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Hey all. Sorry again about the relative radio silence on here. It's been a rough year so far. I was sick for 3 weeks of January, 2 weeks of February, and am still dealing with some post-Covid symptoms that I imagine will take quite awhile to go away.

The good news is that I finally (!) get to work on a YouTube video full time again: Dogs in Love 2, our playthrough of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. In fact, I don't normally do this but I think I'll post a small preview of the video today just for Patrons as a good chunk of it was edited way back in July.

I've been sitting on this project so long. It is killing me. :)



Last July I set up a poll for Patrons to vote on things that I could watch and review. That was fun! I got through all the ones I was interested in and I reviewed all the ones I had something to say about. Those reviews can be seen in the "Jello Reviews" tag. I also tagged this post with "Jello Reviews". Go ahead and give 'em a listen if you haven't seen them yet.

Now, let's get a new crop of things!

Please select the four options you are most interested in seeing.



I SUPER recommend coffee talk, I played it while I was the sickest I was in my life and I personally attribute it to getting me through that. Also, all of these are amazing choices fr

Zayn Ryzen

All of these are great choices, something I would reccomend for a future vote would be the Undead Unluck anime that's supposed to come out later this year. Hopefully it adapts the manga well~


I will pay an absurb amount of money for a STiB of One Piece


Arcane has some of the most premium animation I have ever seen. There are multi-hour videos out there going frame by frame breaking down the insane nuances and complexities and largely unnecessary but neat additions the animation teams did. It's stellar. I wasn't hooked on my first watch of the show, but like Breaking Bad I found myself coming back to it later because it was simply such high quality, even if it wasn't *my* show.


I loved Live A Live and Tunic is a fantastic game


If you get to Potionomics at some point, i'd recommend looking up the different cards and how you get them


Throwing my vote in for Mob, but from what I've heard tunic has a lot of exploration and Jello loves exploration games.


Bojack is sooooo good🥺


Is the sam and max option hit the road or one of the telltale series?


Oh, this isn't a poll option, but one thing you could do without having to do homework ahead of time- I would absolutely listen to multiple hours of podcast about the Trails series. There is SO much to talk about with those games- cool and unique stuff it does, bizarre and questionable writing decisions to break down. Would love to hear your thoughts on CS4 after the STiB (if you've had time to play it- it sure is a JRPG with some hours in it.)


Would you accept payment…in friendship? (Holds out an ominous hand crackling with black lightning)


TBH I think my friends all like the Trails series way more than me and they're very tired of me dunking on it, so I've tried to distance myself from those games lol