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Note: The pictures in this post depict female nudity on a 3D model. Proceed with that in mind. :)

Here's what I got done this week:

  • Finished the breasts on the 3D model
  • Imported and attached the, uh... *lady parts* onto the 3D model

I'm pretty happy with the progress that I made this week, but I was hoping to get that last orifice finished, as well. You know, the one where the sun don't shine. Sadly, daylight savings caught me off guard and threw off my sleep pattern for the whole week. There's always next week, I suppose!

Now then, on to the pictures!

The breasts were sculpted by hand (er... mouse?) using an updated drawing as reference, also done by yours truly. I did use online pictures and tutorials to get the shape right -- more on that in 3D Adventures 10 when it releases. :)

As for the body section in the third picture (I'm being extra careful with my wording here so Patreon doesn't smite me), I imported a model of that particular body part that I found on a certain base of operations for smut stuff. A "smut base", if you will. I'll include appropriate credit as per the CC BY 4.0 license on it in my journal series.

How on earth am I gonna write this thing? I can't even age restrict a DeviantArt journal -- I tried! Guess we'll see what happens. ^^;

Anyhoo, I'm gonna eat a ta-... uh... I'm gonna eat at my favorite fast food restaurant! I'll see you guys again next week!







You are really going all out with this 3D model! So is Run From Me going to be 2D like Grape Escape or 3D?


You know it! :D It's going to be 2D like Grape Escape. I may end up using this model as a drawing reference for the CGs and whatnot in Run From Me, though! That is, assuming I can get it rigged and weighted properly by that point. Time will tell on that one, haha!