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"Holy Shit, Illya!" I cover my face to avoid the wind being blown at my face. "What the hell are you thinking!?" I thought our original goal was only killing the Servant, but she might have put an end to the Matou lineage just now...!

Don't think about it.

And that's...!

You were aiming for this ending, so don't think too hard about it.


The Holy Grail War is a battle between seven Masters to grant one's wish, to participate in one is to declare all other Master's as their enemy. Today a enemy was eliminated, so be happy and don't think too hard about it.

"Sakura...!" Shirou screams as he rushes forward.

And it's strange, because for some reason I just went and did the same thing as him.

Illya laughs, there's a innocent gleam of pure joy in her eyes. "Oh, stop being worried little babies, she has a Servant, so she should be fine!" I... That's true. As soon as my mind processes that information I return to normal.

And from the smoke of the house, emerges Rider... Carrying Shinji. "Well..." And then she drops him. "I suppose this is the end." Her attention is solely focused on Saber, but she knows what the result of this battle will be.

I don't care about that right now though, I just want to know where the hell Sakura is... I need to rationally think this through. She's a mage, and assuming the hurricane didn't hit her, she should be fine.

There's also the chance that she happened to be out while Rider was home, it's a stupid decision, but she does have the decoy known as Shinji... Maybe Sakura is back at the Emiya house wondering where her Senpai is.

So I calm down. Shirou however... "Where's Sakura!? Don't tell me she-" And then he gets cutoff.

And it's by Shinji of all people. "Hah!? Who the hell cares about Sakura!? What the hell are you doing here Emiya!? Don't tell me... you better not fucking tell me you of all people...!" And then he finally sees me. "And you...! The fucking piece of shit...!"

Shirou's grip on his sword tightens. "Shinji, where's Sakura?" Strangely enough he is looking at Illya. Actually that's me. I gotta kill Illya in case this went wrong after all.

I'm a hypocrite.

Rider answers for us. "She is in the basement. She was... training." The basement that is now filled with rubble. Still, she should be alive, we just need to take her out of there before she runs out of air.

If that can even happen to a magus. She probably has some sort of magecraft to survive being there, right? I guess we should just focus on Rider right now.

And her comment seems to have calmed Shirou down. "I see... She really was a magus..." I guess he must have not really believed it until now. It makes sense, since he is probably the closest person to her.

"A magus...? Sakura...?" Shinji is slowly getting up.

He mostly goes ignored as Saber points her invisible sword at the enemy Servant. "Rider, due to your previous actions you shall be eliminated right here. Your Master, and her family shall be spared however. As long as they don't enter the conflict."

Illya plays with her hair. "Isn't her serious demeanor cool?" She really is acting just like when Berserker was around. "But seriously, if these worms interfere Saber here will violate their sexual organs. With her sword." She's even using her sexual threats!

Saber pales. "M-Master...?" It seems she wasn't ready for Illya's... Illyaness. Actually that goes for Shirou and Shinji too, who are looking horrified and terrified respectively.

Shinji is finally up. "Sakura intervene? 'Cause she's a mage right?" Yeah? "This... this fucking garbage! She's fucking garbage you idiots!" Hah? "Didn't I tell you Daichi!? I'm the Master here! Me! Not her!" Well... that's just not possible. Unless the bird also visited him, I guess.

He grits his teeth. "Enough is enough... Enough is fucking enough!" He points at me. "Rider kill that little shit! And then kill Emiya for siding that little shit! And then kill that brat for being a piece of shit!" I would say this is too much, but we did destroy his house...

Illya rolls her eyes. "Ugh, how lame. You're supposed to threaten fates worse than death." You're a beautiful woman with a equally sick mind Illya.

As soon as Illya finishes her line however, Rider jumps at Saber. She's with her legs outstretched, I imagine she's aiming at kicking Saber's face. All I can think about however, is the fact that she's already healed from our fight... Her speed is just as fast as it always was.

So when Saber is faced with a Heroic Spirit of the Rider Class, a person who was literally so legendary that their name shall never be forgotten and now the planet may summon them in times of need... what will she do?

She calmly steps sideways and grabs Rider by the left leg. This immediately ends all of Rider's momentum of course, but then Saber also swing her like a weapon. Her target is the ground. Saber has hit the ground using Rider's face.

Sounds that no human body should make reach my ears, and Rider's face is now implanted on the ground almost as if reality was a comedy cartoon. After it Saber simply throws her away. Rider falls on the ground next to Shinji, her body doesn't move.

"Hah?" Shirou, Shinji, and I react simultaneously. The difference here was bigger than the difference between Heracles and Gilgamesh...

Illya is almost dying of laughter. "Yeah! You show them Saber! That's how the war was always supposed to go! Just a bit of fun before the end, but then that golden jack ass had to ruin everything!" Ah... Illya really would have easily won the war if not for Gilgamesh, wouldn't she?

Does that mean Saber is the exception in strength...? If Tohsaka's Servant is on the same level as Rider he might be useless for our little alliance against Gilgamesh. Surely not though...? I mean, this is just depressing.

Illya's laughter slowly ends. "The fight is over. Finish her off Saber." There's no denying that. Right Medusa can't move a muscle... Not because her body is damaged all over, but...

Because much like I once did, she without a doubt has a massive concussion right now. I imagine all her strength is going towards not vomiting, and yes, that fact does make me feel strangely happy.

Shinji's eye twitches. "But... but this is all bullshit! I... I didn't even get to make my plan back on school...! I need more time!" Hah... I sort of feel bad. I have no idea of what plan he is talking about, but...

I know the feeling of losing to an enemy, and feeling like you didn't have enough time to prepare. That's why I don't say any corny line like Gilgamesh did with me.

Instead I give him the awkwardest of smiles. "Well... at least you will get to live, right?" I still think killing Rider is a waste, but it's Illya's decision. "And... I'll even pay for a place where you and your family can stay." I have the money. Maybe. That might be straight even for me.

Shirou nods. "And I'll help too. It's just that this... you guys shouldn't have gotten involved in this mess. There was no need to attack Daichi when he was being peaceful. Now everything is gonna be okay though."

Yeah, they may have lost to us, but we aren't Gilgamesh. We won't submit them to a horrible fate for no reason. After this Shinji, Sakura... and hopefully Zouken if he survived, can go back to their normal lives.

Shinji just looks angrier and angrier. "You... Daichi... Emiya... Why do you bastards get to have everything?" I... can't really deny I just happened to get luckier than Shinji, it is what it is.

Illya waves him off. "Yes, yes, you're a big loser." She looks at her Servant. "Saber stop giving him pity and kill Rider already. You neved know when she could pull out some absurd Noble Phantasm."

Saber nods and begins walking forward. "Indeed. My apologies Master." She's gonna kill... execute Rider. An already beaten enemy. But it makes complete sense, even Shirou Emiya of all people isn't raising any objections.

Besides, Rider is a ghost of a warrior. She isn't a little girl like Illya, she knows battle, she had a life, and presumably her life was so great that she became a legend. All those things mean I should be fine this, just like I said to Regulus this shouldn't be hard.

But if that's the case, why am I closing my eyes right now?

Oh right. Because In the end I'm a normal person.

The sound of buzzing makes me open my eyes again. "What's happening?" For a second I fear a Noble Phantasm coming from Rider, but she's still on the ground. Saber still has complete power over her.

Illya frowns. "Matou magecraft. Either Zouken or Sakura are about to show their stuff." She smirks. "Very well, wait a bit before killing her, Saber. I want to humiliate whoever wants to show off." If you were Gilgamesh's Master the world would end, wouldn't it?

Bugs begin rising from the rubble, just as Illya said, it's Matou magecraft. I almost hope it's coming from Zouken, since I have more or less confirmed Sakura's survival. Doing the same with the old man would be nice.

Still... it's a pretty creepy sight. I certainly think Rin got the prettier magecraft.

If I'm being honest the amount of bugs are getting concerning but... "They really are just bugs." A few occasionally get closer to us, but I don't even need to lift a finger to deal with them.

Since they are such weak lifeforms Absolute Demise freezes them in less than a second, and then they fall and crack. I guess my Longinus is a nice counter, but I can't see any decent mage having a problem with this.

And then the bugs start gathering around Shinni. "Grandpa!? What are you...!?" It's funny really, instead of looking relieved he looks even more scared. I guess he must realize his granps ain't changing much.

Well, at least Zouken survived. This means this was a perfect victory, we beat Rider without taking any damages, and didn't kill any of the normal people. Even so... I have to create courage and scold Illya later!

And then Rider gain just enough strength to talk again. "I'm sorry Shinji... I should have saved his body and not yours... Even you don't deserve this." What is she talki-?

A bug enters Shinji's mouth.

And then another.

And another. And another. And another.

The boy with no Magic Circuits of the Matou family falls to the ground. "Hmmm! Hmmmm!" He can't talk, he can't talk because there are still bugs entering through his mouth. He can't talk because his mind is way too filled with pain to come up words anyways.

He's struggling on the ground as he is eaten from inside. There is conceivable way to describe the suffering being granted to him. There is no sweet release, even those who are considered anormal such as Saber or Illya are too shocked to act and put him out of his misery.

The mouth is no longer enough. They devour their way through his ears, they devour their way through his nose, they devour their way through everything. Before long Shinji's body becomes akin to a worm infested apple.

No, such a description is too kind. He is more akin to a meat carrying the birthing eggs of a parasite. They move around, devouring more and more, one can visibly see them moving inside of his skin. Many bugs even end up accidentally eating their way out and then must re-enter his body.

The screams finally stop. Maybe Shinji Matou now lacks vocal cords or maybe he has been granted the mercy of death, the mercy that we were incapable of gifting him. But the devouring doesn't stop.

It doesn't matter if it is alive or dead, there is still meat to be consumed. So until Shinji Matou can no longer be called Shinji Matou they continue the process.

Soon enough the body begins shifting, as if birthing an evil god something begins rising from it. Without a doubt whatever will come from such an disgusting and horrendous things will be the definition of wrong.

Not just good or evil. Simply wrong. Something that shouldn't exist.

Absolute Demise, act.

Those are the words I never say, but think. The air gets colder... and then get normal again. What could I even do at this point...? Nothing. A Longinus' power depends on the resolve of their wielder, and I have none.

I am the only person here who cannot control themselves, I vomit. Up until now I was simply too horrified to do so, but now that the Shinji's torture has ended, my body can finally react like it wished too.

A memory comes to the top of my mind.

It was a cold night. I was sick, as I always was. The Tohsaka Mansion has no heating of any sort, at least not of the modern kind. It was okay though, because my father used a small red gem to heat the room up. Magic.

From Shinji emerges a chuckling old man. "Vomiting? And here I was beginning to think Tokiomi's worthless spawn had some merit to him." He shakes his head. "No, I shouldn't judge... You came out far greater than this disgrace. Aoi's womb was as fruitful as they come, if even failures turn out alright."

I don't have the strength to say anything back.

Shirou does however. "What the hell are you!? You fucking monster!" He begins dashing forward... but then is held back by a couple of threads. "Illya!?" She's not even looking at him. She doesn't even look like Illya right now.

The monster sighs. "Ah, the Einzbern dolls... Always drawn to horrible men." He tilts his head. "I'm surprised my identity is unknown however. I am Shinji's grandfather after all." That's...

Zouken Matou glares at me. "Don't look at me like that boy. You should be aware I can be quite brutal, if you came here to save your sister." Why... why would Sakura need saving?

He tilts his head. "I must say... you're a surprise boy. I had kept my eye on the eldest of course, but she never cared to show up, so I lowered my guard. The thought of the youngest child attacking me never crossed my mind..."

"But you went and somehow allied yourself with a Master... I wonder how you figured that out however? Did Sakura tell you?" He chuckles. "As if, the girl doesn't have the spine to do that. Let me guess, Shinji bragged about bedding her?" Huh...?

I raise an eyebrow. "What's going on with Sakura?" She's a mage. A blessed mage just like Rin.

"Um...? You don't know the exact details? Well, you pretty much just saw it." That's not right. That can't be right. "Well, it's a lot more gentle with her of course... She wouldn't last so many years otherwise." Another sigh leaves his mouth. "Well then shining prince, what-"

Zouken is cut in half. Canis Lykaon as my will ordered, appeared behind him with a blade on his mouth and cut him in half. The monster disperses in a burst of bugs and flies away.

Illya pouts. "What a disgusting little man... I wish I could put him down right here and now, but I probably need something holy to do that." She tilts her head. "Well then, kill Rider, Saber."

Saber takes a moment of hesitation. "R-right...!" She's still shocked, we all are, even a king like her is no exception. What she just saw would make even Morgan Le Fay appalled, so there's no other result.

And then Rider gets up and kicks Saber in the chin, abusing her hesitation. She's much faster than before, much stronger. It's almost as if ■■■■■■ was giving her more mana than before.

Right, ■■■■■■. That girl who I always see on class, and yet never talk to. She's a gloomy girl, without many friends, so for a while I was a bit worried for her, but then she befriended my reliable Senpai and everything turned out well.

The world is melting away.

■■■■■■ never smiles when he's not around, but then again my reliable Senpai never smiles too and he's fine. And I'm pretty sure Fujimura-Sensei gives her special privileges, so everything turned out well.

Saber is fighting Rider. It's a much more devasting fight than before, and although the knight still holds the clear advantage, it is actually a fight this time. I could never beat this Rider.

I'm not gonna see ■■■■■■ for a while. Maybe never ever. I'm going to a boring normal rich family who only wants me because father messed with their minds. She's gonna learn magic. She's so lucky. Everything turned out well.

Senpai is trying to rush into the fight like an idiot. He's screaming about some Sakura over and over again, but the Servants are fighting so he needs to restrain himself. Thankfully Illya is holding him with her threads.

■■■■■■ is my twin. We play together a lot, since we don't get to train magic like Rin. I can't do anything taxing of course, but ■■■■■■ loves card games, and I love them too. Everything turned out well.

"Wielder... you once said I should warn you. Stop before you destroy this country." Regulus is kind of hurting me, so I dismiss him. Maybe because I had three Longinus out just now?

I don't talk with ■■■■■■ and she doesn't talk with me. I didn't really make any friends throughout school, but she never bothers to talk with me. My adopted parents are gone but she never bothers to talk with me. Everything turned out well for her.

Dog sure looks happy as he stares at me. I dismiss him, because my body was still hurting for some reason. Well, now it isn't anymore. I guess I can only have Absolute Demise out.

■■■■■■, we were born together.

I'm saying something, I don't really know what, but my mouth is moving on it's own. On their own. Who are these people talking just as I do?

I never took the time to approach ■■■■■■. I wanted her to approach me instead. Why? Isn't it obvious? She's the eldest, so she needs protect me. But if she wants to forget me, that's okay.

It's not like I'm mad, just a little bit frustrated. I'm fine with living a normal life, I can be happy with it, it's only natural I can be happy.

I will forget ■■■■■■ too.

My head is cold. I feel a hand a top of my head. "P-princess...?" That's strange, for some reason Absolute Demise is patting my head. I never gave her the order too, but she's doing it anyways.

Actually this whole situation is pretty weird, Illya is looking at me in terror, and Shirou is on the ground clutching his chest as if out of breath. It doesn't help that both Rider and Saber are completely tense.

I... what was I doing just now? Ah, I get it...

A voice comes my back, I don't recognize it. "Hoh... just one more word and everything would have been doomed. I never had a user unlock me just to immediately use Juggernaut Drive... It's almost a shame it didn't happen."

"Hah?" Did I just wake a new Longinus? I wasn't really feeling motivated just now though...

"For a dragon despair and anger are the greatest of motivations." I see... that's pre-. "Daichi Ryouta, if won't use it, then don't run away again. You remember don't you?"

Ah right. My twin sister who was born just a little ahead of me. Her name is Sakura, and we haven't really talked much recently. Still, I feel like I got the short end of the stick. I'm a bit mad with her, and I kind of wish she would help me befriend Emiya-Senpai.

"Sakura!" I dash towards the rubble, and start digging my way through. It's almost a comedic sight, but my enhanced strength does help a lot, and I'm making tons of progress.

It only goes even faster when Princess comes closer and starts helping me. And then Emiya-Senpai comes too... and after him comes Rider. Saber however just slowly walks over to the terrified Illya, I don't really know what I did, but I'll apologize later.

Before long we clear the path and I enter the basement, or at least the stairs to it. It's a long descent, Shirou will need to walk, though Rider could probably just jump all the way down.

I jump all the way down. That thing on my back will stop my fall before I hit the ground and kill myself. For now I just need to see if Sakura is okay or not. After that she can go back to ignoring me if she wants to.

I see hell. And then I see a naked girl hugging herself in a corner. "Daichi...?" She must have been terrified of this whole sudden attack.

"Ah... yeah... it's me..."


AN: I have decided to make Daichi the younger twin, because I felt it ended up adding something nice to his character. It also helps that I compared him to Hisui before.

Honestly the more I think about it, the more I realize I just made Hisui and Shinji do the fusion dance. What an abomination I have created.



I guess the twins are going to sleep cuddling for a while.