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So this is a bit of a niche topic. For the uninitiated, Starkid Productions is an independent theater company that makes comedy and parody musicals released for free on YouTube. They got their start with Harry Potter musical parodies but have since moved onto actually making good things (for the most part).

Their most recent years-long project has been a series of original horror-comedy musicals all set place in the town of "Hatchetfield." In each story, a different disaster befalls the town and different characters must fight to survive it. This series was originally planned as a trilogy of musicals to be released three years apart: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals in 2018, Black Friday in 2019, and Nerdy Prudes Must Die in 2020.

But then, a funny thing happened in 2020 where the entire world was hit with a plague and live theater basically died for two years.

Unable to perform Nerdy Prudes as intended, the crew instead created a series of episodic staged readings called Nightmare Time. This series explores the characters and multiverse of Hatchetfield in a sort of Goosebumps-esque anthology episodes. Some of these are good! Most of them are not.

I recently had the chance to see a live performance of Nerdy Prudes Must Die which finally made it to the stage in 2023 and ran for two weeks. In addition to talking about the musicals themselves, the point of this review is to examine the choices made by the creators when they hopped mediums from live stage musicals to internet stage readings, and back again. I think they made a lot of really interesting creative choices when faced with the pandemic, and I don't think all of them were good choices. As someone who had to jump mediums myself with Epithet making its transition from an animated series to the novelized format, I find this topic really interesting. I hope you will too!

Of course, if you are a Starkid fan, you have probably also been waiting for Nerdy Prudes Must Die for years and it would be pretty lame of me to spoil it before it's available to the public on YouTube. Here are the timestamps to help you navigate spoilers.

If you, like me, are a fan of Starkid but have never seen Nightmare Time (most Starkid fans haven't, it's viewcount is like 5% of their musicals), I have put ✅ and ❌ symbols next to the episodes to indicate which ones I think are worth watching. This way you can watch specific ones before I spoil them for you, if you want. Killer Track is easily the best one in my opinion. Honey Queen is also alright. The rest I think are honestly not worth the time investment.

  • 15:15 - The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals [SPOILER-FREE]
  • 18:53 - Black Friday [SPOILER-FREE]
  • 24:50 - Nerdy Prudes Must Die [SPOILER-FREE]
  • 31:45 - Spoilers are now allowed
  • 32:05 - The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
  • 40:26 - Black Friday
  • 1:03:00 - Nightmare Time (Each of the following is a Nightmare Time Episode)
  • 1:11:56 - Hatchetfield Ape Man + Watcher World
  • 1:19:32 - Forever and Always + Time Bastard
  • 1:24:38 - Jane's a Car + The Witch in the Web
  • 1:26:46 - Honey Queen
  • 1:30:06 - Perky's Buds + Abstinence Camp + Daddy
  • 1:33:52 - Killer Track ✅✅✅
  • 1:39:41 - Yellow Jacket + Nightmare Time Wrap-Up
  • 1:46:53 - Nerdy Prudes Must Die + Conclusions [SPOILERS]

I actually included small snippets of relevant audio from different songs in this one. This is the first time I've done this. Let me know in the comments if you think it enhances the listening experience, I might consider doing this more often if I have ready access to footage in the future.

Note: The musical I am trying to remember at 17:14 is "The Toxic Avenger". Lenti says that show is very similar to "The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals" and liked both, so if you've seen one, maybe consider checking out the other!




So um hi… I’m the one Patreon subscriber who’s knee deep in the Hatchettverse. I’ve watched every single production day one on YouTube including TGWDLM Christmas Day 2017. I honestly thought there’d be more crossover between your audience and theirs.


Just going to put my thoughts out here, Jello probably already knows all this but it might be nice to hear a rando bring it up: The addition of soundclips is fantastic from a review standpoint (especially when used to make a point or set a tone) - the title-card bits where he played a snippet of the title song before going into each piece were cute and added flavour to the review, but are expendible if the effort to include them exceeds the flavor and tone they add. The used-as-example clips are more essential - I'm reminded of the Infinity Train review where Jello had to link to a one-minute clip to illustrate bad dialogue, and am imagining how if Jello had decided to do the same here, it would either be like seven links or him spending minutes reenacting/describing what could be shown in a few seconds of inserted audioclips. The only downsides I can see are A: Effort to input the clips into the recording, and B: Copyright. To my knowledge, Patreon doesn't have anywhere close to the same crackdown audio-scrolling bots that Youtube and Twitch use, but it's not a guarantee they won't adopt such a system in the future. I suppose Jello will just have to decide whether to brave that risk or not. Anyway. Tl;dr, lovely addition, glad you included them here with the safe bet of Starkid not likely coming after you, would love to see the practice continue, but only if you deem the effort and risk worth it. Also I'd be surprised based on the music streams if there wasn't a larger crossover between the Starkid audience and your own than you think, since I don't recall chat ever not getting a Starkid song rather quickly (including obscure ones like Me and My Dick, IIRC). But that might be my memory being wrong. *shrug*


so weirdly the night after listening to this, I had a dream about auditioning for a play, but Jello and Siv were the ones casting it. I ended up not getting cast and I managed to catch Jello while walking out of the theatre and ask him why i wasn't cast. he basically told me it was cause i couldn't do the dance stuff needed but reassured me that I had the skills, it would jsut take practice. Part of this was because i auditioned for my first musical and I don't know if i got cast yet but am terrified, but to say a dream version of JelloApocolypse eased my anxiety is the most bizarre thing I've had happen to me in a while. soooo take it as a complement i guess.


I'm very glad this exists because I always wanted to get around to watching the Nightmare Time specials, but the amount of content was too much to watch. This separates them and fills me in on the bad ones. Good stuff!


I love the epithet audio book listened to it about 4 times since I bought it.


I think that this is a great study piece in how the pandemic affected media. Theater in particular (both movies and in-person) suffered greatly and had to find new ways to adapt, overcome, and continue to release content. I'd love to see the original drafts for NPMD


Spoilers for NPMD - I really love Nightmare Time, but I also haven't seen a lot of other horror stuff, so it feels new to me. I watched NPMD on the digital ticket, and I just ended up feeling disappointed? I really loved Max in the first half and I really just wanna listen to Literal Monster over and over when it comes out, but that's technically a reprise when he starts singing? There's so much cool stuff they could have done with the deaths too. I did really like Pete and Steph's almost resolution for the end, but I don't know. I also feel like if he had actually acted on his very explicit feelings toward Grace and tied that closer to her, it might have seemed more intentional. Like Grace is THE Nerdy Prude according to Starkid logic and her spiral while great, feels kinda out of left field? Like he has one seen where he confronts her, but from then on they kinda freak out separately about different things like they're separated from some sort of wall, only to be directly compared in the end.


this guy doesn’t like firebringer. let’s explode him with lasers everybody

Bryan Davie

The guy who doesn't like musicals seems like someone took the musical episode of Buffy the vampire slayer and made a full musical out of it. This is not a criticism that's one of the best episodes of Buffy and I'm definitely going to watch The guy who doesn't like musicals now


Lol i think you underestimate how much of your audience leeches off indie internet projects for our serotonin this was really fun to listen to


I didn't know about about Robert being a dick (haven't watched anything since black friday) thanks for the info XD I really hope they change their minds and do something not hatchetfield Also it is funny because their second show Me and My Dick has 2.2 million views (on the first ep, because old youtube time limits) vs. the 60k for nightmare