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Here's what I got done this week:

  • Figured out the lighting for the 3D model once and for all! Hopefully!
  • Finished flat coloring for Drawing #2
  • Finished flat coloring for Drawing #3

Admittedly, I forgot how tiring the holidays are working at the cookie store. I didn't get as much done as I was hoping to this week.

However, I did FINALLY get a grasp on how to get the lighting on the 3D model to look good! I played with normals and shaders and lights and all sorts of things trying to make it look good, until I ran across one particular setting that gave me the look that I wanted: sunlight angle. More on that in the 3D Adventures journal.

For now, you can see the difference that setting made above; the main image is the end result, and the smaller image is what it looked like before. The main change is how soft the shadows appear in the "after" image and how sharp they look in the "before" one (and that's after I spent weeks making it look better). The shader I used also helps a lot as it gives me far more control over the colors and sharpness of the lights.

And in case you're wondering why I even went through all of this when the model looked fine the last time I posted images of it: that was lighting from the front at full blast. This is to get lighting from all angles -- especially moodier lighting -- to look better. Trust me, it'll add a LOT to the animations.

I still have a lot to learn about lighting, but this is a good enough start to move on to rigging, I'd say.

Moving away from 3D modelling (which I shouldn't have even touched this week), I got the flat coloring done for two of the drawings! All that's left to do on them is the shading. That should go fairly quickly on Drawing #3 (the simplest drawing), but may take some time on Drawing #2 (the one with five characters).

I can't wait until I'm drawing my own ideas again so I can show WIPs here.

Speaking of waiting, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for sticking around this far. I know it's been a very slow-going process getting this 3D model set up, and lately getting these drawings finished. Monthly payments will continue to be paused until I get my first animation done and uploaded here, but regardless, thank you for being patient with me!

Heck, even if you're dropping by for the first time ever, thank you for taking the time to read this post! It means a lot to me. :)

More progress to be made soon! I'm... not even gonna specify what kind of progress. I'll probably do a little of everything like always. :P  On that note, I do mean everything; I've been chipping away at Run From Me a little at a time. It's even more slowgoing than the model, but I'll let you guys know as soon as I've completed a milestone (in this case, the giantess customizer).

Anyhoo, that's enough rambling for now. I'm gonna... not think about food for a while... American Thanksgiving has given me more food than I know what to do with. I'm gonna pass out and then get back to drawing when I wake up. You guys take care of yourselves, and I'll see you again next week!



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