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Hello again, everyone! Love was in the air this week, so I made some lovely ladies to accomodate! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Finished designing all future heroes and their abilities
  • Created a prototype "idle" sprite for the centaurs
  • Created a prototype "idle" sprite for the cervitaurs
  • Created a prototype "idle" sprite for the bee girls
  • Created a prototype "idle" sprite for the fox girls
  • Created a prototype "idle" sprite for the wind elementals

Ladies and gentlemen, we have monster girls! Well, the idle sprites for monster girls, at least. Prototypes for the idle sprites. They, uh, have a long ways to go... But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?

The roster for the Grasslands is as follows:

  • Bee girls (top-left)
  • Wind elementals (bottom-left)
  • Centaurs (top-right)
  • Cervitaurs (middle-right)
  • Fox girls (bottom-right)

Now I'm not super into centaurs or cervitaurs, but I'm certain there are people out there who are, and I'm happy to accommodate them. Plus they fit very well into the Grasslands! I'm particularly excited for the bee girls and fox girls, if I can get them working how I want them to. It'll be tricky, but I think I can do it! The wind elemental will be fun to work on, too, but more than anything I'm just psyched about how well her sprite came out!

Speaking of which, you may notice that some of the girls are higher quality than others; this is due to the references I could find (or generate with AI). The wind elemental in particular had a perfect reference. The fox girl, on the other hand, gave me a lot of trouble. I ended up having to resort to my 3D model in Blender to make the pose reference. And let me tell ya... it's very clear that my rigging skills were not great. ._.

Oh, and clothing is still on the backburner. The bee girl will for sure have clothes, but the fox girl is still up in the air. I kinda like how she looks naked, and it ties in with her "wild animal" nature.

All of that aside, these sprites -- much like the obstacle sprites I made last week -- are placeholders for better sprites to come. Unlike the obstacle sprites, however, I'll be fine-tuning these gals myself once I have their gameplay mechanics prototyped. Do bear with me in the meantime; without animations, they're gonna look pretty rough in the game, and it may be hard to tell when they're "attacking".

Ah, but I'm so excited! I absolutely love the concept of monster girls, and I'm happy to be able to finally make a game featuring them! They're gonna be the bread and butter next to the steak that is the giantess. Of course, this is a three-course meal! The mashed potatoes and gravy will be the [REDACTED]!

...What? You didn't think [REDACTED] was gonna be these little monster girls, did you? Oh no no no. It's gonna be even more exciting than that! But alas, that's still a long ways away.

Bah, there I go rambling again! I'm gonna shove a burrito in my mouth before I spill the beans. It's a bean burrito, you see. Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you guys again next week!



Atlan from Atlarchy

This is a win-win... If you like monster girls, you can play to try and save them! If not... You can just watch the giantess stomp them and enjoy yourself as you do... I mean... Given that we are here, we all want to see them absolutely stomped to death at all times, but hey... Maybe saving some of them will not be a complete waste of time?


You had me at "Monster Girls". xD