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Hey! I realize it's been a little while since I've posted something substantial on here, even though I've been working on a lot. Here's what's going on:

We're continuing our fully-voiced playthrough of Skies of Arcadia today at 2pm PST on "Jello Plays Games" with the One Piece Book Club following soon after at 5:30pm PST.

The Neo Trio song is now fully written and half recorded. Phoenica and Molly's parts are finished, we just need Stink and Stonk's. Hopefully we can get it mixed and sent off to Luveygold ASAP! They've been doing a great job on the video.

We're also looking into getting some little animated TikToks made with another artist, though those have been delayed because he's been very sick.

The book is in its final stages of being printed! Wow! Considering how slowly this process moves, that might mean another 2 months before it's out, but it is coming out! I gave approval to the final PDF version this week. The book will retail at around $25. This is more expensive than the initial estimate, but also it's like 300 pages and has 20+ full-color insert pages so that's actually crazy cheap, considering.

The Epithet Artbook—which has taken WAY more effort than I think anybody anticipated—should be finished in the next two weeks. Had to spend four whole days gathering art for this and hunting down a graphic designer to help me out. It's... almost 300 pages long. Woof. The artbook will only be released digitally. We have no intentions to ever print this thing and it's made to be zoomed in on so you can see the doodles better.

Piph is being hired to edit down a version of the Zillow Video I did with Yam and Jay.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet had time to look at the Jetters Video yet this month. I had to spend 4+ days reviewing other people's work on all the above things (mostly the art book where each pass takes a full day and hundreds of notes). I'd like to say I'm about to dive into Jetters work, but that's not necessarily true. I was waiting to finish a bunch of writing work I was hired to do on one video game... and now I just got hired to do the voice direction on another. Yesterday I spent 12 hours casting. Here's hoping my cast picks don't get approved for a little while so I can focus on the Jetters Video a bit?

Dogs in Love 3 is off the table until Jetters is finished, and once that's out of the way I'm going to swing back into Epithet writing so I can get the process on the novelizations of season 1 done as fast as possible. Luckily I'm a pretty quick writer and the story in these is already written out, so I honestly don't think they'll take too long to produce!

We're also working on a Giovanni figurine and a Molly figurine from Makeship! No idea when those'll be out.

Additionally, some Patrons may remember an old project idea called Sweetwater that I was working on nearly... *checks notes* Oof, three years ago now. Half the players have become borderline impossible to schedule and I'm getting more busy rather than less. Sweetwater was a unique project where I wanted to film ALL of the TTRPG game, then extensively edit it down into a made-for-TV storyline, cutting entire episodes if they never ended up mattering to the grand plot or character arcs. Because I'm the only one who would know what is and isn't important, I'm the only person who could've edited this... and because I simply will never have time to edit something like that, this week I made the executive decision to officially drop Sweetwater.

However! I did spend over 1000 fucking hours setting this thing up. So I'm going to do a full breakdown of the entire series concept, exploring every character and every map I drew for it. This will be a surprise for both you guys and for the players. I haven't decided how I'm going to set this up in regards to Patreon tiers just yet because frankly the amount of work I've done on this thing exceeds even the $15/mo tier... but also I really want to show it off. It might sneak it's way down to the $5/mo tier. Or maybe I'll put a small preview including the chunk of the series I already edited on the $5 tier and the full, multi-hour breakdown on the $15 tier? Who knows. Either way, we'll be doin' something!




I was excited to see Sweetwater, but it's understandable why you dropped it. Too much on your plate, I get it.


Wait, how do you do Dogs in Love 3? Would that be Battle Revolution?


I fully understand the reasons for cancelling Sweetwater, but could an alternative be to just stream the sessions, instead of recording and editing them down? That would surely save you a bunch of time, and let you keep working on it?

Beckett’s Bricks and Broadway

Thank you so much for the updates, I do have a question though? What’s the progress on the official episode of raced TTRPG book? If it is still in. Development? Either way we all love your content and will continue supporting you.😎

Rebecca Bieth

Any updates on the TTRPG book?