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"You're seriously impressed me, Skadi." While it isn't a rape dungeon, managing to restrain a Servant with such high Magic Resistance in such a short amount of time is pretty crazy.

Skadi giggles. "It's nothing too impressive, a human mage from the Age of Gods could have probably done the same, but I will accept your compliments. Feel free to admire my work."

And what a work it is. Right now Saber is being restrained by so many magic runes it's insane, but they are not visible... So it just looks like she's peacefully sleeping on a bed. Her armor now gone, sealed since it was made out of magic.

And next to her lies the sleeping Hakuno. Skadi has pretty much done the same thing to her, though it is very unnecessary considering that she is both human, and recovering. Not that I'm complaining about Skadi being extra careful.

Though I imagine I probably look really bad without context right now, considering I have put my two kidnapping victims together in bed. It's no problem though! Context makes this totally okay!

Cleopatra puts her hands on her hips. "I approve of this." It would continue even if you didn't. "Admittedly treating a commoner and a king the same way is a bit vexing, but you are treating King Arthur with surprising respect, Yato."

"I mean, I expected to be naked or in some fetishistic costume, but instead she... just sort of looks normal. Very nice." You have weird ideas for what is okay and what is not okay. I guess that's to be expected of a queen.

Skadi glares at her. "Sorry, but since when did I ask for your criticism?" She huffs. "And what's wrong with enslaving a commoner and a king at the same time? In the end they are both little humans after all."

Cleopatra rolls her eyes. "Oh, I know. But I needed to do something that would take my mind off the new maids." She crosses her arms. "Can you believe their uniforms aren't full of gold and jewelry!?" Oi.

"Also, while both may be human, a king simply needs to receive more respect than a commoner, it's common sense. That said, this is better treatment than I expected, so I won't complain." Your complains wouldn't have changed anything.

I think the arrival of the maids may have made her a bit too cocky. Perhaps because it's reminding her of when she used to be top dog? Whatever is the problem, it's unacceptable.

And looking at the sleeping Saber and Hakuno... Well, I can think of a punishment capable of fulfilling multiple goals right now. Truly I am a strategist.

Skadi clicks her tongue. "Fine, if it is a bother, I can separate the two. I'll just take Saber or the budding Master to another room." Cleopatra's comment got on your nerves!? My poor wife who's not really my wife...

I pat the goddess' head. "Don't worry Skadi, there's nothing wrong with this situation, in fact it might be a stroke of pure genius! It really shows that you understand art, even if only instinctively."

"After all, putting a normal girl, and a legendary king on the same room in this situation sends a powerful message. That aming the Soviet Harem... all concubines are equal! And will bow as equals beneath me!" It's like the world's most beautiful painting.

I'm not an artist, and I never really tried it to be, but right now I'm almost inspired to become one, just so that one day I may make something even close to as beautiful as this is. I might cry.

Skadi hesitantly nods. "Yes... and I totally intended all that. It's not like I just did it out of convenience or something." Well, even if you did, it's more of my fault for not having a dedicated rape dungeon pre-built.

It's just that a rape dungeon is a bit useless for a guy like me, who never rapes. Recently though, I have come to learn a rape dungeon is useful for things other than rape, such as imprisoning young girls. It's kinda like how the Playstation 2 can also play music.

I walk closer to Hakuno. "Anyways, let's wake them up so I can show them that giving their free will away is better than winning a wish granting device... or going to college." I clap my hands close to her face.

Slowly Hakuno opens her eyes. "Mmmm...?" She cutely yawns. I hope she's isn't burning inside anymore. "W-what's up...?" And then she realizes who she's talking to. "Oh, it's you... Oh... it's you." Why are you repeating yourself? "So that wasn't a dream?"

"Nope, it was." Yeah, she's clearly still confused due to the damage she took. I hope she's feeling well enough to receive the message I will be trying to imprint on her brain though!

Her eye twitches. "Clearly it isn't, considering you're still here." She was dreaming about me!? That's so adorable...!

I chuckle. "You're just the cutest, but no, I just woke you up. And this isn't like one of those things were you wake up, but like in the dream, so when you actually wake up it's super confusing and you have to talk with Rin about it!" I hate those!

She sighs. "That's not what I meant... but nevermind." I mean, not giving details at this point is evil, but okay. "So what do you want with me, my master?" The sarcasm is palpable on her tone.

But I will ignore it for now. "I won't tell you, because I read online that letting people imagine what's going happen to them makes them more nervous." I give her a wink. "Here's a clue though, it's gonna involve sexual activities."

"Wow, that's so surprising..." I mean, I know it isn't, but I didn't want to create any confusion. "Yato, why is there a young blonde girl next to me?" See!? If you don't immediately realize why you clearly need my clues!

Now I walk over to Saber. "Why don't you ask her that yourself?" And then I clap my hands near Saber's face too.

The knight slowly begins to open her eyes. "Ugh... my neck..." Let's not talk about that. "What happened... Oh no." She glares at me. "Are you serious!? No matter what you try, my will won't break!"

Skadi interjects. "That's very debatable. Not only do we have all you Command Seals, but I could also be messing with your mind right now if I wanted to. It's just that my husband thinks that's to easy." And I'm correct.

Saber glares at her. "And you are..." And then she notices Hakuno. "Huh? Even more people...?" She's super confused.

Which means it's my job to end this confusion. "Okay, introductions time! The brown haired girl is Hakuno Kishinami, I kidnapped her because I thought she was a thief, and now I'm keeping her because she's cute."

"The one with like... purple-ish... red-ish... hair is Skadi! She's a goddess, which normally means we would be enemies, but it's okay 'cause she builds me rape rooms, and I have sex with her." We help each other.

"The one with green hair is Cleopatra. She just kind of complains a lot, but it's okay because she has a big butt and can be really nice when she wants to." Sort of like an evolved Rin.

"And you're Artoria Pendragon! And you already know that of course, but the others don't, so I had to introduce you. Sorry, I'm not trying to insult your intelligence or anything." That would be rude.

The room is silent for a while, but eventually Hakuno breaks that silence. "So she's a Servant too...?" I nod. "Oh. You already have three Servants of this war." Four if we count your Command Seals.

Not that it matters much anyways, I'm super duper strong, I could win this at any time. The only thing stopping me is that such a thing would be boring, I much rather collect cute girls.

Saber tries to struggle against her bindings. "He does not have me!" She fails miserably, because I totally have her. Now all she needs to do is accept that and she can live a happy life.

I shake my head. "I see that we still have people with grievances here... Now, normally I would just have sex with you two until these grievances disappeared, but today I'm feeling artsy!" I motion to Cleopatra. "So I'm having sex with her instead!"

Cleopatra's face becomes red. "W-what!?" But I shut her up by kissing her. The way she responds reminds me of the old Rin, it's like she goes limp and completely lets me take over.

Onc the kiss ends, Cleopatra takes a few steps back, trying to gather her breath.

I look back at the restrained women. "As you two can see, Cleopatra looks very happy right now." I look at the last Queen of Egypt. "Cleopatra, what did that feel like?"

"Embarrassing! Way too embarrassing!" She puts a hand on her chest. "W-warn me before you do something like that, or my heart might explode!" Yep, she enjoyed it. As one can see, the life of a concubine is great.

I send Artoria and Hakuno a thumbs. "As one can see, the last Queen of Egypt approves. This is a good deal for even royalty, so commoners like Hakuno over here should be feel overjoyed."

Hakuno closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "You know, I can't quite decide if this is worse, or better than the BB channel." I never heard of that channel, but asking me to compete with professionals might be a bit too much.

Saber doesn't say anything, she just glares at us while making a pouty face. It's actually pretty cute, making me think that maybe she already lost, and is now trying to seduce me with her adorable expressions.

However, that could be wrong, so... "Hey Skadi, can you mess with their minds so that they extra enjoy watching me and Cleopatra make babies?" The Queen of Egypt is still trying to gather her strength so she doesn't say anything.

Skadi nods, much to the horror of the kidnapped women. "Sure, that sounds easy. I was under the impression that you wanted this to be complete normal however... Oh, and Servants cannot have children."

I shrug. "I mean, just a little bit of help is okay, it even spices things up. Besides, high school girls... and specially knights, were basically made to have their minds messed with." It's a classic for a reason.

"Oh, and it's not like you know for a fact Servants can't get pregnant. It's not like any Servant ever stuck around for nine months." I think. "Hey Cleopatra, ready to have babies?" Normally I would be afraid of such a thing, but...

Cleopatra already had children once, and she had tons of them, so I'm sure everything will be fine. That said, a civil war might emerge if she gets pregnant before Caren, I need to keep that in mind.

Cleopatra herself doesn't respond, she's still looking at the ground while being red in the face. Now that I think about it, we never had real sex before, so this will be a first for her.

Skadi walks over to Hakuno. "I won't argue with you of all people. Specially when you might actually end up impregnating a Servant out of sheer stubbornness." All impregnations are because of stubbornness.

She looks at the brown haired girl. "So do you want to feel what Cleopatra feels, but in a very hard to decipher way, while melting... Or you don't?" Wait, am I about to have a foursome? If we include Saber that would totally make this a magic foursome, right?

Hakuno glares at her. "Of course I don't want that!" Defiant to the very end...!

And then Skadi taps the girl's head with her wand. "Too bad." Hakuno's face immediately gets a tinge of pink. I haven't started doing anything to Cleopatra, but the goddess did say she would melt...

Skadi then walks over to Saber, who immediately protests as a female knight should. "Don't think for a second your disgusting magic will work on me! I dealt with worse!" And then Skadi taps her forehead.

Saber immediately loses of course. "Kay... I feel funny down there... Merlin said only girls feel that way..." I have no idea what she's mumbling about, but this might have had a bigger effect on her than Hakuno.

Skadi then looks at me. "Do you have anymore targets?" I guess I could drag more people here... bu nah. I wave her off. "Very well then..." And then she taps her own forehead, and falls to the ground.

I wince as she hits the floor. "Um... Skadi, are you okay there...?" Couldn't she have crawled on the bed too!?

She's panting. "I'm fine... I'm fine... The effect will wear off in a few hours anyways." That's good...? I guess that makes me feel less concerned, but still...

I walk over towards her, and pick her up. "Honestly... I'm supposed to be the idiot here, not you." And then I put her on the bed. It's a bit of a tight fit at this point, but at least it's better than the floor.

She giggles. "But I'm not an idiot. Now go have sex already..." Does this count as her being a cuckquean? I won't judge. I'm judging, it's a bit weird, not gonna lie.

I look back at the blushing Cleopatra. "So, does this make Skadi sort of like one of those drug dealers that consume their own products?" I don't know if I can trust someone like that with building all my consensual sex dungeon's equipment.

Cleopatra's response makes no sense. "I'm not ready for motherhood again! I was a horrible mother last time!" I don't think that has anything to do with Skadi's drug usage.

Since this is clearly something emotional for her however, I will let the topic change with no issues. "It's alright Cleopatra, all you have to do is learn from your mistakes." Besides most of her kids actually lived good lives anyways.

"According to some people I literally can't since I'm a Heroic Spirit!" She's now hiding her face for some reason.

I walk over, and pat her shoulder. "And according to those people you also can't get pregnant. So either we prove them wrong, and bam you become mother of the year, or they're right and I get to cum inside of you with no consequences." It's a win-win.

"Y-Yato, I know you're trying to be sweet right now..." Oh-uh, did I make a mistake? "And it's totally working!" Suddenly she's smiling, and showing her face again. "This could be my second... well, not exactly second chance to become a good mother!"

I smile. "Great. Then let's have sex in front of these three moaning, maybe high women." I don't think Artoria even knows where she is at this point.

And now her blush has returned. "Wah! Why did you remind of that...! Can't we do it privately!?" You suck my dick every night, so there's no need to be shy!

I shake my head. "No. Cleopatra get on fours right now! I've been horny for way too long today!" And at this point I have waited long enough, anymore and I'll go crazy. Or just get really frustrated, I guess.

I expect a bit more of a resistance, but she relents. "G-got it...!" And then she gets on fours just as ordered. I am now free to stare at her massive ass... and also do other things to it!

Like slapping it... As soon as I do Artoria trembles. "Ah... something weird just happened." And she's not the only one. Hakuno and Skadi clearly felt it as well, even if they weren't vocal about it.

In a way I'm facing four people at the same time... "Cleopatra, let's show them!" I pull her lower clothing down, revealing her bare ass. I must hold nothing back against this queen.

And this goddess queen. And this high schooler. And this king who is actually a woman. We are all in this together!

She nods. "Yes...!" She shakes her ass. "I haven't done it in a while, so I'm excited! Prove that Heroic Spirits can change Yato! And also that they can become mothers!" Let's do some magecraft!

I pull my lower clothing down. "Got it!" I line my dick to her entrance. "Let's consensually spread our feelings about sex to my new concubines!" And without any more waiting I enter her.

You know, as I begin pounding Cleopatra my head is filled with weird thoughts. For example, the thought that this is technically the first milf I have ever banged. Or am in the process of banging I guess.

Another thought is that I'm having sex with am ancient Egyptian, something normally quite impossible because of the ancient part. Should I call a historian here, so they can add, and so Cleopatra had sex with a teenager, to her history?

Cleopatra groans. "Yato...! I just know you're thinking of something stupid, so please concentrate~!" H-hey...! "Not that I'm insulting you, I'm just guiding you~!" Ah, then it's okay!

I nod. "Sorry, it's just that your pussy made me think about how complicated and wonderful history can be." I mean, I'm fucking a legendary historical figure here!

And not just any historical figure either, it's Cleopatra! And she's basically known for being super hot and stuff...! To a certain point. Well, she probably has a bigger ass than most historians predicted.

Cleopatra's tongue is out. "I-I'm just gonna... fuck~... gonna ignore that comment." That's probably for the best. Not everyone can understand my sheer unbridled genius that emerges sometimes.

In a way I'm akin to the Magikarp of intelligence. Normally I'm but a fool, but sometimes I may evolve into a beautiful monster of wisdom. Except that evolution isn't permanent, so it's a mega evolution knockoff... Which is just a digievolution knockoff... Which is probably a knockoff of something else.

Leaving that talk aside, I throw more of my weight against Cleopatra. "Ah~... That's good! It's like you're trying to bury yourself inside of me~!" That sounds kinda creepy since you're a ghost.

Though in the end this sudden attack of mine proved to be something good. The moment I commited to it, Hakuno, Artoria and Skadi all shouted too. They're feeling what Cleopatra is feeling after all.

Which is why I start trying to be as rough as possible, I don't want to hear their quiet little held back moans, I want everyone to go wild by feeling something that isn't even happening to them. Besides Cleopatra of course, she very much has a dick inside of her.

So I naturally get excited once Hakuno starts to lose control. "Damn it~...! Sorry everyone, I'll get back-up soon~!" Spoken like a true loser. Though I suppose the fact you're still the one most holding back is impressive.

Skadi has never even tried to repress herself in the first place. "Please my husband more, your treacherous queen~!" Please don't use this opportunity to start fight...

As for Saber. "Hot~! Hot~! Hot~! It's hot all over my body~!" I see now why female knights stopped being a thing. They are too weak to survive in the modern environment where their weakness are too well known.

Well, it's time to end round one. "Here it comes, Cleopatra!" It's not like this will be the last, so I have no intention of trying to hold it for longer. I have plenty of frustration to throw at her body.

"Get me pregnant...!" How fast do they change their minds from not being ready for motherhood to let's break basic rules of magic.

Her reaction isn't the only one I'm paying attention to of course. "Ah~...! My husband is having sex with a inferior, crass woman~!" Yeah, Skadi became a cuckquean. I guess that's just the natural evolution for a woman living in a harem.

Hakuno is panting, still resisting. "This is the worst..." Well, I always knew her will was strong. It's her one quality that actually breaks past the barrier of normality after all.

And as for Saber... "Ah~! I became a woman~...!" And then she notices me staring. "I... I will never surrender to you!? Got it!?" She almost broke while still being a virgin... but most importantly...

"Saber, why are you shaking your hips?"

"T-they're moving on their own!" Why do you have little sister powers!?


AN: Saber is strong. It's just that she happens to lose all the time, but she's strong.



I wonder what would happen to Yato if he encountered someone like Kama or Kiara if he gains this level of introspection from barebacking the queen of Egypt

Infinite Daze

Has… Has anyone actually told Yato Heroic Spirits are sex ghosts?