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I showed my boyfriend Gravity Falls over the last few months and then we watched The Owl House and now we are here to talk about them at you for a long period of time.

Both of these shows have significant spoilers and being spoiled will hurt the experience of watching them, so we've segmented this review:

0:00 - Spoiler-Free Overview

32:03 - Talking about Gravity Falls [SPOILERS]

53:00 - Talking about The Owl House [SPOILERS]

I would not recommend listening to this review if you have not seen both shows. My quick recommendations are as follows: Gravity Falls is one of the best cartoons ever made. It's genuinely a 10/10 and everyone who likes animated shows should watch it. The Owl House has a weak first season with occasional high notes that averages a 6/10. This is followed by an absolutely incredible second season with fantastic, densely-packed episodes. Once she show speeds up, it never slows down again.




How could you not discuss the objectively best character? STEVE


I agree with literally everything y’all said except HOW DARE y’all hate on Mattholomule. Best character, perhaps ever? 🤯🤯 the subtleties of his writing are superb, B/Voscha could never 😤


Its amazing how consistent the disney "stsrt your show in the 2nd season" phenomenon is. Amphibia has that exact thing happen too.


1:09:00 "Grimwalker" is written on a page of a book in a two second focus shot of Belos' office in one of the earlier epsiodes, with a diagram depicting the blueprints of a human. It's not really an introduction to the term, and yeah it should have gotten more explanation in the dialogue, but it's technically introduced earlier in the season, for people who like pausing the show. That being said, Luz knowing it feels weird.


Steve The Ex-Guard, Now-Biker is great when I remember he exists, yeah.


Agreed. I have a suspicion that was a remnant of the scripts having to get overhauled post-cancellation announcement and that introduction got lost somewhere along the way. ...Though I enjoy my headcannon of the writers going "Nah, the audience will eventually see that shot (it's not exactly hidden), and if they don't then they'll work it out; we don't have to explain it" without thinking of how momentarily immersion-breaking and distracting it is when a new proper noun gets suddenly dropped.


....But what's up with Boscha? What really IS up with Boscha? How's Boscha doing? What's going on with Boscha? What fun, interesting, deep, and well-written thing is BOSCHA doing at this current moment- That sounds so frustrating, but it's also too funny to make me angry.


okay but the best thing is that Rumble McSkirimish, has a back tattoo that just translates to "fart"


"I hate it when a frequently reocurring character is voiced by the creator" meanwhile Alex Hirsch


Personally I think the second season of Owl house got helped by the reduction of episodes. Not saying I wanted less episodes, but the episodes we got were mostly plot relevant. Because they had to cut so much, what was left was the best they had to offer. If the show went on longer it could have just as good but I think this helped,


I like the nose...


It's not really a deep reason or anything, I just like her voice and some scenes she's in, like the one at the end of the writing competition episode.


I think Owl house 3.02 was so Basha-heavy because they wanted an epsiode focused on Willow and the gang, and needed an antagonist, and Basha is Willow's foil (hence the whole "Leadership isn't easy, is it?" angle), and then Kikimora got thrown in because they didn't want to make Basha completely unsympathetic and were content ruining Kikimora's redemption rather than spend time working out how to make a good Willow episode that didn't requre Season 1 level writing.


I don't think you're wrong, but I wish they did it some other way. I think I probably would've taken another one of the Coven Heads who didn't get much focus and made them a one-off villain. Like, we never got an episode about the Healing or Oracle covens. Hell, they could've even used Terra again. We already knew that Willow was a better team leader than Boscha because we learned that in the grudgby match. This time Willow's issue was her not wanting to burden her friends. I think they could've done something cool with the remaining coven heads. Oh well.


Why do people care so much about the nose. From my recollection the nose has like two minutes of screen time in the entire show I'm surprised that people have ANY strong opinions on this background character, to be honest. There is no need for NOSE discourse. 😐


So we got some more info, apparently the first episode they wrote aware of the shortening was season 2 episode 11 so kicking the plot into high gear in early season 2 was on purpose

Owen Vuvuzela

I don't remember hearing you two talk about her but what were your opinions on Willow as a character?