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This Friday has been brought to you by Patreon! I hope you like that word, because you're gonna be seeing it a lot in this post! :D  Here's what I got done this week:

  • Set up references for the Patreon tier drawings
  • Patreon: Updated the tiers
  • Patreon: Updated the long-term goals
  • Patreon: Updated the welcome section
  • Patreon: Updated the welcome messages
  • Patreon: Created a "3D Download" tag/section for downloading... well, you can probably guess
  • Patreon: Organized the tags on the home page so the more important ones appear first

There was a whooooole lotta writing this week! It's nothing particularly exciting for a progress report, but it was a much-needed cleanup for everything here.

I was hoping to get further with my Patreon tier drawings, but the end of this week was riddled with pesky inconveniences, including but not limited to my headphones losing audio in one ear. I know it's a minor problem, but it (along with other inconveniences) has thrown me off my groove. It doesn't help that the new headphones I ordered got lost in a shipment black hole somewhere... mumble grumble...

On the bright side, this week did serve as a nice pseudo-break for me. I may have pushed myself a little too hard last week with getting the animation finished and out, so the slower pace this week offered gave me a chance to breathe.

Speaking of breaks, I'll be taking my quarterly week-long break from March 26 - April 1. My last break was in June of last year, which means I accidentally skipped the last two, which may explain why I've been feeling more anxious and stressed lately. Remember to take care of your mental health, folks! Your brain and your emotions are important!

Anyhoo, that's all for now. I'm gonna eat some Taco Bell and try to rest up a bit more before I get back into the swing of things. Knowing me, these drawings are gonna take some time. I'll see you guys again next week!


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