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It's Friday, yo! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Updated Patreon -- game features are no longer locked behind my Patreon milestones
  • Updated Patreon Goals to be about more than just games
  • Planned out the menus and all of their components
  • Planned out some of the future updates, including their order
  • Finished the sketch for the Main Menu
  • Began planning the sketches for two other menus (no spoilers!)

This is the point where these progress lists are going to shrink down quite a bit. As many of you know, art slows me down like nothing else. That's bad. But I got lots of planning done on the side! That's good! But despite how vital it is, planning isn't exactly exciting to show off in these progress reports. That's bad. But the future of the game is much more clear to me now -- especially the menus! That's good! But I didn't get to any of the actual prototyping of the menus, which was what I had anticipated doing this week. That's bad. But that gives me something to do next week! That's good! But I already ate my Taco Bell today, which means I'll have to wait until next weekend to eat it again.

And that's terrible.

Anyways, the drawing above is the finished sketch of the main menu! It features all of the buttons it needs, and it's got a lot of them, believe it or not! Also, you may notice that the giantess is significantly more detailed and clean than any of the other elements of the drawing. I, uh... got carried away on her again. BUT with good reason! Her pose here will greatly affect a future feature, so I needed to make sure I got it right. Plus I just really like drawing giant women...

Last but most certainly not least, I removed the milestone goals for Run From Me. This choice was one I've been kicking around for a while. Bluntly put, I'm pretty sure nobody reads that section, which is perfectly alright. Sometimes I just need to prune the branches of my business (for lack of a better word) to help it grow in more productive areas. :)  That, and I also very much want to incorporate all of the features listed for Run From Me regardless of income. So don't worry -- as long as I can find a place for those features, they'll will make it into the game regardless of my Patreon income! :D

And yes, I know: growing a business is NOT my strong suit. I'm sort of a "do what feels right and hope if pays off eventually" sort of person. :P

Anyhoo, I'm gonna reminisce about that one time I ate Taco Bell earlier today. I'll see you guys again next week!

Edit: I've just updated the Patreon Goals, as well! These are different from the milestones I mentioned earlier, and can be seen from my front page. I changed them from earning milestones to member milestones, and I've updated it with a variety of rewards. Hopefully I'm not biting off more than I can chew with the variety, but it's all stuff I've been itching to do!
The next goal will be reached at 50 patrons, and we're already at 31! If the new incentives work, let's give any and all newcomers a warm welcome! ^_^




The art looks good bro! Really like the angle and composition! The pyramid in the background is a neat touch! Did you use your usual technique or are you practicing free handing a bit more? Some parts look more free handed than others. I actually didn't realize you had milestone goals or at least forgot. You said no one reads them but where were they? Things are slow right now because you're one guy against the world but I just know this project will pick up speed with time ;)


Thank you! ^.^ It took me quite a while to get the angle right, especially for the giantess. I used my usual mouse technique on her and the pyramid, but everything else I drew with a tablet. Aaaaand this is why I don't do drawing livestreams, haha! They were under the "Welcome" section, hidden under the "show more" button. It was practically an easter egg at that point. :P I hope so! Things will be at their slowest once I'm working on all the CG drawings, but after that things should start to pick up speed again. ^_^


I am still alive! o3o' Just life keeps me busy. @_@ Still I at least wanted to say: Enjoy your Taco Bell! :D P.s. The main menu concept looks awesome. x3


It's aliiiive! :o But seriously, thanks! ^_^ I hope you've been doing well!


Not doing too great, but I'll try my best to manage. o7