Are we really going to the beach right now of all times then?" I-It wasn't my idea damn it! I just couldn't say no to Arcueid!

Touko interjects. "It's fine, I have my ways of keeping an eye on the city. If anything happens it would need to be something subtle, and in that case we weren't gonna know anyways."

Akiha too has something to say. "Adding on to that, I do have my tools to protect the city when I'm gone." I wonder if she's talking about Toji. I never really found out how strong that guy is after all.

But yes, the city won't explode with just one day of the big hitter being gone...

Sensei laughs. "If it explodes I can always bring it back anyways, so don't worry my fellow... ex-fellow warrior!" That's amazing, but did you really recognize someone like you in such a short amount of time!?

Noel slowly nods. "If that's the case... then okay, I suppose." She's slowly relaxing, even though Arcueid is here. Hopefully after some time she won't even notice that she's surrounded by people who could kill her in a second.

There may be strong people here, people that could change the world by flexing their strength, but none of them use that strength to bring meaningless carnage around the world. They aren't like... like who again?

Ciel smiles. "Just remember that relaxing is important Noel." My Senpai finally recovered from the attack she received. "I know you had tons of stress recently, so take this as a break from that!"

"Pretty much everyone needs to rest once in a while after all, that goes even for me." I'm sorry that living with me is stressful! I will try to stop bringing new woman to live with you every five seconds from now on!

But for some reason Senpai has seemingly only set Noel off. "Are you really saying that? You of all people?" I expect Ciel to say something witty in response, but she doesn't, instead her face slowly loses it's smile.

An awkward silence enters the room, breaking the previous chaotic conversation. The history between these two isn't something that can just be ignored, even in a setting as peaceful as this one.

My first instinct is the desire to comfort Senpai, but I hold that back. I can do that later, her story isn't something that other people need to hear without her permission, and we are surrounded by people.

My second instinct is to scold Noel. I hold that instinct back too, because it's incredibly stupid. My teacher probably wants to be comforted as well, she wouldn't be acting this way otherwise.

I do want to bing back that previous good mood however, so... "Okay, I'mma be honest... I can't tell who has a bigger butt between Senpai and Noel-Sensei. Such a thing shakes me to the core." It's true! And I even had sex with one!

"Y-Yuta!?" Immediately Senpai's cold mask shatters, and I bet the damage from previous activities in parks is coming back. May we never meet that man again...

Noel raises an eyebrow. "It's me of course." What's with this strange levels of confidence!? "That's the one thing where I'm completely superior to her, so don't even try to think otherwise." I-I see, the pride of the weak...

Akiha's red flashes red. "Yuta...! Must you be put in a dog leash!? Why did you suddenly bring deviancy into this!?"

Sensei sighs. "In my experience the leash doesn't change anything." Amazing.

But all of that doesn't bother me, I'm just glad we are back to that happy mood. Now I just need to keep this up. For an entire day. And I also need to make sure everybody goes back home without being dead or traumatized.

What was I thinking when I decided to invite this many people!?


AN: Foolish Yuta, uniting all these factions is impossible!



Altrouge has evolved into an NTR Loli. Next thing you know she's gonna park next to his house with a van that says free video games and booze.

Yuval Roth

A really bad song, for shame Yuta. He is probably lucky he didn't do it though, Arcueid and Rika will definitely think of it as cheating.