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Friday already? Whelp, time to face the music. ^^;  Here's what I got done this week:

I know, I know. It's all 3D again. >_<  I really can't help myself; I think this is quickly becoming just as much a passion as game making for me. As such, from this point onwards I'm going to push away any feelings of guilt I have about working on 3D projects instead of the game.

All week, even when I was hard at work on modelling or writing part 9 of my journal, I didn't feel like I was working. It felt like I was procrastinating, despite the progress I was making on this separate project.

Fortunately, I came up with an idea that will hopefully put my mind at ease and make me more comfortable splitting my time between Godot and Blender. Once I finish the bases for the male and female 3D models, I believe I'll be able to pump out characters relatively quickly and begin work on 3D animations that I can release as a reward here on Patreon.

3D animations would be a lot easier to build monthly rewards around than making games, which can take a very long time to complete. That's not to say the game rewards will go away; there will just be less pressure on me to make progress on the games non-stop.

I apologize if all of this is coming out of nowhere. I guess even after all this time I'm still trying to find my footing here. It doesn't help that I'm rather exhausted right now; I spent the first half of my day doing taxes and the second half finishing writing part 9 of the journal.

Speaking of the journal, it's fully written but I'm waiting to give it one final lookover before releasing it. It's a little dry at the moment and could use some extra jokes sprinkled in. :P  Once it's released on DA I'll update this post with the link. Consider the images above a little preview of what's to come. ^_^

Anyhoo, I hope you guys have had a wonderful week so far! I'm gonna go see if I can get some sleep. I'll see you guys again next week!




*Gives pats.* Dun worry, 3D is nice too. x3 Especially when you are a tiny, being 3D means being alive. :'D Enjoy your weekend! ^o^/


Haha, thank you, Vis. :) You enjoy your weekend, too! o/ Edit: I just got the joke! Good one! XD


I will try my best, though mainly I need to focus on regaining energy. xD

Atlan from Atlarchy

Progress is progress, don't feel bad about it! I for one am very glad you decided to share this with us... it's not like art, one way or another, isn't what I joined your patron for!


Is is really procrastinating when it's all just for fun anyway? You do what you like and we benefit! I don't see the issue here especially since it helps you sharpen your skills and that in turn will make for better games! One question I have is why does the updated 3D model look slightly less detailed? Is the lighting not baked on it yet or what? Areas like the knees or collar bone for example seem to have a smidge less dimension to them.


Haha, you raise a good point. Thank you! ^_^ Ah, good eye! I used Blender's smoothing tool to thin everything out which cost the model some of the sharper details. Since I'm going for an anime style, I think it works out in the model's benefit. If all else fails, though, I can just do a little bit of sculpting around those areas to sharpen them back up. :)