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The results of the last poll were a bit mixed, so I've remade the list of tiers with the help of some suggestions!

$1 Tier (Friendly):

  • Your username in the credits of the current game and the next applicable animation
  • Access to "sneak peak" screenshots of WIP animations
  • You have my utmost gratitude! Your support keeps me motivated to improve my skills and be the best I can be for you guys!

$3 Tier (Short):

  • All previous rewards, plus...
  • 1 week early access to final renders
  • Access to alternate renders (different clothes, camera angles, etc.)

$5 Tier (Small):

  • All previous rewards, plus...
  • 2 week early access to final renders
  • Access to weekly renders of WIP animations
  • Voting power for future renders
  • Play new updates of the game as they come out

$7 Tier (Tiny):

  • All previous rewards, plus...
  • Access to NSFW renders
  • Download access and permission to use my clothing & environment 3D models*

*Only applies to models that I make myself

$10 Tier (Diminutive):

  • All previous rewards, plus...
  • Double voting power for future renders!
  • VIP credits in the next applicable animation
  • Download access and permission to use my character 3D models*

*Only applies to models that I make myself

How do these tiers sound? :)



Definitely in favor of voting for the $5 tier patrons. Lotsa folks gonna be subbed to that tier most likely and it'd be great to have a wider voting pool.

Atlan from Atlarchy

That would be the top tier I would ever join most likely... People from poorer countries usually can't afford things that in the US are considered little amount of money... 5$ is above a 20 and 10$ is above a 40 and people earn less here... Most people interested in Patreon in countries like mine, are college students and young adults and wages are not high for starting people or college students who usually can't afford the 40, but those who have a good job and little creators supported could pick their favourite one and give a 5$ monthly... The only question is... how many supporters do you have from US and how many from other countries? How many from rich and how many from poor countries?


I too have to be really careful with my spending here in the US. $5 isn't a lot to most people here but right now the economy isn't great and the cost of everything is going up. Food, rent, fuel, etc. I can't afford to spend too much money on hobbies especially since I have several hobbies that cost me. Once you start adding up subscriptions for everything, you can easily reach $100 a month or more if you're not careful which is the limit for most Americans with low paying jobs right now. For me, I try not to spend more than $50 a month on non essentials unless there's something I really want like a new video game or something. Last game I bought at launch was Elden Ring a year ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Your insight on foreign currency conversion rates is also really interesting. It's unfortunate that it has to be that way. Creators in the US have to make a certain amount or else running a Patreon is kind of a waste of time. On the flip side, if you're an artist in a lower household income foreign country and you make a Patreon that attracts many Americans then you'll probably be making a LOT of money. I know quite a few popular creators from Eastern Europe often make much better money online than they'd ever make working an average day job.

Atlan from Atlarchy

I might need to start searching for artists who are more affordable to me if things keep going this badly, but luckily for me... Miles made a tier which is... really affordable xD