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Hello everyone!

I'll get straight to the point: I don't feel like I'm ever going to get anywhere working on giantess games that focus on gameplay. I've done research here and there, and it's come to my attention that the overwhelming majority of people don't play giantess games for the gameplay, but for the interactions between the giantess and tiny. They also tend to prefer 3D experiences over 2D ones.

As such, I'd like to switch my focus to making a 3D game focused on one-on-one interactions between you and a giantess. It'll feature both wholesome and erotic content in a story told in an episodic manner, similar to Resize Me. (At least, that's the current plan; things can change, of course.)

However, I know some of you have been looking forward to playing Run From Me, myself included. There's a strong chance I'll continue work on it as a side project, but at a slower pace. So, I'll leave this to a vote.

Do you want the interaction-focused 3D game now, or do you want to wait until Run From Me is finished?

Note: In either case, I'll need to finish work on my base 3D model and get more comfortable with 3D animation.



I apologize for the suddenness of all this; my anxiety has been at an all-time high lately, and I feel the strong need to get moving on things that will matter more in the long-term. Plus, money has been getting tighter and tighter the more time I spend on smaller projects.