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*Chop! Chop! Chop!* Heeeeeeere's what I got done this week:

  • Finished setup and sketch for Drawing #2
  • Began line art for Drawing #2
  • Wrote the first draft of 3D Adventures Part 16

This has been quite the week! With Halloween right around the corner, my job has been kicking my butt harder and harder. Fortunately I still managed to make some pretty good progress!

Drawing #2 is by far the most complex of the three contest drawings. It involves a total of five characters: three ladies and two tinies, all of whom have distinct designs. I managed to finish the base body shapes for the three girls as well as a pretty darn good-looking slice of cake, if I do say so myself! Up next on the agenda is finishing the base body shapes for the two tinies and then adding the details to all the characters.

I swear getting the body proportions right is the thing that slows my down the most. I'm basically tracing 3D models that I posed in DesignDoll, but even with those I'm having to redo the lengths of the arms, the size of the hands, the thickness of the necks, and this, and that... Ugh. I can't wait to trace my own 3D models.

Speaking of my 3D models (sorta), I got the first draft of 3D Adventures Part 16 done. I'd intended to release it on Wednesday, but time escaped me this week between the drawings and the chaos at work. I'll get it finished and published either over the weekend or next Wednesday. Sorry for the delay!

Now then, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go trick-or-treating over at Taco Bell. Happy Halloween, everyone! Have fun and stay safe, and I'll see you again next week!


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