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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Fixed an issue with saving star visibilities that caused the game to crash on opening
  • Added next/previous page buttons that flip between pages under each cateogry of grid buttons

This hasn't been my best week, I'll admit. On top of stress being very prominent lately, I've also gotten sick again with what I had back in January; I expect to be sick for another few days, which is rather poor timing given the heavy decision that has just been made. ^^;

Speaking of which, it was a close vote, but it seems I will be focusing my efforts on the new game idea. To those who voted for Run From Me, don't worry. I didn't dump most of a year into a customizer for a character that won't see the light of day. I'll make it a point to continue work on it. To everyone who voted for the new game: I'll do my absolute best to make it a unique and exciting experience! I've been thinking a lot about the concept since before I even posted the vote. I think we'll have something special with this one. :)

As previously mentioned, I'd like to improve my 3D skills and assets before jumping into the new title. Here's the roadmap I have in mind currently:

  • Improve the inside of the mouth on the 3D model
  • Rig the face on the 3D model
  • Make a short animation that utilizes this new facial animation
  • [Optional] Implement advanced deformation (i.e. breasts stretch up with arms)
  • [Optional] Add corrective shapekeys and drivers for better deformation
  • Duplicate the model and mold it into a male model
  • Make a short animation that utilizes the female model and a tiny male model
  • Begin work on the new game

The optional tasks will vary depending on whether the game engine can handle the extra bones and calculations. This list isn't set in stone and I'm sure some unexpected roadblocks will pop up while other tasks may be deemed unnecessary. Think of this list as an estimation.

Before I begin on this list, however, I'm going to finish the customizer for Run From Me. There are only two tasks left for me to finish, and they shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I wanted to finish them this week, but life got in the way, sadly.

Now then, I'm going to try to rest this sickness away before jumping back into work. I hope you all stay safe and healthy, and I'll see you guys again next week!



Remember: Your health is the most important treasure you hold. So please make sure to fully recover first. :3 ... And if I see you make another book-long report, before you recovered, I'll throw you under a big girl's boot. * ^ *