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One Piece book club is today at 5:30pm PST! Don't miss it!

We're starting a little late today to accommodate for another pirate thing, our Skies of Arcadia stream! Wow!


Jello's One Piece Book Club Chapters 441 - 513 (Patreon Stream)

Congratz if you are watching this thank you for supporting the Patreon!!! Its time for THRILLER BARK (and then some) Jello's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jelloapocalypse Aloha's Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@Stabbyness Bo's Stuff: https://twitter.com/beauhello



Oh so you're just gonna skies of archadia right into this huh?


Thriller Bark was my favorite arc. It probably is still my favorite arc, but I haven't read it since it first showed up... 15 years ago.


Man I fucking hate when a comment section is like "yeah if you press Shift+Enter then you can break a line and make a paragraph but if you just press Enter get fucked you've posted an incomplete comment, anyway. Robin... I love her so much but Robin... in ideal One Piece she would be so good she'd get to DO things. I did really like the everyone together part of the Oars fight especially because like this was highlighting the THING that Robin could do right, she is so good at playing support, Robin is THE mook murderer supreme, if there's an army of nameless guys you can bet she snaps their necks like crazy but what does she do when you're finally fighting the named guys? Do you make her a lieutenant to fight? Do you just make her do nothing? Or do you get her to use her powers to hold down the big bad so the others can more effectively hit them? Man I dunno sounds like the first would create bloat which is bad and the third would create work which is bad, so let's go with the seconds right? right! Can you tell I'm a big fan of Nico Robin and wish she had it better. Okay so like it's interesting by the way how neither Franky nor Brook are good long term shipmates and should have been relegated to like Vivi status of "this is someone we went through life and death with they are part of the crew in spirit but they are not here because they don't need to be" But Robin is decidedly very necessary to the overarching plot beats of the series and makes a good contrast to the rest of the crew with how she acts and reacts to things and then Oda is just really utilitarian with her in a bad way where she only matters for the poneglyphs and otherwise I guess she'll be on the page in the background doing and saying nothing, yay........ I will say I am enjoying reading One Piece because it is good at being an entertaining read most of the time. But man is all this just making me go "here's how to remake One Piece in a way that respects women" so thanks for that look forward to my 10K word essay on how Kuina falling down the stairs and dying was the WORST PLOT BEAT I HAVE EVER SEEN and Oda should be fucking ashamed of himself lmao. But yeah I love Kizaru that Adam Sandler looking ass is exactly what a bad guy marine should be, just someone who upholds the order of the world because it benefits him to do no more. Also not looking forward to the next batch, once I got to the end of this batch it started dawning on me that we were basically just getting only Luffy for the next batch and, like I like the strawhats wish they were here one last time before several of them are changed for the worse forever by the timeskip lmao.


I’m really sad I always miss these since I wanna say things to help clarify some info. For example, according to oda, no, editors didn’t make him put the supernovas in. He just thought saboady would be too boring and made all of them up in a literal week. He even literally said “I didn’t expect Law to be as important as he was.” Here’s some quotes from him: Oda clarifies that "all Supernovas have more highlight scenes than I imagined. I created Supernovas right before the chapter where they got introduced. None of them existed in my plot notebooks before that chapter. I was in a desperate situation, worrying, 'At this rate, Sabaody arc will not be interesting enough," Oda needed interesting characters to spice up his next arc, and sort of just made them up on the spot, "Then, inspiration for 9 Supernovas came to my mind unconsciously." Oda even regretted creating as many of he did, "I should have reduced the number of Supernovas since there were too many, but after all, I made all of them appear in the manga!!"


IMO this is actually worse because it's much more embarrassing that he created them himself on a whim and then was like "damn, why did I add so many characters LOL oops"


1) Thank you for responding to my post! 2) That’s beyond fine lol. Like to be honest, I didn’t share that info to try and convince you it’s good, just wanted to share a fun fact. Maybe it’s my specific brand of neurodivergency, but I really want things to be liked and disliked accurately lol. Thanks again, Jello, these reviews are a blast. Have a good week!