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In just under an hour, we're starting a playthrough of one of my favorite games of all time: Skies of Arcadia! A plucky romp about sky pirates. This is a fully-voiced playthrough featuring:

Me as Vyse
Oz as Aika
Yam as Fina
Will as Drachma
Arim as Alfonso

I have more casts but we'll get to them when we get to them! We may also be joined by Savvy :>


Skies Of Arcadia (Fully Voice-Acted) [Part 1]

Jello and crew voices this plucky Dreamcast JRPG! Jello, Arim, Will, and Yam will be in this one! Oz will be showing up later! #skiesofarcadia #gaming #jelloapocalypse



Fun fact: Vyse, Aika and Fina make appearances in the PlayStation 3 game Valkyria Chronicles. Vyse and Aika are recruitable soldiers while Fina is the medic that rescues your downed troops.


So I was watching, is this an actual playthrough, or are you just gonna go around and voice cutscenes?