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A very quick review of an uncomplicatedly good show (Bocchi) and a much longer review of a show with a perfect first half that shits its pants and keeps walking for another 12 episodes (Ranking of Kings).

The main characters in each are named "Bocchi" and "Boji". Please enjoy me mixing up their names for an hour.

0:00 - Bocchi the Rock Review
6:47 - Ranking of Kings Review, yes it's like 90% of the post




I’m glad you enjoyed your vacation! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Mob Psycho


Babe wake up, new Jello Reviews just dropped.


Miranjo’s sub VA sounded like that too, so it might not be the dub actor’s fault.

Crimson Claw

I agree with almost every point except 1. Where you said it was only good with Kage and Bojji. And that exceptio is Hilling who really pulls her weight as a character. But that's like it. Basically agree with everything else you said. I will add, I think King Boss' motivation makes more sense if he thinks of Miranja as a daughter ONLY. He basically is stuck between wanting to have a better life for Boji and her, and sees that they are mutually exclusive. So he basically decides he'll do everything possible to stall and not engage, doing the bare minimum to support Miranja (like with attempting to assassinate the queen) and nothing more. But yeah almost every part of the show after the first 8 episodes is totally wasted.


Hilling is really great, you're right. See, the problem with Boss is that I don't think Miranjo and Boji's happiness ARE mutually exclusive. Boss literally could've just left with Miranjo, taking Daide's body and leaving Boji in charge of his kingdom and his retainers looking after him. Boss doesn't give the impression he stays in his Kingdom to look after Boji or check in on his welfare. He's just a crazy strong dude with no plan and no brain.

Crimson Claw

I agree with you. It's more of a writing flaw that creates the problem. The story does a lot of proper character introduction to make compelling and interesting characters... Which is what tricks you into thinking characters like Bosse and Miranjo are going to be... better. I will concede that Boji being MIA and not king when Bosse reincarnates gives a little weight to his hesitation but it doesn't justify nearly enough.

Crimson Claw

I do want to just dote on Hilling a little more honestly. She starts off with a bad introduction, being an overbearing parent that doesn't show her soft side. But in a rare (very rare in anime standards) turn of events she basically admits she was wrong and actively buckles down and doubles down on being a good mother. To crazy levels even, trying to save both her sons equally in the midst of crazy black magic shenanigans. She's great.

Vanilla Snow Golem

I wonder what is up with some writers and how they refuse to kill characters even side ones. The only reasoning I could think of is that maybe they felt like they could still use those characters for something? I don't know. Especially since sometimes they don't even use them anyway so what IS the point?


@Bocchi My favorite running gag was redhead's diminishing crush on bluehead. Like redhead thinks her crush has a cool aloof vibe going on, but as she interacts more she realizes bluehead's aloofness come from being a dysfunctional idiot instead of coolness, and starts losing the crush. It was an interesting and funny direction to take with it.


Yeah...I still enjoyed the series mostly, but there's no denying its flaws. Including the whole anti-Korean racism issues with those magic people not-allies. I think the whole Daida/Miranjo ending was going for forgiveness...but went WAYYY too hard and for the wrong person.


Daida wanting to save Miranjo from being eaten by the demon she was an awful friend to, fine. They were close before all this and he knows her tragic back story Daida announcing he's going to marry her is like, worst ending why the hell didn't Queen Hilling tell him no she has every reason??? Also Queen Sheena (Boji's mom) should have been given the chance to punch someone in the face, Boss, Miranjo idk she earned it for having to die in front of her kid. Also her death on top of Boji's curse paints Miranjo as the ultimate hypocrite, which would be fine if she wasnt painted as an innocent party at the end

Brethren Toons

not to mention ouken (the immortal sword guy) literally goes from like, normal good guy johnson, to learning he's immortal, and i swear to god it only takes him a year to go crazy from the immortality lmao like i thought the whole point with immortality driving you crazy is losing your loved ones over and over again and watching the world around you change while you stay perfectly still, its not like "oh no im immortal, therefore i now have crazy disease"


I’m a huge fan of K-on, please don’t watch it. It’s cute girls doing cute things but the cute things are a bunch of nothing.


And then Ranking of Kings: Treasurechest Of Memories decided to pull a Rwby Chibi in that it's ostensibly filler but somehow manages to have better writing than the original show's second half. (Not that that's a high bar to clear). ...RoK is such a bizarrely-ran plot. I have no idea what chaos is going on behind closed doors which caused the runners to decide *this* is how the story should be told.