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Well, autumn was nice while it lasted. I guess it's winter from here on out! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Finished setting up Drawing #3
  • Finished line art for Drawing #3

Only two bullet points, but major progress! We're in the endgame now!

Starting off, I finished sketching the two tinies. That was simple enough, given their shapes. Next, I drew the giantess, which was made very easy thanks to a drawing I'd already done of her in the past, making an excellent launching pad to speed up the process!

The tinies, however, were more difficult to draw than anticipated -- specifically the one with a whole bunch of accessories. Despite that, the characters all ended up looking pretty good! I finished it off with a background/foreground setting; the hardest part there was figuring out what to even make the background. I've decided to give it very moody lighting and keep it simple line art-wise.

With that, the line art for the three remaining drawings is complete, meaning the fun part can finally begin! I'm so excited! :D  I'll hopefully finish all three drawings this next week (my goal has been to finish them by American Thanksgiving), but I'll be releasing them throughout December to space them out a bit and make them last.

After these drawings are done, I'm going to jump straight back into Blender and play with shaders. I think they may be what I've been looking for to fix the look of the shadows on the model's face. More on that when we get there.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna warm myself up by shoving some piping hot Taco Bell into my mouth. I'll see you guys again next week!


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