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It's Friiiiiiiiday time! :D  Here's what I got done this week:

Diving right in to the drawings, I got both tinies fully drawn from sketch to full. Additionally, I finished sketches for the hair on all three ladies. With all the bodies posed and drawn, it should be smooth sailing from here on out (unless I get fancy with the foreground/background). Drawing the hair and clothes is one of my favorite parts of the line art process!

In other news, 3D Adventures Part 17 may be delayed a bit. I've been looking at the lighting on the face and something still doesn't seem right to me. I'd like to fix it before I continue with writing since this is pretty much all Part 17 is about. I'm gonna start with some tutorials on basic lighting techniques since I know next to nothing about it, which is probably contributing to the ugliness on the model. Plus I can use this information in my animations. :)

Anyhoo, that's it for now. I'm gonna draw some Taco Bell and then eat the drawing. Ooh, someone should make Taco Bell flavored drawing utensils! That would really get me drawing! Then again, I would eat the drawing before it's even done... Bah, I'm rambling! I'll see you guys again next week!


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