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(Note: I switched to the prototype background for these gifs since the grass background makes gifs lag like crazy. The grass is still in the game, though!)

Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Added functionality to wells, cottages, stationary carts, trees, fences, bushes, and two additional rivers
  • Organized the code so that all runners (player, heroes, and NPCs) pull their states (swimming, stunned, ect.) from the same place
  • Gave force boxes the option to rotate and flip with their parent nodes
  • Created a slow box that slows runners down while they're in it
  • Created a push box that instantly pushes runners that enter it in a specified direction
  • Created a stun box that stuns runners that enter it
  • Created a trigger box to activate the movement/effect of a designated obstacle
  • Gave runners a stun state
  • Created the spinning star effect for when runners get stunned
  • Added rolling logs that stun and push runners when they get hit by it
  • Added runaway carts that stun and push runners; can also stop at designated points to block runners

Only one week left to complete my goal of implementing all obstacles into the game! We're getting close, and even if I don't meet it, I still got a LOT done this month! ^_^

This week focused a lot on implementation of modular pieces -- specifically the boxes. Force boxes, slow boxes, push boxes, stun boxes, trigger boxes, cardboard boxes, va-[censored]... We've got ALL of the boxes! These guys will be the driving force in the dynamic obstacles, like the runaway carts!

It's really easy to use them as building blocks for more complex obstacles, meaning my job in the future will be much, much easier! It'll also encourage me to stay consistent with obstacle behavior, as introducing a new mechanic with every obstacle would quickly become overwhelming in a fast-paced game like this.

I just have one last dynamic obstacle to add in -- the falling tree -- and then it'll be straight to monster girls! I can use the building blocks on them, too, but some of them will still be far trickier than the others. We'll see how far I can make it with them before the deadline!

Don't get me wrong, I'll still finish them next month if I don't next week; this deadline was mostly to light a fire under my seat. I'd say it worked!

Now then, I'm gonna roll a cart full of Taco Bell right into my mouth, wheels and all. Don't underestimate my power. I'll see you guys again next week!



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