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OBJECTION! That'll make sense later. Here's what I got done this week:

  • Prototyped the Options menu
  • Finished prototyping the Pause menu
  • Enabled the "Give Up" button in the Game Over menu
  • Began prototyping the Main menu
  • Began prototyping the [no spoilers!] menu

Yep... This is the UI update.

... *Uncomfortable cough* ...

Okay, I'll try to make this as interesting as I can. *Ahem*

An old foe appeared! *Explosions! Gunfire!* It was... the Options menu! Dun dun dunnnn! This half-menu half-beast creature gave our handsome hero, Miles Mouse, quite a lot of trouble in his last adventure, and it's made it dramatic return for round two!

This time, however, Miles was prepared! He whipped out his secret weapon: Notepad! What's this? He's... planning?! This was so unexpected! The beast is weakening! But lo, it's charging its first attack! Even in its weakened state, Miles wouldn't stand a chance against its boredom beam! But wait, what's this? It appears that Miles has severed the beast menu's appendages! The Options menu no longer has resolution or quality dropdown menus! A bold move, but will it pay off?

Miles takes the opportunity to taunt the menu: "The quality dropdown always seemed like a somewhat pointless addition for a 2D game, so I did away with it entirely. The resolution dropdown seems redundant since Godot automatically detects the best resolution while in full screen, plus in windowed mode the window is resizable." Quite a long taunt, but the logic makes the Options menu screech in pain!

Oh! Miles hits it with a music slider- OH! And an SFX slider, too! It's a one-two punch! Look at that, he's even added in the full screen checkbox already! Oh, but the beast didn't go down without a fight! With its last breath, it made the full screen checkbox really small yet left the text attached to it very big! That one's gonna sting later!

Don't get too comfortable -- this fight is just starting! Two new challengers approach from behind. It's the Pause menu and the Game Over menu! Two foes that Miles thought he'd already conquered this game! What a shocking turn of events! Fortunately for our hero, the power of foresight has strengthened him further!

*SMACK!* The Game Over menu is out! I repeat, the Game Over menu has been taken down with a single blow! Miles re-enabled its quit button and-... and now he appears to be drawing on its face! Yes, it appears he changed "Retry" to "Try Again" and "Quit" to "Give Up". Now that's just uncalled for in a fight like this.

Oh, and it seems the Pause menu agrees! It's festering into a rage, and it's headed straight for Miles! Miles attempts to- oh my! He attempts to swing the corpse of the Options menu right at the Pause menu! Ohh, but the Pause menu dodges! This menu is a tricky one. See, getting the Options menu slapped onto the Pause menu will require Miles to be able to disable them independently of each other, otherwise you'll go straight from Options menu to the game. But what if the player wasn't ready to unpause yet? Think of the players, Miles!

Ah, yes, it would seem while I was cheering Miles on, he-... yes, he definitely shoved the Options menu forcefully down the Pause menu's throat. And I do believe that's duct tape he's using to keep it in! Miles Mouse has kept the Options menu inside of the Pause menu using duct tape, ladies and gentlemen!

Oh man, what a fight that was-

*Thump... Thump!... THUMP!!!*

Ohohoho! Strap in folks, because it's time for the big boss! Ladies and gentlemen, it's the MAIN MENUUUU!

Oh! OH! OH!!! Miles wastes no time slinging buttons like throwing stars at it! The play button! The quit button! The options button!... Say, what are those other buttons he's throwing? Uh oh, it doesn't matter! The Main Menu has deflected the rest with it's big, muscly biceps! And now its using those same biceps to pummel Miles with what appears to be a ground pound- OH! Miles dodges out of the way with a slide to the right! And another slide, this time to the left! And another slide upwards! He's sliding all over the place! Miles Mouse is sliding away from the Main Menu and -- dare I say -- into the other menus! What a spectacle this is!

It seems after so much pounding and sliding that- hehe... Sorry, let me rephrase that. It seems after so much fighting that the two have become tuckered out! All great fights must come to an end, and you'll have to catch the end of this one in the next exciting episode of-

What's this?



Miles Mouse has just been sucker punched! He's on the ground, and the other menus are getting up! But... what is that? It's a menu unlike any that Miles has had to deal with before! Its form is nearly incomprehensible... A continue button? Or is it a skip button? Both! It's both! But... how?! And in its center... wait, are those clo-

OH! A direct hit on Miles by the newcomer! The Game Over menu is taking the opportunity to attack- BUT WAIT! This newcomer is stopping the Game Over menu! It's like this new menu has to come first! But... what could possibly come before a Game Over menu?

Wait, it's going in for another blow! But the blow has been stopped! Miles grabbed the new menu by its fist and... and he's giving it form! Yes, it now has a base! And a title! Yes! The title reads "Col-"...

[Stop the music]

Oh, sorry folks! That's all the time we have for today! Stay tuned 'til next time when I'm gonna hate myself for setting up this massive cliffhanger, and then having to write yet another massively vague yet equally metaphorical fight scene! :,D  This has been your narrator, signing off and eating delicious Taco Bell. I'll see you guys again next week!

Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDMwDT6BhhE





I have returned. Can't wait to read through the weekly ramblings of a madman 😄